Formerly the Thinking Catholic Strategic Center
Confirming Culture=Religion+Politics
Vic Biorseth, Tuesday,
September 13, 2016
"You break it, you bought it!" says the stern look on the face of the shopkeeper as you handle his costly but fragile items for sale. Which is only right, after all, because it's his business. Most Americans may be blithely unaware of the fact that our nation's actual earliest motto was "Mind Your Business." And that didn't mean, solely, to keep your nose out of other people's business. It meant to mind yours.
To be constantly attentive, prudent and frugal in your affairs. Maybe you don't consider yourself to be "in business", but if you are an American, you are supposed to be in your own business. That doesn't mean you've started some kind of company. It means that every household has a budget, some income, some needs, some contributors, and some necessary costs. That is your business, and every member of the household has a personal interest in that business, and every household has a head-of-household. Even if you're a loner, you had better pay close attention to your budget. That's your business.
In early America, you were on your own. You made your own way. And that was the "draw". It was the irresistible attraction that drew new citizens from all over Europe, because everywhere else, your business was the State's business, and everyone served a crowned head or a noble, first, before tending his own business. And what was his was not necessarily what was his. His business was the State's business, first.
Only being self-dependent and self-reliant translates into true Liberty.
Since the Roman Empire, at least, Religion provides Social Morality: the personal, internal, voluntary social norms and behavioral controls for man. And Politics provides an external Social Ideology that produces the legal system of Civil Jurisprudence. When predominant Religious Morality and the ruling Political Ideology are compatible, the result is happy, stable, strong human culture. When predominant Religious Morality and the ruling Political Ideology are at odds, there is cultural unhappiness, instability and disharmony potentially to the point of Civil War, or inability to defend against either Internal Coup or Outside Conquest.
That was the state of affairs in America before she allowed Political Parties to come into being, and her Political Parties wrested political and legal control of the nation away from the Constitution. The whole unconstitutional process is described among the Political Parties Pages.
The original Parties were born of factions that coalesced into formal, organized Parties over the Slavery issue. The problem is, after the Civil War when the question was settled, the Parties did not disband and disappear, since they no longer had any purpose for being. Both the losing and the winning Party grew, and "evolved" different agendas and political aims.
And the chief aim, for both Parties, became the usurpation of raw Political Power from each other, from the Constitution and from the People. To give Government a new purpose: To Rule. Politics became a lucrative profession, and building the power of the Party became a near obsession, on both sides. Until today, when almost everything the American government does is outside the Constitutional rules of operation for the American government.
Parties are not supposed to run the Government; Government is not supposed to rule. The Constitution is supposed to rule, and the government is supposed to be subject to it, as are the people. That's why elected officers of the government swear an oath of allegiance to the Constitution before assuming office. Even the President is supposed to stand equal to the lowest citizen before the Supreme Law of the Land, which is the Constitution.
What's supposed to be and what is are now two entirely different things.
What we have now is a "system" that is universally accepted as "the way things work" in America. It's how stuff gets done, and it is now, rightly or wrongly, considered to be the norm; the "American Way".
That is the system that needs to be broken, and it will not be broken without resistance from all quarters, and it will not be broken without very serious consequences, both good and bad. Hopefully the good will outweigh the bad, but none of this "breakage" is going to come without cost, nor will it all come without the strong possibility even of major bloodshed. Feelings are that strong. The "Party System" is solidly established; the Constitution is very nearly forgotten.
The question is this: Is America ever to return to being a Constitutional Republic, as designed, or not? That is a yes or no question. Marxist, Islamic and all other Globalist Ideologies say no. American Constitutional Ideology says yes. For those non-ideologues, who never thought about it, or who never developed any political ideology, Simple Common Sense says that we, and the whole world, would be better off if America were operating under the American Constitution as ratified than under any other system ever tried. But we will never get there without breaking the Party System and everything related to it, and outlawing Political Parties.
So, we need to take a deep breath and consider the consequences of all of the required, "Breakings", one a a time, and each of us needs to make a decision about it.
Anti-American Political Parties.
Breaking the Parties: What happens when we take the Political Parties out of governmental existence, and break the "Crony" relationship between the Party-Donor Ruling Class and the Political Parties themselves, and the actual running of the American government?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American News Media.
Breaking the Media: There are only three branches of government, and the Media is not one of them. The Media is not any part of the Constitutional government. So, what happens when we take the News Media essentially out of governmental existence, and break the "Crony" relationship between Big Media companies and the whole Field of Journalism, and the actual running of the American Government?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Graduated Income/Private Property Tax.
Breaking Taxation: What happens when we put the Fair tax on the Fast Track and suddenly, overnight, eliminate the Income Tax, the Inheritance Tax, Property Tax, and every other form of tax except for a retail sales tax, paid at the cash register?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Regulating Authority.
Breaking Regulation: What happens when we begin shutting down gigantic federal agencies and bureaucracies and firing untold millions of government drones and petty bureaucrats? Will the earth die for lack of bureaucratic control? Will farmers be able to farm on their own, and will other businesses be able to run themselves without government regulation? Will America cease to function due to lack of government expertise on everything?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Cultural Dissimilation.
Breaking Dissimilation: What happens when native born Americans wake up to the fact that,
Thomas Sowell pointed out in "Ethnic America" the astounding fact that American blacks of slave ancestry are the only ethnic group in America that has never fully assimilated, and that is being kept from full assimilation, not by honest history, but by false indoctrination and persistent political agitation. That evil political agitation has been so successful that this population, almost totally and quite consistently, massively votes to support the very Political Party that originally enslaved them, caused the Civil War, and fought for many, many generations to keep them down.
America was never racist. The Marxocrat Party alone was racist.
American native-born blacks simply don't know that, in their majority.
The Marxocrat Party and it's Crony donor-owners like George Soros are seeking the destruction of Constitutional America while promoting Suicidal Diversity with a social happy-face on it, and surreptitiously promoting Class Warfare under the guise of Social Justice.
No one in government is stopping any of this. The Republicrat Party is "Conservative" in name only. They have gone along with and cooperated with every bit of the social destruction of Obamunism, and there is no reason to assume they will not oppose a President Trump, or anyone else who tries to shut the borders and enforce existing immigration law.
Public statements and political speeches aside, both "Establishment" Parties fully cooperate to keep our borders open, grant amnesty and eventual citizenship to all illegal intruders, eliminate American national sovereignty and defeat Donald Trump. That is what they are all doing, with near full support of academia and news media.
Just as they have supported Obamunism in everything it has done, the Republicrat Party may be expected to support Madam Hillary in everything she does, and they may be expected to continue to oppose Trump just as ferociously as they are opposing him now. Obviously, they are in on the sedition, while pretending to oppose it.
They are not "Conservative"; they exist to exist, and to hold and grow government power, and to maintain their valued membership status in the high society Establishment Club. They, too, are anti-American, the people know it, more and more are becoming aware of it, and that's why the Trump campaign is inexorably gaining ground.
What we're talking about here is, after all, sedition. Both citizens and foreigners are committing sedition here, with full government support.
Members of the government and rioters in the streets are committing
sedition. Both ends against the middle. Everyone who is reading this
ought to take the time to look up the word Sedition, and learn or
refresh that definition in your mind. Because the meaning of the word
is now completely lost on everyone working on Capital Hill.
Let's just look at the Smith Act of 1940, the section about conspiracy, and the section about the act itself:
§2384. Seditious conspiracy
If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.
§ 2385: Advocating overthrow of Government
Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or
Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or
Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.
As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.
This law was, once upon a time, applied against Marxists in America, but, no more. Marxism now owns the Marxocrat Party and has made serious inroads into the Republicrat Party. Through Cultural Marxism, Ideological Marxism has now weaseled its way into the collective American psyche to such a degree that Marxism is now considered to be just another harmless political opinion, despite its unchanged violent intentions toward America and the rest of the world.
At this level of politics, at this stage in our national destruction, saying "I disagree with what you say but will defend to the death your right to say it" is tantamount to saying "I disagree with your intent to behead me, rape and enslave my wife and crucify my children, but I will defend to the death your right to accomplish it." We are, quite stupidly, allowing our own mortal enemies, who shouldn't even be here, to twist our national principle of Freedom of Speech into a national suicide pact. And to twist it to speak against America and the majority only, as per the new government imposed social rules of Political Correctness.
The Smith Act should be applied against Islam, as well as against Marxism, not so much for its religious claims as for its violent words, intent and instructions to its disciples, inciting harm, murder and mayhem against all unbelievers. Mohammed's Koran is every bit as violently opposed to the very existence of America as is Marx's Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital. The seditious words are right there for the reading. Like Marxism, Islam's very purpose for being is to conquer the world by force.
But that's just for openers. What about the increasing population of native dissident groups created by the Marxocrat Party program to Divide and Conquer America, the Alinskyite organizations and all the purposely invented "disenfranchised" and "aggrieved" groups who hate America, or white people, or Christianity, or men, or heterosexuals, or normal families?
Don't look now, but all of that is Sedition. It is criminal activity.
The Smith Act should be updated to add a "banishment" clause to the punishment. Anyone convicted of sedition, besides any prison sentence, should have their American citizenship and voting rights revoked, and have their names added to a Persona Non Grata list, so that if they ever leave the country for any reason, they will never be allowed to return.
So what happens when a new President or a new Congress actually learns or relearns what the word Sedition actually means, and begins to put a stop to all this unconstitutional, illegal, seditious and treasonous nonsense?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Obamacare.
Breaking Obamacare: If one single blatantly unconstitutional law could be the linchpin upon which revival of Constitutional Supremacy in American law swings, it is Obamacare.
The whole Obamacare bill was Constitutionally out-of-scope to begin with, since neither medical practice, nor pharmacy, nor any kind of insurance may be found among the Article 1 Section 8 "limited and enumerated powers" of the federal government. That makes it strictly a matter of state and lower jurisdiction, not federal.
It was unconstitutional when it was first conceived, even before it was ever written, let alone passed, let alone signed, let alone adjudicated. Which shows how out-of-touch with their own Constitution are all three branches of federal government, and both Political Parties, who are actually running the federal government completely outside the rules, limitations and constraints of the Constitutional anyway. It's the Political Parties that took America off the Constitutional rails.
All that is needed to prove these statements is the ability to read.
Federal government officials of all three branches who supported and did not oppose Obamacare are either guilty of criminal malfeasance in office, or they are malicious traitors against Constitutional America. Which is to say, stupid, or evil; one or the other. In either case, unfit for office.
So what happens when a new President and/or a new Congress decides to return to rule by Constitution, get rid of all that is unconstitutional, and in the process simply declares all of Obamacare to be null, void, no law and dead?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Public (Government) Education.
Breaking Public Education: What happens when the American Citizenry wakes up to the fact that public (government controlled) education is loaded down with Marxist Disinformation, Indoctrination and Propaganda which is aimed against America, against Christianity, against the normative family, against private property and free markets, against men, against white people, against Nature, against sovereign nations, against liberty, and in favor of Scientism, Socialism and Globalism?
We're talking all levels of education here, from Kindergarten through advanced university degrees. For proof you need look no further than Madam Hillary's college thesis, written on the Marxist thug Saul Alinsky and his master-plan to take down American institutions, and ultimately America herself, from the inside, through "organization", deception, treachery and deceit. She learned all that in school.
If anyone in American politics today is more Alinskyite than Comrade President Obama (peace be upon him) it would be Madam Hillary. Alinsky deceit and treachery forms the core of her political ideology. She is the proud product of American Academe, and her unique ability to mesmerize, organize and incite Marxism's Useful Idiots and the typical Marxocrat Moron Vote to social and political action is the main reason she heads the Marxocrat Party today. I mean besides being married to Billary.
The Marxocrat Party, through Alinsky deception, creates, feeds, grows, incites and agitates various minority groups into "aggrieved" and "disenfranchised" and "discriminated against" and angered organizations, whose anger is directed at America, white people, Christians, men, heterosexuals, Republicrats, all social institutions, the majority and the status quo.
It all begins in kindergarten.
The plan is to either grow the number and size of enraged minorities and unite them all into a "Big Tent" majority vote, or, to incidentally and "accidentally" set the nation aflame with chaos and disorder, ripe for a Machiavellian crack down. All of the Divide and Conquer groups are Marxist educational inventions, fed, grown, agitated and enraged by the Marxocrat Party politics. No exceptions.
Formal education is where journalists learn journalism, writers learn to write, politicians learn politics, historians learn history, scientist learn science, etc., etc., etc. Marxists of all varieties know this, and that's why education is their first target.
Education is a weapon whose effects depend on who holds it in his hands and at whom it is aimed. --Joseph Stalin
Print is the sharpest and the strongest weapon of our party. --Joseph Stalin
Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted" --Vladimir I Lenin
One of the major principles is that Soviet literature must be inseverably linked with the policy of the Communist party. --Nikita Khrushchev
"Give us the child for 8 years and it will be a Bolshevik forever" --Vladimir I Lenin
We must make no secret of the fact that we are a revolutionary party, prepared to give leadership on the streets as well as in the elected chambers & that we are out for a revolutionary state" --Seamus Costello
The writer is the engineer of the human soul. --Joseph Stalin
The press is our chief ideological weapon. --Nikita Khrushchev
How fortunate for governments that the people they administer don't think. --Adolph Hitler
"In our country, the lie has become not just a moral category but a pillar of the State." --Alexander Solzhenitsyn
By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise. --Adolph Hitler
So what happens when a new President and/or a new Congress wakes up to the value of the Constitution as Supreme Law of the Land, recognizes the out-of-constitutional-scope nature of the Department of Education, and just shuts it down, and shuts off all federal funding of public education by simple declaration of unconstitutionality?
The Good:
At the formative (K-12) levl:
At the advanced college and university level:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Culture Rot.
Breaking Culture Rot: What happens when (and if) We The People suddenly one day wake up to the folly of our own unlimited mercy, our own super-toleration and our own progressive compromising with evil that brought degenerate and decadent human behavior to prominence and dominance over the whole of our formerly Christian American Culture? Will we be strong enough to reverse the trend, and begin "uncompromising" and doing the necessary dividing to return America to simple sanity, let alone back to a decent and admirable human culture?
The original and enduring American Cultural Ethos, or common way of life, is guided by the Judaeo-Christian Ethos. The predominant national religion is "General Christianity", which includes the combination of Protestantism, Catholicism and Orthodoxy. Judaism is the only non-Christian religion that shares this general civil moral code. American cultural morality stems from the basic tenets of these religious confessions, despite their varied theologies. The Declaration and the Constitution declared and reinforced Natural Law rights of man, recognized the Divine Author of Nature and established a Supreme Law (the Constitution) to protect those Natural Law rights from government. This makes government representative of the People and makes the government and the people equally subservient to the same Supreme Civil Law. The Constitution itself is the only sovereign ruler; both the government and the people obey the Constitution. Thus, by design, American government is supposed to support, reinforce and never oppose the Natural Law American Cultural Morality in civil jurisprudence and governance, while leaving the specific Christian confessional theologies strictly alone. The Principle of Subsidiarity allows the Sovereign States, lower jurisdictions and citizens to address all matters that are outside the limited and enumerated Constitutional powers of the Federal Government, so long as the core Constitution is not violated.
