Formerly the Thinking Catholic Strategic Center
Confirming Culture=Religion+Politics
Vic Biorseth, OWM; Saturday,
October 4, 2014
It's all about Truth, and opposition to Truth. Men may be miss-informed, and eventually discover the correct information and behave accordingly. Disinformation is another animal altogether. From before the dawn of history there have been espionage and counter-espionage stratagems developed and used to lead enemies astray, or into traps, or even to seduce them into recruitment into the enemy cause, knowingly or otherwise.
"But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not die.
For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."" --Gen 3:4-5.
This was the first Disinformation Program. It succeeded; and purposeful, malicious, deceptive Disinformation Programs have been with mankind ever since. Any lie, told with full knowledge, full premeditation and full intent to mislead someone, is Disinformation. It is intended to lead someone astray or away from Truth. If we recognize Truth as "good", and if we recognized Falsehood as "evil", then we must recognize that
Disinformation is Evil.
All variants of Marxism, but perhaps particularly the variant that ruled the old Soviet Union, have all raised Disinformation to an absolute art form. Describing the many different kinds of Marxism caused me to write the MEJTML14 page in the first place, so I wouldn't have to retype those same old words over and over again. It's still true today; you show me a Marxist and I'll show you an ends-justify-the-means liar. Today, Disinformation is very nearly Marxism's whole reason for being.
Many older committed Marxists today are so entangled in their many layers and webs of disinformation programs that they occasionally lose track of the ultimate goal of Marxism, which is the eventual "forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions.", from Marx's original Manifesto. This is because Disinformation itself grows, and often takes on a life of its own.
On top of this oddity, multitudes of Disinformed "Useful Idiot" and "Fellow Traveler" Marxists, who don't even know that they are Marxists, are dutifully "doing their part" to make the world better, through some nonsensical, but vitally important (to them) idiotic, destructive program born of Disinformation. They believe these false programs, and they are committed to feeding them, growing them and evangelizing for them.
And attacking opponents of programs, and lying for the cause, for the ugly ends justify the noble means. Unwittingly, they have become dis-informers themselves, fooled and recruited to support a larger and more sinister but hidden Marxist cause they do not even discern. It's for the good of the planet, or whatever. If it will save one something or other it will have been worth it.
After the fall, the divisions born of disinformation multiplied. There were the spiritual descendents of Able, who sought alignment with the will of God, and there were the spiritual descendents of Cain, moving in the direction of narcissism, favoring the will of self over the will of God. (Am I my brother's keeper?) Just as the original question (which is the exact same question we all face today) was whether the living of life, rules, standards and actions of man were to be God-centered, man-centered or self-centered.
Who determines right and wrong? God, any group of men, or you?
That is the question.
If there be a root disinformation program that forms a foundation for most of the others, it would be the Secularism movement. Once God had been separated from the advance of knowledge, Material Science became preeminent. And with God divorced from serious thinking - and His rules along with Him - Science began to morph into Scientism. A belief system rather than a method. A tool for political action.
The truly revolutionary birth of America sought to slow this process, if not stop it. In spite of their individual imperfections, the collection of America's Founders who authored the Declaration of Independence, and the Framers who authored the American Constitution, were inspired to create a nation that would return attention to a common sense of right and wrong: the Natural Law of God. If original America, as founded and as constituted, was less than perfect in that regard, she was definitely aiming and moving in the direction of perfection.
Which is to say, Godliness. A turn away from rule by any man or any group of men, who alone make the rules. The Constitution was the fixed and permanent supreme law of the land, all men stood equal before the law, and no man stood above it or apart from it or insulated from it. The Constitution expressly prohibited nobility or any noble classes of men. America represented the world's first classless society, who guided their lives, their families and their nation by the Judeo-Christian Ethos. By the law, and not by man.
Karl Marx and Marxism super-charged disinformation. Marxism itself is a disinformation program, at its core. You can see from the Great Communist Lie that Communism itself - the supposed ultimate goal of the Revolutionary - was and is quite impossible. The utter hypocrisy of Marxism is so open, so obvious and so blatant that I truly cannot understand how it ever gained such favor among so many supposedly thinking men.
It's very first claim - that it will eliminate classes and bring about a classless society - is a flagrant lie. All it has ever done, and all it will ever do, is to bring about a class of men who are to be the rulers, and a class of men who are to be ruled by them. Marx's original intention was to follow the strategy of Machiavelli to displace a ruling prince, and make himself the new ruling prince. A Dictator. The Law.
The most successful of Marxism's disinformation programs is the one that says that Marxism is not what it is; that Marx himself was something other than a bloody revolutionary. That he was a great philosopher; that he was a leading economist; that he was a great social thinker, seeking to uplift the downtrodden; that he was a moral humanist looking to eliminate hunger and want from the world.
Marxism is presented to the public as just another innocent sociopolitical opinion among the many, and one perhaps more worthy of consideration than most, because it is kind to the poor. Remember, the goal of Marxism is the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions, everywhere on earth. Governments, religions, businesses, rulers, tribes, whatever. Marxism has and has always had global ambitions.
But that goal is carefully camouflaged or not even mentioned in this most successful (in America) Marxist disinformation program. It was cemented, enculturated and given political free reign in America, after its media defeat of blacklisting and the McCarthy Hearings. Because of that success, Marxism has now nearly taken over America and her whole government.
