Formerly the Thinking Catholic Strategic Center
Confirming Culture=Religion+Politics
Vic Biorseth, Tuesday, July
05, 2016
Every day it just gets worse. Every conversation follows the form, "Woe is me, all is chaos." And every day the world is more chaotic. And the very ones causing the chaos behind the scenes continuously project the image that they are working hard to bring order out of the continuously and rapidly "evolving" and "progressing" situation.
They lie.
The principle inspiration for the development of Marxism was the stratagem of Machiavelli aimed at unseating a ruler and taking his throne. It required the adoption of the evil dictum, The Ends Justify The Means. But that dictum itself corrupts the practitioner, because once you apply it, it takes over, and takes control of the practitioner.
Once you use deceit and treachery to unseat power, and then assume that ill-gotten power, you must continue using deceit and treachery to keep it. You can never return to the previous state of things.
In fact, the deceit and treachery have to multiply, to cover past deceit and treachery, and to initiate action to assume more power, All Power, in increasing desperation lest the lies be found out by the citizenry before they are all absolutely dominated by force.
After all the abject failures of all the European Revolutions of the 1848 "Springtime of Revolution" following the publication of Marx's Communist Manifesto, Marxism turned more and more to the Hegelian Dialectic to incite chaos in a thousand "little" ways. Phony crisis after phony crisis piled on top of other phony crises, all seemingly unrelated, but all requiring government attention, expenditure of treasure, increases in taxes, centralizing of power, more laws, more "expert" regulating bureaucracies, massive growth of government, massive expense of government, and a steady migration of all political power from the people to the seats of government.
All for the "good" of the people. All with the "best" of intentions.
All with ever growing deceit, treachery, lawlessness and treason.
In the early 20th century multiple bombings and attempted assassinations by Anarchists and others, who, unknowingly, were for the most part typical Agent Provocateurs of Machiavellian-Marxist puppet-masters, brought about the closing of all immigration in America. American immigration was totally shut down from 1924 until 1965, so that those who were here had time to assimilate into American culture, and so that those who were here to do harm to America could be found out.
Millions were deported.
During the Truman administration, 3.4 million were mass-deported or left "voluntarily" under threat of forcible deportation. During the Eisenhower administration, another at least 2.1 Million were mass-deported in "Operation Wetback", or left "voluntarily" under threat of forcible deportation.
Normal, non-asylum seeking immigration remained closed until opened back up, wide and unrestricted, through the concerted efforts of anti-Constitution, pro-Marxism Senator Ted Kennedy in the 1965 Immigration Act, signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson.
And here we are.
America today may as well have no definable borders. Neither Political Party has any real problem with that. In fact, both Parties promote keeping the borders open, and granting immunity, and even full citizenship and voting rights, to anyone who just walks in. This is the first, probably the most glaringly obvious, and probably the most nationally destructive example of an absolutely lawless American Government. They actually advertise, in foreign lands, to get foreigners to illegally enter the United States and apply for food stamps and other "benefits".
And no one calls that treason.
It is not merely the failure of the President to perform his Constitutional duty to enforce standing law. It is the willful, direct violation of standing immigration law, by all three branches of government. Which is to say, by both Parties. They violate the law while publicly bloviating about how they want to fix "broken" immigration law. It is not broken. It is ignored; not by us, but by them. The perpetrators pretend to be the would be heroic fixers of the crisis. But in truth, they cause and manipulate the crisis for their own evil ends.
And that has become SOP, or Standard Operating Procedure.
We suffer the consequences; they gain more power.
I invite you to peruse Article One Section Eight of our Constitution, for the limited and enumerated powers of the Federal Government, listed here below:
Section. 8. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;
To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States;
To establish Post Offices and post Roads;
To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court;
To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations;
To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;
To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years;
To provide and maintain a Navy;
To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;
To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings; — And
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
[Note 1: These are the limited and enumerated legislative powers of the Congress. Nothing outside of this list may be addressed in federal law short of passing a Constitutional Amendment to do it.]
[Note 2: If it cannot be Constitutionally legislated into law, it cannot Constitutionally exist in federal law. The Constitution nowhere grants the Congress the power to "delegate" any of it's exclusive legislative powers to any lesser body or bureaucracy that may exist or be brought into existence. Thus, no "regulation" may be issued to do that which the Congress is specifically prohibited from doing.]
