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Marxocrat Party-Deep State Coup # 2: JoBama O'Biden Finally Steps Down
July 21, 2024
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Marxocrat Party-Deep State Coup # 2: JoBama O'Biden Finally Steps Down

Deep State Coup # 1 Was the 2020 Rigged Election that Put Him In Office In the First Place

Vic Biorseth, Sunday, July 21, 2024

Joe Biden didn't win the office of President legitimately and everyone knows it. He was put there by the deep state operatives that own and operate the Marxocrat Party, and that has more influence on the Republicrat Party than any other faction, organization, ideology or even law, especially the constitution. He, like Kamala Harris was put where he is by a machine. The problem with that is when the machine is done with you, it gets rid of you. Neither of them were ever properly equipped for the jobs they were handed. They were and are placeholders and political puppets, nothing more and nothing less.

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