Let me put it this way: If we do not change course, American culture is doomed, and the nation, and all the high ideals of Constitutional America, are doomed with it. Constitutional America is absolutely irreplaceable. So we have to ask ourselves if it is worth the ugly and nasty super-divisive efforts it will take to save it, and make our decision, one way or the other. It is a time of dividing, or of going under.
Despite the flagrant, categorical lies of the Obama Regime, Madam Hillary, the Marxocrat Party and their wholly owned academia and news media, Islam had absolutely no part in America's history. Islam had no part in the founding of America, the development of the American ideology, the framing and ratifying of her Constitution, or her ongoing history, outside of our first war with the Islamic Barbary Pirates and our current ongoing internal and external episodes of murderous Islamic Jihad.
Whenever you hear the term "Radical Islamic Terrorism" you should replace that term in your mind with "Murderous Islamc Jihad" because that is a more precise term. The only truly "radical" Moslems are those who do not do what Islam says to do, which is, to wage eternal Jihad against the whole unbelieving world. The Koran says so in no uncertain terms.
America came to be as a Christian nation, and nothing else. Here are the original official Colonial denominations of Christianity:
Rhode Island |
Baptist |
For openers, our first Colony of Massachusetts became about as theocratic as what that Colony's founders had been lead to escape in Europe. You had to be Congregational before you could hold any political office, or vote; and everyone was legally required to pay tithes to the Congregational Church. In fact, when Jesuits appeared, the Congregational population was so afraid that Catholicism would come to dominate the Colony, that they passed an edict giving Catholics three days to vacate the Colony, under pain of death.
This fierce denominational-ism softened over the years as the Colonies prospered and hordes of mixed-denomination Christians, including Catholics, kept pouring into all of the Colonies. As a matter of practicality, they had to become less and less theocratic when the official denomination was outnumbered by members of other denomination.
It was the Baptists who more or less lead the way toward the initial idea of "freedom of religion" in early America. They had this doctrine of free will, which made natural sense, and they became "trouble-makers" in multiple Colonies by refusing to pay tithes to official Churches and so forth. They, and the Methodists, who shared that doctrine, were the up-and-coming, growing denominations that eventually became a political force to be reckoned with, everywhere.
Free will, freedom of conscience and the requirement to voluntarily cooperate with the unmerited grace that is given, and the ability to reject it, was always present in Christian doctrine. It had been submerged in social consciousness during and after the Reformation Wars in Europe, out of which emerged Luther's rigid combination of Church and State, in which the crowned heads of domains became the ruthless dictators of religion in their domains. Nobility often forced the religion of the domain on the people under pain of death. Thus, this early American "reawakening" of man's Free Will that helped form early American ideology had an affect on the ongoing development of the preexisting Catholic doctrine as well.
By the time of the Constitution ratification proceedings most of the Colonies had abandoned theocracy as law; while some of them still had official religions, they were not enforced on the populace. What they feared, at that time, was an emerging Federal Government establishing a federal religion as the official religion of the whole country. Thus, the First Amendment. The government could not establish a national religion, and the government could not interfere with anyone's religious practice.
Freedom of religion was thus established in American federal law.
Nevertheless, the nation was totally Christian, even if imperfectly; all the various confessions held to the same Commandments and the same Biblical teachings that flowed from them. The Framers and Ratifiers agreed to disagree on specific denominational theology, but to agree on general and core Chrsitian doctrines held in common. What Benjamin Franklin called "General Christianity".
The moral and religious basis for the Declaration of Independence and it's resulting American Constitution was this General Christianity. It is the basis for our law, and how we tell right from wrong. And they all recognized the fact that, if the American people were to have such an important role in their own government, in which the people and the government stand equal before the Constitution, then the people had better be "good" people, which is to say, Christian.
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” –John Adams
“It can not be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation of ours was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians … not on religions, but on the gospel of Jesus Christ.” –Patrick Henry
“I shall take my present leave; but not without resorting once more to the benign Parent of the human race, in humble supplication, that since He has been pleased to favor the American people with the opportunities for deliberating in perfect tranquility, and dispositions for deciding with unparalleled unanimity on a form of Government for the security of their union, and the advancement of their happiness, so His divine blessing may be equally conspicuous in the enlarged views, the temperate consultations and the wise measures, on which the success of this government must depend.” –George Washington
“[The adoption of the Constitution] will demonstrate as visibly the finger of Providence as any possible event in the course of human affairs can ever designate it.” –George Washington
“I regard it [the Constitution] as the work of the purest patriots and the wisest states men that ever existed, aided by the smiles of a benignant [gracious] Providence … it almost appears a Divine interposition in our behalf … “ –Daniel Webster
“I have so much faith in the general government of the world by Providence that I can hardly conceive a transaction of such momentous importance [as the framing of the Constitution] … should be suffered to pass without being in some degree influenced, guided, and governed by that … beneficent Ruler in Whom all inferior spirits live and move and have their being.” –Benjamin Franklin
“Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.” –Benjamin Franklin
“The sum of all is, if we would most truly enjoy the gift of Heaven, let us become a virtuous people; then shall we both deserve and enjoy it. While, on the other hand, if we are universally vicious and debauched in our manners, though the form of our Constitution carries the face of the most exalted freedom, we shall in reality be the most abject slaves.” –Samuel Adams
“Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens … Let it simply be asked, where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?” –George Washington
Tocqueville wrote glowingly of the strong relationship between the Christian goodness of the American people and the national Greatness of the American Republic. That if that relationship were broken, America's "greatness" would cease.
Perhaps the first fly in the American cultural soup was militant Secularism, born of "Enlightenment" thinking gone off the rails, and always threatening to take us under a politically dominating atheistic theocracy, if that makes any sense. A legal banning of religion. Miltiant Secularism gained its first foothold in Western Civilization through the bloody French Revolution. Clerics and vowed religious were fed to the guillotine along with nobles and aristocrats, to the approving howls of the mobs, until, ultimately, even Robespierre himself lost his head over the nonsense.
Secularaism was a divorce of God from Nature, which necessitated a divorce between Truth and Man. Thus began the notion that there is no fixed Truth, there is no fixed moral norm, there is no "certainty" of anything. There is only "Science", which might one day provide answers for all questions. But even science had to largely abandon the scientific method, Socratic logic and even reason, in favor of democratic consensus, or Scientism, when real science kept pointing to a beginning point of everything. That just didn't fit the secularist agenda.
And everything - everything - became political, for the secularists.
When Truth does not fit the political agenda, Truth itself is denied.
Marxism hit the world stage in 1848 with publication of the Communist Manifesto. The "Springtime of Revolution" ultimately failed in Europe, after much bloodshed, but Marxism became the hot popular topic of debate among the world's intelligentsia, and a fad among many ranking intellectuals. In America (and everywhere) the slow steady adoption of Marxist principles put the Secularism movement on steroids. Religion, and especially Christianity, and even more especially Catholicism, was recognized by Marxism to be its mortal enemy. Marxism could gain no ground in world domination while men believed in God and followed God's Law.
It may now be seen that Secularism and Marxism have joined forces and now, in practical reality, "own" most of our government, most of our Churches and most of our whole culture. The effects are everywhere evident.
Denominations, and even major Catholic Archdioceses, give tacit if not open blessing to everything from artificial contraception, through divorce and remarriage, homosexuality, abortion, swapping genders, Marxist redistribution, open borders and the end of nations, and every Globalist fraud on earth, from Stupid Climate Change to Stupid Unsustainability.
As does the American legal system and the whole American court system, up and down the line. With great consistency, the courts, all the way up to the Supreme Court, may be seen to most frequently uphold radical secularism against religion, the immoral against the moral, the organized sodomites against the Christians, the indecent and even the abominable against any local cultural moral norm, the Marxist collectivist/redistributionist agenda against the Constitution, the anti-family argument against the family and the racist minorities against the race of the majority.
The Courts, the Parties, and even some Churches appear to hate us.
In one of Bishop Sheen's TV lectures he said that if Satan could once get a man to accept sodomy, he could get that man to accept anything at all. Anything. Including even aborting people.
Thank you, Government (Tax Payer) Paid Professional Educators, for warping young minds through so-called sex education. Teaching the advisability, normalcy and necessary pharmaceutics and mechanics of "Safe" fornication, "Protected" sodomy, "Responsible" promiscuous casual and recreational sex, and "Discerning" imaginary new "Genders", and "Whatever" sexuality.
Thank you, Entertainment Industry, including TV, movies, stage and recording, for so strongly establishing open public homosexuality in young minds through pop-culture.
Thank you, Protestant Denominations who blessed homosexuality and even ordained active homosexual ministers.
Thank you, Catholic Bishops, Priests and Deacons who opened up Parish communities welcoming unrepentant active homosexuals into Christian community, and often even full participation in Eucharist. (In your "mixed" sodomite and Catholic Parish community, who wound up converting who? Which way did the conversions go, between sexual perversion and Christianity? Do you even know? How do all the welcomed openly homosexual couples impress the Parish children?)
Thank you, Libertarians for your "neutrality" and hands-off attitude regarding moral or "social" issues.
Thank you, Legal Profession and Court System for so persistently and consistently pressing the "rights" of homosexuals to the point of driving Christians out of business, and simultaneously destroying American freedom of religion. And the Constitution.
Especially, thank you all you "silent majority" citizens, government officials and religious clerics, for all your politically correct and cowardly silence. Mustn't rock the boat; mustn't upset anybody. Just hide in a corner somewhere and suck your thumbs.
It is always glaringly obvious that the Homo-Nazi Movement is doing precisely what they always falsely accuse Christians of doing to them, which is,
"You are forcing your morality on us."
It's the exact opposite. They are forcing their immorality on Christians, and they are doing it unconstitutionally, through the corrupted homo-favoring, Christian-hating courts, and not through legislated representative law.
I can show you the right to the free exercise of Christian religion in the Constitution. Can anyone show me the right to commit sodomy? How about in natural law? Anywhere at all?
Who is forcing who to do what?
The unconstitutional use of the courts to establish bogus "rights" is a ploy to get around the rule of subsidiarity, because matters such as homosexual perversion are not federal matters, but subject only to state and lower jurisdictions. Using the courts is an illegitimate path to circumvent the necessary Constitutional Amendment to establish sodomy as a right in the Constitution.
It's unconstitutional, yes; but they have done it and gotten away with it, because nobody did anything about it. And they keep doing it and they keep getting away with it, and sworn elected officers of the government keep not doing anything about it, so they just keep getting away with it.
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. –Thomas Jefferson
So, open public homosexuality is "normal" now. Is everybody happy?
Welcome to another tyranny of another minority.
Over the years this site has been taken to task by many critics for allegedly overemphasizing the menace of Marxist ideology and blaming Marxism for nearly all of America's ills.
I stand my ground.
Secularist-Marxism has invaded our politics, our education institutions, our news media, entertainment industry, art, music, literature and publishing to such an extent that it isn't even recognized as Secularism-Marxism any more. It is now and integral part of the American Psyche.
Few recognize it for the mortal enemy that it is to our Constitution.
Having repeatedly failed at inciting successful "popular" revolutions, Marxist global strategy changed, and went underground, and continued it's agenda as "Cultural Marxism". Beginning with Stalin's insidious "Popular Front" spy ring, and building on that psychological invasion through the successful efforts of the Frankfurt School, ideological Marxism began to, "scientifically", steadily destroy American morality, and with it, America's religion, in the minds of the American citizenry.
Here is a brief description of the process by Professor Wessel of Bonn, Germany:
The relation between Marxism and the sexual revolution is closer than one might think. Look up in internet "Cultural Marxism" (Prof. Lind et al.) and the Frankfurt School of Social Research. Marxist (Luckas, Gramsci, Adorno, Horkheimer, Marcuse and others) developed a strategy of attacking and culture and transforming its values as a foreplay to revolution unto socialism. Freudiansim was fused with Marxism to postulate the "sexually repressed" (= tradition religious ethics of marriage) in place of the proletariat as the class to revolutionize. The matter is too complicated for the few words of a comment. Today a German Prof. Honneth at Columbia is continuing the Frankfurt School. The point is to break down the family, sexualize society and divide society into protesting groups (Black Studies, Feminism, etc.). Focusing on the so-called superstructure (= cultural values) instead of Marx's postulated substructure (economic structure) is the means used to promote Marxism culturally.
For a more detailed description visit The Poison of Cultural Marxism. For a historical perspective on what it has done in South America and what it is doing here, visit New Way Cultural Marxism.
It was out of this insidious foreign immoral infection that our current immoral American culture emerged. It did not occur naturally. It was induced. And every bit of it that is at the federal level is unconstitutional; it is out of scope for federal government attention, whether in legislation, regulation, executive action or adjudication.
This applies to the "principle" of Separation of Church and State, to Artificial Contraception, to Abortion, to the Masturbation Industry, to open public homosexuality, to Homo-Marriage, and more; much more.
Every Supreme Court Justice, President, Senator, Representative or Bureaucrat who had cooperated to bring these abominations into legal existence and protection, or failed to oppose them, violated his oath of office, violated the Constitution and committed an act of criminal malfeasance in office, at the very least, in doing so. An impeachable criminal offense against America.
These are all matters properly under State and Local jurisdiction as a matter of simple subsidiarity. The federal government is not Constituted to handle every question under the sun. The problem is, our federal government no longer considers itself to be under the Constitution.
So what happens when a new President and/or a new Congress wakes up to the unconstitutional nature of laws, edicts, regulations and legal precedents contributing to American Culture Rot, and just shuts it all down, and shuts off all federal funding of public abomination by simple declarations of unconstitutionality?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Organized Labor.
Breaking Unions: What happens when We The People finally wake up and recognize the fact that "Organized Labor" was the first successfully organized Marxist grass-roots revolutionary movement, born of the closing line, "Workers of the World, Unite!", of Karl Marx's 1848 Communist Manifesto?
What happens when most of America's proud Union Members discover that they, like their fathers before them, are merely pawns in a larger anti-institution game of international revolution?
What happens when the mobsters and criminal element who think they are running various unions and monopolizing certain union-controlled industries and geographic areas figure out that they, too, are mere pawns of a larger and now not-so-hidden multi-nation strategy of social and national destruction?
And what happens when Catholic union men learn that Catholicism, too, has been deceived and manipulated by Marxist ideology, as shown by CCC paragraph 2434. Catholic "Just Wage" teaching today predominantly emphasizes the warped teaching that the purpose of business is, first, to provide jobs with pay sufficient to provide a "dignified livelihood" to worker and family, rather than to produce a product or service for a profit? From the kid who mows your lawn to the intern, apprentice or trainee, to the paper boy and the fruit picker, all are entitled to a "dignified livelihood" through just wages.
Taken to its logical conclusion, if rigidly enforced, this would result in no jobs for anyone.
And that's the point. That's the real goal. The destruction of free market wage competition between employers for good employees, and the monopolization of all labor. Collectivization would be a better term. The creation of one universal Labor Collective.
To be fair, Catechism paragraph 2434 includes "taking into account the role and productivity" of the laborer. But how many Catholic clerics and Catholic teachers today pay any attention to that clause, or even mention it in their teaching?
