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On The Traitor Kamala Harris Running for President of the USA
July 26, 2024
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On The Traitor Kamala Harris Running for President of the USA

She's Dingbat, Yes, but She's a Communist Revolutionary Dingbat; and, Of Course, the Media Loves Her Because She's a Communist Revolutionary Dingbat

Vic Biorseth, Friday, July 26, 2024

I got an email this morning pointing me to the evidences of deep treachery and treason motivating Kamala Harris, presented by retired Marine Major General Higginbotham. It is a history of her revolutionary Marxism and anti-Americanism. It made me look this guy up on the internet, and boy, what a mountain of Marxocrat Party, News Media, Academic and Internet denials, fact-checks and debunkings popped up on my screen.

I had to wade through pages and pages of Leftist denials of Harris' Marxism and praise of her American patriotism before I finally got to anything actually attributable to General Higginbotham.

The general must be right over the target, because when you look for him, you can't even see him for all the flak going off all over the place.

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