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Confirming Culture=Religion+Politics
Cliff Kincaid, Wednesday, March 09, 2022
Russia’s role in world Communist revolution figures prominently in the Fatima revelations about Russia becoming a source of “errors” throughout the world, leading to catastrophic loss of life. The Catholic view is that the Virgin Mary appeared to the children at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917 and requested the consecration of Russia through a special religious ceremony. It never happened. As a result, some are saying that the assassination of former KGB Colonel Vladimir Putin, the president of Russia, may be the only viable option to save the world and tens of millions of lives.
Putin runs a dictatorship that kills people at home and abroad using poisons and high-tech weapons. Legal analyst Jeffrey Scott Shapiro appeared on my TV show to discuss the verdict in the case of the assassination of Russian FSB agent Alexander Litvinenko, as well as the Russian shoot-down of Malaysian Airline Flight 17, killing 298 people.
Litvinenko was murdered most likely because he exposed KGB training of al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, who is still alive and running the terror group, which spawned ISIS. He ran al Qaeda’s biological weapons program.
A poison or nerve agent known as Novichok was implicated in the attempted murder of Russian ex-spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in Britain, and the poisoning of Russian opposition politician Alexei Navalny.
Despite reports of brave resistance, Ukraine is lost. Geopolitical analyst J.R. Nyquist appeared on my show to discuss Putin's next moves, including nuclear threats, the neutralization of Germany, destruction of NATO, and the invasion of more ex-Soviet republics. Meanwhile, South Korea is facing an invasion while Israel is vulnerable to a surprise Iranian nuclear attack backed by Russia.
Significantly, Dr. Paul Kengor’s book, A Pope and a President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Extraordinary Untold Story of the 20th Century, documents how, on the anniversary of Fatima, the Soviets carried out the May 13, 1981, attempted assassination of anti-communist Pope John Paul II of Poland, an anti-communist country now receiving thousands of refugees from Russia’s war on Ukraine.
Israel is another country receiving Jews and Christians and others fleeing the country.
While the population of Ukraine is overwhelmingly Orthodox, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church are separate from Moscow’s Russian Orthodox Church, labeled by former KGB officer Konstantin Preobrazhensky as “Putin’s Espionage Church.” He devotes a major portion of his book, KGB/FSB’s New Trojan Horse, to the topic.
Importantly, Ukrainian Catholic Bishops have called for the consecration of Russia, “as requested” by the Fatima revelations.
Sister Lucia, one of the children at Fatima and witness to the miracles, was reportedly asked about the spread of communism, the “errors” of Russia, and replied that it would include America.
Of course, the spread of communism to every nation is self-evident. The issue is how it is spread and by whom, and how to defeat it.
As we battle socialism and communism here at home, even recognizing the spiritual dimensions of this crisis, we also have to recognize its advance abroad, though such regimes as China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and Cuba.
Conservatives in particular have been special targets of Russian propaganda for years.
In 2014, on the occasion of the first Russian invasion of Ukraine, one of Putin’s allies, Alexey Komov, made an appearance in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday at a National Press Club news conference and blamed Wall Street bankers for funding the communist Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917. The comments echoed incendiary claims on anti-Semitic websites that Jewish bankers were behind Russian communism.
Russia was now turning to God under Vladimir Putin, he claimed.
For his part, Putin has directly blamed the Jews for the Soviet communism that he once served as a KGB officer.
I noted at the time the absurd spectacle that Putin, who is divorced and said to have a mistress, was presenting himself as a defender of the Christian faith and Christian values. He was counting on conservatives to ignore the fact that he was a Soviet KGB officer and ran its successor, the FSB. One of the main specialties of the Soviet/Russian intelligence services is propaganda and disinformation.
Komov at the time was organizing a Moscow conference sponsored by the World Congress of Families, a pro-family coalition that included several high-profile American conservative organizations. In a video I recorded, Komov described the rise of the “Russian Right,” a careful KGB deception that continues to deceive American conservatives to this day.
Russia’s other gamble -- that Ukraine would fall into Putin’s grip through subversion – backfired spectacularly.
