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My anti anti-American arguments are attacks on falsehoods, in support of truth.
August 09, 2009
Subscribers Newsletter

The anti anti-American is a
pro Constitutional American.

Vic Biorseth, Saturday, August 08, 2009

The title anti anti-American is my response to the older anti anti-Communist title adopted by so many notable American public personalities who didn’t want to publicly admit to their true anti-American cause. Supporting Communism in America is, in fact, so anti-American as to be antithetical to her Constitution.

America is just so horrible, they would have us believe. Our history is loaded down with atrocity, racism, Capitalist greed, purposeful pollution, exploitation of people and of resources, and even over-exhaling of carbon dioxide. In their view it just doesn’t get any more horrible than that.

Our Constitution is horrible, horrible, because Article IV Section 2 contains the “slavery” clause, as follows:

No person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation threrein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due.
Pay no attention to the fact that this was overridden by Amendment XIII and the Emancipation Proclamation, and that former slaves were made full voting citizens with equal legal protections in Amendment XIV, or at any other improvements, or at the self-correcting nature of America and her Constitution. Just look at the old, now illegal and no longer applicable clause in Article IV Section 2, and accept that America always was and still is horrible.

Don’t ask the obvious question, as opposed to what other nation?, because you will just get either a blank stare, or a lie. There is no other nation comparable to the United States of America in her fundamental decency and goodness. I submit that America is far and away the most benign and benevolent world super-power in the entire history of the world.

But, the anti anti-Communists will ask, what about America’s horrible treatment of the Indians, including incidents like the infamous Trail of Tears, and various massacres such as Sand Creek, Wounded Knee, etc.?

Well, as an avowed anti anti-American I am not averse to admitting American history has warts, or that America today is without sin or blemish. Atrocities were committed by Indians against whites, and by whites against Indians. Blood runs hot and vengeance rules the day in the hearts of those who lost loved ones to atrocity. It is the nature of the world, which is ruled by Satan. A people who guide their lives and seek their eternal reward via the ancient moral rules from within the Judao-Christian Ethos will gradually and inevitably improve over time. America has improved over time.

However, America’s Leftists, or anti anti-Communists, as many of them have called themselves, seek to weaken if not eliminate our national guiding ethos. The Left despises religion, as seen in The Godless Left article. The Left despises God, and religion in general. For purely political reasons, American Leftist professional politicians pretend to be religious and to belong to some denomination or other, but it’s all really a farce, and everyone knows it. They all support and are supported by the ACLU which seemingly exists for the purpose of opposing religion and all religion-based moral norms.

And, of course, all moral norms are religion-based. Our common national sense of right and wrong comes out of our Judao-Christian Ethos, born of Jewish and Christian religion, tempered through the long history of Western Civilization. It is the same sense of right vs. wrong that guided our Founders, that underlies our Constitution and our civil law, and that is and has been our constant social guide until now. It forms the ethos – the collective social conscience – of the overwhelming majority of the American citizenry, who still, despite all Leftist attempts to the contrary, remain a religious people.

Scandal – any scandal, whether involving sex, fraud, crime, malfeasance in office or anything at all – is typically overlooked in the news when the perpetrator is a Democrat, because everybody knows Democrats are Leftists and Leftists are basically immoral. Any scandal involving a Republican is front page news, because Republicans are expected to be (whether they really are or not) a whole lot more moral than the Democrats. The SLIMC, of course, is Leftist and therefore fundamentally immoral, just like the Democrats. The SLIMC and the Democrats, as birds of a feather, form a mutual admiration society with each other. They share the “ethos” of BMDFP and the evil one.

America’s SLIMC, our Democrat Party and seemingly the whole of our upper academia are pro-actively Leftist and Secularist, working hard to eliminate religion from all public visibility and from “serious” consideration by anyone. Secularism is more than an elitist fad; it is a mission that needs to be accomplished in order for the fad of Marxism to advance in popularity among the populace as it has among the so-called “intelligentsia.”

