Formerly the Thinking Catholic Strategic Center
Confirming Culture=Religion+Politics
Vic Biorseth, Monday, June
15, 2015
Our National Declaration lists the four natural human rights to (1) equal legal rights, (2) life, (3) liberty, and (4) the pursuit of happiness, which together form the Natural Law definition, and foundation, of Capitalism. In no other system may any individual man prosper by the sweat of his own brow and the work of his own hands. In no other system is he so free to do it.
Forced Egalitarianism is Satan's tool to feed and grow the vices of envy and covetousness, to advance "reasoned" theft of private property, ostensibly (but not really) for "redistribution" of formerly private property, and to allow the "charitable" usurpation of political power to achieve final Egalitarian "Social Justice". Egalitarianism must be forced, because it is not natural. Egalitarian Social Justice is thus Unjust.
Egalitarianism, necessarily, restricts or eliminates the rights to (1) equal legal rights, (2) life, (3) liberty and (4) the pursuit of happiness, which necessitates strong, even brutal, government control of all men.
And that is the real goal.
The Enlightenment and the Modernist Heresy began the "reasoned" abandonment of Christianity in favor of the advance of human knowledge. Progressivism developed as a broad philosophy based on the notion of Progress, asserting that modern advances in science, technology, an ever increasingly planned, engineered and controlled economy, driven by a "fair" and "just" global sociopolitical organization, are needed to perfect the human condition and the larger world. This stupid thinking gave birth to the new religion of Scientism.
Satan never made such progress as after so infecting human intellect.
"Enlightened" and "Modern" and "Scientific" man seeks to make himself not only the master of his own destiny, but the master of the planet's destiny, and perhaps eventually the master of the universe's destiny. That "reasoned" man may become fully capable of changing the nature of himself, the nature of the planet, and eventually the nature of the universe. Knowledge is power; universal knowledge is universal power. That's the theory. That everything can be remade in a new image, and that worldly perfection can be achieved by the reasoned plan of man.
Utopia. Man-made Heaven right here on Earth.
We tried to highlight the sheer stupidity of this utopian dream movement, born of Egalitarianism and fed by Atheism, in Reason versus Materialism. But the dream of achieving global Material Equality and the possibility of Utopia is a powerful, powerful, delusional lie. It is powerful enough to make seemingly intelligent men cooperate in it, to help cause it, build it and bring it about. The first field of study the Egalitarian Delusion infected was Philosophy.
The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways. The point however is to change it! --Karl Marx.
Since Marx, many philosophers smitten by the egalitarianism dream have sought to "change" the world, for the better, through egalitarianism-infected philosophy. As egalitarianism advanced in philosophy, teachers, even with the best of intentions, were moved to weave notions of egalitarianism into the teaching of classical scholarship. The goal of teaching became not merely to teach about the world, but to change it. Even material science was infected, and for many scientists, the goal was not merely to describe nature, but to change it, or, at least, to change man's conception of it, for the "just" cause of achieving eventual egalitarianism.
Most of the world's elites - the supposed intelligentsia - are so infected with this egalitarian collective thinking that, psychologically, at least, they already belong to a rigid, fixed, Communist Collective. If egalitarianism was already growing among intellectuals before Marx, it got a major boost after, and it went on steroids with the infiltration of the Frankfort School into education. Then it really metastasized.
What Marx introduced into the egalitarian picture was the hidden plan of violent revolution. To Marxism, egalitarianism was merely a convenient tool, a cover for the true Machiavellian plan of achieving dictatorship through secretly induced popular violence. To prepare societies for this popular violence he would use the Hegelian Dialectic, to increase social anxieties, antagonisms, anger and disorders, step by step, leading to the eventual violence that would "require" final bloody revolution.
The first "disenfranchised" or "exploited" group he would delude, organize and recruit for this purpose was International Labor, as shown in the closing lines of his Manifesto. Those lines would give birth to the first organized labor unions, in a global attempt to set employees permanently at odds with and working at cross-purposes to their own employers. Egalitarianism was at the core of this first invented "class" war. So long as employers possessed more of something - anything - than the employees possessed, there was no material equality, and therefore there was no "justice".
To that end, Capitalism is grossly misrepresented as a planned and controlled system of man and demonized as villainous, and exploitative of the common man. The open, obvious fraud of the Anti-Capitalism Movement invented the straw-man villain of Capitalism that the Egalitarians publicly attack, while very carefully not even mentioning (1) legal equality, (2) life, (3) liberty or (4) the pursuit of happiness. But, without saying it out loud - yet - those four Natural Law Human Rights are exactly and precisely what the Egalitarian Movement seeks to destroy.