[Note 3: No executive order or action of any kind by the President may establish any rule, regulation or law that the Congress is specifically prohibited from legislating.]
[Note 4: If it does not (and Constitutionally cannot) exist in legislated and signed federal law, the Supreme Court may not Constitutionally hear and adjudicate anything to do with it. The Supreme Court may only adjudicate cases involving existing federal law.]
[Note 5: To quote Article 1 Section 1: "All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives." The key word is "All". No exceptions. If it wasn't constitutionally legislated and signed into law, it is no law.]
This is the Constitutional "Scope" of federal government authority. If it isn't in there, the federal government has no Constitutional business addressing it, in legislation, enforcement or adjudication of law. The Rule of Subsidiarity applies. Everything not included in Article One Section Eight is a matter of State and/or Local legal jurisprudence.
Do you see Medical Practice, or Medicine, or Insurance, listed in Article One Section Eight?
That's funny, neither do I.
It would take a Constitutional Amendment to allow the federal government to legally address the practice of Medicine, or of Pharmacy, or of Medical Insurance.
What that means is that a majority of Congress, which passed Obamacare, the President who signed it, and a majority on the Supreme Court who adjudicated it, violated the Constitution and their own Oaths of Office to do it.
They broke the law. They committed a criminal act. The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the Land, they all swore an oath to uphold it, and then they all directly violated it.
Indicating that we had a majority lawless government over America.
But that's just for openers. Homosexuality isn't in there either, and neither is Marriage. So a majority on the Supreme Court, once again, committed a criminal act in even hearing the Homosexual Marriage case, let alone adjudicating it into a legal precedent which became new "law" without legislation by Congress or any representation of the people. A double crime.
Indicating that we have a lawless Supreme Court, in its majority.
And certainly not the first time, or even the second, or even the tenth.
I invite you to peruse Article One Section One of our Constitution, for the exclusive, sole authority to make new law:
Section. 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.
The key word there is the first word: "All". Only the duly elected and representative Congress legislates law. Congress Legislates, the President Executes, and the Court Adjudicates, and never are those Constitutional lines to be crossed.
The Constitution nowhere grants Congress the legal authority to "delegate" any of its legislative power to any other entity, such as a regulating bureaucracy. Nor does it grant the President the authority to just create such a regulating bureaucracy, to get around the Constitutional imperative in Article One Section One.
Do you see "Environment" among the items listed in Article One Section Eight? How about "Housing" or "Urban Development" or "Education"?
Then, why does the EPA even exist, or HUD, or ED? Or a blue million other ones listed among the Cut The Spending pages, and the Fixing America pages.
Short of any Constitutional Amendments authorizing them, most of our standing government bureaus are unconstitutional, illegal and, I would say, criminal enterprises. Unelected, unrepresentative, unaccountable bureaucrats, who for the most part report directly to the President, make unconstitutional "regulations" with full force of law behind them, fully supported by all three branches of government. New law, that has never been legislated.
In direct violation of the Constitution.
Every time the Supreme Court adjudicated any case involving "regulations" from any of these unconstitutional government entities, it violated the Constitution to do it. Just hearing the out-of-Constitutional-scope case, in and of itself, was a violation of the Constitution, regardless of how the adjudication went.
Every time an Alinskyite organized incident, or rally, or demonstration, riot or other event takes the public stage and brings a legal action, courts, all the way up to the Supreme Court, the court always seems to adjudicate the action in such a way as to establish or "confirm" a new "civil right". Whenever that new "right" applies across state lines, it violates the Constitution to do it.
Do you see contraception, or abortion, or homosexuality, or Gender Identity, etc., etc., etc., in Article One Section Eight?
Of course not.
So why does Obamacare insist that people have a "right" to not only contraception, but tax-payer funded contraception, alongside tax-payer funded abortion? And how is it now that all the nation now has to cater to homosexual events and celebrations, under force of law, or suffer legal consequences?
These "rights" are not in the Bill Of Rights, or in any other Amendment. I invite you to peruse the Tenth Amendment for whatever is left out of the Constitution because it is not applicable to the whole nation.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
This is the principle of subsidiarity. There is not and never was anything wrong with a state or locality passing laws against such things as contraception, abortion, homosexuality, fornication, adultery, cohabitation, or anything else not covered by the US Constitution. If the people in the locality want such laws, they should have them. If some citizens don't like it, they can vote with their feet, and move.