The predominant Catholic teaching may be seen to be that if you provide a job to someone, you need to pay him sufficiently to live at the same level as yourself and everyone else. This is Marxist thinking.
Only total social sameness = the new Marxist Social Justice.
Welcome to the collective; welcome to the commune.
Welcome to Globalism.
Note well that jobs, wages, labor, labor-employer negotiations, labor arbitration, etc., are not listed among the limited and enumerated powers of government in Article One Section Eight of the Constitution. That means that the federal government has no legitimate Constitutional business addressing labor, except as any case may relate to contract law. That makes Labor a matter of State and lower jurisdiction attention, not federal. As a practical matter, labor is a private sector matter, not public sector.
Note also that organized labor contracts with the federal government are unconstitutional, in that the federal government is not the employer of laborers; the tax paying American citizens are the paying employers. If the American citizenry are not a signatory part of the contract, they cannot be bound by it. Government has no money to pay to labor until it collects it, through taxes, from the American citizenry. Government is not authorized to bind the American citizenry to contracts it may make with organized labor or any other monopolistic entity.
So what happens when a new President and/or a new Congress decides to break the relationship between the federal government and organized labor, and recognizes the sinister anti-business, anti-free market, Marxist and Globalist anti-national intentions of Organized Labor, and begins to proactively oppose it as a hostile and destructive alien ideology?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Marxism.
Breaking Marxism: What happens when we begin to dismantle the anti-American Marxist parts of American government and American law, and to restore America to running her government and legislating her law in strict accordance with the American Constitution, and restore the Constitution to its proper place as the Supreme Law of the Land?
Marxism, as described in Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto, seeks Global control of property and people. To that end it promotes Militant Secularism, to the point of the forcible religious cleansing of whole peoples; the end of sovereign nations with borders; the end of all existing human institutions, from the family up; the transfer of all private property into community property and the movement of all of humankind into an eventual great universal "collective". To that end, it instigates and encourages violent revolutions everywhere on earth. Historical variations of Marxism include the so-called Communism of the Soviet Union, the National Socialism of Nazi Germany, the Corporatism-Fascism of Fascist Italy, and the ongoing Progressive Socialism aims of European nations and America's current Marxocrat Party.
Most all of the details of how to dismantle Marxism in America may be found in the other major points in this whole webpage, because just about everything wrong in the whole American culture, from the running of her government to the living of ordinary life as a citizen, can be traced back to the social infection of Marxist thought.
That is not to say that individual man is not without sin; but to say that every major social movement supporting sin is likely traceable to Secularism and Marxism, or other forms of anti-Christian morality, such as Islam. Or, to mixed-allegiance rabid anti-Americans such as George Soros, who is not strictly Marxist, or strictly Islamic, or strictly secularist, although he funds and supports all Marxist, Islamic, Secularist, and many, many other movements, so long as they are all anti-American.
Everyone knows who George Soros is, and everyone knows what he does.
And that makes my point.
As one of the richest men on earth, he openly speaks of his enjoyable "hobby" of directing the "managed decline" of national economies and nations, including America. From his Soros Fund Management to a blue million other "funds", "foundations", and Organizations, every single thing he does, and everything he funds, is anti-nation, anti-American, anti-Israel and anti-order, or anti-social orderliness and normalcy. He incites chaos, everywhere. With malice aforethought.
George Soros has almost single-handedly brought into being and/or guaranteed the success of such anti-American entities as the Obama Presidency and ACORN. He funds everything from La Raza to Black Lives Matter, the Clinton campaign, National Public Radio, CNN, Planned Parenthood, the American Marxocrat Party, the Black Panthers,, the Moslem Brotherhood, the Globalist Open Societies Foundations, and the list goes on, seemingly forever. If it is anti-American, Soros will fund it; if it pre-exists his involvement in it, as soon as he discovers it, he will exploit it to the fullest. His intent is the "managed decline" of America. And Western Civilization, right behind it.
In America, everything he funds is anti-American. Subversion; indoctrination; propaganda; sedition; revolution; class warfare; race warfare; moral warfare; purposeful disorder and social chaos, and especially, the end of national sovereignty. Everything he does and everything he funds seeks to harm the common good of man. He is, to coin a term, a Global Seditionist.
As I said, everyone knows who he is, and everyone knows what he does.
So why is he not in prison? Why are his holdings not confiscated? Why is he somehow above the law? The answer is crystal clear, and staring us all right in the face.
Our sitting government supports what he is doing. Both Parties.
All three branches.
A veil of politically correct silence has enveloped us all. See no evil; hear no evil; speak no evil.
And there we have it, and here we sit. The whole American culture rots from the top down, not from the bottom up.
It is out of this concentrated anti-Americanism, imposed on the citizenry by Secularism, Marxism and Globalism, that have arisen groups of native born citizens who hate America. Black Americans who were never slaves who hate and despise white Americans who never owned slaves, present the most obvious example. Their racist hatred is irrational and unreasonable, but real, nonetheless. They are raised in it, for multiple generations now. It's taught by their parents and by their teachers and by their most popular journalists.
As a result, I feel comfortable in stating that a majority of native born black American citizens are racists. Not all, but certainly a majority. And those who are not racist have been conditioned by American black culture to keep it to themselves, and keep their non-racist heads down. Black conservatives or Constitutionalists are publicly condemned as "House Niggers", "Oreo Cookies", "Uncle Toms" or "Acting White".
There will be no assimilation into hated white society.
Many not-so-racist blacks commit the sin of Peter, for which Paul called him out "to his face" in Galatians 2:11. You may have experienced this if you have black friends. When you and your black friend are alone, everything is normal. When another black joins the conversation, there is a slight change. When more blacks join the group, and they are predominant in number, everything changes. Your "friend" is more aloof from you, his dialect has changed, and there is a definite sense of being on the outside and not a real part of this supposedly "friendly" group.
This is only true of native born American blacks. It is not true of any black Americans who immigrated here from elsewhere. They are no different than anyone else, no matter where they immigrated from. In fact, they are just like us, even before they are fully assimilated. Often, they, too are made to feel somehow ostracized and not welcome among native born black Americans. One that I worked with before I retired was from the UK, and his clipped, precise and correct English accent and perfect diction immediately and obviously put off native black Americans, who did not want to befriend him. The minute they heard him speak, they saw him as a white man.
This is taught behavior; it is not natural. How else do you explain the over 90% voting record of black America supporting the Party of slavery, secession, Jim Crow, the Klan and segregation; the Party of Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, "Axe Handle" Lester Madox, Orval Faubus, George Wallace, Bull Connor, the Clintons and Comrade Obama (peace be upon him). They have been trained, made into government angered, agitated, racist, anti-authority, dependent, spoon-fed, and led by the nose into an entirely new kind of Marxocrat Party-dependent voter slave plantation, and they don't even see it for what it is. Most of them will vote for Hillary, and, sure enough, if she wins, things will get worse, for them and for everybody. As usual.
Black America gets this extra treatment here because it represents the biggest socio-political group in America that has been almost totally subverted into anti-Americanism. Black America dwarfs similar groups, such as La Raza, the Homo-Nazis and rent-a-mob groups like Occupy Wall Street. While all of black America will not get out in the streets and riot on command, a whole lot of them will, and a whole lot more of them will be sympathetic to the rioters. The ultimate goal of the Black Lives Matter rioters may be, besides full-on revolution, to make inner city black neighborhoods into "no-go zones" in emulation of what Islam is doing all over the Western world. Police-free zones, under the total control of the rioters.
Government, at all levels up to the White House, may be seen to be cooperating with that effort, and even causing it. The News Media not only supports the effort, but may be seen to cause it and instigate it, incident after incident, through outright lies of commission and omission, falsely reported as "News". There is no other real cause for any of these "incidents", or incidental race riots. The News Media flat out lied in Miami Gardens Florida; they lied in Ferguson Missouri; they lied in Baltimore Maryland; they lied in Milwaukee Wisconsin; they lied in Charlotte North Carolina. What they said happened did not happen. They lie everywhere; lying is what they do, and being anti-American is why they do it. Even after their false news stories are proved false, they never, ever correct their own lies; they just drop the subject, or keep reporting without mentioning the truth behind the story.
The glaringly obvious pattern is repeated, over and over and over again. The minute a black person is shot by a cop, here we go again. It doesn't matter what the black person was doing; it doesn't even matter if he was trying to kill someone. It doesn't matter what race or color the cop is. None of the circumstances surrounding the incident matter at all. Bottom line the actual incident has nothing to do with what is about to happen. It's just an excuse. No other type of police incident is hyped this way by the media; only when a black is shot by a cop. (Which just happens to be a relatively rare incident.)
The cameras will capture screaming, hyperventilating black rage, of friends and families of the "victim", and breathless reporters will hype the incident for all its worth, for days and days. Between their horrified facial expressions and sympathy for the black victim will be expressions of hope that the always expected "demonstrations" will be peaceful, this time, unlike every single one of all the others.
And that media "hope" is, in actuality, a call for another riot. And they are all riots. No exceptions. There are always two groups of participants.
The first group are all of the most blatantly racist members of the local black community who can always be counted on to get out in the streets on a moment's notice. If I were a betting man I would bet that the local police already know who the worst of these characters are, because they already have a record, just like about all of the "police victims" of all of the incidents.
The second group may take a day or so to be bused in from outside the area or even the state; they are the Soros-funded rent-a-mob members of Black Lives Matter and other groups, who will come in for violence, pure and simple.
It may take another day or so, if they see that it's turning into something worth money, for the professional race-mongers like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to show up with their entourages and bullhorns and hype things to a fevered pitch. Their main deal is to blackmail city officials and local businesses for monetary damages, "contributions" to their "funds" and big public apologies to calm things down. If it were anyone else, it would be seen for what it is, which is, extortion, pure and simple; but it's never seen to be extortion for the professional race baiters. It's just a lucrative livelihood, for them.
Permits will be applied for and granted, and everyone will prepare for the supposedly Constitutionally guaranteed right to "demonstrate" in favor of dead cops and emptied prisons. And, sure enough, they will "demonstrate" calling for dead cops and emptied prisons, and, sure enough, it will become a riot, and sure enough, there will be looting and burning and destruction of property, with police cars being a favored target for destruction. The outsider participants don't particularly care who is burned out or looted out of business, because they don't live there, and they are out for real revolution, not just another ruined area. They are, after all, paid Machiavellian Agent Provocateurs.
Again, if I were a betting man, I would bet that the FBI knows who the worst of these outsiders are, because they, too, already have a record.
And the media will seek out another such incident elsewhere, and compete with each other to be the first to repeat the process. Just as predictable as sunrise or sunset. It is, after all, their job; it is what they are trained to do.
Each one of these "incidents" could be stopped dead in its tracks the very first day. That was true of all such revolutionary "incidents" that occurred back in the '60s. But they were not stopped, and that's the problem today. Each time lawlessness is not punished, more lawlessness is encouraged. That's just the way it is. It gets to the point where use of the required force to restore order will mean a whole lot of injuries and deaths, and as lawlessness grows and grows, fewer and fewer are willing to actually forcibly restore order. The bad guys win.
As an example of the news media's part in this, think back, if you are old enough, to the Kent State riot. I remember it, but then, I'm your a-typical really, really old guy. Younger people who learned about it will think it involved a bunch of National Guardsmen who fired into a peaceful crowd and killed four Kent State students. And that's it.
They will not know about all the bricks and bottles and rocks flying through the air. They will not know about a campus ROTC building going up in flames. They will not know about the howling rampaging mob in their second day of violence, smashing, pillaging and looting, first in town, then the next day on campus, with Kent State students joining in.
Younger Americans won't know about any of that.
That's what the ideologically Marxist media does. They never correct their lies, even when the irrefutable truth of the matter comes out. They might give one sentence to the truth, somewhere toward the end of a long article condemning the authorities, and then never mention it again. Every subsequent mention will be anti-authoritarian, anti-American and pro-Marxist. Most of the Moron Vote will not read much past the headline anyway, and the headline and leading paragraphs will never involve the truth at the root of the story.
And that limited, falsified "News" is what will always stick in the minds of the people. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Same driving ideology, different activist group. Only the lawlessness changes, by marginally increasing, each cycle.
Face it. The current sitting federal government is a lawless government. They are not stupid; they are anti-American. They know exactly what they are doing, and they are doing it with purpose. That goes for foreign policy as well as domestic.
The most decent and dedicated government and law enforcement in America is found today at the lowest levels, not the highest. The most local government (outside of major big city metropolises, which are almost all dominated by Marxocrat Party politics) are the most lawful, the most safe, the most orderly and the most American.
And the lawless federal government is working to change that. The sitting regime welcomes into the White House, blesses and encourages its Agent Provocateur groups like Black Lives Matter, and works to hamstring local law enforcement through the federal Attorney General's office. Local cops alone are "investigated", given unconstitutional orders regarding re-training with anti-American indoctrination, and threatened with federal fund cut-offs, while the criminal perpetrators of local social mayhem are molly-coddled.
The Obama Regime and the News Media are one the the same thing.
So what happens when a new President and/or a new Congress decides to weed Marxism out of the highest levels of government, and return American government to operating very strictly as the Constitution instructs it to operate?
There will be hell to pay.
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Islam.
Breaking Islam: What happens when the American government wakes up to the simple fact the American citizenry is already painfully aware of, which is that Islam, the religion, is in a self-declared state of war with us, with Israel and with all the rest of the whole non-Islamic world? What happens when they actually read the Koran and see what the religion of Islam orders its disciples to do to unbelievers, most particularly to Jews and to Christians?
Islam, as an absolute Theocracy, is both religion and political ideology. Islam is the world's most radical combination of Church and State. The religion is simple enough; it states that Allah is the only God, and Mohammed is his only prophet. The ideology is, in essence, pure war, aimed at eliminating all other religions and all other systems of civil jurisprudence and all other forms of government. It seeks to establish Islam as the sole dominating religion, jurisprudence and government on earth, by war. It's major doctrine is Jihad, or Holy War, to conquer and dominate the whole of the world. Achieving that singular goal is Islam's very purpose for being.
Our Marxified sitting federal government, their Marxified academia and their Marxified news media are lying to the American people about the "peaceful religion" of Islam. What they are dishing out to us on the subject of Islam is a long string of serial coordinated lies. With malice aforethought.
Their Marxist goal is, of course, Chaos, and Islam presents just another branch of unpredictable Chaos to add to the mix. Chaos is good, for Marxists; in fact, it is necessary for "fundamental change" and "change you can believe in" and a "fundamental transformation of America".
Comrade Obama (peace be upon him) knows full well what Islam is all about; he studied it in his childhood. And now he lies about it. Every incident of Jihad brings out the flagrant lies. "That's not Islam", or, "That's a hijacked form of Islam", or, "That's a gross misinterpretation of Islam" or some such blather. Workplace violence. One-of-a-kind act of terror. Domestic terrorism. ISIS is not Islamic. Al Queda is not Islamic. Islam is a religion of peace.
We spoke about this in the Obamunist Deception, the Ruling Class Liars and elsewhere, I'm sure, wherever we described the Islamic doctrine of Taqiyya, which allows Moslems to lie to unbelievers about what they intend, eventually, to do to them.