Anti anti-American moral norms come out of our long established American national ethos. So, what are the “moral norms” of the anti anti-Communist opposition? The short answer, of course, is that there aren’t any. Marxists are necessarily atheists, and they hold nothing to be sacred, so really, there are no moral norms for them. There is no Divine ground of being for them; there is no eternal reward or punishment. There is no real purpose for being here. There is only matter, and accidents involving material encountering other material, and nothing else. If you’ve been with me for awhile and you’ve read much on this site, you already know the three most popular progressively powerful sentences uttered by the Marxist on the march to ultimate power, which are:

  1. The ends justify the means.
  2. You can’t make an omelet without breaking some eggs.
  3. Shut up and get on the cattle car.
But, the American voters being the religious and moral people that they are, raw political power may not be immediately exercised over them without having them get quite uppity about it, on a massive scale. So, Secularism must be continuously advanced through education, indoctrination, slant and spin on news, entertainment and all public high intellectual social discourse. Complexity and obfuscation helps, to keep the public attention away from the real goal. Get everyone all exercised over some lesser issue so that they take their eye off of the ball and no longer understand what the game is really about.

It requires lying, and the mastery of the lie.

Lying is quite natural for Marxists, since all Marxists are necessarily MEJTMLs, almost definitively. The very nature of Marxism itself is a lie, as seen in the Great Communist Lie argument. Everything about Marxism is a lie. Read the Marxism of Obama argument to understand the lying nature of our current sitting President. See the Values versus Ethos article for Obama’s replacement for our historical national ethos.

Marxists typically buy into the bogus Human Population Problem and thus they believe that HBAACOTE. They embrace MPAV rather than any sense of morality, as Western Civilization has known it throughout history.

We already know the eternal truths that underlie our common faith and our common morality. Let’s look at some of the foundational lies that under-gird the fundamental atheism that underlies Marxism. Remember that, in the absence of belief in God or any religious, super-natural reality, pure material empiricism rules. There will be no evidence or argument entertained that is not substantiated by pure material empirical evidences.

Charles Darwin’s grand lies regarding the Origin of Species, and the Survival of the Fittest, and theory of Natural Selection, and the neo-Darwinian theories regarding the Origin of Life Itself. We all know these theories to be “true.” How do we know that? We learned it in school. All of us did.

We all “know” that, GESGEAEOT, new species emerged from other species, and ate up all the fossil remains of the previous species, or something. Or, alternatively, that, in accordance with PEWAG, mass-mutations occurred during opportune “geological moments,” and new species popped into being in perfectly complimentary sexual pairs, and then the parent species went poof and disappeared from the fossil record. We are, all of us, representatives of Darwin’s fortuitous monsters. See?

And yet, you cannot show me one single peace of irrefutable empirical evidence proving Darwin’s theory, and neither can anyone else, because it simply does not exist.

Shhhh! Careful; quiet; not so loud. You could get us laughed out of here. Textbooks, class material and natural history museums all over the world contain fraudulent “progressions” showing the well known progress of natural evolution. Much of modern biological thought and current scientific trends are based upon evolutionary theory. In this case, purely empirical evidence may not be applied, because it is too late, since evolution is already an established and well known scientific fact. You are required by current social rules to shut up about it and not question it, or even think about it too much. To question it in any way is to invite automatic scorn from all quarters. Everybody knows that all the species came about through evolution. Resist the human instinct to think about it, and, most especially, do not apply the principles of Critical Thinking to it.

The faith of Darwinism cannot be questioned today in polite company without raising eyebrows and inviting contempt for your position. It is simply a well known fact. It enjoys broad general consensus and near universal acceptance among all of TTRSTF. It is very nearly unanimous. Faith trumps empiricism here. It’s a Scientific Fact.

Sigmund Freud’s grand lies regarding the Repressed Memory Syndrome, and the Subconscious Mind, and theory of the Mental Illness of Religion, and the neo-Freudian theories regarding the Hidden Meaning in Dreams, and the nature of the Collective Unconsciousness, and Psycho-kinesis. We all know these theories to be “true.” How do we know that? We learned it in school. All of us did.

And yet, you cannot show me one single peace of irrefutable empirical evidence proving Freudian theory, and neither can anyone else, because it simply does not exist.

Shhhh! Careful; quiet; not so loud. You could get us laughed out of here. Textbooks, literature and current psycho-analysis practice all over the world involve fraudulent “analysis” of the unconscious mind and repressed memory “recovery.” Much of modern psychological thought and current psychiatric trends are based upon Freudian theory. In this case, purely empirical evidence may not be applied, because it is too late, since Freudianism is already an established and well known scientific fact. You are required by current social rules to shut up about it and not question it, or even think about it too much. To question it in any way is to invite automatic scorn from all quarters. Everybody knows that all mental illness is rooted in past traumatic events, usually of a sexual nature, that lie hidden in the repressed memories of the patients. Resist the human instinct to think about it, and, most especially, do not apply the principles of Critical Thinking to it.