Many of the egalitarian-leaning intelligentsia, although supposedly "intellectuals", were simply not smart enough to figure this out. Perhaps some of them never actually read Marx, or glossed over the violent parts, not taking them seriously. But many others among them did indeed understand Marx, and became secret conspirators against all the existing social institutions, in favor of the coming bloody revolution and dictatorship.
The deeply deluded are stupid, too, or they could not be so deeply deluded. What I want to emphasize here is the near impossibility of convincing all these people of the error in their thinking. It has gone too far, and they can find too much "consensus" thinking, and a virtual collective consciousness, seeming to be a majority, supporting the "truth" of all of their commonly held delusions. If they cannot be won over, at least not most of them, then they must be defeated; hopefully, by voting.
We are talking about truly profound stupidity here. It is not only the impossibility of perfecting the world we are talking about here. It is the betrayal of Truth, professionally, by philosophers, educators, academics, scientists, cosmologists, historians, naturalists, journalists, politicians, and many more, in the interest of Changing Truth in the minds of the populace. They have been convinced of the high morality of the truly immoral dictum, The Ends Justify The Means. The object is not to teach Truth, but to change it, in accordance with Marx's dictum quoted above, "The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways. The point however is to change it!". It is a psychological trick. It is the knowing inducement of cultural delusion for an ulterior purpose.
It makes no difference whether any particular perpetrator of these psychological tricks, these falsehoods, acts with motives that are purely egalitarian, or with motives that lead to dictatorship. Both are profoundly stupid. The pure Egalitarian displays utter stupidity in believing that man-made Utopia on earth is possible. The Machiavellian Revolutionary Marxist displays utter stupidity in believing he can induce a popular revolution that is not popular. The Hegelian "eventual" Revolutionary Marxist displays utter stupidity in believing that he can fool all of the people all of the time.
The French Revolution should be, but is not, a lesson in where the egalitarian delusion leads man. It brought about the Great Terror, the howling mobs and the guillotine. Religion was not spared in this supposedly Egalitarian revolution, because religious people, like the nobility and the aristocracy, had more material wealth than someone else. So ordained and consecrated religious, too, fed the guillotine to the cheers of the mob. Even God was not spared the horrors of Egalitarianism. Poe's epitaph for Robespierre, paraphrasing, should be a sobering reminder: "Weep not too much for he who lies here, for if he were still alive, then we would all be dead."
The Russian "Revolution" is another historical example. Where was all the redistribution? Why did so many millions starve and freeze? Where went liberty, and the ability to achieve anything on one's own? Why did so many disappear? Why was everyone so silent? Where did all the Churches go?
Mussolini's Italian experiment with Marxism incorporated "Corporatism", or an alliance between private sector business and Socialist government to form the new Fascist form of Marxism. It had the trappings of a legitimate government, like that of Bolshevik Russia, but, like Russia, it was in actuality a brutal dictatorship.
And Hitler's German experiment with Marxism did that same Corporatist - Crony-Capitalist approach and more, bringing ancient paganism, eugenics and racial fanaticism into his National Socialism. Why did the Holocaust have to happen? Where was all the redistribution? Why was everyone afraid to speak Truth, and why was everyone afraid to not salute back whenever saluted?
These are historical examples of purely worldly "perfection". Nothing in any of these systems was true. All of it involves purposely induced social delusion, at the expense of Truth, and any "good intentions" on the part of any perpetrators do not change the evil of it, or the stupidity. Thanks to our own teachers, scientists, journalists, entertainers, etc., America and the larger world are now traveling under multiple Global Delusions.
To the extent that Falsehood dominates, Truth has been abandoned.
Republican Theodore Roosevelt was the first to attempt to impose egalitarian concepts into law, in opposition to our national Founding Principles. When he failed to accomplish his ends through the Republican Party, he dropped out and formed the egalitarian "Progressive" Bull Moose Party, which also failed.
Woodrow Wilson picked up the Progressive ball, and his intentions were more Marxist than Egalitarian, which is to say, more evil than stupid. He sought to "progressively" move America from a Constitutional Republic to a Democracy. The Founders knew the unworkability of Democracy, and that's why they made us a Constitutional Republic. Benjamin Franklin is often quoted, rightly or wrongly, as defining Democracy as Two Wolves and a Lamb Voting On the Menu for Dinner. Marx, of course, needed Democracy.
Democracy is the road to socialism. --Karl Marx.
Democracy is indispensable to socialism. --Vladimir Lenin.
All Marxist-Leninists, and all Progressives, like Woodrow Wilson, know that entirely new voting blocks can be deluded into being and grown over time, affecting purely popular elections, and that the counting of votes, too, can be controlled. Who counts the votes? Why, the government counts the votes. Who else?
It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. --Joseph Stalin.