That is, after all, how such libertine localities as San Francisco, Las Vegas and Orlando came to be in the first place. Now, their abominable immorality is being forced upon the whole nation, against the will of the people. It is crystal clear that the Marxocrat Party loves, sponsors, champions and, quite illegally and unconstitutionally, imposes all of this blatant immorality on all of us, and calls it "Social Progress".
Toward what?
Toward the elimination of subsidiarity and the illegal imposition of evil.
All of this is against our human nature, of course, but that's the whole point of it. The whole devious purpose behind it is social chaos. The unease, disorder and chaos that prepares the ground for revolution. The more social chaos they cause the better, from their point of view.
Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, Madam Hillary, all the Marxocrat Party, most of the Republicrat Party and most of the Mainstream Media, loves, celebrates and supports every little bit of it. They savor it.
Global climate, proven world reserves of fossil fuels, global food production, human population, environmental concerns, endangered species lists, global water supplies, air, soil and water pollution, processed food versus "organic" food questions and myriad other global hoax subjects may not be found in Article One Section Eight.
See the Eco Nazi Movement page; you will find them there.
Man is not causing the global climate to change; we do not have to run for our lives. We are not running out of fossil fuels, and we are not polluting the planet unto its death; again, we do not have to run for our lives. There is no such thing as a population problem. There is no such thing as an HIV=AIDS=Death problem.
How much longer will it take for most Americans to recognize the simple fact that Marxists lie? All of these lies are intended to feed chaos.
They get us talking in circles, to where even when we win the argument, we were not arguing from the right position in the first place.
We get all exercised over Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, and Madam Hillary, and Comrade John Kerry, and other Marxocrats, refusing to utter the words "Radical Islamic Terrorists", and we are right to do so. They will not even associate the acts of war with the perpetrators of the war that is being waged against us.
They actually pretend, and would have us believe, that Islam has nothing to do with it.
A lie, of course. A lie pure and simple.
But here's the part we don't see, where we have been tricked.
It's not "radical", and it's not "terrorism". It's Jihad.
Jihad is Islamic. It's Islamic holy war, waged against us.
They've tricked us into parroting "Radical Islamic Terrorism" when in fact it is the normal religion and ideology and jurisprudence and governmental organization of Islam.
It's Islam. Pure and simple.
Jihad is all over the Koran, and cannot be removed. Jihad is irrevocable Islamic doctrine. You can't get around it. It's preached in every Mosque on earth.
The central dogma, the very purpose for being of Islam, is to subjugate the whole non-Islamic world. To force all the whole world to either convert, submit, or die.
There's nothing radical about it.
And we keep using the term "Radical Islamic Terrorism".
Maybe we just can't face the hard, cold reality of it.
The "Enlightened" re-writers of history like to describe the Middle Ages as the "Dark" ages. But they were not dark; they were full of human progress, led by the Catholic Church, of course. But that is a truism that "Enlightened" thinkers hate, of course.
During these "Dark Ages", the Church developed the Scientific Method and Empiricism, the Hospital, the modern Banking System, the University and elementary schools for the common people, charitable institutions of all sorts, and more.
"Enlightened" atheism produced nothing of the kind. In fact, it operated against all of this Church made progress.
It was "Enlightened" thinking that eventually abandoned the Scientific Method and brought us the new religion of Scientism, and Scientism's strictly faith-based sub-denominations of Darwinism, Freudianism and Marxism.
That's what they like to call Progress. Not Regress.
Now, we may argue the Chicken-Egg debate about whether Fr. Luther's revolt preceded the "Enlightenment", or the "Enlightenment" preceded Luther's revolt. Personally, I think the two movements - the Reformation and the Enlightenment - fed and complimented each other, and each contributed to the "new" thinking adversely affecting all of Western Civilization.
It brought about the Fracturing of Christianity, out of which emerged a smaller and weaker Catholic Church, with unchanged Gospel and unchanged Doctrine; the first Protestant Denominations; and ascendant Atheism, and even Secularism, which is an aggressive and even forceful proselytizing for atheism in culture.
