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Presenting the Renamed Reintroduction of Thinking-Catholic-Strategic-Center. January 21, 2015 |
Subscribers Newsletter![]() Presenting the Renamed Reintroduction of Thinking-Catholic-Strategic-Center.The conversion to the Catholic American Thinker name is now complete.Vic Biorseth, Tuesday, January 20, 2015
All the work is done, and there has been a significant reorganization along with the name change. So, for the benefit of readers who may be used to finding things on this site the old way, and for the benefit of new readers, this is an introduction to the various major topic sub-sections of the website. Not all of them, but the biggest and most important. So, if you love Catholicism, if you love general Christianity, if you love Judeo-Christian morality, if you love America, if you love Western Civilization, if you love freedom, faith, family, property, etc. - or, if you hate these things - then pick your topic from among those below, and read. Each link leads to a related grouping of webpages. Every webpage contains a comment section at the bottom. We invite your comments, dialogues, criticisms and suggestions. And your own submitted articles. I bid you good thinking. The Purpose of this grouping of articles is to give evidence to the original and enduring Christian nature of the nation, and the Judeo-Christian moral code upon which it depends for its very life. The American citizenry is made up of individual independent operators with the liberty to take care of themselves and their families, prosper by their own industry, worship as they please, whose representative government derives its powers only by their consent, and who maintain the ability to alter or abolish their own government. We are the sovereign citizens of America. The purpose of this grouping of articles is to display, defend and promote orthodox Catholicism in alignment with the magisterial authority of Rome. Supporting original Deposit of Faith, the Magisterial Authority of Rome and the Catechism of the Catholic Church, to the letter. The purpose of this grouping of articles is to attack and refute perverted Catholicism, and to point the way back to Catholic orthodoxy and adherence to magisterial authority and teaching. Opposing "soft" Catholicism, I'm OK - You're OK Catholicism, Cafeteria-Catholicism of the pick-and-choose variety, and the pure evil that seeks to pervert Catholicism from within, while wearing the mask of piety. The Purpose of this grouping of links is to gather all site American political positions and arguments in one place. Laying out the contemporary American political factions and their positions, as compared to the Founding Principles in the Declaration, and the Constituting Principles in the Constitution. America is the first nation in world history designed to be without classes - no nobility, no royalty, no aristocracy - all men stand equal before the law. The Purpose of this grouping of links is to highlight pseudo-science topics with nothing behind them other than broad consensus, described by F. A. Hayek as Scientism. Describing the abandonment of the scientific method in favor of "Democracy in Science", meaning, science done by gathering of popular consensus among "scientists". Old-Boy's-Club science, with awards, congratulations, drinks and cigars all around. (My list of scientists is longer than your list of scientists, therefore my opinion is scientific, and yours is not.) The Purpose of this group of links is to provide a repository for articles pertaining to the open fraud of Darwinian Evolution. Natural Evolution of Species theory remains untested and even unobserved today, with no physical evidence supporting it, and must therefore be recognized as little more than an ideology, a silly superstition or a false religion. The Purpose for this grouping of links is to provide a repository for articles exposing the fraud of Psycho-Therapy, Freudian Theory, Jungian Theory and Kinseyan “Sexology.” Another example of "scientific" and supposedly "empirical" scientific evaluation of ephemeral things - subconscious minds, repressed memories - enjoying popular consensus among fools. With physical evidence, peer-review and independent verification quite impossible, it must be recognized as a mere ideology, silly superstition or false religion. The Purpose of this group of links is to provide a repository for articles exposing the purposeful deadly fraud behind all of Marxian theory. Marx's Communist Manifesto was a masterpiece of deceitful rabble-rousing incitement to class warfare and revolution against the status quo. But it produced nothing of value to human kind, in the fields of economics, political arrangements, social science or anything else. This was just another evil man with a solid following of other evil men and hordes of convinced useful idiots. The Purpose of this grouping of links is to organize articles exposing the fraud of Islam as a religion and Mohammed as a prophet. With war declared on the whole non-Islamic world in the year 622 A.D., no one should have been surprised at Osama Bin Laden's declaration of war in 1966. Mohammed himself declared war on us long before we existed as a nation. To find the true source of the "radicalization" of peaceful Moslems into Jihadism, all you have to do is read the Koran. It's all right there, and there is nothing radical about it. The Purpose of this grouping of links is to provide a record of Mainstream Media lies, liars and how journalists are trained and paid by their employers to lie. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, all the big names of American journalism lied, big, bold and proud, all throughout the entire Vietnam War, and it has only gotten worse since then. The Purpose of this grouping of links is to highlight the planned and purposeful moral degradation of human culture, in Western Civilization in general, and in America in particular. Beginning, perhaps, with the Reformation, with a mighty surge in the 1930s with the social acceptance of artificial contraception, social standards today are now so low as to make a harlot blush. Professional politicians of all Parties cooperate with Marxist-materialists in all other fields to actually suppress religion and the morality that flows from religion, not only in the public square, but everywhere, closely following the moral degradation of popular entertainment. Establishing National and International Labor Unions was only a first step in the new Marxist project of "Community Organizing." You cannot name an emergency, an approaching calamity, an inequality, a "Gap", an unfairness or a failure in "Social Justice" that is not either invented by or co-opted by Marxist Community Organizing.
