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Global warming is outed as another global consensual fraud. So what else is new? November 27, 2009 |
Subscribers NewsletterGlobal Consensual Fraud.Vic Biorseth, Friday, November 27, 2009 A global consensual fraud is one in which just about everybody is involved. Scientists, politicians, educators, academics, publishers, journalists, commentators, the intellectual elites, entertainers, the movie industry, celebrities – the list is endless. The success, and the very existence of colossal world-wide frauds proves that science has, in general, degenerated into a simple matter of achieving scientific consensus, and that the honorable scientific method is just about dead. Is the proposed scientific argument as stated true, or is it false? Let’s take a vote on it: the ayes have it; the argument is true. Case closed. We got ourselves a brand new Scientific Theory. Congratulations and drinks all around. I use the word fraud, because the word hoax implies something a little less damaging. A hoax is a deliberate attempt to trick someone into believing that something is true when it is not true. This applies to the magician’s bag of tricks, which are meant to be entertaining. It applies to boy scouts taking younger cub scouts out “snipe hunting” as a sort of right-of-passage, and fooling them. In future years, these cub scouts will be the older and wiser boy scouts guiding and hoaxing another generation of cub scouts. Similarly, the gentler word hoax might be applied to the scientific fact that fishermen never lie. It’s a code of honor, among fishermen – they never lie. Just like the scientific fact that no fish that ever got away was small. Fish that get off the hook or break the line are always very large. (I know this one to be true; I once lost a musky the size of a nuclear sub in Michigan’s Lake St. Clair. He’s still cruising out there somewhere.) The intent of the hoaxer here is to convince his companions that he is truly a great fisherman, but that he is just cursed with bad luck. He will often be heard emphatically stating with his right hand in the air something like “I swear, this time, you guys!”, and, perhaps, almost tearfully, “He was as big as the boat!”, sometimes followed by a stunned, big-eyed, incredulously intoned, “Don’t you guys believe me?” This sort of scientific fact is more of a hoax than a fraud, because there is no hidden motive behind it; it is simply intended to convince. The honest fisherman scientific fact is thus similar to the scientific fact that dropped jelly bread always lands jelly side down. We all know that even caught fish grow over time; it’s a scientific fact. There is a mathematical formula for it, but I forget the exact details. The growth of a caught fish over time is somehow proportional to the number of times the story is told. Anyhow, what we are talking about here is criminal fraud, and that is very different. Fraud: 1. Criminal deception. 2. Dishonest artifice or trick. 3. Imposter. Fraud, as used herein, is a purposeful and intentional perversion of truth for the purpose of inducing someone to voluntarily part with something of value, or to voluntarily surrender a legal right. Thus, fraud is not the same thing as the magician entertaining us, or the boy scout taking a cub scout snipe hunting, or fishermen swapping stories. It is more in tune with a poker player dealing from the bottom of the deck, or a salesman pitching snake oil, or an e-mail invitation to deposit some foreign check into your bank account and then write a check to someone after taking your cut. The hoaxer is out to fool you, but the fraud is out to get you. Most frauds are perpetrated or attempted by one or a few con (confidence) men who first gain your confidence to get you to drop your guard, and then fleece you in some way. I submit that no one in America is in a better position to perpetrate a fraud against you and me than the professional politician. So what is a global consensual fraud? Man induced global warming is a global consensual fraud. It was and is knowingly and purposefully perpetrated by a majority of scientists, politicians, educators, academics, publishers, broadcast networks, journalists, commentators, the intellectual elites, entertainers, the movie industry, celebrities – the list is endless. World leaders. The United Nations. It is world wide. The true purpose of this global consensual fraud is to induce free men to voluntarily surrender their private property and their legal rights, and to encourage a migration of political power from the people to the government. You haven’t seen any credible scientific evidence for the theory, because there isn’t any. There has been no serious peer review, because there is nothing serious to submit for peer review. This is purely science by consensus, and nothing more. The supporting list of scientists is longer than an opposing list of scientists, proving that most scientists today are nothing more than political whores, just like journalists. Whoever else may be involved up to his neck in the fraud, the real drivers of this and just about every other global consensual fraud are professional politicians. The reward they seek is power. Your power. A hacker, or a whistle-blower, we don’t yet know which, got into a Canadian server and got hold of a ton of e-mails back and forth between a bunch of TTRSTF who were working on the cutting edge of man-induced global warming “science.” These very damning e-mails were anonymously published in the public domain, and now the cat is out of the bag, so to speak. All or most of this private e-mail correspondence involved TTRSTF working in the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia in England. The now public e-mails show