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The President's AG is somehow independent of the Presidency? Says who?
February 15, 2020
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The President's AG is somehow independent of the Presidency? Says who?

The President, not the Attorney General, is the Commander-In-Chief of law enforcement in the USA. The DOJ is the President's tool. It is time for a new AG.

Vic Biorseth, Saturday, February 15, 2020

Barr has been in office for over a year now, and what does he have to show for it? Nothing much. He has declined to prosecute the two most obvious criminal collaborators in the still ongoing Obamunist/Clintonista - Marxocrat Party deep-state attempted criminal coup against the Trump government. First, he let Comey off the hook, and now, McCabe. And that's it; that's all he's done.

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