The 2008 Bush - Obama Economic Depression The Origins & history of the greatest threat to America since 1776. (Now, you all know how I hate to say “I told you so”, but … yeah, right.) The stratagem of Machiavelli, systematized by Hegel, perfected by Marx and improved by Alinsky of "initiate calamitous emergency, then ride heroically to the rescue and assume more political power" is being played out right before our eyes by the Marxocrat Party, with the Republicrats in dutiful bipartisan cooperation. The Purpose of this grouping of links is to provide a repository for articles exposing Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, as a deceitful and treacherous enemy of Constitutional America. Introducing the anti-American, Marxist, racist, Comrade President Barack Hussein "Kiss-My-Ass-Because-I'm-Black" Obama, and presenting the Leftist, Democrat Party's latest manifestation of Racism. The new racism is a softer racism of low expectations, exemplified by the likes of Ed Asner, who will fault Obama with nothing whatsoever, and who will forgive and bless Obama for anything and everything he does to them, to others, to this country and to the world. The Purpose of this grouping of links is to provide a gathering of articles exposing deception, treachery and lies directed against Constitutional America. When knowing, purposeful violations of the Constitution, committed by elected officials sworn in their oaths of office to uphold the Constitution, aim at the end of the Constitution itself, America is in need of a redefinition of High Treason. This group of links show articles exposing the infiltration of evil into the Church, larger Christianity, the American government, Political Parties, the larger Culture, and Western Civilization. Showing how Evil advances in culture by one little "accommodation" at a time, to the point where supposedly good men of high stature eventually come to support it under other names, through corrupted language. Returning America to the revolutionary High Ideals of the Founding Fathers, and to the formalized Ideology of Liberty that the Framers set down in the Constitution as the Supreme Law of the Land. Almost all the rest of this site talks about our problems; these pages talk about how to fix them. Marxist anti-Americanism has advanced so far in even our politics and our own government that we now have to consider super-radical changes just to save the Constitution itself. The Purpose for this grouping of links is to show, first, the unconstitutional bureaucracies that need to be cut, and second, to highlight ideas toward restoring America toward her original Constitutional design. Most of this site describes what is wrong; these pages describes something to do about it. If we don't get rid of the extra-Constitutional entities we are over-paying for they will eventually unconstitutionally regulate us and economically strangle us to death as a nation. The Purpose of this grouping of links is to gather all government health care articles in one place. Medicine, like education, like food, has no Constitutional mandate and no legitimate, legal business being addressed by federal government. Medicine, and medical insurance, are private sector businesses beyond the scope of government. The Purpose of this grouping of links is to highlight the Marxist birth and anti-American slant of the organized labor movement, regardless of what the rank and file members think they know about it. Born of the "Workers of the World, Unite!" line of the Communist Manifesto, labor became the first successful effort of Marxist "Community Organizing" toward class warfare and eventual revolution. The whole purpose was and is to set employees against their own employers and displace economic cooperation with animosity and strife. The Purpose of this grouping of links is to provide a gathering of articles exposing deception, treachery and lies directed against the sovereign borders of America. There is nothing wrong with our current border law except for the fact that the government is criminally not enforcing it, as the Constitution, the supreme law of the land, insists. There is nothing wrong with our current immigration law except for the fact that the government is criminally not enforcing it, as the Constitution, the supreme law of the land, insists. By not enforcing Constitutional law, in violation of their oaths of office, our government is engaging in criminal activity. It is Treason. The Purpose of this grouping of links is to show all ”rollover” or “hover” links used site-wide. Each link is a smart-assed abbreviation for a clause or sentence. Mouse-over any link to see the unabbreviated words; click to go to the explanation page, then use your browser's BACK button to return to where you were. Hover links just save me a lot of typing. Once you've seen one, you'll know what it means to say to you the next time you encounter it in the middle of some sentence. These are the pages that explore the dichotomy between what Benjamin Franklin called "our American religion," which is General Christianity, and waging war. Whether man wants war or not, it is best to be prepared for war so long as evil exists, and evil will exist until Christ comes again. Even Heaven itself was not free of war. Definitions of all the ideological "isms" with a lot of consensus of thinking behind them, which makes them popular opinions or ideas seeking political favor. The Purpose for this grouping of links is to highlight the three natural divisions, in philosophy, religion, morality and politics; what is proper, what is disengaged and what must be defeated. Ben Franklin described the division of the time as the Loyalists, the Rebels and the Mug-Whumps, with their Mugs hanging over one side of the fence, and their Whumps hanging over the other. Today, we have the Constitutionalists, the anti-Constitutionalists, and the Moron Vote. And the Moron Vote is totally deceived, indoctrinated and propagandized into the anti-Constitutional ranks. We love a good argument. Here are some of our favorites. Articles authored and submitted by others, famous documents and reprinted articles. (Continue Reading at Original Source: Reintroduction). Do not reply to this automatic email. Respond to this article at the actual article: |
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