Putin’s puppet, Viktor Yanukovych, had won the election as president of Ukraine in 2010 by promising close ties to the West -- but he secretly negotiated a deal to bring the former Soviet republic back into Moscow’s sphere of influence. The Maidan Square demonstrators in 2013 forced this Kremlin puppet to flee, and dozens of spontaneous demonstrations around Ukraine knocked down dozens of Lenin statues. This made Ukraine a special Russian target and an example to the world of what a real anti-communist revolution could accomplish.
Yet, American “conservative” commentators such as Steve Bannon portray the overthrow of Yanukovych as something engineered, apparently by the CIA, in a so-called “color revolution.”
If this was the case, the CIA deserves credit. But, in fact, it was a legitimate people’s revolution that Putin viewed as threatening regime change in Moscow.
In their joint statement at the Chinese-sponsored Olympics, Putin and Chinese dictator Xi issued a statement denouncing “color revolutions.” As the Russian news agency TASS put it, “Russia and China intend to counter the interference of external forces in the internal affairs of other countries and oppose color revolutions…”
This from an axis of evil born in the Russia revolution of 1917!
Fear of regime change in Moscow is the main reason why Russia invaded Ukraine, first in 2014 and now. It has nothing to do with NATO. It has everything to do with salvaging Russian subversion of a major country in Europe, a former Soviet republic.
Contrary to public reports, Putin is not deranged. He is a dedicated communist who is using “conservatives” in the West to make his conquest of Ukraine, a mostly Christian nation with a Jewish president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, easier to swallow. The effects of this propaganda campaign continue to be felt.
Consider Lauren Witzke, the Delaware GOP’s candidate for Senate in 2020, who attended a recent “America First” conference and says Putin presides over a “Christian nationalist nation.” She explains, “Russia is a Christian nationalist nation. They’re actually Russian Orthodox... I identify more with Putin’s Christian values than I do with Joe Biden.”
While Biden poses as a Catholic and violates Catholic teachings, the Russian Orthodox Church has been dominated by Putin’s old KGB comrades and continues to serve the interests of the Kremlin.
Despite my best educational efforts, including through publishing the 2014 book on Russia, Back from the Dead: The Return of the Evil Empire, misinformation in the conservative media is still at epidemic proportions. “He (Putin) seemingly is a devoted Christian and, even more important, he doesn’t want Russia to become part of the globalist conspirator’s beloved New World Order,” claims a self-described Cuban-born American writer who reaches a conservative audience.
Similarly, a column by “conservative” Linda Goudsmit insists the conflict between Russia and Ukraine is part of some globalist plot, not understanding that Putin is the real globalist, and that Ukraine was experiencing an anti-communist revolution that challenges not only the Moscow regime but the communist dictatorship in Beijing.
As Tucker Carson admittedly has come under NSA surveillance for his contacts with Russians, John Hanick, an American citizen and former Fox News producer, has now been charged with violations of United States sanctions and false statements in connection with allegedly funding Russian television networks for the Russian Orthodox businessman Konstantin Malofeyev.
Joe Kent, a Republican congressional candidate in Washington State, was on Tucker Carlson’s show to say the U.S. should appease Putin by taking possible NATO membership for Ukraine “off the table.” He claims to have Trump’s endorsement.
Such a stance risks making Republicans look like pawns of the Russian dictator as he engineers what former President Trump calls a “holocaust” in Ukraine. Trump said, “We’re watching a holocaust. We're watching something that I've never seen before.”
*Cliff Kincaid is president of America’s Survival, Inc.
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Date: Wed Mar 09 2022
From: Vic Biorseth
To those who fear that helping Ukraine against the Russian invasion will incite Putin to invade them next, or strike them somehow as he has threatened - What makes anyone think he won't do that anyway?
Not taking action against a threat only grows the threat. Always. Every time anyone fails to act because the potential consequence are too horrible to contemplate, the potential consequences become more horrible than they were before they once again failed to act.
Every time.
