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2008 Election Results: Disaster, or Turning Point? November 07, 2008 |
Subscribers Newsletter2008 Election ResultsVic Biorseth Friday, November 07, 2008 The election is over, and this is the last of the “2008” web pages that will be submitted. I apologize for allowing current events to monopolize my limited time and keep me from what I was supposed to be working on. After this submission, I will go back and finish the Byzantine 4th Crusade page, then rework the needed site updates, and finally begin the “Arguments” section spoken of earlier. Sometimes I allow current events to drive me to distraction, and this has been one of those times. This series began with the 2008 Financial Crisis page, expressing concern over the American government invented and supported “sub-prime mortgage market” crash, and the elaborate and typical neo-Socialist Keynesian interventionism rushed into action by the Bush administration and the Congress, with both major candidates and both Parties in near full agreement. I stated that these actions could only make the situation worse and would resolve nothing. Then there was the 2008 Pres. Debate 2 page, an actual election forecast, in which I expressed alarm at the near identical neo-Socialist economic plans of the two top candidates, and at the apparent depth of Marxist ideology shaping the motives and driving the ambitions of Obama. Which then led to the 2008 Marxist Crop page, a description of the Marxist seeds of disaster, in which I talked about the Marxist “social seeds” planted long ago in our public education system and in upper academia, about the growing networks of Marxist grass-roots organizers, about the linkage between Liberation Theology, including Black Liberation Theology, and Marxism, and the seeming ideological shift in the citizenry aligning itself with our own fairly solidly Marxist SLIMC and most of American Show Biz. Then I published Reverend Robert Legg’s 2008 Obama’s Ethos page, which presented a pretty good outline of what drives Obama based on Obama’s own words in his own published books. Obama himself describes his flirtation with and dabbling in Black Liberation Theology and Marxism. And finally I did the 2008 Marxist Infiltration page in which I expressed alarm at how apparently (or possibly) deep Marxist ideology has penetrated into the collective psyche of the highest sitting officials in our government, and perhaps in the people themselves. It is time for an awakening, and for a light to be shined in dark places. Finally, I updated and re-presented the old Marxism page for people to familiarize with the dramatic differences between the Marxist-Socialist and Democratic-Capitalist systems, and to see that the two systems are far too antagonistic and even mutually exclusive to successfully coexist in any kind of government arrangement. The more a society includes Socialist controls, the more they injure the free market, eventually killing it altogether. Now, the election is over, and Barack Hussien Obama is our President Elect, and on January 20 2009 he will become the next President of the United States. If it is a victory for race relations in America, it is a hollow victory, for it is overshadowed by the risk to our nation as constituted, which brings up the first and perhaps most immediate concern. His own quoted words describe our Constitution as – paraphrasing here – a set of negative constraints on government, that describe what government cannot do to people, but not what he thinks government should do for the people. Huh? He’s an American lawyer? For the record, the American Constitution is a very specific legal document, written in English, that says very specific legal things, pertaining to, Number One, the constitution (or organization and working method) of the government of the United States of America, and, Number Two, the specific Constitutional rights of the citizens of the United States of America. Obama would like to change that; he said so. He would prefer to use our legislature to substantially change the constitution (or organization and working method) of our government. Despite the fact that on January 20 2009 he will be required to swear a solemn oath – again – to protect and defend the American Constitution as written. Watch out for his Supreme Court and other court nominees. If President Obama keeps his campaign promises and implements half of the major plans he has elaborated, he will cause, at least, a serious, deep recession on the level of the one Jiminy Carter brought us, and at worst, if he lasts more than one term, a depression comparable to the Great Depression of the 1930s. And as that one was known as the depression of Hoover and Roosevelt, this next one will be knows as the depression of Bush and Obama. The economic scenarios are very nearly identical. See the 2008 Financial Crisis page for the details of how the Hoover-Roosevelt depression began, and ran for about a decade and a half, until well into World War II. It is important to note that the war boom was so great that our free market economy recovered in spite of the government interventions, most of which are still with us. Including Fannie Mae, which was invented back then, and has come back to haunt us again. Now, as then, Wall Street didn’t cause the economic crisis; our government’s intervention did. If the market had been left alone, the market would have recovered. Both times. Markets go up, markets go down, and sometimes people panic over it. Especially if they’re over invested on a small margin and suddenly have to pay the piper. But if the market is left alone, it takes care of itself. Gamblers are supposed to lose on occasion; that’s why they call it gambling. There is also a very good reason why a mortgage is a legal contract, and outsiders, including government officials, ought to stay out of other people’s legal contracts. If the sub-prime mortgage market had not been created and fed by our government for years and years and years, we wouldn’t be in this financial mess at all. It appears that nearly everyone in government today goes by the failed and flawed neo-Socialist Keynesian economic theory that involves government intervention in the free market, despite the fact that Keynes thought that Capitalism had failed back in 1929, and based his whole theory on that failure. It did not fail. Nor did it fail this time. All you have to do is look at the history of it. Then as