Note well that the original Catholic Church remains the largest single religion on earth, and that her original doctrine remains unchanged and fully intact. That is a vitally important little fact.
Now, if you want to pursue the Endarkenment myths condemning the Catholic Church, I invite you to read The Inquisition Myth, The Galileo Inquisition, The Great Crusades, and other related pages you might find linked in the right column of those webpages. Once you abandon belief in God, you necessarily must abandon truth, which is an inducement to lie. Atheists lie, because they must lie; their position is untenable under examination by reason, pure logic or scientific empiricism. And the more they lie, the more they have to lie, and that is why they attack the opposition rather than prove their own misconceived or even fraudulent points. They cannot be proven.
So, they attack God, or belief in god, and they attack His Church.
Secularism and Scientism, which today virtually own the elites in academia, high society, government, news and entertainment, always insists that "we know so much more today" about everything than yesterday that we need to abandon all old social norms.
Every immorality pushed by the Marxocrat Party is celebrated by the elites. Chief among these immoralities is, of course abortion, and all sins sexual. Did I say "sins"? That's old hat; there's no such thing as sin any more. We are "liberated" from all that today. Because now we know so much more.
So, we see marriages declining as cohabitation rises, and the really smart people don't even cohabit; they just sleep around. After all, safe sex is in, religious taboos are out. Who needs to be tied down?
And so are families out, in the old sense of the word family. There are lots of bastard children, of course; some in cohabiting arrangements, and some not. Some adopted by homosexual pairs for awhile, until the next break-up. It's no big deal any more. The children will make their own choices when they grow up, and most likely, do the same or worse. And they will not teach their children morality, because they don't even know what that word means.
There is not one form of sexual immorality that the Marxocrat Party does not push upon the whole nation. Nor is there one form of sexual morality that is effectively defended, let alone promoted, by the Republicrat Party.
They even bless euthanasia.
What the "Modern" and "Enlightened" and "Progressive" elitists fail to recognize is their own slavery to their immoral behaviors, and the actual, real liberation of the practicing Christians, in their voluntary, happy slavery to Jesus Christ.
They cannot see it.
To live the virtuous life is to be free of the world's empty promises.
We see daily that the Marxocrat Party is above the law. The Clintons and the Obamas are coated with Teflon. No matter what they do, they will never be charged with anything or held accountable for any crime. So long as Obamunism and the Marxocrat Party owns the court system, including the Supreme Court; and so long as they own the FBI and the CIA and the Justice Department; and as long as the Republicrat Party acts in biparisan lockstep with their agenda, they can violate the Constitution and any other law with complete immunity, and they know it, and they do it.
The whole government is now so corrupt as to be a criminal enterprise.
It has been clear for many years now that the Marxocrat Party is Marxist to the core, and anti-American. A cursory examination of the life records of people like Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, and Madam Hillary, will show even a very poor scholar that they are evil conspirators of the Machiavellian variety, using Alinskyite and Hegelian tactics to "organize" and "infiltrate" the Constitutional American system out of existence.
They are almost there.
I knew Walter Cronkite was a traitor way back during the Vietnam War, but he wasn't as open and obvious about it as the President and Madam Hillary. At least he made an effort to hide his support for the Communists in Vietnam and his hatred for the American forces. But he, more than all his fellow anti-American comrades in the news media, was the one that really got the students out in the streets of America, so the war would be lost here, not over there, and American troops in a combat zone would have the rug pulled out from under them when a Marxocrat Congress suddenly cut their supplies, ammo and fuel.
Our current crop of Marxist Revolutionaries are a little more open about their own Marxism than Cronkite ever was. But not all of them. There is such a thing as a deep cover Machiavellian Marxist Revolutionary. The ones you would least expect, because they put on such a show of conservatism and patriotism.
I submit for your consideration the premise that the current Republicrat Party, in not stopping any of this, in not only not opposing it, but participating in passing some of it, has made itself a co-conspirator in our national demise.
The Republicrat Party, as a body, is just as much a criminal enterprise as the Marxocrat Party. They impeach no one; they resist only with their lips; they take no action to stop any of it; they even sponsor some of it (i.e., Comprehensive Immigration Reform, etc.). While it may be said that they are not Marxist, or at leas not as Marxist as the Marxocrat Party is, they are still anti-American, in that they are not doing their bound duty to uphold and defend the Constitution.
