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Our argument opposing Libertarianism as an amoral conservative vote-splitter. November 27, 2009 |
Subscribers NewsletterOpposing Libertarianism.Vic Biorseth, Friday, November 27, 2009 Opposing Libertarianism does not mean opposing such things as individual Liberty, or Conservatism, by any means. My only real problem with the Libertarian position involves its complete lack of a fixed moral standard. The Libertarian approach says that the citizen is free to do anything at all so long as he dose not infringe on any other citizen’s rights or hurt any other citizen. And that is an idea that sounds fine, on its face. But we need to think about it a little bit. This position is another move into moral relativism. It operates to oppose any commonly held fixed sense of right and wrong for a people and a nation. We call a commonly held cultural sense of right versus wrong an ethos; in America, the Judao-Christian Ethos provides this fixed set of clearly recognizable moral standards. It forms the very foundation for our civil law and our Constitution. It was the guiding ethos of the founders, and it is the guiding ethos of the overwhelming majority in the current population of America. We pointed to the need for a fixed, consistent, familiar national moral standard in the Definition of Pro-American Webpage, and again in the Definition of Anti-American Webpage. More than anything else, it is a distinct cultural ethos that defines a unique people, and it is a unique people who make a nation. Ethos is all wrapped up in morality. Morality is all wrapped up in religion. Whether anyone likes or not, whether anyone admits it or not, America is, overwhelmingly, a Christian nation. Our common sense of right versus wrong comes out of our Judao-Christian religion. The Libertarian defines many immoral activities as victimless crimes and therefore does not condemn them, and would legalize and un-restrain them. Many of these immoral activities are of a sexual nature, and many involve illegal drug usage. It is my contention that totally de-criminalized and unrestrained immoral actions are bad, and not good, for the overall culture. We can examine some possible results, affecting you, via the exercise of thought experiments. Let us assume that the Libertarian position becomes the fixed law, and is now perfectly in place in America. A teacher in a school, whether private or public, would feel perfectly free to smuggle your kid out of class, into an abortion clinic, and back into class, without your consent or even knowledge of the event. Your adult neighbor might feel perfectly free to help your kid shoot up with heroin for the first time. A disease-ridden hooker in the neighborhood might decide to give your kid a freebie. You might be sharing the highways not only with the occasional drunk, but with someone who just dropped acid. Doped no-hopers might be staggering about or sleeping it off in the middle of the street, as they do in Holland, where it’s legal. Hookers may be jiggling and strutting their stuff in store windows, giving a whole new meaning to the term “window shopping,” as they do in Holland, where it’s legal. The real question becomes, what king of a people are we, and what kind of a nation is this? Are we pagans, are we atheists, or are we Christians and Jews? State’s Rights are important, in accordance with the Rule Of Subsidiarity, and we see in America that the moral norm shifts geographically. States are and should be perfectly free to outlaw or legalize anything that suits the voters. Las Vegas is a city that was virtually invented by organized crime families, and Nevada is as near as you can get to an anything-goes state. Prostitution is legalized, and the citizens seem to have no problem with that. ‘Vegas advertises itself to be Sin City. On the other side of that coin, abortion as practiced today was illegal in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, by legislated, representative law, before it was legalized by unconstitutional judicial fiat. The Court, and both other branches of Federal government, had no business whatsoever undoing representative State law all across the land. See the Abortion In America Webpage for the disgusting, un-Constitutional details of how this came about, in the face of the “represented” people. I am so tired of hearing someone say how they personally despise homosexuality but that they see nothing wrong with it being someone else’s choice. If something is right, then it right for everyone. If it is wrong, then it is wrong for everyone. You are not and cannot be an island; a common sense of right and wrong, or the lack of one, will most certainly affect you, unless you move into a cave or something weird. ”When the fit hits the shan, I’m not going to ask the guy in the foxhole next to me if he’s gay or not” Is the statement most frequently presented by someone who never served. Or if he did, he didn’t serve in the ranks. What about all the rest of the time? Might you ask that question before taking a shower with him? How about when using the buddy system in the field, where you pour cans of water over each other in order to bathe? How about before you crawl into your two-man pup tent with him? No; that question may only be presented by the Libertarian in the absolutely most inappropriate time for the subject matter. It is on the battlefield, and only the battlefield, where the issue has any importance whatsoever. Have you ever noticed how commentators and editorialists and journalists always interview the homosexuals and never the heterosexuals in the service regarding issues of homosexuality? The heterosexual viewpoint is censored. Morality, properly understood, is not a morality for me, but not for thee. Nor can it be a morality for thee, but not for me. We either have a fixed moral norm, or we do not. Liberty is not really possible for long in the absence of any fixed moral norm, any common sense of right and wrong that defines us as a people. What kind of a people are we? What kind of a nation is this?
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