Under the Constitutional cover of free speech, free press and free association, Marxism is slowly supplanting if not destroying the very Constitution that guarantees those freedoms. Thanks entirely to a disinformation program that allows actual enemies of the Constitution to:
It was during the McCarthy Hearings that American Communists popularized the new title of "anti anti-Communist" for themselves. Many still use that title. It doesn't take a lot of deep thought or linguistic analysis to recognized that an anti anti-Communist is, in fact, a Communist. Who else, besides a Communist, would be opposed to being opposed to Communism?
Marxist indoctrination now dominates education at all levels, and Marxist propaganda now dominates all news reporting, at all levels. Marxism practically owns the entertainment industry. Disinformation breeds disinformation, generation after generation. Marxism - Marxist ideologues - now dominate one of America's two major political Parties. Similarly, Marxism dominates the news industry, which actually operates as an integrated branch of the Marxocrat Party.
Worse, we now have a Marxist ideologue as President, with appointed and approved Marxist ideologues reporting directly to him as heads of every single American Soviet. I mean administrative bureaucracy.
Straw Villain Disinformation Programs. To achieve its ends, Marxism invented straw-villain targets of disinformation at which to aim its evil agents and its Useful Idiot fools.
The public sector - government - does not and cannot create wealth. It can only take it from the private sector - its citizens - through taxes. Government may then spend that wealth wisely, or wastefully, through incompetence, corruption, or both.
The American Constitution puts limits on government and defines the scope of government operation in Article 1 Section 8. Constitutionally, the government is supposed to spend tax dollars only on government itself; the actual listed functions of government, such as national defense.
The Marxist "Redistribution" disinformation program promotes using the government as an agent of Redistribution, to take from the rich and giver to the poor. This is, of course, unconstitutional in America, but it is being done anyway, because the sitting American government is already overwhelmingly ideologically Marxist and opposed to all existing Constitutional restraints on government operations and spending.
In fact, spending on programs actually authorized in the Constitution, such as national defense, are routinely politically demonized and cut, ostensibly to free funds for "redistribution" to the needy. But the needy never really get uplifted; what they get is increasingly dependent, on the government, for just enough to not have to work, and still be reasonably comfortable. Being reasonably comfortable makes up for still being poor, and increasingly dependent.
Our own government is acting, quite unconstitutionally, to transform the citizenry from independent wealth producers to completely dependent wealth consumers. Mouths to feed. Drags on the economy. Politicians literally buy votes by promising more government benefits; voters increasingly vote for politicians who promise and deliver the most public benefits.
Thanks to the "dumbing down" of the citizenry through Marxified education, entertainment and news reporting, thanks to ever increasing government monopoly on information available to the typical "Moron Vote", few are able to see where this is all heading.
Meanwhile, other Marxist disinformation programs multiply and grow, all contributing in their own way to eventual government failure of some sort, social system breakdown, social chaos, and the revolutionary opportunity that is always present in chaos.
Having abandoned God and alignment with His will, new rules of behavior need to be established, and Marxism establishes them with various disinformation programs. Note that just about all of them are aimed at eventually achieving the same thing: Class War.
Note well that the last word in that clause is war. That is really what our American Marxist ideologues want. Open warfare is the most advantageous kind of social chaos for Marxist opportunity.
The Celebrate Diversity disinformation program is a big one. The Multi-Cultural movement actually promotes welcoming into our American society people who want to dominate us or kill us. Public opposition to any of these cultures is uniformly blasted by government, politicians, entertainers and the news media as Intolerance.
The Equality In Everything disinformation program pushes the equality stupidity as the only decent, moral way to organize society, beginning, of course, with income equality. It's a matter of Social Justice. See?
The New Green Communism movement is a huge group of Marxist-commandeered movements, all aimed at establishing a new form of moral "redemption" for the citizenry. With religious redemption killed along with religion, Green Zeal gives the dumbed-down people something to replace it with. They can feel good about themselves by making a personal contribution to Green Citizenship. Lots of opportunities here.
There's the Global Warming threat to be opposed; there's all that industrial pollution to be fought; there's all those endangered species to be protected; there's the catastrophic human population problem to be fought; there's the earth's limited precious resources to be protected; and more.
The agricultural Green Revolution that multiplied world food production exponentially is even demonized as harmful, of all things. Unwarranted demonizing of genetically modified seeds and use of fertilizers and insecticides is trying hard to kill the Green Revolution. "Organic" food, supposedly free of all these things, is supposed to replace it, but it cannot possibly do that. It's of radically lower quantity, lower quality, doesn't ship or keep as well, and is no better for you than any modern farm produced food.
But, this Marxist disinformation program would like to cut food production and grow the government at the same time, so it pushes organic food as somehow superior. It's a double whammy. And it makes people feel good about themselves, like their making a contribution to the earth, and - get this - "giving something back". As if they had previously taken something.
And that brings us to the purposeful guilt-tripping of the majority.