They, too, are liars.
It would not surprise me in the least if Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio were deep cover Machiavellian Marxist Revolutionaries, or Chief Justice John Roberts, for that matter. Now, I even wonder about James Comey.
Before you call me a wild conspiracy theorists, I remind you of the precarious position our Constitution is in at this moment. Being in a war, and virtually at bayonet point with the enemy, brings everything into sharp, clear focus, and it tends to make your task of identifying friends and foes be done in the most ruthlessly suspicious and ultra conservative way possible.
The battle is joined; there is no more time for analysis paralysis. Did the person ever break his word or his oath of office, or not. Yes or no. If the answer is yes, he is a domestic enemy, and that's that.
And I see almost no one above reproach in government today.
And that's the problem.
Corrupt politicians have rigged the system, so that only their kind rise.
Marxist educational disinformation and news propaganda, as well as Marxocrat Party lies, have recruited untold millions of die-hard voters, who will vote the straight down Marxocrat Pary line, no matter what.
They are lost; they cannot be reached.
But what about the rest of us?
We are being defeated by malaise. A feeling that there is nothing we can do about any of this. All we see is corruption, the corrupt elites have taken over, and it doesn't matter how we vote any more, or even if we vote at all.
We are not alone in this. The whole Western world is going thataway. The more Socialist any nation is, the more corrupt the government is, and all the people know it, and behave accordingly.
Russia is a good example. The "worker" in Russia is inspired not to produce, not to excel, but to see how much he can get away with and keep his job. How little he can do, how much he can get paid, what benefits he can get, what authority he can get. How much he can steal; how much he can slack off in his work; how much he can game the system for his own benefit. Everyone does it. Even the boss. Even the politburo. Even the various Commissars.
That, in microcosm, is what is happening to Western Man.
Fewer and fewer trust government; more and more are divorced from God.
The world is purposely being thrown into chaos by evil elites, because out of chaos rises opportunity for evil. The chastisement of Western Civilization has only begun. It is not possible to determine where the point of no return is, but it now looks like it may well be too late for Francestan and Germanistan to survive it in any recognizable way.
The UK still has a chance, but they will go nowhere without God.
What is happening over there is happening right here in America, and it is accelerating to warp speed to catch up with Europe. Chaos from all broken institutions, beginning with the Church and with the normative family, and ending with corrupt, criminal, anti-American and unconstitutional government.
They have wrestled our government away from our Constitution.
Bringing sanity and order back to life begins with recognition, at least, of the existence of God. And it grows with increased knowledge of God, culminating with the casting off of chaos in the return to the willing acceptance and full cooperation the Grace of God, and living in accordance with His will.
A return to the virtuous life, and a casting off of all vices.
The problem is, it has to happen one man at a time, and willingly, or not at all. What that means is that it has to begin with you.
Where does man go to find this Grace, and to learn the will of God?
To the most obvious place; to the original Church founded by Christ, which has kept His teachings absolutely unchanged for 2,000 years.
"But the Catholic Church has all those evil men in it!", you say. Well, ho hum, heavy sigh and here we go again. Look through Scripture at all the places that showed how the Apostles, including Peter, were far from perfect followers. And note well that Judas Iscariot, the great traitor, was one of them.
And, note again, that that's the same argument evil men use against America.
"But America has all those evil leaders, past and present!", they say. Well, ho hum, heavy sigh and here we go again. Show me the nation that has no corruption anywhere in the history of its leaders, if you can, and then compare any other government to ours.
The Constitution, not any imperfect man, is supposed to be our only sovereign leader, to whom we swear allegiance. All of us, government and people, are supposed to be equal under the Constitution.
It is our government that is corrupt; not our Constitution.
And it is the same with the Church. It is the Bishops, or many if not most of them, who are corrupt; not the Church Christ founded.
I see the finding or returning to Grace as a five step process.
Step One involves the return to reason, to recognition of objective truth, and to the inevitable realization of the existence of God. A humbling experience, in and of itself, for those who have been educated in the world.
Step Two involves a seeking after knowledge of God, learning as much as one can learn about Him, and learning of His actual presence on earth in the form of the Holy Eucharist.
Step Three involves becoming consciously aware of His actual presence in that little Tabernacle up in the front of the Church, near where a red sanctuary candle burns. This inner knowledge may come suddenly, or gradually. It is the sure knowledge that He is there.