Socialism needs Democracy. To that end, Woodrow Wilson set about initiating the slow, steady destruction of Constitutional America, from within. His greatest contribution to turning us into a Democracy was his one-year passing of the 17th Amendment, changing the American Senate into just another popularly elected body, absolutely no different than the House of Representatives, except in number.
Autonomous State governments and national popular votes no longer countered each other, and America was more of a Democracy and less of a Constitutional Republic. American Senators are now reduced to being mere stumping, speechifying popular politicians rather than statesmen representing elected State Governments. Note well that Marxocrats, Madam Hillary included, seek to eventually eliminate the Electoral College, for the exact same reason.
Congress was asleep, or mesmerized (if not corrupted) through all of this, or the 17th Amendment never would have gotten past them. But that's not all. Wilson also passed the 16th Amendment, establishing the Income Tax, and he established the FED, creating a centralized banking and credit system. A popularly elected Senate and an Income Tax were not in the original Constitution, because the Framers were opposed to such things. So where did these ideas come from?
They came from the Pillars of Communism, which were favored by Wilson, and by all Progressives. Progressivism had become a movement, infecting all political Parties. Because the original Democrat Party was opposed to the Declaration and the Constitution from the very beginning of its life, it just naturally morphed into the anti-American Marxocrat Party we see today, and where today's Republicrat Party may be seriously infected with Progressivism, the Marxocrat Party is absolutely ruled by it, if not by outright Marxism-Leninism.
FDR put Progressivism on steroids, with his giant agencies and bureaucracies, or "Soviets", built on the model of the Soviet Union. Gigantic unelected administrative agencies began regulating and "administering" the people, in an absolutely unconstitutional way, and almost nobody said a word. At least not effectively. These bureaucracies all reported upward to Cabinet-level agencies, which mirrored the "Supreme Soviet" of the USSR, and reported directly to the Dictator. I mean President. Any Congressional oversight of these Soviets was or became weak to non-existent.
The real world need for these bureaucracies is an induced delusion.
Marx hated and sought to destroy religion, morality and moral norms, marriage, the family, all social institutions, all governments, all authority and all attachments of the individual to anything other than the Collective, or the Communist Party. He said so, openly, in his Manifesto. To that end, he promoted everything immoral, including homosexuality and open, licentious, random sex. His goal, remember, was eventual Revolution leading to Dictatorship. Following Marx's teachings, the Marxist Frankfurt School infiltrated American (and world) education. In America, Columbia University was infected early on, and Columbia was the most important university of teachers. It was where the best students became teachers.
There, such men as John Dewey, Herbert Marcuse and others incorporated Antonio Gramsci's Cultural Marxism into the education of future educators. We spoke of this in more detail in Global Delusions. The main goal was to create the social delusion that authority was bad, and that all authority was to be opposed. Patriarchal family authority, Church authority, Moral authority, Employer authority, Police authority, Legal authority, Government authority - any and all authority was to be questioned, resisted and opposed. What they sought to instill in teachers, and what these teachers would instill in future students, was the model of the "Revolutionary" citizen, who would oppose all authority, in whatever form.
"The revolutionary is the man who has emancipated himself from ties of blood and soil, from his mother and his father, from special loyalties to state, class, race, party, or religion." --Eric Fromm & Abraham Maslow
The "Revolutionary" is supposed to be the product of education. This is the type of ever increasingly narcissistic, sociopathic citizen the Cultural Marxists hoped might one day cause the violent Revolution that would provide the opportunity for the rise of Dictatorship. That's where Progressivism is really going.
The evil of authority like the goodness of the Revolutionary is delusional.
No one is born this stupid. You have to be educated into it.
If you think you will fix education in America by just eliminating Common Core, you've got another think coming. The problem is much deeper than that. Elimination of Common Core will just delay the inevitable. So long as Public, i.e., Government Education exists, sooner or later, Common Core or something like it will rise again. Look where Public Education originated. You will not find it in Article One Section Eight of the Constitution, or anywhere else in the Constitution. You will only find it in the Pillars of Communism. Public education must be destroyed, at the federal level. It is a local issue; it is out of Constitutional scope and has no business being addressed in federal law or being supported by federal tax expenditures.
In all matters involving high morality and high decency standards in larger American society, the Catholic Church has always led the way, displaying unshakable and distinctly Catholic stubbornness in upholding the unchanging, everlasting Truth. No more. In the Catholic Identity Crisis we showed how the anti-authoritarian delusion entered Catholic education at the highest levels, big time, in 1968. Successfully.