The Exploiter - Exploited Marxist disinformation programs, like Green Communism, come in multiples, too. They are offshoots of the Equality Stupidity. It has racial components, ethnic components, geographic components, resource components, educational components, authority components, even sexual components, and more. Any discernible inequality at all is exploited to show someone as unfairly advantaged, and someone else as unfairly disadvantaged. We highlighted much of this nonsense in the Divide and Conquer pages.
Rich nations are encouraged to feel guilty about their wealth, and poor nations are encouraged to feel envious of it, again, feeding the movement to Class Warfare on a global scale. Whites are "advantaged" and other races are "disadvantaged" by mere dint of their respective races. Thus, the rich, and the white, are guilt-tripped into seeking to proactively uplift the poor and the colored in order to gain redemption, not for their souls, but for the new original sin of being white, and/or of possessing more wealth than someone else.
Nonsense builds upon nonsense. Out-of-scope, extra-constitutional "Benefits" morph into "Entitlements" which then morph into "Rights". The dumbed-down Moron Vote is trained to fully expect, and even demand, as a civil right, unconstitutional government benefits. The Marxified legal system and the Marxified judicial system backs that unconstitutional notion up, legally, and aids in the training process.
Special discriminatory, unequal and preferential treatment before the law is demanded and received for persons of color, or women, or sexual perverts, for addicts, for illegal aliens, or less wealthy nations. Unconstitutional laws and bureaucratic regulations are actually enforced by Marxist leaning lawyers and judges to support this kind of disinformation based nonsense.
Marxified Darwinism and Freaudianism aid in the process. "Social Freudianism" promotes silly notions regarding the evolution of the psyche from inhibited by religion to uninhibited and "free" utilitarianism. "Social Darwinism" promotes the notion of an "evolving" society and social order, aimed at the collective good. Opposing notions of sin and associated guilt, the "good of the soul" is dropped in favor of the "good of the earth" or the "good of the self" or "the good of the collective".
Is it any wonder that we now have so many more "genders" than 2?
But this new manifestation of Marxism hangs new forms of guilt around our necks, through never ending disinformation. We have said before that if you ever let Satan on the bus, he will eventually wind up driving the bus, and he will drive it where you may not want to go. It was true then, and it is true now.
If you tolerate something that is inherently intolerant, it will eventually wind up taking over, and not tolerating you.
If you refuse to anathematize something worthy of shunning and avoiding, it will eventually turn the tables. You will then be the one anathematized, shunned and avoided.
If you refuse to prosecute and punish a crime, eventually, the criminal will take over, and he will prosecute and punish you.
This stuff is already happening, here, in America.
If you are white, you are "advantaged" and you owe all disadvantaged races some form of reparations. If you are male, you are advantaged over females, and you owe them something. If you are heterosexual, you are grossly advantaged over all forms of sexual perverts, and there are many forms, and you owe them all something. If you own something, you are advantaged over someone somewhere who owns nothing. If you live in an economically advanced nation, you owe something to everyone living in economically depressed nations.
Nonsense? Lots of white heterosexual males believe it, and are spending their lives finding ways to assuage their guilt, and prove their good intentions, to the "disadvantaged" and to the whole world. Lots of "disadvantaged" here and all over the world are similarly "educated" and stirred up against them. And filled with envy and hate.
All of this has been and is being done on purpose.
The victims of the ruse, on both sides, act to perpetuate it, spread it and accelerate it. And its all based on disinformation.
The Blatant Hypocrisy of all of this purposeful disinformation is no more widely recognized than is the actual disinformation itself.
Where is the government on all of this? Well, they are in on it. They are causing it, and instituting it. They are, predominantly, Marxist ideologues. As professional politicians, they are the preeminent masters of disinformation.
While there may be rare exceptions to the rule, such as Ted Cruz and Mike Lee - and I say may be - the rest of them are working, each in his own hidden or open way, to bring the Constitution down and end America as we know it. Just listen to what they say.
There is no war; there are only overseas contingency operations. There is no terrorism; there is only workplace violence. Islam is peace. We can't stop ebola from infecting us by closing the borders, and not only because we cannot close our borders. Stopping ebola at the border would increase the danger of ebola infection in America. See? The head of the CDC says so. (Note that every international flight is a national border crossing.)
The CDC is run by absolute nincompoops, just like every other American Soviet. I mean Administrative Bureaucracy. What makes it worse is that they are anti-American nincompoops. It was the CDC that invented and capitalized on the HIV=AIDS=DEATH gigantic government hoax in the first place. It terrorized the citizenry, grew the government and grabbed new billions from the private sector, fulfilling all three goals of government bureaucracy. Unconstitutional American bureaucracy lives only to grow and multiply itself. All American bureaucracy is run by blithering idiots.
Just like West African enclaves of legal and illegal immigrants that are being allowed to grow among us, and to travel back and forth to ebola infected countries, Moslem enclaves of legal and illegal immigrants are also being allowed to grow among us. In the UK and in Europe, such Moslem enclaves began making themselves known by "spillover" or overflow crowds gathered at mosques for Friday prayers. They temporarily blocked traffic by praying in the streets.
Soon, these growing Friday events morphed into political demonstrations against the larger culture, as the Moslems were incited to religious fervor by the preaching. And, soon, these post-prayer demonstrations began to honestly tell the world what the Koran and Islam tells its disciples to do to the non-Islamic world.