Look at Comrade Obama's personally appointed "Czars" and look at his personally appointed "Advisors" and count the Marxists, and count the Moslems, and count the members of known Islamic terrorist groups such as the infamous Moslem Brotherhood, and tell me he doesn't know what he is doing here. He is no babe in the woods. The motto of his Moslem Brotherhood national security advisors is:
Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The qu'ran is our law. Jihad is our way.
Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu akbar!
and Comrade Obama (peace be upon him) knows it, full well. That's why he's working overtime to get more Moslems into America, quick, while he can, by both legal and illegal means. Organizations like the Moslem Brotherhood, ISIS, Al Queda, etc., are the Moslems who are most true to the teaching of Islam. There is nothing "radical" about them. Read the Koran if you don't believe me.
"Conservatives" have been badly fooled on this topic. They waste time and energy trying to get the President and his Media and his Academics to say the term "Radical Islamic Terrorist", when there is no such thing to begin with. What they call "Radical Islamic Terrorists" are actually nothing more than Islamic Jihadists, pure and simple.
External, or "Lesser" Jihad is referenced some 164 times in the Koran. Internal or Greater Jihad relates to personal conversion; External or Lesser Jihad refers to war against all unbelievers, to bring them into submission to Islam, or kill them. Striking terror into the hearts of unbelievers is not only allowed, but specifically called for in the Koran. There is absolutely nothing radical about it.
As we have said elsewhere herein, all the seemingly peaceful "be nice to the Jews and the Christians" verses originated in Mecca before the flight to Medina. And all the "death to the Jews and death to the Christians" verses originated later, in Medina. And whatever Mohammed said last, which contradicted anything he had said earlier, abrogated, nullified and replaced that which came earlier. This is the doctrine of abrogation. All the murderous verses stand; all the peaceful verses are abrogated.
With the rearrangement of Islamic dominated lands through the world wars, the destruction of the old Ottoman Empire, which was the last Caliphate, and the birth of "secular" Islamic governments, beginning with Ataturk in Turkey, Islam settled into semi-civilized nations, mostly run by strong-man led democratic governments.
When any such strong-man government is toppled, the default government becomes the government of the Koran, which is to say, a return of Islam in some more true to the Koran form. Which means, the unleashing of Jihad once again. In the world of Islam, it's either secular government, or it is Islamic government, and if it is Islamic government, that government will sooner or later pursue Jihad against the outside world.
Comrade Obama (peace be upon him) knows that, and that is why he is bent on toppling certain Islamic strong man governments. He knows the potential result is Global Jihad. That's why he is doing it.
When any "secular" Islamic government falls in any Islamic land, the natural and almost automatic replacement government will be Islam. And that means Sharia Law as national policy and Jihad as foreign policy. Every other form of law and government is against the Koran.
I was wrong in what I said in comments in Limited War Doctrine and in Bush War Revisited. And, President Bush was wrong, not in pursuing the war, but in seeking to establish a Democracy in place of an Islamic Strong-Man Government. He likely didn't know it was nearly impossible, and neither did I, and probably most people. Few of us ever looked closely at Islam at all until after 9/11/2001. The stage had been set for toppling Saddam by former President Billary Clinton, who established the policy of regime change for Iraq due to Saddam's weapons of mass destruction, as we showed in the Bush Lied, People Died treatment.
But it was the attempt to establish a Democracy in a predominantly Islamic land that presented the great, perhaps even impossible difficulty. The people cannot be both Islamic and ready for democracy. The two things are incompatible. Yes, liberty and freedom is written on the hearts of men; but the Islamic culture overpowers it, and insists upon the Koran, and only the Koran. Unless you can convert a whole nation, or a great majority of it, you cannot establish any reasonable form of citizen representative democracy in an Islamic country. It's either brute-force tyrannical "democracy" or Islamic law. One or the other.
Converting a whole country cannot be done easily, perhaps not at all, and certainly not in just a few years or decades.
Meanwhile, we, and all of Western Civilization, are being successfully attacked by Islam through the new strategy of Civilization Jihad, or Jihad through immigration. That's not to say that old fashioned Jihad is dead, and no longer operative in the world. But Immigration Jihad is working well, all over the world.
Moslems form unassimilated closed enclaves within larger representative democracies or constitutional republics from which to rapidly reproduce into larger and larger enclaves. All over the host nations, metastasizing as it were, eventually joining borders with other enclaves. Whenever they feel strong enough in any enclave, they begin keeping non-Moslems out, by force. They make of themselves "no-go zones" where even the local police dare not go for fear of violent reaction.
In these stronger Moslem enclaves, Sharia Law rules, and to hell with the law of the host nation. "Pop Up" Jihad incidents come out of these continually growing and metastasizing Jihadi-sheltering enclaves, even while other outside-the-enclave citizens are recruited into acts of Jihad by the growing Islamic culture.
These incidents of local Jihad always cause the host country authorities to stupidly investigate and ceaselessly argue about whether or not the perpetrators were ever in contact with any known terrorist group, or acting alone, or "radicalized " or recruited by anyone, or members of some non-Islamic group, such as the Tea Party. Because, they will all insist, "No one is blaming all of Islam", because, they are all quite certain, "Islam is a religion of peace."
They are either fools or they are in on it.
This has got to be stopped, whether all of our politically correct fools and all of our in-the-know traitors like it or not.
“If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to die than to live as slaves. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” —Thomas Jefferson
America is not going to survive this sneaky subversive invasion unless and until America recognizes the threat that it is, and takes action against it. To quote, from Breaking Islam:
First Amendment Freedom of Religion does not cover any "religion" that opposes and intends to destroy First Amendment Freedom of Religion. In point of fact, in defense of Freedom of Religion, a good Constitutionalist government should be actively attacking and weeding-out alien ideologies such as atheistic Marxism and Islam, which have a core mission of ending and destroying Freedom of Religion in America, and in the world. The First Amendment is not a national suicide pact.
A Constitutionalist President and/or a Constitutionalist Congress could and should declare Islam (like Marxism) to be an enemy ideology of the Constitution and of Constitutional America, and then act accordingly, in the interest of national security.
No Moslem can take oath of allegiance to the American Constitution, as in the Oath of Office for any high government office, or for entry into any of our Armed Forces, and remain a Moslem who is speaking the truth. One can either be a Moslem, and thus committed to support Jihad against the whole of the non-Islamic world, or a supporter and defender of the American Constitution. Not both at the same time. That is quite impossible.
So what happens when a new President and/or a new Congress recognizes the mortal threat Islam poses to domestic tranquility, national security and world peace, takes Islam's 1,400 year old declaration of war against all the non-Islamic world seriously, and acts accordingly?
And what happens when our supposedly representative government learns what We The People already know, that Islam itself opposes our American foundational Natural Law rights from our Declaration, our civil rights to Equality, Life, Liberty and Property?
The Good:
In American Domestic Policy toward Islam:
In American Foreign Policy toward Islam:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Voter Fraud.
Breaking Voter Fraud: What happens when a new President and/or a new Congress recognizes the multiple avenues of voter-fraud opened up and exploited by the Marxocrat Party and decides to put a stop to it and return to an absolutely honest federal level election process throughout America?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American National Defense Reduction and Destruction.
Repairing Defense: What happens when a new President decides to undo all the purposeful damage done to American military fighting capability by all the years of virtually demoralizing and demilitarizing Marxocrat Party policies, and restore our military to pride, honor, strength, training, equipment, awesome power and reach and the full support of their own government? What happens when all the truly stupid Leftist intellectual grand social experiments and social engineering programs are eliminated from the military, and the military's very purpose for being and sole mission returns to being, very simply, to kill people and break things?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American United Nations.
Breaking the UN: What happens when the American people, and a Constitutionalist President and/or a Constitutionalist Congress wakes up to the fact that all of the unscientific global-dooming frauds infecting human thought are centered in and sponsored by the UN?
What happens when nations learn that the principle goal of the UN has become the elimination of all sovereign nations with borders?
What happens when the people of the world finally figure out that the UN is now not only unrepresentative of anyone anywhere, unelected by anyone anywhere, unaccountable to anyone anywhere, but is now seeking to become the sole unelected, unrepresentative, unaccountable and uncontrollable dictatorial power over everyone everywhere?
It's bad enough, from an American citizen viewpoint, that the two biggest voting blocks in the UN are Marxist and Islamic. But the UN itself has its own Globalist ambitions, and those ambitions oppose nations with borders. And, like Globalist Marxism and Globalist Islam, the biggest single stumbling block in front of any Globalist agenda is the continuing existence of a strong, Constitutional, United States of America.
You need to look back as the history of the world, and how nations came to be, and the history of nations. Nations with borders are not that old, historically speaking. The whole history of the world, which is still the living, existing history of today, is a history of rule by brute military force. That's the way it has always been, that's the way it is today, that's the way it will always be, until the end of time.
The sole thing protecting American citizens from being dominated and brutalized by alien forces is:
A Sovereign Nation with fixed protected borders, and with a military force sufficient to project awesome military power far beyond it's own borders to the mortal peril of any would be foreign enemies.
That's it. If it wasn't for that, we would all be slaves of someone else, or dead. That's the way it is. Very simple; nothing to it.
Super-simplistic utopian day-dreamers imagine that evil can always be conquered by love and therefore that good people can convert evil people, and to that end, we should eliminate all barriers between good and evil and seek to become one, with everyone.
Sorry, but that does not work. Evangelization goes both ways. Evil evangelizes good just as effectively and often as good evangelizes evil. Whenever both good and evil are inside the same protected borders of a "good" nation, evil has the advantage. The original intention of the borders was to keep evil out.
This is just simple common sense. As it is with a sovereign nation with borders, so it is with the Body Of Christ. How, exactly, do you clearly identify a Christian community, and even call it a Christian community, if its population is heavily intermingled with open, public, professed and practicing obstinate unrepentant sinners? Who is evangelizing whom, within the "all inclusive" community?
Shouldn't any community be more exclusive, for safety's sake?
The UN has amply demonstrated its opposition to Christianity, in favor of pure Secularism and Indifference, and even worship of their invented earth goddess Gaia. In their self-perceived wisdom they seek to get all of mankind on the same religious belief page. By force if necessary. But the UN's religion is just for openers.
Every fraud and hoax of the UN's Globalist agenda is being pushed on the world through formal education infected with Cultural Marxism, which commandeered the world's formal education long ago. And Cultural Marxist education makes heavy use of Scientism, as it must, since real Science, empiricism, peer review and the Scientific Method prove that every one of these globe-dooming theories is fraudulent.
Every globe dooming fraud pushed by the Marxocrat Party and their News Media is another lie. But all of these lies are believed by American school children and the Millennial Generation, because that's what they've been taught and they don't know any better. Most of them firmly believe that life on earth will end in their lifetimes, because of the sins of their parents and grandparents in doing "unsustainable" and "climate changing" and "toxic waste producing" things all their lives. How thoughtless of them.
They all believe that electric cars like the Tesla are roaring success stories, and the wave of the future, if the planet survives at all. They don't know that Tesla has never made a profit, and cannot possibly make a profit, and has only been sustained by grants and subsidies of US tax dollars, because it is, quite simply, impractical as reliable transportation, and that situation cannot be fixed.
They all believe that "renewable" energy is the wave of the future, if the planet survives at all, and wind, solar and new battery technology could still save the day. Again, what they don't know, because it is not reported in mainstream news or in academia, is that no wind or solar energy company has ever turned a profit or been able to stay afloat for very long without being sustained by government grants and subsidies from US tax dollars.
It's a scam. Solyndra typifies the working of the scam. A "sustainable" and "renewable energy" entrepreneur presents a plan to a Marxocrat controlled US government, is given millions or billions of US tax dollars to create the energy source, plays around for awhile, goes bankrupt because what he claimed cannot be done, and he retires as a very, very rich man, perhaps to do it all again with another "sustainable" and "renewable" plan.
It happens again and again, and they keep getting away with it. Wind. Solar. Super batteries. Electric cars. And younger generations do not see the fraud in it, because they listen only to the mainstream media, who are in on it.
There is no such thing as life threatening "un-sustainability".
There is no such thing as life threatening "Climate Change".
There is no such thing as all life ending "toxic waste".
There is no such thing as a "fossil fuel shortage".
Oil, coal and gas are not "evil".
All of these big money-making, national economy-destroying frauds, and more, are "global" problems conjured into being in order to promote, in the minds of men, the "need" for global solutions. The problems are purported to be "too big" for any nation, or even any group of nations to resolve on their own. Therefore, the "need" for a global solution, and the "need" for global government. For the good of the planet.
The objective of all of the false global-threat lies is to terrify a citizenry into blessing and allowing WBESSWG17 to come to the rescue, and superimpose itself over national governments, in order to save the glorious planet from evil mankind.
Globalist Comrade Obama (peace be upon him) has told the world that refrigerators are a greater threat to world peace than Islam. He's a liar.
Globalist John Kerry has told the world that air conditioners are a greater threat to world peace than Islam. He, too, is a liar.
The whole goal is to get the American people to not see the United Nations as a foreign entity, but a perfectly benign "friend" of the planet, with nothing but the best intentions. But, you see, the UN is indeed a foreign entity.
The Constitution is either the Supreme Law of the Land, or it is not.
We cannot allow any foreign entity, including the UN, to superimpose any unrepresentative and unaccountable law over the top of our Constitution, without any accountability to us, whatsoever. It would mean the end of Constitutional America. And that's the real intent.
Eliminating Sovereign America is the necessary first goal of Globalism.
So what happens when a new Constitutionalist President and/or a new Constitutionalist Congress recognizes the UN as the mortal enemy of the sovereign integrity of Constitutional America that it is?
The Good: A new President and/or a new Congress could:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Federal Reserve System.
Breaking the FED: What happens when a new President and/or a new Congress and/or the American People wake up to the fact that the Constitutional imperative for the federal government alone, "To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin," has been partially privatized and corrupted by intermingling private savings and investments with US treasure? That private bankers act as agents of the government while remaining private bankers, to set interest rates, print and coin US money, and more, to their own benefit? That this Crony-Capitalist granting of government authority to a monopoly of private bankers fulfills one of the 10 pillars of Communism, to whit,
5. Centralization of credit in the banks of the state, by means
of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly. --Communist Manifesto
Or when they learn that the FED and other Marxocrats called the phony "emergency" prompting the Bush-bail-out of the banks in the closing days of his Presidency, so that the FED and the Government could then just go ahead and use most of that phony bail-out money for something else?
You need to look back at real history. Read through the Economic Catastrophe pages to see how "Progressive" Marxism in our government actually caused, deepened and prolonged the Great Depression, and how all that same Progressive Marxism is destroying our economy today, through our own government, right under our noses.
The world economy was not about to crash and burn before the infamous Bush Bailout. All of that was a lie. It was a trick. The motive was to enrich some Cronies while doing more harm to the American economy, and give some more public credit and boosted gravitas to incoming President Comrade Obama (peace be upon him).
And most of the government, both Parties, was in on it.
The Principles that are violated by the Federal Banking System are that,
Woodrow Wilson's Federal Reserve Act of 1913 initiated Crony Capitalism with a capital C. The whole federal reserve system is Cronyism, pure and simple.