The faith of Freudianism cannot be questioned today in polite company without raising eyebrows and inviting contempt for your position. It is simply a well known fact. It enjoys broad general consensus and near universal acceptance among all of TTRSTF. It is very nearly unanimous. Faith trumps empiricism here. It’s a Scientific Fact.

Karl Marx’s grand lies regarding the theory of Communism , and Dialectic Materialism, and theory of Historical Materialism, and the neo-Marxian theories such as the Keynesian economic theory. We all know these theories to be “true.” How do we know that? We learned it in school. All of us did.

And yet, you cannot show me one single peace of irrefutable empirical evidence proving Marx’s theory, and neither can anyone else, because it simply does not exist.

Shhhh! Careful; quiet; not so loud. You could get us laughed out of here. Textbooks, class material and major economic theorists all over the world describe fraudulent economic “truths” of Marxism and it’s superiority to cruel, exploitive Capitalism. Much of modern economic thought and current scientific trends are based upon Marxian economic theory. In this case, purely empirical evidence may not be applied, because it is too late, since Marxism is already an established and well known scientific fact. You are required by current social rules to shut up about it and not question it, or even think about it too much. To question it in any way is to invite automatic scorn from all quarters. Everybody knows that all the world’s economic systems are destined to “evolve” from Capitalism through Socialism into a global, world-wide Communist Utopia. Resist the human instinct to think about it, and, most especially, do not apply the principles of Critical Thinking to it.

The faith of Marxism cannot be questioned today in polite company without raising eyebrows and inviting contempt for your position. It is simply a well known fact. It enjoys broad general consensus and near universal acceptance among all of TTRSTF. It is very nearly unanimous. Faith trumps empiricism here. It’s a Scientific Fact.

Then, of course, we have the Grand Crisis lies, usually orchestrated (or trumpeted) by someone in government, designed to frighten listeners and get their eyes off of the ball, so that the power of government may advance at the expense of the people’s power. Many of these are of the Chicken Little (The Sky is falling! The Sky is falling!) variety as previously enumerated and elaborated in the Eco-Nazism article.

The HIV=AIDS=DEATH’s “discovery,” regarding the theory that the harmless HIV retro-virus causes or “evolves into” the AIDS disease is universally accepted as true today, in all quarters, in all nations, at all levels.

And yet, you cannot show me one single peace of irrefutable empirical evidence proving any linkage or causal relationship between HIV and AIDS, and neither can anyone else, because it simply does not exist.

Shhhh! Careful; quiet; not so loud. You could get us laughed out of here. Awards, prizes and honors have been granted over this discovery, huge, obscene amounts of tax dollars have been expended on it, new government bureaucracies and whole new university departments have been devoted to it, charities and governments have mobilized against it. Charities have collected and expended untold billions to eradicate it. Donna Shalala, our highest health official, told us, in 1993, that we could expend all of our research, education, education, immunization and energy on it, and still not have any Americans left alive. Including grandma. Don’t you see how serious a crisis this is?

Textbooks, class material and government programs all over the world contain fraudulent “linkages” showing the well known relationship between the harmless HIV retro-virus and AIDS. Much of modern medical thought and current epidemiological trends are based upon HIV=AIDS theory. Police, firemen, first responders of all variety and health-care workers are now educated in HIV awareness and issued latex gloves and protective gear and training. In this case, purely empirical evidence may not be applied, because it is too late, since HIV=AIDS is already an established and well known scientific fact. You are required by current social rules to shut up about it and not question it, or even think about it too much. To question it in any way is to invite automatic scorn from all quarters. Everybody knows that HIV=AIDS=DEATH. Resist the human instinct to think about it, and, most especially, do not apply the principles of Critical Thinking to it.

The faith of HIV=AIDS=DEATH adherents cannot be questioned today in polite company without raising eyebrows and inviting contempt for your position. It is simply a well known fact. It enjoys broad general consensus and near universal acceptance among all of TTRSTF. It is very nearly unanimous. Faith trumps empiricism here. It’s a Scientific Fact.

The Ozone Holes are growing! The Ozone Holes are growing! presents the fraudulent global crisis regarding the ozone layer holes, the resultant predicted doom of mankind from skin cancer, that ozone layer depletion is caused by man, and that man can reverse the trend. How do we know that? The experts said so, and now it’s being taught in school.

We all “know” that ozone depletion was happening because of mans use of Styrofoam in coffee cups, Freon in air-conditioning, and CFCs used in aerosol bottles. Huge expenditures by industry, some mandated by government and some voluntary, have resulted in use of less insulated paper cups, less efficient and more energy consuming automobiles and refrigerators, huge expenses incurred by private enterprises, and no discernable differences in the ozone layer. The holes are the same or larger; incidents of skin cancer are the same or lower. Nevertheless, we must bend every effort to protect the earth’s ozone layer.