And, soon, these enclaves became part of the Ummah - the Domain of Islam, or the Caliphate - and, in places such as France, they became "no-go zones" for police; nations were actually surrendering national sovereignty over whole neighborhoods to the legal and illegal Moslem inhabitants of the neighborhoods. Walk through that neighborhood and you may be attacked. Park your car there and they will burn it. And the police will not go there or do anything about it.
It's already happening here, thanks to your sitting government. Moslem "spillover" crowds are already shutting down streets in New York City, among other places. If you don't believe me you can see the pictures at Moslem Prayers in New York. That's just step one.
Where is the Church on all of this? Well, for the most part, they are in on it, or they are not opposing it in any way. Some of them are causing it, and instituting it. There are among them many Marxist ideologues who support and/or propagate Marxist disinformation.
Many Bishops and even multiple Popes have clearly identified themselves with global movements toward Marxist collectivization and redistribution of private property. See the Infiltration of Evil pages for examples. Many of you presented heated opposition to what I said about these Marxian papal positions, and just as many of you presented heated claims that these positions somehow proved the Popes, or the Church, to be invalid. Both were wrong.
Popes address only original revealed Catholic doctrine with infallibility. Marxism is not original revealed doctrine. My staunch opposition to Communism may not in any way be construed to be opposition to magisterial teaching on revealed Catholic doctrine. Similarly, Papal pronouncements on global economic theory or global civil government may not be construed to be infallible Papal teachings on revealed Catholic doctrine. See the Infallibility page.
I have even been taken to task for opposing Pope Saint John Paul the Great, to whom I have a special devotion, for disagreeing with one small statement he made concerning Darwinism. He never agreed with Darwin's theory, or blessed it in any way. All he said about it was that it might be more than a mere hypothesis. I disagree with that opinion, as it is my right to do. Darwinian theory is nowhere to be found in the protected deposit of faith. And until I see any empirical scientific evidence whatsoever supporting Darwin's hypothesis, I will continue to hold it to be nothing more than an unproven hypothesis. Certainly not a scientific theory.
But it gets worse. Click on the image to see a Catholic Priest promoting sodomy on a Catholic speaking tour, with the blessing of Catholic Bishops, and nobody other than laity saying anything about it. Not even the so-called Catholic news media.
The implications should be obvious.
The Church is just as full of disinformation as civil society.
We all know how Cardinal Dolan of New York promotes the public acceptance, normalizing and enculturation of sodomy, and no one says anything about that, either. Open sodomites come to the communion rail in his particular Church, and he knows it, and he blesses it. And nobody other than the faithful Catholic laity seems to have any problem with that. We have a Bishop problem.
The New Evangelization should be aimed at Catholic Bishops first.
Where are you on all of this? Do you consider yourself informed, or disinformed? You are the most important player in what happens next in America and in the larger world. It is the ordinary American citizen who will save Constitutional America, or not. Everyone else is either against it, or not paying attention.
You will either publicly raise the heat under your Bishop, or not. Private communications ain't getting it done.
You will either turn out the Marxocrats in November, or not.
You can just keep sitting in your pew like a good little Catholic and pray about it, or you can get off your ass and take serious action. It is time. You can agree with disinformation, or you can recognize it and just let it go by, or you can oppose it, and you can stand in Truth.
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
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Date: Sat Oct 04 10:15:52 2014
From: Walter
Location: Folsom,LA, USA
There is a lady called pinksapphier, she
reads news articles on youtube for the blind. I think something similar
would be a great way to get your articles out to more people because youtube is
so easy to link to all the social media stuff. just a thought, but I think you
should check it out... Your articles should touch as many people as possible...
Great article Mr Vic, thanks:)
Date: Sat Oct 04 15:36:51 2014
From: marlene
Location: USA
"Mis"information allows the liar to say he was "mis"quoted or to backtrack with an explanation. "Dis"information allows the liar to maintain his position based on whatever he produces as evidence and if the evidence doesn't hold up - he blames the messenger. E.g.: Obama blaming the intelligence community for not advising him about ISIS.
Date: Mon Oct 06 16:00:58 2014
From: DemocratIC American
I am not a Marxist. I am a DemocratIC Party supporter. I capitalized the IC in DemocratIC to emphasize how you consistently leave it out, when you don't merge the word with Marxism. I think most of us would prefer to stick to the English dictionary rather than adopt your newly invented nasty and highly partisan terms.
Does the saying "I disagree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it" sound the least bit familiar to you?
You use the term Ummah incorrectly, seemingly synonymous with Caliphate. The Ummah is not the Caliphate; it is only a Community, no different than a that of a Catholic Parish. The Caliphate is something only a small radical group of Muslims expect with the rise of a predicted "Twelfth Imam." Mainstream Islam rejects this belief as not even part of Islam.
And your blind hatred of government leads you even to slander the CDC, which has probably done more for national health than you could ever realize or know. Perhaps the head of the CDC may have misspoken, but that does not make him, all his life's work and all he does worthy of your blatant insults.
You really ought to go pray and go to confession before you write any more of this garbage.
