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Presenting Yankee Economics to Ranking Catholic Churchmen and others unfamiliar.
December 29, 2013
Subscribers Newsletter

Yankee Economics 101: A light description for those who never experienced it.

Presenting Yankee Economics to Ranking Catholic Churchmen and others unfamiliar.

Vic Biorseth, OWM; Sunday, December 29, 2013

Rarely has there been such a fury aroused by an article published here as was experienced after Evangelizing for Communism went live. The fact that most of them, and among them the best and most clearly articulated ones, all requested that they not be published - speaks volumes to me.

So, this unexpected reaction prompted our response in the comments after Evangelizing for Communism, as well as in three new webpages, intended to correct educated misconceptions relating to:

Unfettered Capitalism

Trickle Down Economics

Marxist-invented Social Justice

This all happened in such a short time span that I never sent out the usual Catholic American Thinker announcing the new webpages.

This is just to correct that.

While I would never think to instruct the Church on Ecclesial matters, neither do I expect the Church to instruct the secular world on the legal or political control of either national or global economics.



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