The FED artificially manipulates the money supply and interest rates for the benefit of its owners, whose interest always comes first. Currently, the FED is involved in repeated programs of "Quantitative Easing", in which it radically increases the "digital" money supply, not by printing more money but by making accounting entries on balance sheets. It isn't even real money.
What they do is buy bonds from banks with this "digitized" or vapor money, and they hold the bonds. But all a bond is is a promise to pay back the purchaser for the price of the bond plus interest. The interest rate happens, not by coincidence, to be zero.
So the purchasing banks now hold $X from the FED, and the FED now holds $X worth of bonds from the banks. Nothing but accounting entries on ledgers. So what has changed?
On paper only, the banks have more money available to lend. But with a stagnant economy and no demand for loans, and with the interest rates at or near zero, nobody borrows any of it.
The temptation is great for banks to use some of that money to buy their own stock, thereby increasing ownership of their own business and simultaneously causing their own stock value to rise in the market. It makes them look good on paper, and encourages other opportunistic investors to buy their rising stock.
The stock market is also artificially going up under this lawless administration because of all the bail-outs. Big companies have no fear of failure, because they know that the FED will bail them out if they get in financial trouble. Especially if they may be deemed to be "To Big To Fail". That seems to be a Marxocrat Party mantra. The whole American economy is practically in the dumpster, but the stock market is roaring.
The FED, and the Government, are lying to us when they say that they are implementing controls on the economy to keep inflation under control, or deflation, or catastrophic "To Big To Fail" bankruptcies, or interest rates, or runaway prices, or wage-price spirals, or any other such absolute nonsense. Much of this nonsense, I believe, is driven less by ignorance and poor economic theory and practice, than by evil intent, aimed at eventual American economic destruction.
Much of the assets the FED is purchasing from banks with QE vapor-money, besides bonds, is actually Government-originated, "Toxic Paper" known as "Mortgage Backed Securities". In a roundabout way, they are buying back (and perhaps repackaging and reselling) bad loan paper that originated with Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack "Government Backed" loans to people quite likely to default on payments.
The Marxocrat Party created these two economic time bombs on purpose, and with malice aforethought. There is no possible way that either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mack, as originally designed, could ever break even, let alone make a profit. Like Obamacare, they were designed from the outset to eventually catastrophically fail, allowing unconstitutional federal government to save the day, take over and become the sole provider of all home mortgages. For the good of the homeowners, of course. Why, it would be heartless to do otherwise.
So what happens when a new Congress and a new President repeals Woodrow Wilson's Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and re-institutes Constitutional control of American treasure?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Drug War.
Breaking the Drug Lords: What happens when a new President and/or a new Congress finally recognizes the fact that drugs are not listed in Article One Section Eight, and does something about it? If it is not listed in the Constitution among the limited and enumerated powers of federal government, then the federal government has no legitimate authority to address it in legislation, enforcement or adjudication of law.
Congress should not address drugs in law, bureaucracies should not address drugs in regulation, the President should not address drugs in executive orders, and the Supreme Court should not address drugs in adjudication. Drugs are "out of scope" for the federal government, pure and simple. The Constitution says so.
Repealing federal drug laws would not, in and of itself, make all drugs legal. Under the rule of subsidiarity, and in accordance with the Tenth Amendment, drugs and drug laws would remain subject to State and lower jurisdictions. The federal government is simply not Constitutionally authorized to make drugs either legal or illegal. That's for state and local governments to decide.
It should be obvious to everyone at this point in history that our extremely costly federal government war on drugs is not winning. Not even close. It has simply made common criminals into super rich drug lords, and created a huge, multi-billion if not multi-trillion dollar black market industry, rivaling many if not most national incomes.
There is no valid Constitutional reason for the DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) to exist. The same could be said of the BATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms). If Alcohol is not illegal, and Tobacco is not illegal, and Firearms are not illegal, then, isn't the BATF, by its very name, nothing more than a bureaucratic anachronism?
So what happens if a new President and/or a new Congress repeals the Controlled Substance Act of 1970 and all other related federal laws and regulations, or simply declares them null, and gets federal government out of the "drug wars"?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Globalism.
Breaking Globalism: What happens when We The People wake up to the fact that Globalism is the new Communism under another name, and it's two-Party supported goal is to take Constitutional America out of existence and replace it with Global Governance? Marxocrats are pushing it, Republicrats are cooperating with it, and "Conservative" pundits are all on-board with it.
The entire unbroken political history of the world is a history of ruthless military conquest and brutal domination of people. The only thing that ever slowed this brutal history was the development of the Civilized Sovereign Nation with fixed protected borders, and with a military
force sufficient to project awesome military power far beyond it's own
borders to the mortal peril of any would be foreign enemies. End nations, and ruthless domination returns, at the expense of civilization. Globalism is quite impossible, now and always, because Evil Exists, and evil rules this world. Good cannot unite with evil without becoming evil. Evil cannot be totally conquered in this life; it can only be held back. The dream of a peaceful Global Government is a dangerous, potentially suicidal and quite impossible dream.
And what happens when We The People figure out that now, in this circumstance, at this unique time in our history, only Trump, of all people, can defeat the political tidal-wave movement toward our total national demise?
I'm not kidding here. Read Breaking Globalism for the details.
Our two establishment Parties and their Media are rapidly moving the American government toward its own end, in favor of establishing WBESSWG17 to save the world from all their invented global catastrophic hoaxes, but especially from mankind and the activities of "advanced" and "privileged" and "first world" mankind.
The entire unbroken political history of the world is a history of ruthless conquest and domination of people by tribes or bands of conquerors. The whole history of the world, since the fall, is a history of repeated conquest by brute military force. This history of conquest did not end, but was slowed by the development of "Civilization" and "Civilized" nations with borders.
Strong civilized nations are the only thing that ever slowed ruthless conquest. And today, the only thing that keeps ruthless conquest in check is, the existence of a Sovereign Nation with fixed protected borders, and with a military force sufficient to project awesome military power far beyond it's own borders to the mortal peril of any would be foreign enemies, epitomized by the USA.
Communism, a "Global" political ideology aimed at global conquest through violent "revolution", did not end with the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It just changed tactics. It is still an anti-nation, globalist strategy of conquest.
Gorbachev never stopped being a Communist, and neither did Putin. Only the "nation" of the Soviet Union ended, not Communism itself.
The Global Communist movement became even more
of a parasitic "revolutionary" movement, infiltrating and getting inside
target nations and making them destroy themselves. Chief among its
psychological tricks is to propagandize the evil of
"nationalism" in the minds of men, and the desirability of "globalism",
and the end of nations. Thus does Marxism continue to advance evil in
the world, even in the bosom of goodness.
Nations gone over to Marxism, in whatever of the many variations of Marxism that exist, are all doomed to eventual economic failure and national collapse. The result will be the inevitable return of Ruthless Barbarity at the expense of Human Civilization. Evil wins.
Despite the lies of the Left, Global Government is quite impossible, so long as evil exists, and so long as Satan rules this world. Good cannot unite with evil, without becoming evil. Satan will not be converted, and Satan will have his souls. No matter what any peaceful dreamers may dream about it, there are untold millions of evil people in this world who are determinedly, decidedly, obstinately and thus even irredeemably evil.
That's the way it is. And that makes Globalism detrimental to good.
There is little wrong with Nationalism that keeps itself free of any variant of Marxism. And there is nothing wrong, and everything right, with Nationalism that is also free of Cronyism, again, as epitomized by the American Constitution, and an American nation that actually remained strictly Constitutional. The proper design is right there; all we have to do is follow it.
America could be and should be freedom's beacon light for the world. The plan for becoming that beacon is right under our noses.
We have said that there is nothing wrong and everything right with American Nationalism and Patriotism, and most particularly with American Nationalism itself. Our own intellectuals and educated elites disagree. Who cares? We stand by our own American Nationalism and Patriotism, and we put it on proud display every chance we get.
What we need to recognize is the largely unrecognized anti-Americanism of our own SLIMC1 , which is to say, almost all of those above us and in charge of us and running our government, which today is run almost exclusively outside of and in spite of our Constitution.
We have "conservatives" who will not pledge their allegiance to our flag. We have "conservatives" who defend the right of anti-Americans to publicly desecrate our flag. We have "conservative" big-shot commentators who criticize nationalism as fascism, patriotism as jingoism, Christianity as fundamentalism, morality as insensitivity and even personal preferences as racism and exclusivity. We have millionaire professional athletes who publicly dishonor our nation. We have Supreme Court Justices who adjudicate in direct opposition to our Constitution. We have a Congress who legislates in direct opposition to our Constitution. We have a President who is absolutely and completely Lawless.
So who are the real bad guys here, between us and them?
It is increasingly difficult to tell who, among our own elites, is the actual Marxist Revolutionary and who is the Marxist Useful Idiot.
They use freedom of speech to legally restrict freedom of speech. They use freedom of religion to legally restrict freedom of religion. They use freedom of assembly to legally restrict freedom of assembly. They misapply the American right to be armed to restrict the right to keep and bear arms. They oppose the American right to Pursuit of Happiness to just take our private property from us. They used conjured-into-being minority rights to suppress the rights of majorities. They consistently suppress and repress the rights of white people, Christian people, heterosexual people, male people and chaste and moral people. They quite literally force Christians to not live Christian lives and not run Christian businesses and not be public in their Christianity.
Only dissidents and anti-American seditionists are ever granted local permits to legally riot. I mean demonstrate. Constitutionalists are not allowed to be, let alone allowed to ever speak, on the college campus. Supporting the police on the football field is "too controversial" to be allowed, but disrespecting the national anthem is "free speech". So we see that American institutions as wildly diverse as the University and the NFL grow more and more anti-American and seditionist over time.
They stand the Constitution on its head. Everything they do is against the normal, the moral, the natural, the Constitutional. Examples abound.
In pursuit of phony "anti-discrimination" they discriminate, but only against the majority. In pursuit of phony "anti-profiling" they profile, but only against the majority. Unconstitutional "hate-speech" and "hate-crime" laws are applied not only unequally, but solely and exclusively to the majority. "Affirmative-Action" and "Equal-Opportunity" laws are blatantly racist against a whole race, ostensibly to "get even" with the anciently committed sins of history, which were not even committed by the ancestors of a whole race, but which were in fact committed by one and only one Political Party, which is today's Marxocrat Party.
A screaming, flaming faggot with a giant chartreuse Mohawk can go prancing down the middle of Main Street, and if a Constitutionalist so much as raises an eyebrow, he will be publicly condemned for committing a "Micro-Aggression" if not legally charged with a hate crime. Meanwhile, Christian employees may be forbidden by their employer from saying "Merry Christmas", and students may be expelled from school for saying "God bless you" when someone sneezes.
All permitted by a guilt-ridden majority made psychologically unsound by all the advances of Cultural Marxism. Everybody just goes along with it.
So here we are. Is everybody happy? Is anybody happy?
No. The more the seditionists get, the angrier they get. It's palpable.
As we said in the Breaking Secularism treatment, we will not get back to being an obviously Christian nation until We The People get back to being an obviously Christian people. And that means not being merely "nominal" Christians, going through the motions, doing only that which is required, but actually living fully Christian lives, full time.
In a similar manner, we will not break Globalism, or any other form of anti-nationalism, until and unless We The People get back to being an obviously American People. And that means not being merely "nominal" Americans, going through the motions, doing only that which is required, but actually living fully American lives, full time.
It means expressing Americanism. It means being American 24-7 and 365. Being proudly and un-apologetically American everywhere you go, everything you do, in all company, in all circumstances, and being bold about it, whether anyone around you likes it or not. And it certainly means voting American. Learning, loving and passing on the Constitution to younger generations. Being willing to pay the cost of being boldly American. There may be social costs, sales costs, monetary costs, employment costs, even legal costs. What we're talking about here is sacrificial love of country.
Study America, objectively, as compared to any other nation existing or in history, and then choose your course. Don't count on any of our Establishment Party system leadership; they are lost. They have made themselves domestic enemies of the Constitution. If this doesn't happen from the bottom up, it won't happen at all.
If you determine that America as founded is worth the sacrifice, whatever form it may take, then join the parade, wave the flag, sing the anthem and be fiercely bold and publicly proud of your nation, Under God.
So, what happens when a new Constitutionalist President and/or a new Constitutionalist Congress decides to put an end to Global trends and return America to being one single and singularly distinct nation of Christian people organized as a purely Constitutional Republic?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Even as holiness disintegrates from loss of faith,
America disintegrates from lack of love.
The two things are related.
Anti-American Abortion.
Breaking Abortion: What happens when a Constitutionalist President and/or a Constitutionalist Congress recognizes the clear and obvious unconstitutionality and thus illegality of the Rove v Wade, Doe v Bolton decisions, and many related cases since them, and then just strikes them all down?
And how will our government seditionists - I mean office holders - react when the Principle of Constitutionality is set before their faces, and they are forced to defend their invented "Constitutional Right" by using completely outside-the-Constitution arguments?
All a new President and/or a new Congress has to do is Declare It Null, and be done with it. Very simple; nothing to it.
In fact, for any existing law, executive action, regulation or court decision that is on its face unconstitutional, a President does not need the consent of a Congress, and a Congress does not need the signature of a President to declare it null, for the simple reason that it is unconstitutional. All that is needed is the ability to read.
The Supreme Court Justices, in their majority, violated their oaths of office to uphold the Constitution, and violated the Constitution itself in their majority decisions on Roe v Wade and Doe v Bolton. Through these unlawful legal decisions, and their unlawful legal precedents, they established entirely new civil rights that did not previously exist in the Constitution or in natural law.
They were unlawful, first, because Abortion itself is not listed among the limited and enumerated powers of federal government in Article One Section Eight of the Constitution, and therefore Abortion is out-of-scope for being addressed in federal law. The Supreme Court, therefore, never even should have heard the cases. Abortion is strictly a matter of State and lower jurisdictions.
They were unlawful, second, because they established Supreme Court Level Legal Precedents supporting the "right" to commit abortion, thereby making New Law. And the Supreme Court is specifically prohibited by the Constitution from making new law, for making new law is the exclusive domain of the Congress, as per Article One Section One. The only things the Court can legitimately adjudicate is existing legitimate Constitutional law.
In point of fact, when these unconstitutional decisions were made, they abrogated and nullified legislated, representative law as it stood at the time in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In direct violation of the Tenth Amendment. The Court had no Constitutional authority to do this; in fact, the Court was Constitutionally prohibited from doing it.
And they knew it. And they did it anyway.
Bottom line, speaking strictly Constitutionally, the whole political and legal question hangs on whether whatever is living and growing in the womb of a pregnant woman is a human being or not, and whether it is alive or not.
Now, the New Biology, like the New Math and the New Everything Else, may claim that it is not human, or, it is not alive, until some point, such as viability or some such subjective thing. But the DNA says that it is human, from the very first instant of conception. That's real science talking. And, if it were not alive, it would not be cell-dividing and growing; so, it must be alive.
Again, if its alive and its human it has Constitutional rights.
So real science agrees with simple common sense. And with nature. And with God's Law. As usual.