Date: Mon Oct 06 2014
From: Vic Biorseth
Point 1: I prefer to write and say "Democrat" Party mainly because it upsets the Dems and gets them all riled up, and I like that. It looks like it worked with you. I prefer to write and say Marxocrat Party mainly because it began merging with Marxism long, long ago, and eventually reached a point where it was dominated by Marxist ideology. I wasn't the first to say this. The first to say it, to my knowledge, was probably Norman Matoon Thomas, way back in 1968, the same year I was married.
Point 2: Voltaire's quote works well in any open argument on the street, around the water cooler, the pool hall or even around the dinner table. And it even works well on the floor of Congress, when and only when both sides argue from Principles that do not seek the ultimate destruction of the very Principles that brought the Congress into being in the first place. But, you see, Marxism, in virtually every particular, opposes, to the death, our Constitution. It seeks its eventual overthrow.
Members of Congress swear in their oaths of office to uphold the Constitution. When any of their members is a Marxist ideologue, he has violated his loyalty oath to the Constitution by mere dint of being a Marxist ideologue.
Having a powerful political Party, dominated by Marxist ideology, yet sitting in supreme positions of power in Congress cannot possibly bode well for the Constitutional Republic, or for the future safety of the Constitution itself.
The problem America faces in this regard is the near total lack of recognition of an ideologically absolute mortal enemy of America in charge of the running of the government of America.
Point 3: The Ummah is the "Community" of Islam, in which all are close disciples or followers of the Islamic faith. Another name for it is Dar al Islam, meaning the Domain of Peace, or the Domain of Submission. Only Moslems live in the Ummah, and Allah is only merciful in the Ummah. Outside of the Ummah are Dar al Sulh, or the domain of temporary truce - which describes America, or anywhere there is a Moslem minority not yet large enough to take over. And there is Dar al Harb, or the Domain of War. That pretty much describes what's going on with the territories being overrun by ISIS.
Eventually, by the Koran and by all mainstream Islamic teaching, all the world will be in the Ummah, and it will be ruled by one whose title will be Caliph. That makes the Ummah, eventually, the Caliphate. The "Twelfth Imam" you speak of is the only doctrinal difference that I am aware of between the majority Sunni Islam and the minority Shia Islam. Otherwise, they are the identical.
The Shia division believes that the Caliph Ali, son-in-law of Mohammed, the fourth Caliph after Mohammed himself, should have been the very next Caliph after Mohammed. The Sunni division believes that the second and third Caliphs were legitimate successors; that is what they fight about. The Shia believe that a 12th generation descendent of Caliph Ali is sleeping in a cave somewhere, and whenever he wakes up, he will take over, and the whole world will fall to Islam.
The rest of Islam simply works to expand the Ummah until it totally or nearly consumes the non-Islamic world, perhaps with one major climactic onslaught, and establish the global Caliphate that way. Once Islam dominates territory, it never gives it up without a serious fight. The Ummah is growing, including right here in America.
Point 4: Re the CDC: if its true, it isn't slander. I knew the "experts" were lying through their teeth when they said ebola wasn't airborne. If it isn't airborne, why are all those ebola patient caregivers wearing masks over their noses and mouths? Why don't they just take them off?
Exactly how did so many of them get the virus when they were all so carefully covered with what looked like HAZMAT suites, or something akin to space suits? With all the elaborate precautions, they still got sick. But, hey, it's not like it's airborne or anything, and Comrade Obama (peace be upon him) says it'll never come here, it's hard to catch, and we're all safe.
The CDC is not being run by scientists or serious medical professionals. It is being run by bureaucrats. They are political people. They are anti-American, Marxist-leaning buffoons. They may know political angles, but they don't know medical practice from Shinola.
Finally, I do pray and I do confess regularly. So should you.
Date: Tue Oct 07 2014
From: Vic Biorseth
Just got home from work, finished my dinner and found this latest video lesson from Michael Voris. It shows that what's happening in America, and the larger world, is a microcosm of what's happening in the Church. The Catholic in the pew, like the citizen in the classroom or absorbing the news, is the victim of Disinformation of the worst sort.
Watch the video yourself and see if that's not true.
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Never be lukewarm.
Life itself demands passion.
He who is indifferent to God has already forfeited his soul.
He who is indifferent to politics has already forfeited his liberty.
In America, religion is not mere window dressing and citizenship is not a spectator sport. Do not allow our common destiny as a whole people to just happen without your input.
Seek the Truth; find the Way; live the Life; please God, and live forever.
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Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and
Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in
thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life:
and few there are that find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in
the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Christ; Matthew 7:13–15
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The "Top Down" Catholic Revolution by Bishops Against Established Doctrine. The "Bottom Up" Catholic Revolution by Laymen For Established Doctrine.
Anathematizing anathema: the predictable result of the denial of evil. In a world that denies the existence of evil, anathematizing anathema itself is the only anathema allowed.
On Glorious Adult Judgmentalism, and Our Disastrous Loss Of It. The desire to "Find Common Ground" precipitates our slow, steady, sure decline into pure evil.
The Grand Conspirators, gathering riches and power through treachery and deceit. The Grand Conspirators behind collapsing currencies, environmental panic, social revolution and the end of nations.
Farewell America? No friendly nation will bid "Farewell America" as we go under, for all friendly nations will be too preoccupied with their own deadly emergencies.
American Faith: What it was in the beginning, what it is now, what it should be. If Modern American Faith is not to be Christian, then, what exactly is it to be? Nothingness?
