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Can A Man Be Both Rich And Good At The Same Time?
May 15, 2024
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Can A Man Be Both Rich And Good At The Same Time?

The Evidence Grows that the Trump-Daniels Affair Never Even Happened, and that the Only Crime Uncovered Thus Far is Extortion/Blackmail by the Accusers

Vic Biorseth, Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The multiple self-contradictions on the witness stand, first by Stormy Daniels and then by Michael Cohen give ever increasing credence to President Trump's original claim that the affair didn't happen at all. It looks more and more like a setup. All the Marxocrat Party prosecution has shown so far is a collage of connect-the-dots time-lines of how money transferred, quite legally by the way, from private accounts of Trump to Stormy Daniels and tabloid publishers.

None of it violated any law, none of it involved campaign funds, and the payment, which was touted by prosecution to be corrupting an election, was made after the election, not before. How do you pay hush money to win an election after the election is past?

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