Step Four involves the serious awakening to the fact that, not only are you aware of Him, but He is aware of you. He is as aware of you as you are of Him. Even more so. He knew you in your mother's womb.
Step Five involves the real awakening. This is the inner knowledge - the absolute certainty - that He is not only aware of you, but that he is patiently awaiting a response from you. That you must do something. He is looking at you, personally, and awaiting a response to the undeserved, unearned Grace He has given you.
And there you stand, or kneel.
He has more than proven His love for you; now He awaits your response. With that final realization, you know that everything changes.
You have to change the way you live your life. Everything about it.
And you have to teach the truth of it to your children, or to someone else. Once you step into the fullness of truth, you must never leave it. You must seek to spread it.
Make no mistake about it, our current government is Godless, populated for the most part by ungodly men. The exceptions are few, and overridden by the majority. How are we the people ever to return our government to be subservient to the Constitution, let alone God?
Granted, in this election season we have no perfect choices; but when have we ever had perfect choices?
On the one hand, Trump is a loose canon, unpredictable, and capable of becoming a tyrant of some sort. He may harm America in any of several ways. Note well the word may.
Whatever else he may be, he is not one who hates America, outright opposes the Constitution as a matter of driving ideology, or seeks to advance Marxism through devious Machiavellian political schemes.
That is a description of Madam Hillary, not of Trump. He may hurt us; she absolutely will hurt us.
Even now, as I write these words, his own Republicrat Party is scheming behind the scenes to find ways to steal his nomination from him at the Convention. This is behavior typical of any other corrupt government or criminal enterprise. Proving that the Republicrat Party, as a body, is just as criminal, if not Marxist, as is the Marxocrat Party.
I believe that Trump loves America, as much as any such man can love anything at all. He does not intend to do her any harm; quite the opposite.
While it may be argued that not voting at all is not a vote for Hillary, it may also be argued that not voting at all is not voting against Hillary. It increases her chance to win. It's one less vote against her.
As I see it, at this crucial point in American history, if Trump wins, we have a chance; if Hillary wins, we can look forward to national destruction. That is her ultimate Machiavellian goal.
Trump may be the tool needed to destroy the establishment, and he may be inclined to do it, since the establishment is so adamantly out to destroy him. If he does not restore full Constitutionality, he may move at least in that direction, by weakening if not destroying the Establishment.
Please vote for Trump. We The People have this one last choice.
When we get God right, everything else will fall into place. Order will rise out of chaos. Things will make sense again, or for the first time. God and disorder are opposites. God makes all things new again. He is the restorer of good order, and the destroyer of chaos.
We cannot properly weed out corruption from our own government unless and until we the people weed out corruption from ourselves.
I hope that you pray daily, at least. We are not going anywhere worth going without God, and we, as a people, have to get closer to Him in any and every way we can. There is a line, a simple prayer, that I have added to my morning offerings and my evening examination. I hope you will do the same. It is this:
I will cause your name to be celebrated in all generations;
therefore the peoples will praise you for ever and ever. --Ps 45:17
Teach that prayer to you children, and teach them to teach it to their children. You be the instrument of causing His name to be known in all generations. And pass it on.
It's important.
If we don't do it, it won't get done.
if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and
seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. --2 Chr 7:14
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Never be lukewarm.
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He who is indifferent to God has already forfeited his soul.
He who is indifferent to politics has already forfeited his liberty.
In America, religion is not mere window dressing and citizenship is not a spectator sport. Do not allow our common destiny as a whole people to just happen without your input.
Seek the Truth; find the Way; live the Life; please God, and live forever.
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Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and
Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in
thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life:
and few there are that find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in
the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Christ; Matthew 7:13–15
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"We belong to the Church militant; and She is militant because on earth the powers of darkness are ever restless to encompass Her destruction. Not only in the far-off centuries of the early Church, but down through the ages and in this our day, the enemies of God and Christian civilization make bold to attack the Creator's supreme dominion and sacrosanct human rights." --Pope Pius XII
"It is not lawful to take the things of others to give to the poor. It is a sin worthy of punishment, not an act deserving a reward, to give away what belongs to others." --St. Francis of Assisi
Truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.—Winston Churchill
The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.—Ayn Rand
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