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Argument to Repeal Amendment XVI, the Income Tax Amendment. January 21, 2011 |
Subscribers NewsletterRepeal Amendment XVI.Repeal Income Tax, and make all forms of taxation illegal save one: the Fair Tax.Vic Biorseth, Thursday, January 20, 2011 The Founding Fathers would have been repulsed by the very idea of progressively taxing income. Repealing the Income Tax Amendment is an exercise in simplification. All forms of government require some sort of tax to support the government and to provide security and national defense, at least. Some monarchies and dictatorships also required opulence for the rulers. Tariffs and import taxes, shipping taxes, road or bridge tolls, property taxes and special product taxes have all had their day. What lit the first revolutionary fire in America was a special tax on tea. American postal service is paid for with postage stamps, a kind-of sort-of tax, in which the correspondents buy postage stamps with which to have their letters delivered through the mail.
But a graduated income tax is another animal altogether. It is essentially a Marxist notion whose purported purpose involves imposing monetary equality on the population through a program of redistribution. But this is a falsehood. None (or very little) of what is collected is ever redistributed. The true purpose is to take the most from the top earners, which is to say, to punish the highly paid. It would eventually make everyone more equal, but by making them more equally poor, not by redistributing any wealth and making the poor any wealthier. Every government program of welfare or government benefits for the poor is doomed to eventually run out of money, and these programs represent the only form of “redistribution” in existence. When rich people are heavily taxed, nobody takes that tax money and passes it out in poor neighborhoods. The rich are just made a little more poor. Redistribution has always been a lie, just like Communism. (See the Great Communist Lie page.) The true Marxist-inspired purpose for a progressive graduated income tax system is to slowly strangle individual incentive and destroy the motive to work hard, which means to slowly strangle opportunity, which means to slowly strangle liberty. The true purpose is to move the population closer to a state of dependency, make it more animal-like, as a herd, ready to be herded and tended by an elitist ruling class. This is and has been the hidden intention of America’s Communist Party. I mean Democrat. You may rest assured that the professional politicians who make up the elitist ruling class will not join the rest of the population in the eventual farm communes and factory collectives planned for rest of us. After all, someone has to supervise and set work quotas. I keep right here in my shirt pocket this little booklet; it fits in there, with room to spare, with two cell phones, one for work, and one for personal use. So you can see it is a very small little booklet. It contains the American Declaration of Independence, the Constitution of the United States, and all twenty seven Amendments to the Constitution. The print is not small at all; it is perfectly legible, and as readable as the words you are reading at this moment. This little booklet contains the foundation, the principles, and the reason for the existence of America. It also contains the complete organization and operating rules for the most powerful nation on earth. It is written in plain English; you don’t need any special education or training to be able to read it and understand it. Anyone with about a sixth or seventh grade education should be able to understand every part of it. Once upon a time many school children actually memorized parts such as the Preamble and some even memorized the whole Declaration. And it fits in my shirt pocket. Today I doubt that it is even mentioned, let alone taught in public (government) schools. I repeat: it fits in my shirt pocket, easily, with room to spare. Can you tell me why our tax code needs to be over 70,000 pages long? Could it be that there is something about it that cannot stand the light of day? Essentially, what we are promoting is an elimination of the current tax code in favor of the Fair Tax. Much of the following is quoted or paraphrased from the Up From Obamunism page. It has to do with simplification, and getting out from under layers and layers of tax code and regulation. We talked about all this in more detail in our Fair Tax Revolution argument. Here, on this topic, I believe I have actually found an item about which the mighty Rush Limbaugh is wrong. I know, I know – it’s hard to believe, and I really had to dig on this and study it, because Rush is so rarely wrong. I even had to reboot myself a couple of times. But, what Rush said about the Fair Tax was, it will never happen. Now, as much high regard and respect as I have for output of the Great Maharushie, I think I may have actually found an actual error in something he said. Doubting the word of Rush is almost tantamount to questioning something in the Creed; well, maybe not that serious, but you get the point: Rush is hardly ever wrong about anything. But, anyone who thinks it will “never happen” has not been to any local Patriot or Tea Party or Constitution meetings. It’s become a grass-roots kind of thing, and, believe me – it will happen. We intend to make it happen. I think it’s safe to say that most of the people who are now politically stirred up against Obamunism favor the Fair Tax as a path back to Constitutional sanity. The only arguments I’ve heard against Fair Tax are not well thought out, or they are offered by ill-informed arguers. For instance, the loss of mortgage interest deduction supposedly stands against the Fair Tax, despite the fact that you don’t pay any income tax from which to deduct anything. The argument is nonsensical. Fair Tax eliminates income tax, social security, and every single form of federal tax in existence. It eliminates the need to file your taxes every year. It immediately destroys all the hidden tricks hidden in the 70,000 page tax code, because the whole tax code is abolished. An American Tax Haven for businesses of all sorts would be immediately created by the passage of the Fair Tax, because no business would be paying any federal taxes of any kind in America. This would make America into an irresistible business magnet. That