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Cut Social Security: Elimination of America’s Largest Budget Expenditure. March 10, 2012 |
Subscribers NewsletterCut Social Security.Vic Biorseth, Saturday, March 10, 2012 No matter what else we do, no matter what other programs we cut or reduce, no matter what we do to increase revenue, no matter what frugalities we adopt, America is not going to get out of the current financial and budgetary pickle she’s in if we do not look at, recognize and properly address the elephant in the room. Social Security – the purely Socialist boondoggle of FDR from 1935 – is the largest single budgetary item in America, the largest single budgetary item in the entire world, and it is growing exponentially. If we do not cut Social Security, then Social Security will eventually cut us. Now, in Cut HHS, a previous entry in the Shut Down Bureaucracy page, which contained a whole slew of sub-bureaucracies, such as FDA, CDC, CMS, etc., etc., etc., we said to cut them all, and you might wonder
Bureaucracy always complexifies; bureaucracy itself, left alone, becomes more complex. Give a petty bureaucrat a little authority and he will spend an entire career working to increase and expand that authority and create little sub-bureaucracies beneath him. His work produces nothing beneficial to the economy. He is a drag on the economy. In 1995, Social Security was spun of from HHS into its own new super-bureaucracy, to begin its own bureaucratic super-growth. It’s like cancerous cell division. Language to cut Social Security invariably invokes the wrath of the Democrats, the SLIMC, retired voters and near retirement-age voters. Even when the candidate promises to not cut the Social Security payments to those already retired, that promise is glossed over, not reported or falsely reported by the Democrats and the SLIMC. Nevertheless, national survival itself demands that we address the need to cut Social Security. How to Cut Social Security. Currently, three workers pay into Social Security enough per month to pay one month’s benefits to one retiree. That ratio is changing radically as time goes on. Eventually, one worker will be paying one benefit; then, after a short time, one worker will be paying, in his payroll taxes, enough to pay more than one retiree. Obviously, this cannot go on. It was a stupid and/or destructive Marxist idea to begin with.
Of course, employers will benefit from having lost all the complexities of tax rules, W4s, W2s, 1099s, unemployment compensation, Social Security, tax tables, tax accountants, tax lawyers and all payroll complexities brought on by pure government bureaucracy. An employee works; an employer writes a check. Very simple; nothing to it. No one ever files an income tax return again, for there is no income tax. Your gross pay is your net pay. Note that unemployment is included in the Social Security bureaucracy. When FDR invented Social Security, it included all the benefits normally associated with private retirement plans, which would include unemployment, retirement, disability and a lump sum payment upon death. Since then it has morphed into many things, as bureaucracies always tend to do. Elsewhere in this site we recommended shutting down unemployment compensation just on the basis of the fact that tax payers should not be paying people to not work. If we stop paying people to not work, that should be a major inducement to get them to go to work. Astute and frugal citizens should purchase their own retirement insurance, which might include unemployment, disability, retirement and a death benefit. It is not the responsibility of the federal government to do that for you. You will reap what you sow. Before you get all exercised over the loss of unemployment, disability, etc., consider the raise you get from no income or payroll taxes – your gross pay equals your net pay – and consider the monthly pre-bate payment you will now receive from your government. Consider also how much cheaper medical practice, medicine and drugs will become when the dust settles and health insurance, with Medicare in the lead, is no longer regulating, strangling and driving the medical industry into complexity and bankruptcy. Passing of the Fair Tax would provide the economic boom needed to multiply employers and employees in America. Industries would seek to move their operations here from elsewhere just for the tax advantage of paying no taxes whatsoever. That means lots of employment. The first state to work out and implement a state version of the Fair Tax would experience a migration into their state of companies, employers, employees and even retirees, all coming there for the tax advantage. The first locality, be it a city, township, county or whatever, to implement a local version of the Fair Tax would experience the same thing. Employers, employees, retirees and new business start-ups would all want to locate there. Imagine a spot to which you could move that had no property tax, no income tax, no death or inheritance tax, and, in fact, no tax of any kind whatsoever other than a sales tax. Would you not want to move there? Regarding “Safety Nets” and Charity. Once upon a time, like back when I wrote the Rule of Subsidiarity page, I believed and wrote that the federal government should be the last place, never the first, to go for aid when in need. But after listening to wiser counsel, including Rush Limbaugh, and after some research into what the Founders and the Framers said about it, and after some thought, I have settled on the logical conclusion that the federal government should not provide any such safety net at all. As evidences from the Founders and Framers, I offer these quotes: "I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents...." -James MadisonThere should be no federal level “safety net.” The federal government should do only those things that the Constitution tells it to do, and nothing else. The record pretty well shows that the federal government is not supposed to be in the business of charity, or of insurance, or of any of the myriad of extra-constitutional things our federal government has taken upon itself to do since the founding and the framing. It has actually attempted a re-definition of charity in the process. Taking from the tax payer and paying to the needy is not charity. You only perform an act of charity when it comes willingly out of your own pocket, and no one else’s pocket. This sly re-definition is a trick to move a society into Socialism, which is to say, national doom. Always done with the best of intentions, of course; or, perhaps, under the appearance of the best of intentions. In our history, we have had here and there various state, county or township entities such as the “poor house” or the “work house” established and maintained for those unfortunates with nowhere else to go. But even the county poor house or work house was the absolute last resort, after family, Church and private charities could not provide sufficient relief. When families were typically large and strong, the family provided the best social safety net for all members of the family. The larger the family, the stronger