The cultural road to Sodom: Wide, smooth, straight and downhill all the way. Asking the questions, is America already the New Sodom, and is there any way back to simple decency?
Property = Wealth = A Penny Saved = A Fundamental Human Civil Right. Wealth Redistribution = confiscating private property from those who earned it to benefit those who did not earn it.
What does income inequality, or any inequality, have to do with morality? When did we become so stupid? Income inequality, wealth gaps, etc., are not moral issues.
Imperfect Cliven Bundy v. all the Perfect White Commentators. Perfection is not of this world, but the next; unless you're a White Journalist, Pundit or Commentator.
The Class Warfare Lies of "Social Justice" infecting theology and philosophy. Most every time Social Justice is invoked, you are about to hear some Class Warfare Lies.
Decision Point: Will You (We) Stand in Truth, or Lay Down with The World? The exact same Decision Point at which Nineveh was saved, and Sodom and Gomorrah were lost.
On Common Law and the Constitution. What, exactly, is Common Law?
The Contraception Perversion: The Deep Root Cause of All Sexual Perversions. Every form of sexual perversion has its roots in the original perversion of Artificial Contraception.
How many "Practicing" Catholics are really only Lip Service Catholics? Lip Service Catholics like to look Catholic and sound Catholic, but they are fraudulent Catholics.
"Unfettered Capitalism" does not exist; so why is the term so popular? Unfettered Capitalism is a nonsensical term. The moment it is fettered it is no longer Capitalism.
Do detractors even know what Trickle Down economic theory is? Those who condemn Trickle Down economic theory either don't understand it, or they are trying to fool someone.
Marching nations into the Great Collective under the banner of Social Justice. Does Social Justice mean collective property, collective labor, collective rights and collective salvation?
Presenting Yankee Economics to Ranking Catholic Churchmen and others unfamiliar. Yankee Economics 101: A light description for those who never experienced it.
Wayward bishops and complicit journalists corrupted Catholic culture. Evil grew as a leaven in the clergy and corrupted Catholic culture from within.
Establishment Democrats, Establishment Republicans, and Establishment Bishops? Supposedly Catholic, Inside-the-Beltway, Big Government, Progressive, Establishment Bishops.
On the Objective Reality of God, Objective Reality versus Subjective Empiricism, which holds that Reality is subject to Human Perception.
Death to the Church of Nice. Long Live the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.
Religion in Culture: the vitally important factor no longer recognized today. Secularists oppose religion in culture. But then, secularists oppose both religion and culture.
Cardinal Dolan's Church of Sodomy: destroying New York Catholicism from the top. Cardinal Dolan is doing to New York Catholicism exactly what Comrade President Obama (peace be upon him) is doing to Constitutional America.
The Culture of Death always wears a false but alluringly innocent smiley face. The Culture of Death, where Madam Hillary loves Scripture and your Living Will won't necessarily kill you.
Thinking of Bai MacFarlane and the upcoming Synod on the Family. Whatever emanates from the Synod, the Bai MacFarlane family tragedy brings it all into proper focus.
Incremental Tyranny advances as we Tea Party-ers cheer our imagined victories. How we always greet more Incremental Tyranny with a cheer, a whoop and a happy-dance.
Catholic American Treason: Bishops join Republcrats in Obamunist treason. Bishops participate in the destruction of American sovereignty, in acts of Catholic American Treason.
On The Evil One's Mal-Formed Compassion and Malignant Mercy. In malignant mercy we see that evil and untruth can infiltrate and commandeer even the virtues.
Promoting Moral Depravity: the popular sport of the intellectual elites. Almost no one knows they are promoting moral depravity, but almost everyone is.
The Pathological Liars of the Left. What do common criminals, Marxists and Moslems have most in common? They are all pathological liars.
Disinformation differs from miss-information by being deliberate and deceptive. Deliberate Disinformation moves America and the World deeper and deeper into error.
Evil is, definitively, Falsehood; Evil is the Opposite of permanent Truth. Evil convincingly argues Religion out of Politics in this temporary, passing world, where Satan reigns.
On the Stupidity of Evil, and the Connection between Evil and Stupidity. Evil is Opposition to God, and Opposition to God is just Glaring Stupidity.
Truth Denial: Über-elitist, high intellectual, super sophisticated Stupidity. Evil = Falsehood; the opposite of Truth. It is not possible to oppose reality and not be stupid.
The White House: We Hold These Truths to be Self-Evident, That All Men are Created Equal and Endowed by their Creator with Inalienable Rights
The Sacrificial Fall of Lucifer and the Evolutionary Rise of the Death Cult’s Global Luciferian Religion
Two Kinds of Wisdom and the Lamb’s Book of Life Luke 10: 17-20
Hatred, Envy, Resentment, Vengeance: Why Whites Need Not Apply Lawless Politics of Sin
The evil materialist faith of global Luciferianism, Technocracy, Socialism, and Marxism
Prayer Against Wicked Ideologues Rescue us, O Lord!