means American, Foreign and multi-national companies of all variety seeking to relocate operations into America. Which means jobs, of course. Lots and lots and lots of jobs. And lots and lots and lots of government revenue. A State Tax Haven for businesses of all sorts would be immediately created by the first state to pass a state version of the Fair Tax, because no business would be paying any state taxes of any kind in that state. State legislators and governors need to study the Fair Tax to use as a model, and develop a state version that would similarly eliminate all existing state taxes, including property, estate, whatever kind of existing state tax, to eliminate them and replace them all with a state version of Fair Tax. Nobody in the state would fill out an annual state tax form ever again. Companies of all variety will seek to relocate to that state from other states to avoid state taxes elsewhere. Which means jobs, of course. Is it possible that there could be a state in America where no business and no person would ever pay any state taxes other than at the cash register, or annually file any federal or state tax forms at all? Yep. The first state to do it will touch off a fierce competition among states for both business and population. A Local Tax Haven for businesses of all sorts would be immediately created by the first Locality to pass a local version of the Fair Tax, because no business would be paying any local taxes of any kind in that locality. Mayors, city councils or county taxing authorities need to study the Fair Tax to use as a model, and develop a local version that would similarly eliminate all existing local taxes, including property, estate, whatever kind of existing local tax, to eliminate them and replace them all with a local version of Fair Tax. Nobody in the locality would fill out an annual local tax form ever again. Companies of all variety will seek to relocate to that locality from other localities to avoid local taxes elsewhere. Which means jobs, of course. Is it possible that there could be a place in America where no business and no person would ever pay federal, state or local taxes other than at the cash register, or annually file any federal, state or local tax forms at all? Yep. The first locality to do it will touch off a fierce competition among localities for both business and population. I urge you to use the Fair Tax Revolution page as a starting-point and dig deeper into the whole design of the Fair Tax, if you haven’t done it yet. This tax would immediately and single-handedly return solvency to dangerously under funded and insolvent programs such as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA, etc. These programs would now be fully funded. It radically out-performs every conceivable taxing method ever dreamed up, including VAT (Value-Added), Flat-Tax, or any other form of taxation, alone or in combination. And, unlike them, it replaces all other forms of taxation and eliminates the need to file annually, and it eliminates the government’s interest in your personal income. It virtually eliminates the IRS, with the exception of bookkeepers, and the need to keep track of citizen’s filings for their monthly Prebate checks from the government. The behemoth current 70,000 + page federal tax code would hit the dust bin of history, no individual and no business entity in America would ever file income tax statements again, and something like 95% of the IRS would be permanently shut down. And – can you spell ECONOMIC BOOM? Repeal of Amendment XVI, the Income Tax Amendment, is required for the Fair Tax Tax to work. (See the American Constitution page for the 16th Amendment wording.) If the income tax is not repealed, Fair Tax would just become another tax among the pantheon of taxes now used by an increasingly corrupt taxing authority, and nothing would have been gained. We would still be in economic trouble, and more taxed than ever before. Wording of the Fair Tax bill and the Amendment Repeal effort make them co-dependent on each other’s enactment before becoming law. All Republican candidates for office should be scrutinized for their support for the Fair Tax and for repeal of the 16th Amendment. It is one of the top three items on everybody’s mind at any Tea Party / Patriot meeting; if you mention tax reform at any meeting, within about one minute the whole discussion will be dominated by the Fair Tax or parts of it. Everybody who takes the time to learn about it and understand it wants it. The whole idea of tax is to raise revenue for the legitimate constitutional purposes of government, as spelled out in the Constitution. Not to support the people. Not to feed the people. Not to shelter the people. Not to medically treat the people. Not to educate the people. Not to modify the behavior of the people. Not to control the people, or to control the behavior of any corporate entity. Not to punish or reward behavior of people or other taxable entities. There should be no government expenditure greater than that of national defense and border security. The job of government is to secure our blessings, including life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That means freedom of opportunity. Opportunity to succeed necessarily means opportunity to fail, but here’s the rub: when you have lots and lots of opportunity, you can afford to fail lots of times; you will eventually find your niche, be it your own business or a good satisfying job in someone else’s business. Getting back to American constitutionalism necessarily means eliminating multiple huge departments and bureaucracies that have grown up to control us and defeat the Constitution, and reapportioning their budgets most appropriately. Like paying off debt. That means radically cutting government spending on the unnecessary and the unconstitutional. The biggest stumbling block to regaining American independence and getting out of the economic hole the Democrats have dug us into is the graduated and progressive income tax. It’s day is past. It’s time to repeal it. That’s my opinion. What’s yours? A little more food for thought: “2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.” –Communist Manifesto. Respond to this article at the link below : This article and comments may be found on the web site at the link below: Visit Vic Biorseth on FaceBook at the link below: |
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