And yet, you cannot show me one single peace of irrefutable empirical evidence proving Ozone-Hole theory, and neither can anyone else, because it simply does not exist.

Shhhh! Careful; quiet; not so loud. You could get us laughed out of here. Textbooks, class material and “expert analysis” all over the world contain fraudulent “prognoses” showing the well known threat to the ozone layer posed by man, and how man can act to correct the situation. Much of modern earth-science and ecological protection teaching includes or is based upon ozone-hole depletion theory. In this case, purely empirical evidence may not be applied, because it is too late, since ozone-hole theory is already an established and well known scientific fact. You are required by current social rules to shut up about it and not question it, or even think about it too much. To question it in any way is to invite automatic scorn from all quarters. Everybody knows that ozone depletion exists, is a valid threat, is caused by dirty rotten mankind, and that “better educated” man can correct the situation. Resist the human instinct to think about it, and, most especially, do not apply the principles of Critical Thinking to it.

The faith of ozone-hole theorists cannot be questioned today in polite company without raising eyebrows and inviting contempt for your position. It is simply a well known fact. It enjoys broad general consensus and near universal acceptance among all of TTRSTF. It is very nearly unanimous. Faith trumps empiricism here. It’s a Scientific Fact.

The Globe is warming! The Globe is warming! presents the fraudulent global crisis regarding the really stupid theory of global warming, the resultant predicted doom of polar bears first and mankind eventually, that global climate change is man-induced, and that man can control the earth’s climate, perhaps through legislation, or by judicial fiat, or perhaps via executive order. How do we know all this? The experts said so, and now it’s being taught in school.

We all “know” that global warming is happening, is caused by dirty rotten mankind’s production of carbon, which is probably the most common element in the universe. International summits have been held over global warming; the whole world is on board with the theory. “Big Oil” and the dirty rotten coal industry have been opportunely demonized as the evil grand masters of the plot to end life as we know it through global warming. Obama and the Democrats intend to spend trillions, trillions of our dollars that don’t even exist yet on putting a stop to a problem that cannot be shown to exist. Quick, right now, because it is such an extreme emergency; don’t even take time to read it or understand it. Big industries simply must be destroyed in order to save the fragile, oh so delicate planet earth.

And yet, you cannot show me one single peace of irrefutable empirical evidence proving global warming theory, and neither can anyone else, because it simply does not exist.

Shhhh! Careful; quiet; not so loud. You could get us laughed out of here. Textbooks, class material and “expert analysis” all over the world contain fraudulent “prognoses” showing the well known threat to the global climate posed by man, and how man can act to correct the situation. Much of modern earth-science and ecological protection teaching includes or is based upon global warming theory. In this case, purely empirical evidence may not be applied, because it is too late, since global warming theory is already an established and well known scientific fact. You are required by current social rules to shut up about it and not question it, or even think about it too much. To question it in any way is to invite automatic scorn from all quarters. Everybody knows that global warming exists, is a valid threat, is caused by dirty rotten mankind, and that “better educated” man can correct the situation. Resist the human instinct to think about it, and, most especially, do not apply the principles of Critical Thinking to it.

The faith of global warming theorists cannot be questioned today in polite company without raising eyebrows and inviting contempt for your position. It is simply a well known fact. It enjoys broad general consensus and near universal acceptance among all of TTRSTF. It is very nearly unanimous. Faith trumps empiricism here. It’s a Scientific Fact.

These are just a few examples from the many available. Acid rain. How many billions did industry spend on smokestack “scrubbers” and other technologies to eliminate something that didn’t exist? (The “down-wind” denuded forests were the victims of moths, not acid rain.) In recent memory, the government got all exercised over a theory that we might run out of water, one of the most common elements on the whole planet. Government mandated redesigned and supposedly more “efficient” toilets, that didn’t work nearly as well. At an undetermined expense. Result? Nothing whatsoever. America, and the world, has as much water now as it had then. It was the same with the ozone holes. Untold billions expended, absolutely nothing whatsoever to show for it. Exactly the same with acid rain. No difference whatsoever in acid rain after all efforts. And it will be the same with global warming.

The climate is going to do whatever the climate is going to do, and there is not a thing in the world Obama can do about it.

The real problem is, there are lots and lots of people who don’t believe that.

God help us.

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