System of Lies: Ideological Paradise on Earth and Why the Bloody, Violent Dream Will Not Die
Christendom and Protestant America’s Apostasy into Paganism A Timeline
The presence and influence of powers, principalities, and demons in our age of apostasy into godlessness
Nihilism…All That Exists is Matter and Energy The Worldview that Caused the Collapse of Christendom and Protestant America
Revisiting Nihilism: The Will Turned Toward Evil and the Destruction of Western and American Civilization
The enemies of God, reality, truth, western civilization and our souls Linda Kimbal column
The Last Hour and the New World Order Prayer
Our Call to Battle: Rise of the Spirit of Antichrist Prayer Article: “And this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” (1 John 4:3)
God to Mankind: NOW Do You See the Stupidity, Depravity, and Evil in Your Hearts?
Raising the New Tower-- Occult Evolution: Antediluvian, Babylonian and Modern Expressions
Psychopathy and the Western and American Tyranny of Evil Leftist Progressive Myths
Supernatural Genesis 1-11 vs. Pagan Darwinism God and Liberty or Fallen Mankind and Tyranny
Luke 21: 29-31: Some Signs Of America's Abandonment And Spiritual Bondage
Eternal Paradise Or Hell? How And Why Both Choices Are Freely Made
Luciferian Humanists: Citing the Genesis Account is Evil "Any country grounded in Judaeo-Christian values can't be overthrown until those roots are cut ... "
Who is intolerant because ashamed: Creationists or Evolutionary Theists?
Death of the Christian God in Hearts of All Humans Why America and W. Europe are Committing Suicide
Pagan-Darwinian-Materialism Redoubt of Miserable Self-Deceived Non-Self Nihilists
Americas' Spiritually Dead, Deep State and Ruling Class Nihilists Walking Dead Parasitic Idolaters
Doctrines of Demons and the Modern Pagan and Pantheist Antithesis The West's Greatest Threat
Gnosis: The Main Expression of Paganized Christianity in the New Age Inner Knowing, Self-Salvation
Our Age of Malicious Perversion How Truth, Meaning, and Reality Have Been Perverted
The Serpent's Gnostic Luciferian Elite Oligarchy and Global Powers Demonic Darkness Over the West and America
The Creation Model Versus Modern Pagan Models
2 Corinthians 10:5
What Kind of God Do You Believe In?
2 Cor. 10:5 Destroying 'scientific' arguments for false Gods
Evil Spirits, Death of God, Satanic Inversion Pagan America's Reality of Madness, Demonic Bondage, and Non-Self
Judgment and Wrath The Biblical Explanation for Madness and Evil
The Worldview of Evil Spirits Revolution, Evolution, Materialism, Nihilism, New World Order, and More
Gnosis The Main Expression of Modern Paganized Christianity
America's Transformation Into A Mystical Pantheist God-State What the Death of God Has Wrought
Message to All Wearied Truthtellers: Let Isaiah Be Your Inspiration the Remnant
The Triune God, Supernatural Heaven, Souls, Hell, and Demons Do They Exist?
Teachings of Demons The Aeon of Horus, Reign of God-Men, and End of the Christian God
Revelation 2:7" ...the closing of a steel door – a solemn, cataclysmic slamming of a door."
Systemic Nihilism: End of the Human Race Eternal Damnation of Human Souls
Infernal Apocalyptic Atmosphere Over America Disintegration into nothing
Global and Ruling Class Criminal Elitists Their Ring of Power and Pact with the Spirit of Death and Hell
Blessed is the Man Who Does Not Listen to Falling Stars Who Follow After Damnable Heresies
Darwinism: An Abomination Aborting and Rotting the Church. The falling away and apostasy from the one true and personal Holy Triune Creator God has not ended
The Evil One and the Impenitent Who Receive His Mark“. And the LORD God formed man (and) breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.” Genesis 2:7
The Fall of Mankind, the Religion of Evolution, and the Antichrist. "Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall." Proverbs 16:18
Why Secular Liberals Actively Promote Evil. Mentally Retarded Liberals
Cultural Marxism. The Many Hidden Faces of Living Active Communism
The Devil, the Big Bang, Evolution, Extraterrestrials and the Genesis Problem
The Ascension To Power Of Misogyny. Hatred of Women
Gnostic Chiliastic Evolution: Satan's Alternative Plan of Salvation. The Great Reset
Why Proclaiming Jesus Christ the Word Became Flesh is Offensive. The Technocratic Utopian World Order
The Divine Androgyne, Pandemonium, and the Battle for Our Souls. Satan's Rising New World Order
America's Modern Pagan Oligarchy, Aztec Gods, and Human Sacrifice. Isaiah 57 Revisited
The Peace Symbol: Occult Sign Meaning Death Against Christians. Hatred of Jesus Christ and Christianity
Americas’ Spiritually Desolate, Parasitic, Ruling Class Nihilists. Satan and Powers and Principalities
Global Oligarchy, Forces of Darkness, and the Spirit of Antichrist. Forces Darkness Within Church and State
Darwinism: Idol of mind symbolizing hatred of Triune Creator God. And Logical End of America
Is the World a Computer Simulation in the Minds of Robotic Overlords? Magic Science, Transhumanists, Gnostic Physicists.