subterfuge, purposeful deception, falsified scientific evidence, ignored contradictory evidences, intent to keep all of this information from the public, destruction of evidence, and so forth. The details are all over the current news and I won’t go into them here. What I am reacting to is the how everyone seems to be surprised by these events. My personal reaction is, ho hum, heavy sigh and here we go again. The very notion of man-induced global warming defies simple common sense to the point of being just plain stupid. The scam is just so obvious; all you have to do is look at what the real ringleaders, meaning, the politicians, are saying about it to see the real intent here. The so-called scientists involved who are not downright sinister are just tag-along yes-men or useful-idiots, doing what they are told. There is no old fashioned science involved here, and there never was. It is purely political science. We talked about this particular global consensual fraud long ago, along with a whole bunch of other ones, way back in the old Eco-Nazi Front page, foremost among many other Thinking Catholic Website pages. Many people today are not particularly surprised that man-induced global-warming turns out to be a purposeful scientific fraud; they already instinctively knew that. But most of them seem to be convinced that this particular global consensual fraud is the biggest, costliest, most wide-spread, longest lasting purposeful fraud, with the biggest cast of cooperating perpetrators in history. It is none of those. There are bigger frauds, and more wide-spread ones, and longer lasting ones, and more costly ones, and ones that have caused many more human deaths. Man-induced global warming is just one global consensual fraud among the many. And it isn’t necessarily over yet; the “powers that be” should not be under-estimated, and we should all know that the whole fraud may be re-invigorated and re-instituted by the world elites, in spite of all of this released damning e-mail inside information. The battle, after all, is not for Truth, but for political Power. We are seeing public astonishment expressed by conservative commentators at the involvement real live scientists, and at the widespread involvement of the whole media, and less at the involvement of politicians and world-leaders, since their ulterior motives are so clear and obvious. But how could scientists do this, they ask; and how on earth could the media immediately and universally come to the public defense of the fraud, and seek to attack the motives of whoever released the information. Again, I am not surprised. The Vietnam War as reported was a global consensual fraud. I have been referring to the SLIMC and nearly the whole field of journalism as largely populated by professional liars, who are paid by their employers to lie, and I’ve been saying it ever since the Vietnam War. The whole Vietnam War, as reported by the media, was one, giant, global consensual fraud. The whole media played the same fraudulent tune, with Master Liar Walter Cronkite holding the baton, and the fraud went farther than merely “breaking the will of the people to resist” by motivating masses of American citizens to actually become anti-American. That war was lost in the streets of America, not on the battlefield, where not one single battle was lost. And that one global consensual fraud generated multiple generations of anti-American American citizens. The American SLIMC leads the way in perpetrating global consensual fraud for the purpose of advancing The Great Communist Lie in the minds of the people. The politician and the journalist are, most often, one and the same animal. I see no difference between any NY Times or CNN “journalist” and any office-holding member of the Marxocratic Party. And, of course, there are history’s Big Three global frauds, whom I refer to elsewhere as science’s Unholy Trinity – Darwin, Freud and Marx. The Piltdown Man fraud was a classic example of what we’re talking about here. It was a fraud of enormous world-wide scope, with breath-taking involvement of scientists, and an active cast of thousands of high-placed participants, over better than a 40-year span of time before it blew up. The whole thing was a lie from the start, all the participants knew it, and they all did their part to strengthen and magnify the lie. Evidence was falsified, contradictory evidence was suppressed, fraudulent text books were published, whole generations were knowingly falsely educated in the lie. The ends were seen to justify the means; what was at stake was the shaky standing of Darwin’s theory regarding the evolution of species, which had no real evidences of its own. Piltdown Man “proved” Darwinian theory, in the minds of the lowly hoi polloi. Every significant university in the world was involved. Every major museum in the world was involved. And there is no question about it today: it was a purposeful, very well orchestrated, global, highly publicized, scientific fraud, of epic proportions. The quasi-religion of Darwinism is a global consensual fraud that has been continually evolving, growing and gaining strength since November 24, 1859. It is an active scientific fraud that is still knowingly perpetrated on us by real scientists. The Darwinism page shows that there is no empirical evidence sustaining the so-called scientific theory of evolution. It is a belief system, pure and simple, because no real science has ever been applied to it. The “old school” theorists apply the Darwinian Fundamentalist theory of GESGEAEOT, tiny incremental steps of evolution leading, eventually, into new species. The more modern theorists apply the newer PEWAG theory involving mass mutation into whole new species during special geological moments. Neither theory has