To roughly paraphrase something I heard Fr. Pavone of Priests for Life say, any politician who is incapable of discerning the difference between representing the people and killing the people is unworthy of political office, and certainly unworthy of your vote.
So, what happens after a President or a Congress actually stops all the "counter" legislation, and all the legislation-versus-adjudication political haranguing and public political posturing, and simply strikes these decisions down, for once and for all?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
"If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and
seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from
heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land." --2 Chronicles 7:14
Anti-American Homosexual Marriage.
Breaking Homo-Marriage: What happens after a new Constitutionalist President and/or a new Constitutionalist Congress recognizes the clear and obvious unconstitutionality of the Obergefell v Hodges Supreme Court decision, and simply Declares it Null and Void?
Lots of people will scream bloody murder, but there will be nothing they can do about it, legally speaking. A law or a right is either Constitutional, or it is not. An action by a branch of the federal government is either Constitutional, or it is not. The Court invented right for homosexuals to marry is unconstitutional on its face, because it violated the Principle of Constitutionality.
First, neither marriage itself, nor homosexuality itself, are listed among the limited and enumerated Constitutional powers of the federal government, in Article One Section Eight of the Constitution. Therefore, neither marriage itself, nor homosexuality itself, are fit subjects for any of the three branches of government to address at all. Subsidiarity, and the 9th and 10th Amendments, say that matters outside the scope of the federal government are subject to State and lower government jurisprudence, and private citizen decisions. Thus Obergefell v Hodges, legitimately, was not even a federal case.
Second, having violated Constitutional principles in even hearing the case, the Court then violated the principle of Separation of Powers in its decision, by establishing an entirely new "right" and an entirely new "law" by way of establishing a new case-law legal Precedent at the Constitutional level. New law is the exclusive domain of the Congress, not the Court, as per Article One Section One. New Law must be legislated into being by a Congress, not Ordered into being by a President, not Regulated into being by an unrepresentative and unaccountable bureaucracy and not Interpreted into being or Decided into being by a Court.
The Court had no Constitutional authority to do this; in fact, the Court was Constitutionally prohibited from doing it.
And they knew it. And they did it anyway.
Once again, on yet another subject, the Justices who voted to set this unconstitutional precedent violated their very oaths of office to make the decision. For in this decision, they all knowingly, willingly and purposely violated the one very thing they were all solemnly sworn to not violate: the Constitution itself.
So, again, what happens when a new President and/or a new Congress decides to put an end to the Court's continuous legislating from the bench and simply declares the homosexual marriage decision to be null, void and no precedent, by simply Declaring It Null?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Secularism.
Breaking Secularism: What happens when a new President and/or a new Congress decides to finally set aside the unconstitutional 1947 Everson case Supreme Court decision, and thereby end, once and for all, Separation of Church and State at the federal level?
The Everson case decision was so glaringly unconstitutional as to be stupid. The framers and ratifiers of the Constitution never intended to divorce themselves, or future federal governments, from their religions, or to restrict government from supporting them, or to restrict the American people from living their lives fully in accordance with them. As President, Thomas Jefferson himself did the very things that the Black decision in Everson said he could not legally do: he built a Church and supplied a Priest for it using American treasure to do it. Officially. As President.
That decision, described in detail at Separation of Church and State, marked a major turning point in American citizen morality, from Judaeo-Christian moral norms, to the social "Secularism" being advanced in the world by supposedly Enlightened thinking. I'm sure Justice Black and those Justices who agreed with him thought of themselves as enlightened rather than evil. Whether they were actually fools or evil is for God to decide; as far as we are concerned today, the decision they made was grossly and obviously unconstitutional.
In fact, it set the precedent for future unconstitutional Court rulings.
And, it provided the precedent for unrepresentative, unaccountable and therefore unconstitutional bureaucratic regulations further restricting the free exercise of religion and the exercise of free speech in America. Chief among these were those anti-Christian regulations emanating from the IRS.
If you ever wondered why your Pastor was prohibited by law from supporting or opposing a political candidate or a political issue from the pulpit, the IRS is the reason. If you ever wondered why any so called non-profit or not-for-profit or charitable organization had to get government permission to declare itself into being, and follow certain speech-restricting rules just to stay in being, the IRS is the reason. Kind of makes you wonder who the hell the government thinks it is.
There is no legitimate reason for divorcing our religion from our politics.
The only illegitimate reason is to advance anti-religion politics.
Now, we could take apart all the individual IRS unconstitutional regulations one by one, but the most effective way to undo this whole IRS mess it to take out the whole IRS and shut it down, as we recommended herein in the Breaking Taxation treatment. Then, there would be no need to deal with the federal government in being charitable, or being political, or setting up an organization for any purpose whatsoever, and how that organization could speak and act, so long as it remained within the law.
After all, what business is it of the government how much income your Pastor makes, or who or what political candidates and issues he promotes or demonizes from the pulpit, or what he says in his publications, or who he stumps for on the campaign trail, or how he runs his Parish? Is he a Constitutionally protected American citizen, or not? Are not we all?
So, a Constitutionalist President and/or a Constitutionalist Congress can shut down the IRS and all its religion-restricting and speech-restricting and press-restricting regulations. That still leaves the unconstitutionally established, federal level, "principle" of Separation of Church and State. That unlegislated, unrepresentative "principle" has been used quite successfully to steadily and increasingly pry the American citizenry away from their religious moorings.
After Justice and National Defense, the first priority of good government is to seek the Common Good of the American citizenry. Promoting, winking-at, allowing or unconstitutionally legalizing blatant immorality is not in the interest of the Common Good.
Morality drives the living of life; morality drives everything in culture.
So why in the world would anyone accept the false premise that the "Social Issues", i.e., the Moral issues, should not be considered in making political decisions, and in voting for political candidates? And if Christian morality is no longer to be the standard by which America judges right from wrong, then, what is that standard to be? Marxist pure utilitarianism? Secular Humanism? Universal Human Rights? Satanist Evil? Neutral amorality? What? Do the opponents of Christian morality even have a standard at all, and do they even know simple right from wrong?
Note how they do not present a replacement set of rules. Guess why.
Christian morality is the fundamental basis for all of our civil law.
Politicians and political candidates who declare themselves to be "personally opposed" to, pick one, abortion; homosexual marriage; etc.; but, nevertheless, "cannot impose my morality on others" is a liar, or a fool. The true situation is exactly the reverse of his lie. The, pick one, abortion; homosexual marriage; etc.; movement is unconstitutionally imposing its blatant immorality on the whole nation, against its will, without representation and without legislation.
We do not impose our morality on them. Rather, they impose their immorality on us, against our will, and against the Constitution.
Politicians who cannot see this fallacy are too stupid for office. Those who do see it and still say it are too evil for office.
It's the same with the "my body, my choice" stupidity. If someone else's body is involved, it's not your choice. "Woman's right to choose" is another such fallacy. Everybody knows that there is one and only one choice involved in that unconstitutional "right", and it is the woman's right to "choose" to abort someone else.
Can any argument be any more obviously wrong than these?
Well, maybe. There's still the condemned "one issue voter" argument.
It doesn't hold water either, because,
The right to Life is in the American Declaration as one of the four natural law civil rights, the legal protection of which formed the reason for the establishment and constituting of America. That we would all have equality, meaning, equally applied justice, and the inviolable rights to life, liberty and property. ("Pursuit of Happiness" is interpreted to be the right to get ahead; to save money, acquire and accumulate wealth, or, properly speaking, Private Property.
These are solidified in Amendment V in the Constitution, as it clearly states that no person may "... be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; ...". Thus, American citizens have a Constitutional right to Life.
Again, the four Declared American foundational civil rights are solidified in the Constitution in Amendment XIV, as it clearly states, in Section One, "... nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
There we have it, in the Supreme Law of America, which is based on the Natural Law, and which recognizes the Divine Author of Nature.
It may bee seen that the American Constitution, as written if not as currently enforced, is more "Catholic" than some of America's official Catholic archdioceses. In the Church, too, it appears that the non-magisterial, or the dissident teachers, either outnumber or out-teach, or talk over the top of the Roman Magisterium itself.
So what does the Magisterial Church say about Life, speaking as the sole protector of unchanged Revealed Truth down through the ages, and what does Protestantism mostly say about it?
Doctrine does not change, but doctrine "develops" over time, as doctrine is challenged and defended, researched, studied and more fully understood and carefully articulated.
Cardinal Ratzinger, who would become Pope Benedict XVI, once offered "non-negotiable" sins that no Catholic could support, by vote or anything else, and remain true to the faith. They were, of course, sins relating to:
First, of course, was Life. Human Life is so important that it is most often broken down into its constituting parts, each of which is held to be a non-negotiable issue.
As it stands today, forming up the Catholic side of the "one issue voter" argument pertaining to Life, there are five non-negotiable points that no Catholic may ever support, because they are non-negotiable. And they are,
They all pertain to Human Life. Again, if a politician does not hold Life itself to be of value, there is likely no other issue or topic that he is likely to be on the "true" and moral side of. He cannot recognize what is true if he cannot recognize God, Who is Truth Personified.
The five non-negotiables are non-negotiable because the are antithetical to the culture of life; they promote instead a culture of death. The eventual death of the whole human race. Personally, I would add Artificial Contraception to the list, because it produces all of the death dealing sexual perversions of a culture of death.
The non-negotiables, like artificial contraception, have been declared to be intrinsically evil. Evil in and of their very nature. Irredeemably evil. Many other "evils" are not intrinsic evils, and therefore they are arguable, or negotiable. We can argue with, or not agree with a Pope, for instance, on the evil or war, or the evil of the death penalty. While war and the death penalty are to be avoided whenever possible, the Church would not deny the right of the state to defend itself from foreign aggression, or to insure the safety of its citizenry from capital crimes.
Catholics should not be too proud of our unchanged and eternal doctrines, because more than half of America's practicing and regularly attending Catholics don't follow them anyway. And that probably includes a similar percentage of Catholic clerics. We have before us, after all, Archbishop Cupich's pro-homosexual archdiocese of Chicago, and Card. Dolan's pro-homosexual archdiocese of New York, and Card. Wuerl's pro-scandalously-sinful-politician archdiocese of Washington DC. And more, I'm sure.
With Catholic teachers like that, is it any wonder the Church in America has lost over 50% of its flock since the 1960s? We can see that Bishops, too, just go along to get along. When there is no difference between Catholic moral teaching and any other "moral" teaching, why should anyone remain or become Catholic? Our Bishops, for the most part, do not even want to compete with the larger culture. They act like whipped dogs. Culture drives them. They bow before politics. Some of them participate in politics, on the wrong side.
There is one more dangerously wrong but good sounding argument against Christian morality out there, and it is the argument that demonizes ideology, in and of itself. Any ideology. An "ideologue" is held to be a bad person. Too rigid. Everyone is supposed to just flow with the cultural breeze and go with the cultural current, and not be stuck in some archaic ideology that holds culture back from "progress".
I submit that the opposite is true. If someone does not have a well thought out personal ideology, then they cannot be responsible adults, let alone responsible citizens of a free Constitutional Republic. Whether an ideology is good or bad depends entirely upon the ideology itself, but to not hold one at all is to be incompetent as an adult.
While I never took any highfalutin philosophy courses, I have read widely, and I have read the Catechism, and the Constitution, and formed an ideology - a guide for the living of my religious, political and cultural life. It is described toward the top of the Ideologies page. I'm telling you, if a sufficient number of us do not hold and strongly support a pro-Christian, pro-American, pro-Constitution ideology, America is not going to get out of this ever deepening Obamunist-Marxocrat Party mess. For they do indeed have an ideology, an evil one, and they stick to it.
That's why they keep winning.
How do you adopt, adapt or develop an ideology for yourself that seeks to please God, and to live in this world, both, simultaneously? You begin by thinking about it.
Read the Sidebar relationship between Religion and Politics.
Read the Sidebar on American Constitutionalism.
Read the Sidebar on Nationalism versus Globalism.
Read the Sidebar on Marxist Ideology.
Read the Sidebar on Islamic Ideology.
Just as a beginning point.
The best authors I can recommend are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The best religious library I can recommend is the whole Bible. For Catholics, you need the Catechism of the Catholic Church. For everyone, you need the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution, in its entirety.
As a Christian, and as a citizen, you need to know what you are fighting for before you begin to fight. And you need to know who your enemy is, or you will not win.
Begin with this: Evil exists. Ideologies that intend our harm exist.
It is your duty as a Christian to counter evil.
It is your duty as an American to counter evil ideologies.
If it wasn't for the 1947 Everson case Supreme Court decision, written by Justice Black, America never would have sunk to this lowly situation of just plain, un-resisted, culture-rot, where Cultural Marxism has been allowed to successfully infect academia, education (including Catholic education), science, journalism and now a vast segment of the voting population.
So what happens when a new President and/or a new Congress decides to get back to basics and strike down the evil "principle" of Separation of Church and State, and begin returning America to Christian-based morality as opposed to secular immorality and amorality in civil law and in civil rights?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Gun Control.
Breaking Gun Control: In the closing lines of that linked page we summed up all that America needs to restore herself to her former strength and greatness:
All we need is a real Constitutionalist in high office. No one will be able to argue against him without arguing in public against the Constitution, right out in front of the people.
Which would be a great final showdown, between the government and the Constitution.
Pray for him to show up.
Very simple; nothing to it.
The reason that is true is that our sitting government is lawless. Virtually owned by Cultural Marxism, it is in a Crony-relationship with the News Media, Academia and even the Scientific Community, all of which are also virtually owned by Cultural Marxism. They are all one and the same thing, forming a quasi criminal enterprise. They all live and grow by the lie. Big, bold, public lies. They feed and grow each other with lies.
All that our unconstitutional gun control laws ever accomplished in America was to take guns out of the hands of law abiding citizens and leave law breakers free to arm to the teeth. Even the first 1930s laws controlling fully automatic machine guns only took them out of the hands of those who were naturally inclined to obey all other laws, too. Al Capone and his gang, and others like them, didn't turn in their fully automatic sub-machine guns; only the non-criminal element in America did that. Leaving themselves unarmed and defenseless against armed brigands, highwaymen and robbers.
And against their own ever increasingly lawless government.
And today, we stand largely unarmed against Islamic Jihadists that our lawless government is working overtime to bring in among us, as one more element contributing to government induced general cultural disharmony and chaos. Note well that Islamic Jihadist don't respect or obey our laws, only theirs.
Anti-gun nuts argue that "open ownership" would result in armed gangs and armed bands roving the country. That's a lie, of course; we have that now. That's what gun control brought us. Criminals don't disarm; only the law abiding disarm. And that appears to be the real intent and goal of gun control.
The biggest single thing that would bring safety to the public against robbery and gang crime is an armed citizenry.
The biggest single thing that would protect private property from Black Lives Matter type government organized riots would be an armed citizenry.
The biggest single factor in reducing death and destruction within our own borders by acts of Islamic Jihad would be an armed American citizenry.
Nothing any level of government could ever do would do more toward restoring peace and safety to the citizenry than to arm the American citizenry.