Date: Wed Mar 09 15:04:13 2022
From: Pidlubniak
Location: Ukraine
"Ukraine is lost" - nope, it ain't. Russian army's a colossus with a feet of clay. Don't people remember the armchair "experts" who said "prepare 250,000 coffins for Americans, because Iraq Elite Republican Guard are fearsome". And when the fighting started and the West saw how the "colossus" had the feet of clay and the malnourished "Elite Republican Guard" surrendered to British reporters? Them half-a-trillion dollars that went into Russian "army modernization" during Putin's 30-year dictatorship all got pocketed by greedy and cronyist generals and officials - expensive cars, villas, spots for their children in Western private schools and universities, offshore accounts... And now, in Telegram (ironically, the invention of Pavel Durov, chased out of Russia for his anti-government views and refusal to subject his companies for more government control and censorships), we see the truth. How'd you like to see Russian army rations that were made in 2013 and expired in 2015 yet are still issued? How about APC's that begun to break down before they even got out of Russia? How about terrified, fresh conscripts that had to beg for food and petrol from Ukrainians (they got taken into POW custody for that, but that bit of news still made the rounds around here) and who realize just how far they're in over their heads once they saw the utterly disproportionate casualties Ukraine's inflicting on them? America and Europe are pissing themselves over nothing. If little Chechnya could kick Soviet-Russian army in the nuts, why can't Ukraine - which had all the time from 2014 to build a supremely trained and, most importantly, motivated fighting force now numbering in hundreds of thousands? We're the second-largest army in Europe - and judging how the Russian army (which FAILED to accomplish a single big strategic objective so far and lost more troops in the first 2 days then in all their years in Syria) fares against ours, we're confident that we're the strongest. The fact that Putin has ordered to put the hypersonic rockets into standby just reveals his desperation - I believe the photo with Valery Gerasimov's (inventor of Russian hybrid warfare doctrine/Gerasimov doctrine - who is also the real power behind Russian war operations, with Sergei Shoigu (minister of defence) being a glorified prop, a wedding general) comical expression when Putin ordered the nuclear warheads to be put on alert made the rounds on the Internet. And I don't get the infatuation the American conservatives have with Putin either - how'd they miss what Putin's agents did to Khodorkovsky (his company was taken and he was imprisoned), to Nemtsov (shot at hair's breath from Kremlin), to Navalny (poisoned by Novichok)?
Date: Wed Mar 09 17:11:00 2022
From: Eric Borgman
Location: Westwood, MA
Keep up the good work!
Russia has always been good at getting out their propaganda and spreading it. Everything from "Hitler's Pope" to J. Edgar Hoover dressing up like a woman. I suspect the moon landing being labeled fake is also more of their commie garbage too.
These gullible so-called conservatives should be ashamed of themselves! It's nice to see you guys posting sensible articles and getting the truth out. Mark Levin is right on target too concerning Ukraine and Russia.
Date: Wed Mar 09 19:55:13 2022
From: Miss Fitte
Email: private
Location: private
It is truly blspahemous for Kincaid to exploit Our Lady of Fatima for political gain. His rhetoric is peppered with lies and seductive half-truths that, instead of promulgating the Truth that will bring about peace, galvanize the hideous evils of the globalist elite.
Kincaid is controlled oppostion and anything of merit he delivers from time to time inevitably is negated by something as heinous as what he dishes up here which is utterly disgraceful.
And back at Eric Borgman: Mark Levin is a globalist who is trying to overthrow our Republic for his corrupt special interests.
Date: Wed Mar 09 2022
From: Vic Biorseth
Miss Fitte:
Kincaid is no politician, Levin is no globalist and you sound a little screwy to me.
Date: Wed Mar 16 01:21:30 2022
From: Eric Borgman
Location: Westwood, USA
I thought that the consecration of Russia hadn't taken place too because of improperly consecrating the world instead of specifying Russia. However, I have since read that Sister Lúcia said that the consecration of John Paul the II was "accepted" by God. I have to defer to what she was "told" because after all she was the one getting the Heavenly messages in the first place. I assume that the Fall of the USSR was the direct response of that consecration. And maybe Putin's actions will eventually prove unsuccessful. Just think what might have been avoided had Russia been consecrated correctly right after the request was made.
Date: Wed Mar 16 2022
From: Vic Biorseth
It appears that Francis, Vicar of Christ (and of Pachamama?) plans to consecrate Russia, AND UKRAINE, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, but NOT united with all his Bishops. See the Remnant article:
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