Your soul: Cost of admission to the Progressive Pagan City of Man. New Egypt, Babylon, Sodom and Gomorrah
Iron Curtain Over American Minds Progressive Marxisms’ Ideological Utopia
Satan’s New World Order Blueprint and Key Strategy. Christian Capitulation To the Serpent's Consensus Process
Chaos, Breakdown, Demoralization, Destruction: America's New Normal. How it came about and where we are going.
Demonic Darkness: America's Invisible Wave of Evil. Staring into the abyss
Cain, Marxism, Leftism and America's ruling class of 'superior' humans. The dragon they have in common
Modernist Christians in a Man-Centered Universe. Scientific Neutrality and Biblical Deconstruction
The Connection Between Baphomet and Why Researchers Are Creating Interspecies Embryos. 2 Corinthians 10:5
Isaiah 57 revisited: America's progressive pagan elites. Staring into the Abyss
Evolutionary Theism Implies That Christ is Wrong About Creation. "For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?" John 5:46-47
Utopianism. Progressive Utopian Cultural Marxism Poisoning Minds, Churches, Schools, Politics
Acts 17:18-19-modern pagan and pantheist antithesis of the Word of God Ecclesiates 1:9 "What has been is what will be.."
Trotsky's Permanent Revolution From Hell In America. The Soviet System in America
Why Transgenderism Is Being Forced Upon America and Our Children. The Divine Androgyne
The Evil Eye Of Envy: Why Being ‘White’ Is Offensive To Some People. No Vice Worse Than Envy
Absolute Nothingness and Non-Self: The Reigning Worldview of Global Power Elites and Western Ruling Classes
What is Evil? Man-made alternative realities
Trump is Destroying Reagan's Legacy By Cliff Kincaid
Trump is a Marked Man By Cliff Kincaid
Terrorist Attack in Baltimore By Cliff Kincaid
Moscow Terror Attack is Another KGB Operation to Fool the West
Obama’s New Nazi-Communist Alliance
On the "Days Of Rage" Planned For The 2024 Marxocrat Party Convention Some of you just couldn't believe that the formerly Democrat
(Confederate) Party had already gone totally Communist before the 1968
Party Convention
Making Russia Great Again By Cliff Cinkaid
De-Nazification and De-Communization in Russia The The mutual non-aggression Hitler-Stalin Pact, which started World War II, has been carefully “forgotten”
Climate Emergency To Produce a New World Order By Cliff Kincaid
The Next Phase of Obama’s “Permanent Revolution” By Cliff Kincaid
Evil in the White House In This War, The Enemy Is In The Ranks, Standing Right Next To You
Satanism, Communism: What's The Difference? Look To The Roots Of Communism
Fox Is the Leading "Trans" Channel There are some rather peculiar goings-on at the Fox News Channel.
Trump and His Communist Enemies The Demonized Joe McCarthy Turned Out To Be Accurate In Everything He Claimed: Fox News Is Wrong About Him And About Much More
The Five Stooges on Capitol Hill They Think We Need Even More Doped No-Hopers In The American Intelligence Community
The Biden Doctrine of Demoralization and Defeat By Cliff Kincaid
A Republican Church Committee? Do Pro-American Republicans Even Know Who Frank Church Really Was?
A Top to Bottom Housecleaning of America When we clean our house, my wife has a slogan, “Top to bottom,” meaning you have to target the whole house. The same advice applies to nations.
China's Mass Murder Experiment Phase Two
Bury The Dead And Move On Fuggedaboutit!
9/11 Truth This is the real 9/11 Truth: Our “intelligence” agencies are infiltrated.
Moving Toward Gorbachev’s “World of Communism” It's called the Monster Plot.
The Errors of Russia, the Dupes of Putin, and Another Holocaust Can The Increasingly Faithless Free World Be Saved From Russia?
World War Quietly Conquering A Distracted and Blithely Unaware World. Could it actually be Satan's world war on despised humanity?
Stand With Ukraine Against Russia and China By Cliff Kincaid
Tucker Carlson Carlson Gets His Comeuppance. Tucker's View: It is not moral for us to intervene in support of any nation's (Ukraine's) democratic self-determination and against Soviet military expansion.
The Need for Secure Borders. Have we so easily forgotten what borders are for? Have we forgotten that evil exists in the world? Have we forgotten how to keep apart from this evil?
Can Ukraine Survive Putin and Biden? Can America? Can the Free World? Can Faith in God?
The Soviet Union: Back From The Dead The Return of the Evil Empire
Could an American Surrender be in the offing with Biden at the wheel? Is this not the perfect time for Communism to strike, with Commies now governing America, China and Russia? What would Biden do?
Abortion and Communism. If you ever wondered where all the popular abortion-contraception-sexuality-perversion nuttiness came from, look to Marx's Communist Manifesto.
The Secret Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. A life almost totally at odds with his reputation as a minister of the Gospel.
"We belong to the Church militant; and She is militant because on earth the powers of darkness are ever restless to encompass Her destruction. Not only in the far-off centuries of the early Church, but down through the ages and in this our day, the enemies of God and Christian civilization make bold to attack the Creator's supreme dominion and sacrosanct human rights." --Pope Pius XII
"It is not lawful to take the things of others to give to the poor. It is a sin worthy of punishment, not an act deserving a reward, to give away what belongs to others." --St. Francis of Assisi
Truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.—Winston Churchill
The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.—Ayn Rand
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