been or can be proven. No speciation of anything – microbes, insects, algae – anything has ever been accomplished in any laboratory. No speciation has ever even been observed by anyone, ever, including Darwin. There is no evidence of speciation in the massive, massive existing and still growing fossil record. You haven’t seen any credible scientific evidence for the theory, because there isn’t any. There has been no serious peer review, because there is nothing serious to submit for peer review. This is purely science by consensus, and nothing more. The supporting list of scientists is longer than an opposing list of scientists, proving that most scientists today are nothing more than political whores, just like journalists. That’s why I so often refer to them on this Website as TTRSTF This is a world-wide fraud. Formal education is steeped in it. Question any Darwinian dogma and the response will be SNRTACBT evolutionary theory is in question. Question the science behind it, and the response will be STNSEACPB that the scientists don’t know their subject better than us. I have published my own scientific argument refuting Darwin in the Refuting Darwin Webpage. It’s out there in the open for peer review. Refute my argument if you can; no one has so far. More than anything else, Darwinism is pseudo-sophisticated elitist fad. The quasi-religion of Freudianism is a global consensual fraud that has been continually evolving, growing and gaining strength since the 1890s. It is an active scientific fraud that is still knowingly perpetrated on us by real scientists. The Freudianism page shows that there is no empirical evidence sustaining the so-called scientific theory of the subconscious and infantile sexuality. It is a belief system, pure and simple, because no real science has ever been applied to it. Freud is probably the most quoted name in psychology today, and he is the founder of the field of psycho-analysis. All of Freud’s theories centered round the unconscious or “sub-conscious” human mind, promoting such nonsense as dream interpretation, recovery of “repressed” memories, hypnosis and other parlor tricks. He was a drug abuser who took sexual advantage of his patients. He proved that “memories” of events that had never occurred could be solidly imprinted in the minds of his patients. Noting that this was a very dangerous tool, he nevertheless continued, and Freudian psycho-therapy today continues, to “help” patients “remember” past events that they do not remember, and that may or may not have occurred. No sub-conscious or unconscious mind has ever been observed by anyone, including Freud, in all of history. You haven’t seen any credible scientific evidence for the theory, because there isn’t any. There has been no serious peer review, because there is nothing serious to submit for peer review. This is purely science by consensus, and nothing more. The supporting list of scientists is longer than an opposing list of scientists, proving that most scientists today are nothing more than political whores, just like journalists. That’s why I so often refer to them on this Website as TTRSTF This is a world-wide fraud. Formal education is steeped in it. Question any Freudian dogma and the response will be SNRTACBT repressed memory theory is in question. Question the science behind it, and the response will be STNSEACPB that the scientists don’t know their subject better than us. I have published my own scientific argument refuting Freud in the Refuting Freud Webpage. It’s out there in the open for peer review. Refute my argument if you can; no one has so far. More than anything else, Freudianism is pseudo-sophisticated elitist fad. The quasi-religion of Marxism is a global consensual fraud that has been continually evolving, growing and gaining strength since the 1840s. It is an active scientific fraud that is still knowingly perpetrated on us by real scientists. The Marxism page shows that there is no empirical evidence sustaining his so-called scientific theories describing economics, dialectic materialism, “inevitable” historical economic evolution or Communism. It is a belief system, pure and simple, because no real science has ever been applied to it. Marx is probably the most quoted name in social science today, and he co-authored of the Communist Manifesto. Marx demonized religion and free culture as ideologies of the Capitalist exploiters of the masses. He insisted on the inevitability of a natural historical progression from Capitalism through Socialism to Communist Utopia, but he felt that this naturally inevitable progression needed to be helped along a little with bloody revolution. None of Marx’s theories have ever been proved by any progression of history, or even by violent revolution. His “phases” are falsified by the historical record; see the Great Communist Lie page. American history refutes his theory, even before our formation as a nation and our Constitution. Long before Karl Marx and Communism, after the Mayflower Compact in 1620, our pilgrims developed a form of Socialism, in which they held all property in common, parceled out plots of land and housing in equal shares, shared equally in work, harvest, food, clothing, and everything. They were almost totally dependent upon the rare ships that came to re-supply them; the local Indians, while friendly were little better off than they were. After years of seeming famine and poverty, death by starvation, exposure and disease, with fewer than half of the population left alive, out of desperation, they changed the rules. Long before Adam Smith and Capitalism, they privatized all the plots of ground and houses. Each man was given his share and allowed to work it or not work it as he saw fit, and to prosper by his own labor. Instant