So what happens when a new Constitutionalist President and/or a new Constitutionalist Congress just steps up, with Constitution in hand, and begins striking down Unconstitutional gun control laws, regulations, executive orders and court established legal precedents?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Cultural Chaos.
Breaking Chaos: What happens when a Constitutionalist President and/or a Constitutionalist Congress decides to restore respect for Truth in government, and to encourage Truth in education, science, journalism, entertainment and all other areas of human endeavor, in so much as government can Constitutionally encourage such things in private enterprises?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Faux Civil Rights.
Breaking Faux Civil Rights: What happens when a new Constitutionalist President and/or a new Constitutionalist Congress recognizes the fact that fraudulent and unconstitutional "civil rights" have been conjured into being to trump legitimate, legal and Constitutional civil rights?
Where, either in the Natural Law or in the Constitution, do we find any "right" for a man to declare himself to not be a man, or a woman's right to simply declare herself to not be a woman, and an attendant responsibility or duty for the rest of us to just accept any such personal declaration?
Where, either in the Natural Law or in the Constitution, do we find any "civil rights" for blacks, Hispanics, sexual perverts or any other minority over and above the civil rights of anyone else, in any area of life?
In accordance with Subsidiarity, and in accordance with Amendment X, states and lower jurisdictions may recognize such rights, but no one - not any lower jurisdictions, not any states, not any courts, not any US Congress, US President or US Supreme Court, may legally and Constitutionally establish any such new civil right Nation Wide other than by Constitutional Amendment.
Again, if it ain't in Article One Section Eight, and there has been no Constitutional Amendment to put it there, it is not a nation-wide Constitutional Right. Whoever "established" it by whatever means did so illegally and unconstitutionally, and it is subject to being simply declared null and void, on that basis alone. That includes the Supreme Court, any lower court, any regulating bureaucracy, the President and the Congress.
The same can be said for "special" rights for some that violate equal rights for all. The same can be said for any "rights" that, in and of themselves, violate any part of the Constitution. For example,
MLK's correctly Christian and correctly Constitutional activism brought black America into proper Constitutional equal rights and equal justice in all areas of America, but especially in those geographic areas under the political control of the segregationist Marxocrat Party. Blacks gained no "new" rights then; they simply gained correct legal application of the civil rights already due to them through their and our Constitution, in spite of Marxocrat Party political, legal and terrorist opposition.
But what about all these other "rights" that just keep multiplying?
Artificial Contraception, viewed as a legal "right", nationwide:
Being homosexual and free from any discrimination, simultaneously.
Declaring a self-defining imaginary "Gender" and using opposite sex restroom facilities.
I think you can see the pattern here. Every time a court, or a bureaucracy, or a Presidential Edict calls all of America to recognize some new "right" that is clearly out-of-scope, so-called Conservatives in Congress and the Press conjure up all sorts of countering bills or hearings or actions to undo it or oppose it, in a flurry of strictly defensive-mode activity, but none of them ever recognize that the whole subject is way outside of all of their legal jurisdiction in the first place.
That's what happens after multiple generations of studiously ignoring the Constitution that gives them their full operating instructions.
We are not operating under the Constitution that restricts our government and protects our rights.
Every bit of this nonsense is publicly and politically hyped to be aimed at "bringing us all together" when in fact it is aimed at the exact opposite of solidarity. The whole intent is to create, splinter, antagonize, agitate and factionalize ever increasingly hostile opposing groups while legally forcing them all into close company with each other against their will. The real goal is Chaos.
So what happens when a new President and/or a new Congress decides to reestablish the Constitution to its rightful place as the Supreme Law of the Land, and begins to dismantle all of the existing extraneous, unconstitutional nonsense and get back to basics?
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Christian Heterodoxy.
Breaking Heterodoxy: The Catholic Church, as the sole keeper of original unchanged Christian doctrine, is the logical basis to which the larger Christian world turns for the "basics". When questions arise over proper meaning and interpretation, the whole Christian world turns toward Augustine, Aquinas, the early Church Fathers, and even the Popes. Whether they like it or not, if they want to study Christianity, they have to study Catholicism, or at least what the most important historical Catholic figures wrote. Sooner or later, all denominations looking into Scripture history or doctrine history or Christian theology wind up studying the vast literature of the original Church that received the Revelation and authored the Bible in the first place, and unavoidably so. You can't get away from it.
"General Christianity" provided the moral basis for the founding and constituting of the USA, and the basis for all American civil law. So our whole national moral foundation is built upon the immutable Christian moral law. If that moral law is truly immutable, does it not stand to reason that the Church everyone looks to for final verification of moral law should itself be unchanging and unvarying in its moral teaching? Should it not speak with one and only one moral voice?
Well maybe it does, but if it does, that voice is not heard in America.
We have spoken, some think too much, about how Western thought has been purposely disinformed, with evil intent, through the sly infiltration of Cultural Marxism. Almost no one sees the accelerating moral decline in all of Western Culture as caused by an evil hidden political plan, but that is precisely what it is. And it isn't merely being promoted to newer generations through Marxist-ideology dominated secular education.
Catholic education is infected by it too. Perhaps more.
The evidence is heavy. Look through the Heterodox Catholicism pages, the Cafeteria Catholicism pages, and the Papal Imperfections pages, and note how Communism, once roundly condemned by one and all Churchmen, is now not so hotly condemned all over the Church. Not even mentioned in Vatican II documents. Marxism has truly affected Catholic "Social Justice" teaching, to the point of hierarchical blessing of new "rights" that do not exist in the Natural Law, pertaining more to material equality and social equality than to equality in access to true justice and equality in human dignity. To the point that some Bishops would even approve of state forced material and/or social sameness.
It isn't just all the infamous Liturgical Wars that are dividing Catholics all over the world, although that, too, is a major factor in the breakup of the One Holy Apostolic Church. Now, no two Catholic Churches are the same. We almost may as well be Protestant. Catholics now "shop" for Parishes that fit their preferences, just as Protestants "shop" for interpretations and even denominations.
We have no choice. We are no longer one Church.
But American Catholicism's problems are deeper even than that; the deeper problem involves the adoption or adaptation of Marxist ideology into Catholic "theology". Just as Marxism is no longer recognized as a mortal enemy to the American Constitution, Marxism seems to no longer be recognized as a mortal enemy to Christianity. It's just another, perhaps superior, form of "Social Justice".
All of which explains how so many ordained Catholic clerics will always vote the Marxocrat Party ticket, even despite the Marxocrat Party Platform championing every single existing form of Church-defined non-negotiable intrinsic evil.
And it explains why we have so many "Catholic" Parishes flying the rainbow flag of sodomy with the full blessing of their Bishops. And it explains why ranking "Catholic" clerics and theologians are teaching us all about how we can have a "reasonable hope" that there is nobody in hell, and that nobody is ever going to hell.
It's I'm OK, you're OK Catholicism.
I have heard Catholic clerics on Catholic radio recommending bringing active homosexuals and other similar practicing unrepentant sinners to Mass, and welcoming them into the Parish community, in spite of 2 Thes 3:14, Rom 16:17, 2 Tim 3:5, Matt 18:17, etc. If everyone is welcomed into full participation in the Christian community, then, what has the very definition of the Christian community become? How, exactly, do you define it? How, exactly, is it any different than any other community?
Is there still actually any such a thing as a Christian community?
I've even heard advice from talk radio Catholic clerics responding to family member and close friend questions regarding attending homosexual marriages and receptions, with the now seemingly standard answer, Mass, no, but the wedding reception, yes. Because "we don't want to shun our close friends or relatives".
Why not?
The argument that we still have a chance of converting them if we are still in close contact is countered by the argument that they still have a chance of converting us if we are still in close contact. It goes two ways. You become who you associate with.
Say you attend the homosexual reception of a close friend or relative. Do you follow all the old traditions? Do you clink your fork against your glass to encourage another public homosexual kiss? Do you stand in line to take your turn dancing with the bride to put money in his hand? Do you talk to the little children present about how one day they, too, may be homosexual brides and grooms?
No? Why not? Are you some kind of homophobe?
The American citizenry is not going to fully return to Christian morality without a serious conversion or re-conversion back to at least the basics of foundational Christian faith. Greater America really needs a strong One Voice Catholicism to look to for the anchor, or the fundamental roots of Christian faith. And that just ain't here.
Our only path today is one of geographic dioceses and archdioceses here and there that fiercely stand up for orthodoxy and magisterial teaching, no holds barred. If some of them will start it, perhaps others will follow, however meekly. But if we just keep doing what we're doing, both the Church in America and America herself are cruising straight into complete disintegration.
The Church is supposed to be leading the moral way, but the Church just ain't doing it.
It's now gone so far that it can all come apart within one year.
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
Anti-American Shadow Government.
Breaking the Establishment Club: What happens when a new Constitutionalist President or a new Constitutionalist Congress decides to forcibly reverse the unconstitutional course of the whole government, and especially break the unconstitutional dictatorial Court power over the other two branches of government?
Or, what happens when a not-so-Constitutionalist new President, such as Donald Trump, decides to fire back at the whole Establishment Club that owns the Parties, and that has been doing everything in its power to destroy him?
What happens when, as President, he discovers the power of the Constitution as a weapon with which to cut off all of their money and destroy all of their power?
And what happens when he discovers that he doesn't necessarily need to make any big, complicated "deals" to make America great again; that if he just gets Big Government out of the way, America will make herself great again, almost automatically. And almost immediately. And that in so doing, he would go down in history as among the greatest of Presidents, if not the greatest.
The strategic steps leading to the destruction of The Club are all present in the sections of this webpage, and in the Return to Constitutional America pages, which are linked to in the right column of this page.
Destroying The Club should be easy for a big deal making tycoon like The Donald. If he put his mind to it and decided to do it, budda-bing, budda-bang, budda-boom, America would be a Constitutional Republic again, in maybe just a couple of years.
Lots of super rich people wouldn't be so rich, and many of them might even be in jail. Lots of powerful organization won't have so much power, and many of them might be out of business.
Ordinary citizens would go back to just going into business for themselves without saying a word to the government, charities likewise, and big international companies would be competing with each other to get our permission to locate or relocate here.
What if he won, and he actually decided to do it?
The Good:
Regarding Income Tax, FICA Tax, Corporate Tax, etc.:
Regarding the elimination of unconstitutional bureaucracies:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
In Summation:
American blindness to the threat is my major concern. It all looks like business as usual to so many. Even so-called conservative big shots who are not necessarily favoring big-government or Cronyism or any part of Marxism do not see this election as potentially a particularly cataclysmic event. It's just another election, to them; they think there will be others. So they will sit it out, seeing no good candidate, and next time, they think, the voters will have learned their lesson.
We've been down this road too many times. There will be no next time. This could very well be America's very last semi-valid election.
And the American people, for the most part, don't know about the real and present threats posed by the new variants of Marxism and Islam that are not only present here, but interwoven into the very fabric of American society. Cultural Marxism, and Civilization Jihad, both, are right here, right now, and not only not recognized as threats, but welcomed among us. Invited.
I can't get this off of my mind. I started writing this way back on September 13, and just finishing it now, October 9. With only a couple of hours available per day to work on it, it took this long; however, the threats to civilization are so great that they wake me up at 4:00 AM to put some more words down, before I have to go to work. Continually waffling between despair and hope for the future, the anxiety grows as the election approaches. I sense that The Donald will win, but who knows what further Marxocrat Party cheating may occur.
The people need to know: The Threat Is Real.
America must win, which means, the Marxocrat Party must lose.
May God lead us back to critical thinking and simple common sense.
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Date: Thu Apr 15 14:30:15 2021
From: René Guerra, Sr.
Location: Cupertino, Marxifornia (aka "California"), USA
Finally, someone who gets and loud says it overall, and 99.99% accurately and veridically. This is material to be read and act upon by anyone and everyone who overall adheres to and vies to overall strengthen THE way The Founders CONSTITUTED the United Sates of America (magnificent deed they narrated for contemporaneity and posterity on four sheets of parchment manuscript they appropriately titled "The Constitution of the United States of America"), as based on the "In Congress, July 4, 1976, Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen States of America" (aka "Declaration of Independence").
Date: Fri Apr 16 2021
From: Vic Biorseth
If you liked this big long page, you will love all the much shorter ones this one addresses as 'consequences' of doing the things that they all recommend doing. You can see them all at the BREAKING-PARTY-AGENDAS-PAGES.
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Never be lukewarm.
Life itself demands passion.
He who is indifferent to God has already forfeited his soul.
He who is indifferent to politics has already forfeited his liberty.
In America, religion is not mere window dressing and citizenship is not a spectator sport. Do not allow our common destiny as a whole people to just happen without your input.
Seek the Truth; find the Way; live the Life; please God, and live forever.
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Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and
Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in
thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life:
and few there are that find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in
the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Christ; Matthew 7:13–15
Related WebPages
This grouping of links provides a repository for all agenda items necessary to get the American Federal Government back under the American Constitution and performing in strict accordance with it.
Restoring Constitutional America Pages
If it isn't in Article One Section Eight, the federal government shouldn't be doing it. If it violates any part of the Constitution, especially the Bill Of Rights, the federal government shouldn't be doing it.
Breaking the Parties: Ending unconstitutional, illegal control of government. Political Parties were never Constitutional. Making American government more manageable, representative and Constitutional begins with breaking the Parties.
Breaking the Media: ending control and slanting of public political opinion. A return to American Constitutionalism and recognizing truth requires breaking the media's controlling relationship to American politics.
Breaking-Taxation: Ending all taxes on all Private Property, including Income. And if your income is not your private property, then, whose is it? Ending all unrepresentative, regulatory and unconstitutional taxes.
Breaking Regulation: Ending unconstitutional, unlegislated lawmaking. Breaking Regulation means shutting down unrepresentative and unconstitutional bureaucracies that make regulations with full force of law behind them.
Breaking Dissimilation: Cultural Evil masquerading as Assimilation. Breaking Dissimilation means maintaining Who We Are, as a Distinct People, in the face of Forced, Purposeful Immigration of Evil.
Breaking Obamacare: Eliminating Socialized Medicine once and for all. Breaking Obamacare and showing that neither Health Care nor Health Care Insurance are the Constitutional business of the federal government.
Breaking Public Education: Killing Tax-Paid Anti-American Indoctrination. Breaking Public Education at the federal level may be the only way to kill Common Core under all its aliases.
Breaking Anti-Constitution Culture Rot: Making America Good Again. America cannot be great again until she is good again, and becoming good again requires breaking anti-Constitution culture-rot.
Breaking Unions: Ending Marxism's intrusion into work place relationships. Breaking Unions means breaking the very reason Organized Labor was originally Organized: to provide a path to violent revolution.
Breaking Marxism: Excising America's destructive social parasite. Breaking Marxism will be a tougher job than Breaking Islam, because "Cultural Marxism" is now interwoven into our national cultural fabric.
Breaking Islam: Getting Islam out of America, and making war on Jihad. Constitutional survival demands breaking Islam and breaking Marxism in America, and opposing their progress elsewhere in the world.
Breaking Voter Fraud: Ending Alien, Unidentified and Domestic Enemy Voting. The whole goal of open borders, amnesty, opposing voter-ID and early voting is to defraud the system, defeat the Constitution and take over America.