the safety net. Families grew up around one or more family businesses, from farms or ranches to restaurants, bakeries, or whatever. All family members were not necessarily well off, but they were all members. Family members loved the family land, or other family business(es), and knew how it worked, and how to make it prosper, working together. The second largest social support group was the Church. Once upon a time, the Church was the central social focal point of the entire neighborhood. Church was where families met other families that didn’t live right next door, and formed wider bonds and relationships, and whole networks of people of similar value systems. But, over time, just as the advance of Contraception slowly destroyed the large family, the advance of Secularism slowly destroyed the neighborhood Church, at least as far as being the central social focal point of the entire neighborhood, larger community, and thus of American life itself. Creeping Marxist ideology has infected American education, American religion, American thought, American life, American politics, American values, all to the detriment of the original American idea itself. We have been becoming something else, something un-American, and we are just beginning to wake up to that fact in large enough numbers to do something about it. We need to reverse the trend. Stopping it is not enough; we need to turn around and go the other way. In the opening paragraph of this article, we said that Social Security – the purely Socialist boondoggle of FDR from 1935 – is the largest single budgetary item in America, the largest single budgetary item in the entire world, and it is growing exponentially. All by itself, it is larger than defense, or anything else. Before Comrade Obama (peace be upon him) took office, it was 37% of the whole damned budget. We don’t know what percentage it is now, because we haven’t had a single annual budget passed by Congress since he took office. But if you bet that the percentage went radically up, you would win the bet. Comrade Obama (peace be upon him) is a Marxist revolutionary who is also an astute and skilled politician, which is to say that he is never quite what he appears to be. He is working to destroy Constitutional America, and his main target is the unique American Judao-Christian religion. Our religion is what forms our national Ethos, our value system and our motivation for our behavior. It is how we tell right from wrong. Comrade Obama (peace be upon him) seeks to change all that so as to make us all dependent upon government for – everything. Dependent; no longer independent. Since religion is the source of morality, and morality is at the root of our values, which form strong families, strong Churches and a strong sense of charity, he attacks our religion, relentlessly. He doesn’t want us to be able to take care of ourselves and our families, and he doesn’t want us to be willing to take care of ourselves and our families. He seeks to destroy all support systems and drive us, seemingly willingly, into the great collective. To that end, he must destroy Christianity. He seeks to destroy the Judao-Christian religion. If you want evidence of this, we have his own words and actions to examine. April 2008 – Obama speaks disrespectfully of Christians, saying they “cling to guns or religion” and have an “antipathy to people who aren't like them.” 1At the same time, he shows a clear and obvious appreciation for Islam, as we see below: May 2009 – While Obama does not host any National Day of Prayer event at the White House, he does host White House Iftar dinners in honor of Ramadan. 44If you want to check the footnotes for these quotes, go to and/or While his words and deeds reveal his hatred for our religion and our Constitution, and his affinity for both Marxism and Islam, it is important to note the relationship of Marxism and Islam to America. Marxism, as exemplified by Marx’s seminal work, the Communist Manifesto, is clearly and specifically antithetical to the American Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution, as we have shown on multiple pages on this site. Islam, as exemplified by Mohammed’s seminal work, the Koran, is clearly and specifically antithetical to the American Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution, as we have shown on multiple pages on this site. There is no getting around it. You cannot be a good Marxist and honestly take an oath of office to protect and defend the American Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. You cannot be a good Moslem and honestly take an oath of office to protect and defend the American Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. If you are a Marxist, or if you are a Moslem, you already are an enemy of the American Constitution. No Marxist can bless and protect the Constitution; the Manifesto seeks revolution, not the continuation of our government. No Moslem can bless and protect the Constitution; the Koran forbids it; the Koran insists on making war until the entire world is subject to Islam, including our government and all our citizens. It may seem like I’m getting pretty far afield with all of this Obama business. But, we need to cut Social Security, and he happens to be President, and he’s the one who finally brought all of this to a head with his destructive economic policies. He is our first solidly anti-American President. Billary Clinton’s Marxism was subordinated by his American political astuteness, which was in turn subordinated by his hedonistic party-animal character. Hillary Clinton’s Marxism is subdued, but not subordinated, by her political astuteness. Obama is another kind of animal. He is purely anti-American. He intends to bring about revolution, one way or another. None of these bureaucratic programs, including Social Security, are going to be cut while he’s in office, and if he is re-elected in November, Constitutional America is doomed anyway. Kiss it all goodbye. We have to work toward and believe that we will throw him out of office and start anew, with a newly constructed House and Senate, and we can begin repairing the damage. It can be done. The path back to normalcy requires reconciliation at the individual level. Reconciliation with God, and with your Church or Synagogue. Get back there; reintroduce yourself. Then, reconcile with family. You owe it to yourself, your family members and your nation to reconcile. Do whatever it takes. The responsibility is yours. As for Comrade Obama (peace be upon him) we need to sweep him into the dustbin of history this November, and then we need to re-dedicate this house. We need to come back to our Judao-Christian Ethos and become a decent people again. Decent people make decent nations. We can leave the Obamas to wallow in their own ethos, which is the ethos of BMDFP and Marxists. That is the ethos of the SLIMC, and it is the ethos of upper academia. But it is not the American ethos. We know, or need to re-learn, how to take care of ourselves. And after we take America back, we need to cut Social Security, if we are ever to return to fiscal and economic sanity.
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