economic success. Poverty was replaced with prosperity. Now, the ships began to come in greater numbers and frequency, not with charity and supplies, but with hordes of new pilgrims eager to share in the freedom and the potential for wealth. It was the same soil capable of producing the same food before and after the organizational change. The waters contained the same fish and the forests the same game, before and after. The pilgrims had the same ability to utilize available natural resources before and after. They were dieing before; they were becoming wealthy after, and exporting goods back to Europe. No successful Marxian economic organization progression has ever been observed by anyone, including Marx, in all of history. You haven’t seen any credible scientific evidence for Marx’s theory, because there isn’t any. There has been no serious peer review, because there is nothing serious to submit for peer review. This is purely science by consensus, and nothing more. The supporting list of scientists is longer than an opposing list of scientists, proving that most scientists today are nothing more than political whores, just like journalists. That’s why I so often refer to them on this Website as TTRSTF This is a world-wide fraud. Formal education is steeped in it. Question any Marxian dogma and the response will be SNRTACBT Marx’s theory is in question. Question the science behind it, and the response will be STNSEACPB that the scientists don’t know their subject better than us. I have published my own scientific argument refuting Marx in the Refuting Marx Webpage. It’s out there in the open for peer review. Refute my argument if you can; no one has so far. More than anything else, Marxism is pseudo-sophisticated elitist fad. The HIV=AIDS=DEATH Myth is a global consensual fraud. This one is a real killer. We may never know the numbers of people killed by AZT poisoning administered as “treatment” for AIDS, when all the patient had was an “infection” of the harmless HIV retro-virus. The names Kimberly Bergalis and Arthur Ash come to mind. There is no such thing as a plausible link between the HIV retro-virus and the AIDS syndrome. The two things have nothing to do with each other. HIV is perfectly harmless and has no symptoms, and therefore is not a disease of any kind. The Great HIV=AIDS=DEATH hoax is a continuing world-wide fraud since its birth in 1984, not by any scientific discovery, but by an official government pronouncement made by a politically appointed bureaucrat. See the link for the details. This is a fraud sponsored and fed by the Homo-Nazi Front and the now firmly ensconced and ever powerful AIDS Establishment. The purpose is to raise homosexual perversion to the level of victim-hood and even heroics in the eyes of the formerly misguided public. Untold billions of US dollars have been fraudulently collected as charity to fight HIV infection here and abroad, most notably in Africa. But here’s the thing: there is no valid empirical link between HIV and AIDS. Such a link cannot be shown. And “medicines” such as AZT are deadly bone-marrow toxins that will destroy immune systems and cause people to quickly waste away and die. Exactly as if they had AIDS. These are offered as irrefutable facts. Refute them if you can. Those of you who are familiar with this Website know that I could carry on in this manner almost indefinitely. I don’t know if it’s age or the facts as they are that make me such a curmudgeon. There are many such colossal world-wide frauds out there. The contents of this page were triggered by hearing more than one conservative commentator expressing surprise at the media reaction and at the lack of any science reaction for the newly revealed fraudulent status of the whole global warming theory. Nobody should be surprised here. The media, and science, and education, and show-biz, and publishing, and more, are all loaded down with political whores who outnumber the real professionals who have any honor left. If there are any significant numbers of honest scientists and honest journalists left out there who remain true to their craft, then they have a damned funny way of showing it. In the Garden, the serpent told the first lie. Did God tell you if you eat of the forbidden fruit you will die? You will not die. If you eat, you will know good from evil and you will be like gods. A statement that, if true, would make God a liar. Free will allowed temptation, and the conscious decision to eat of the forbidden fruit. This is how evil came into the world: via the lie. True love requires the possibility of true hate. It requires free will. God gave man free will because He wanted man to love God. Love must be freely given; it must therefore be possible to choose not to give it. There can be no such thing as love in the absence of free will. Love is meaningless without free will. God created man with free will; free will allowed the lie to tempt, and the decision to be made favoring the lie rather than the Truth. When Pontius Pilot asked the famous question “What is truth?” he authored the greatest irony in all of human history, for the ultimate center of all Truth was standing right in front of him. He couldn’t recognize the real Truth because of his elite, super-sophisticated worldliness and self-assumed wisdom. Satan is a liar and a murderer, and Satan rules the world. You are called to relentlessly seek the Truth, in spite of all the lies around you. You must always seek the Truth. When you find Him, grab onto Him and never let go. Take Him into your bosom forever, never to be apart from Him. No matter what. The World is not wise. The Truth is wise. Seek the Truth; find the Way; live the Life. Please God, and live forever.
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