Repairing Defense: Undoing the Obamunist - Marxocrat Party's damage. Repairing Defense is an absolute requirement for American military before any serious military action.
Breaking The UN: De-funding a Globalist, Dependent-Upon-Us Mortal Enemy. The UN is now a Globalist, predominantly Marxist and Moslem, anti-American and anti-sovereignty, corrupt, criminal enterprise. It needs to be broken.
Breaking The FED: Repealing the 1913 Federal Reserve Act to Restore Treasury. Getting America's Currency and Treasure back under America's government requires breaking the FED.
Breaking The Drug Lords: Ending the Drug War by Killing the Black Market. If we are ever to return to being a Constitutional Republic, we must realize that drugs are not covered by the Constitution, and end the Business by killing the Market.
Breaking Globalism: The anti-sovereignty dream of borderless hodgepodge. Globalism: the New Communism. Anti-nation chaos dressed up as Utopia. A phony ideology so stupid it makes my feet hurt.
Breaking Abortion: Rescuing American Civilization from Utter Barbarity. Breaking Abortion is the first step in restoring the Constitution to its rightful place as the Supreme Law of the Land.
Breaking Homo Marriage: What the hell was the Court thinking? Breaking Homo Marriage, as one step among many in getting our three co-equal branches of federal government back into their separate and strictly limited individual Constitutional corners.
Breaking Secularism: Our Unconstitutional "Separation of Church and State". Restoring religious freedom requires breaking secularism, breaking Unconstitutional Political Parties and restoring our original Judaeo-Christian National Ethos.
Breaking Gun Control: Re-establishing Constitutional Citizen Security. Breaking Gun Control means declaring related unconstitutional gun laws to be null and void, because they violate the Second Amendment.
Breaking Chaos: Restoring Order in the face of Evil Revolution. Proactively breaking chaos means re-institutionalizing Truth, through proper fear of the Lord.
Breaking Faux Civil Rights: If it's not Constitutional it's not a Civil Right. If they are not in the Natural Law and not in the Constitution, then they are not "Civil Rights" and they may not be addressed in Federal Law.
Breaking Heterodoxy: Priests can either restore orthodoxy, or they cannot. All the other "Breaking" pages have to do with the Constitution; this one has to do with the return to Roman Catholic Orthodoxy, which leads the way in restoring American cultural morality.
Breaking The Club: Breaking the Big Money control of American Politics. Our Politics are run by money, money, money. Breaking The Establishment Club requires breaking the big money requirement of Professional Politics.
Consequences of Breaking the System and Restoring the Constitution. Assessing the good, bad and ugly consequences of breaking the system of political corruption and returning America to Constitutional Rule.
Could a President Trump destroy the Establishment? You betcha. He could unseat a majority on the Court, unseat much of Congress and virtually destroy the News Media.
The Religion-Political Parallels in America's rise, and in her decline. Boldly speaking about the taboo subjects of religion and politics is what this DIVISIVE and INTERACTIVE website was born to do.
Another Marxist "Catholic Spring"? Yawn. So what else is new? Breaking News: A Catholic Springtime of Revolution. Well, ho hum, heavy sigh and here we go again.
Political Parties = Political Denominationalism = Diversity in Patriotism. Denominationalism varies Revealed Truth; Political Parties vary Constitutional Meaning.
Evil Unmasked: Ryan and the boys openly side with America's enemies. If they won't support their own candidate in a two-person race, which candidate does that leave unopposed?
Invincible Ignorance my ass. It's invincible lawlessness running amuck. Government, academia, journalism and entertainment, all working together as one big criminal enterprise.
The Great Global Deception: "Death of a thousand cuts" applied to Civilization. The Global Deception is Machiavellian-ism applied by inches, in which the "Revolution" never quite comes, because the Target Institution destroys itself.
On the Mythical Conservative Movement of the Republicrat Party. Conservative Movement? What Conservative Movement? There ain't no Conservative Movement.
Stupid Intellectuals: The conservative political sophist circular firing squad. The stupid "intellectuals" in the establishment who just keep shooting themselves.
Defining Rights Down, Reversing Constitutional Meaning and Wrecking America. On Unconstitutional "Hate Speech" and "Hate Crime", established by Flag Burners, America Haters and Constitution Destroyers.
Finding Geographical, Political and Religious True North. It is Knowing True North that properly orients us, and enables us to find the elusive Direction Home.
The White House: We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident, That All Men are Created Equal and Endowed by their Creator with Inalienable Rights
The Sacrificial Fall of Lucifer and the Evolutionary Rise of the Death Cult’s Global Luciferian Religion
Two Kinds of Wisdom and the Lamb’s Book of Life Luke 10: 17-20
Hatred, Envy, Resentment, Vengeance: Why Whites Need Not Apply Lawless Politics of Sin
The evil materialist faith of global Luciferianism, Technocracy, Socialism, and Marxism
Prayer Against Wicked Ideologues Rescue us, O Lord!
System of Lies: Ideological Paradise on Earth and Why the Bloody, Violent Dream Will Not Die
Christendom and Protestant America’s Apostasy into Paganism A Timeline
The presence and influence of powers, principalities, and demons in our age of apostasy into godlessness
Nihilism…All That Exists is Matter and Energy The Worldview that Caused the Collapse of Christendom and Protestant America
Revisiting Nihilism: The Will Turned Toward Evil and the Destruction of Western and American Civilization
The enemies of God, reality, truth, western civilization and our souls Linda Kimbal column
The Last Hour and the New World Order Prayer
Our Call to Battle: Rise of the Spirit of Antichrist Prayer Article: “And this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” (1 John 4:3)
God to Mankind: NOW Do You See the Stupidity, Depravity, and Evil in Your Hearts?
Raising the New Tower-- Occult Evolution: Antediluvian, Babylonian and Modern Expressions
Psychopathy and the Western and American Tyranny of Evil Leftist Progressive Myths
Supernatural Genesis 1-11 vs. Pagan Darwinism God and Liberty or Fallen Mankind and Tyranny
Luke 21: 29-31: Some Signs Of America's Abandonment And Spiritual Bondage
Eternal Paradise Or Hell? How And Why Both Choices Are Freely Made
Luciferian Humanists: Citing the Genesis Account is Evil "Any country grounded in Judaeo-Christian values can't be overthrown until those roots are cut ... "
Who is intolerant because ashamed: Creationists or Evolutionary Theists?
Death of the Christian God in Hearts of All Humans Why America and W. Europe are Committing Suicide
Pagan-Darwinian-Materialism Redoubt of Miserable Self-Deceived Non-Self Nihilists
Americas' Spiritually Dead, Deep State and Ruling Class Nihilists Walking Dead Parasitic Idolaters
Doctrines of Demons and the Modern Pagan and Pantheist Antithesis The West's Greatest Threat
Gnosis: The Main Expression of Paganized Christianity in the New Age Inner Knowing, Self-Salvation
Our Age of Malicious Perversion How Truth, Meaning, and Reality Have Been Perverted
The Serpent's Gnostic Luciferian Elite Oligarchy and Global Powers Demonic Darkness Over the West and America
The Creation Model Versus Modern Pagan Models
2 Corinthians 10:5
What Kind of God Do You Believe In?
2 Cor. 10:5 Destroying 'scientific' arguments for false Gods
Evil Spirits, Death of God, Satanic Inversion Pagan America's Reality of Madness, Demonic Bondage, and Non-Self
Judgment and Wrath The Biblical Explanation for Madness and Evil
The Worldview of Evil Spirits Revolution, Evolution, Materialism, Nihilism, New World Order, and More
Gnosis The Main Expression of Modern Paganized Christianity
America's Transformation Into A Mystical Pantheist God-State What the Death of God Has Wrought
Message to All Wearied Truthtellers: Let Isaiah Be Your Inspiration the Remnant
The Triune God, Supernatural Heaven, Souls, Hell, and Demons Do They Exist?
Teachings of Demons The Aeon of Horus, Reign of God-Men, and End of the Christian God
Revelation 2:7" ...the closing of a steel door – a solemn, cataclysmic slamming of a door."
Systemic Nihilism: End of the Human Race Eternal Damnation of Human Souls
Infernal Apocalyptic Atmosphere Over America Disintegration into nothing
Global and Ruling Class Criminal Elitists Their Ring of Power and Pact with the Spirit of Death and Hell
Blessed is the Man Who Does Not Listen to Falling Stars Who Follow After Damnable Heresies
Darwinism: An Abomination Aborting and Rotting the Church. The falling away and apostasy from the one true and personal Holy Triune Creator God has not ended
The Evil One and the Impenitent Who Receive His Mark“. And the LORD God formed man (and) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7
The Fall of Mankind, the Religion of Evolution, and the Antichrist. "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18
Why Secular Liberals Actively Promote Evil. Mentally Retarded Liberals
Cultural Marxism. The Many Hidden Faces of Living Active Communism
The Devil, the Big Bang, Evolution, Extraterrestrials and the Genesis Problem
The Ascension To Power Of Misogyny. Hatred of Women
Gnostic Chiliastic Evolution: Satan's Alternative Plan of Salvation. The Great Reset
Why Proclaiming Jesus Christ the Word Became Flesh is Offensive. The Technocratic Utopian World Order
The Divine Androgyne, Pandemonium, and the Battle for Our Souls. Satan's Rising New World Order
America's Modern Pagan Oligarchy, Aztec Gods, and Human Sacrifice. Isaiah 57 Revisited
The Peace Symbol: Occult Sign Meaning Death Against Christians. Hatred of Jesus Christ and Christianity
Americas’ Spiritually Desolate, Parasitic, Ruling Class Nihilists. Satan and Powers and Principalities
Global Oligarchy, Forces of Darkness, and the Spirit of Antichrist. Forces Darkness Within Church and State
Darwinism: Idol of mind symbolizing hatred of Triune Creator God. And Logical End of America
Is the World a Computer Simulation in the Minds of Robotic Overlords? Magic Science, Transhumanists, Gnostic Physicists.
Your soul: Cost of admission to the Progressive Pagan City of Man. New Egypt, Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah
Iron Curtain Over American Minds Progressive Marxisms’ Ideological Utopia
Satan’s New World Order Blueprint and Key Strategy. Christian Capitulation To the Serpent's Consensus Process
Chaos, Breakdown, Demoralization, Destruction: America's New Normal. How it came about and where we are going.
Demonic Darkness: America's Invisible Wave of Evil. Staring into the abyss
Cain, Marxism, Leftism and America's ruling class of 'superior' humans. The dragon they have in common
Modernist Christians in a Man-Centered Universe. Scientific Neutrality and Biblical Deconstruction
The Connection Between Baphomet and Why Researchers Are Creating Interspecies Embryos. 2 Corinthians 10:5
Isaiah 57 revisited: America's progressive pagan elites. Staring into the Abyss
Evolutionary Theism Implies That Christ is Wrong About Creation. "For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?" John 5:46-47
Utopianism. Progressive Utopian Cultural Marxism Poisoning Minds, Churches, Schools, Politics
Acts 17:18-19-modern pagan and pantheist antithesis of the Word of God Ecclesiates 1:9 "What has been is what will be.."
Trotsky's Permanent Revolution From Hell In America. The Soviet System in America
Why Transgenderism Is Being Forced Upon America and Our Children. The Divine Androgyne
The Evil Eye Of Envy: Why Being ‘White’ Is Offensive To Some People. No Vice Worse Than Envy
Absolute Nothingness and Non-Self: The Reigning Worldview of Global Power Elites and Western Ruling Classes
What is Evil? Man-made alternative realities
Trump is Destroying Reagan's Legacy By Cliff Kincaid
Trump is a Marked Man By Cliff Kincaid
Terrorist Attack in Baltimore By Cliff Kincaid
Moscow Terror Attack is Another KGB Operation to Fool the West
Obama’s New Nazi-Communist Alliance
On the "Days Of Rage" Planned For The 2024 Marxocrat Party Convention Some of you just couldn't believe that the formerly Democrat
(Confederate) Party had already gone totally Communist before the 1968
Party Convention
Making Russia Great Again By Cliff Cinkaid
De-Nazification and De-Communization in Russia The The mutual non-aggression Hitler-Stalin Pact, which started World War II, has been carefully “forgotten”
Climate Emergency To Produce a New World Order By Cliff Kincaid
The Next Phase of Obama’s “Permanent Revolution” By Cliff Kincaid
Evil in the White House In This War, The Enemy Is In The Ranks, Standing Right Next To You
Satanism, Communism: What's The Difference? Look To The Roots Of Communism
Fox Is the Leading "Trans" Channel There are some rather peculiar goings-on at the Fox News Channel.
Trump and His Communist Enemies The Demonized Joe McCarthy Turned Out To Be Accurate In Everything He Claimed: Fox News Is Wrong About Him And About Much More
The Five Stooges on Capitol Hill They Think We Need Even More Doped No-Hopers In The American Intelligence Community
The Biden Doctrine of Demoralization and Defeat By Cliff Kincaid
A Republican Church Committee? Do Pro-American Republicans Even Know Who Frank Church Really Was?
A Top to Bottom Housecleaning of America When we clean our house, my wife has a slogan, “Top to bottom,” meaning you have to target the whole house. The same advice applies to nations.
China's Mass Murder Experiment Phase Two
Bury The Dead And Move On Fuggedaboutit!
9/11 Truth This is the real 9/11 Truth: Our “intelligence” agencies are infiltrated.
Moving Toward Gorbachev’s “World of Communism” It's called the Monster Plot.
The Errors of Russia, the Dupes of Putin, and Another Holocaust Can The Increasingly Faithless Free World Be Saved From Russia?
World War Quietly Conquering A Distracted and Blithely Unaware World. Could it actually be Satan's world war on despised humanity?
Stand With Ukraine Against Russia and China By Cliff Kincaid
Tucker Carlson Carlson Gets His Comeuppance. Tucker's View: It is not moral for us to intervene in support of any nation's (Ukraine's) democratic self-determination and against Soviet military expansion.
The Need for Secure Borders. Have we so easily forgotten what borders are for? Have we forgotten that evil exists in the world? Have we forgotten how to keep apart from this evil?
Can Ukraine Survive Putin and Biden? Can America? Can the Free World? Can Faith in God?
The Soviet Union: Back From The Dead The Return of the Evil Empire
Could an American Surrender be in the offing with Biden at the wheel? Is this not the perfect time for Communism to strike, with Commies now governing America, China and Russia? What would Biden do?
Abortion and Communism. If you ever wondered where all the popular abortion-contraception-sexuality-perversion nuttiness came from, look to Marx's Communist Manifesto.
The Secret Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. A life almost totally at odds with his reputation as a minister of the Gospel.
"We belong to the Church militant; and She is militant because on earth the powers of darkness are ever restless to encompass Her destruction. Not only in the far-off centuries of the early Church, but down through the ages and in this our day, the enemies of God and Christian civilization make bold to attack the Creator's supreme dominion and sacrosanct human rights." --Pope Pius XII
"It is not lawful to take the things of others to give to the poor. It is a sin worthy of punishment, not an act deserving a reward, to give away what belongs to others." --St. Francis of Assisi
Truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.—Winston Churchill
The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.—Ayn Rand
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