now, Wall Street didn’t cause the economic crisis; our own panic stricken government did. Lefties at home and abroad think that we Americans are spoiled, and that we should be taught a lesson. Ask any Frenchman. Jiminy Carter said we all needed to tighten our belts, turn down the thermostat and put on a sweater, and ride our bicycles more, as he froze wages and fixed prices of everything, driving us into recession for our own good. Algore thinks we need to pay +$8 per gallon of gas like all the Europeans do, thanks to their theoretically superior gas taxes and less free market systems. Nobody can seem to stand the fact that we are all always so much better off than everyone else. We have fat poor people, who have cell phones. Most of all, we have few poor people. We live better than anyone else on earth, and that just seems unfair. But none of them seem capable of grasping the simple reason we are so much better off than they are, which is that we are more free than they are. Or, more precisely, that we operate in an open market place that is freer than theirs, more automatic, and less controlled by the government. We use our dollars to vote for goods and services that are competitively offered to us in a fiercely competitive environment. Their market is less competitive than ours, or not competitive at all. Our goods and services – those sold in America, no matter where they originate – keep getting better and better, and cheaper and cheaper. Automatically. Now, gas prices are falling dramatically, because our crisis has affected the whole world. China and India are no longer demanding the huge increases in oil their expanding economies needed, because their economies are now in contraction. Thanks again to FDR’s Fannie Mae, and Congress’s Freddie Mac. Regarding small businesses that have been so much in discussion the last weeks of the campaign, it seems to me that most of the more successful ones are family businesses. Note that “family” is a negative to Marxists. Now with the death of his grandmother, Obama is all alone, if we forget his brother; he said she was the last of his family. I’m sure he misses her. Back to small businesses, most non-chain restaurants seem to me to be family operations. The typical Greek restaurant, Jewish deli, Oriental restaurant, etc., are mostly family businesses. The local body shop or auto repair shop is typically family operated. Most non-corporate farms and ranches are family operations. Note well that Marxism opposes the family, and would like to not only redistribute your wealth, but alienate members from families. The fact that large families are more successful, and each member more potentially successful, than “only children” or alienated individuals presents a thorn to the Marxist. Businesses run by parent-child, brother-sister, first and second cousin relationships do well, probably better than one man shows. The family is a natural support network. The Marxist animosity expressed against business in general is partnered with animosity toward the family and inheritance. Again, much of this stems from a perverted view of wealth, as a fixed and permanent pie in need of being divided up, rather than a dynamic, constantly changing thing, being constantly created, destroyed, and created again, building, shrinking and changing hands in a never ending succession. Remember the threat posed by the “revolutionary” spoken of before in many places on this site, including the Marxism page. He is alienated from everything: religion, morality, family, soil, country. He is created in academia, on purpose, by academics, many of whom don’t even know what they are doing. What they are creating are anarchists. Now, you may think of an anarchist as a historic figure, like Attila the Hun, with the motto, rape, pillage, plunder and burn. Or, you may think of an anarchist as the typical Hell’s Angel or other habitual criminal or sociopath. But you probably wouldn’t think of one as being a highly respected professor with an important post in a prestigious university. Well, take a closer look at Bill Ayers; that’s what he is. Or, look at Noam Chomsky. His “philosophy” is that one should always question authority every time one sees authority, from any source, with a beginning point of opposing the authority. Any authority should have to prove it is worthy of being accepted and acceptable as authority to the observer. The observer is to examine the authority and deem whether or not it is legitimate; it is always assumed to be illegitimate until proven, by the observer, otherwise. This is just nuttiness on a grand scale. This is a man who is highly respected by a lot of, really, silly people. How did he get this way? He learned it in school. This level of stupidity doesn’t come naturally; you have to be educated in it. In the cases of examples like Bill Ayers and Noam Chomsky, you need to be immersed in academia for years and years, to earn a Ph.D, at least, and maybe more than one, and attain a professoriate or an important academic chair in some notable and prestigious university. It’s not easy ascending to this level of being a truly inspired and inspirational stupid ass. When I finish the 4th Crusade page, and the site updates, the new Arguments section will contain some arguments that should form the basis for conservatism, in religion and in politics, including the points that the GOP seems to have completely forgotten and dropped from their arsenal, even as they became more Leftist. Conservatism needs to return to basics. Most important among these points is the need to please God. Once upon a time conservatives were not afraid to speak openly and freely of their wish and their intention to please God. All real Marxists are necessarily also materialists, and materialists don’t even believe in God, only in matter. Any utterance sounding religious from their mouths is purely and exclusively political in motivation. Today’s Marxists, at least in America, only pretend to be religious in any way. We need to remember that our religion gave birth to our morality, and that our religious morality is the very basis for our civil law. Before we do anything at all, we need to turn our faces back toward God, the Author of all that is good and decent and beautiful and noble. Pray for America; please God, and live forever. Respond to this article at the link below : This article may be found on the web site at the link below : |
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