With open opposition to consistent Church teaching on artificial contraception among teaching theologians and clerics weakly resisted and allowed to persist in Catholic teaching institutions, the floodgates were opened allowing open dissent on all matters sexual to spread through the Church. Artificial contraception is, definitively, a sexual perversion. Any act aimed at achieving sexual gratification while avoiding procreation is defined as perverse. Beginning at Catholic University in Washington DC and spreading out from there, Catholic Dissent, especially on sexual matters, began to advance in Catholic teaching, feeding all the Contraception Perversions that were to follow.
The "goodness" let alone acceptability and normalcy of artificial contraception is a delusion. It is a direct attack on the family, marriage, civilized culture and civilization itself. And it has been "normalized" in public consciousness, with Catholic help. It advances with the false promise of sex without consequence. Today, almost no one, Catholic or non-Catholic, even gives it much of a thought. They just use it.
There is no such thing as sex without consequence. It's a delusion.
Hans Kung, an anti-authoritarian ordained Priest and a Professor of Theology, openly opposed the "authoritarian" doctrine of Papal Infallibility in 1971. As a result, he was merely stripped of his license to teach Roman Catholic Theology, but he simply continued to teach, right where he was, teaching "Ecumenical" Theology. And he remained a Catholic Priest.
Kung's Ecumenism was not Catholic, in the sense that it did not seek to convince others of the Truth of Catholic doctrine and bring them willingly toward Catholicism and the font of all Truth, through reason. Kung ecumenism was and is a blending of all religions into a global hodge-podge of beliefs. He initiated a "Global Ethics" project drawing up a theoretically universally acceptable set of rules of behavior, to move away from all these separate religions and bring everyone on earth together. Strongly opposing the "Patriarchal" Church and a "Patriarchal" God, Kung, now in failing health, is preparing himself for participation in his own assisted suicide.
This distinctly un-Catholic thinking, too, permeates Catholic thought and education, as Kung is an often quoted theologian among Catholic teachers.
It has reached very high levels among the clerical order. New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan, for instance. He is promoting the cause of the rabidly Marxist Dorothy Day for Sainthood, while blocking the cause for sainthood of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen. And, he promotes cultural acceptance of open, active homosexuality, and he blesses open, actively homosexual Catholic Parishes in his archdiocese. Feeding the delusions that the unnatural is natural, the abnormal is normal, that evil is good, and that to admonish the sinner is to commit the new mortal sin of Judgmentalism.
All of this is more than merely wrong. It grows as induced delusion.
We have addressed the pro-Marxist - anti-Capitalist sociopolitical leanings of Pope Francis elsewhere in this site. And we noted that sociopolitical issues of civil government are outside the purview of infallible Papal teaching authority. As is material science. But this Pope keeps highlighting, big and bold, his own delusional beliefs. At least, we can pray that they are delusions. It would be much better for the world if he were merely deluded than if he were evil.
The problem is that there are untold millions of Catholics who will take every word he says to be absolutely true, and they, too, may become deluded. Perhaps fatally. A Pope can spread falsehood, knowingly or not, with exponentially greater effect than any dissident Catholic teachers and professors scattered around the world, and you can bet that all dissident Catholic teachers will grab onto every delusional thing this Pope says, and then magnify it.
By his words promoting Egalitarianism, Pope Francis appears to be convinced that total egalitarianism - a practical impossibility - might have been called for and practiced by the early Church, as in Acts 2:42-46 and Acts 4:32-35. But that applied to the Apostles and their closest followers - the preachers of the Gospel - not to the whole world. Once their own commonly held property was eaten up, they depended upon the tithes, offerings and alms of the larger lay society, which still worked for a living. This was a precursor to Monastic life.
But we are laymen, not monastics. We cannot give all, nor can we give "from our need" and not pay the rent, or the electric, or not feed our children, and keep doing that indefinitely. This is a plan for global impoverishment. Egalitarianism lifts no one; it lowers everyone. That's just a real world practical fact. It's a pretty dream, but in practical application it's a global famine.
He is convinced of the "truth" of the Global Warming Fraud. And, he is convinced that the secularist, anti-human population, anti-Capitalist, pro-Marxist, anti-Christianity, pro-homosexual, pro-contraception, pro-abortion, pro-eugenics United Nations is the only global body capable of fixing the climate. This is a pile of delusions. The UN itself is one giant delusion.
There is no danger from global warming, just as, back in the 1980s, there was no danger from global cooling. The Marxocrats, the Obamunists, and the UN, now refer to the pending disaster as "Climate Change", rather than cooling or warming, because they can no longer say which way the global temperature is going. But they still insist that it presents a clear and present danger to all life on earth. Any minute now.
Since the earth has not warmed over the last eighteen years, and now it seems to have cooled over the last ten, they are in a bit of a quiet quandary, but not publicly. I predict that the next thing they will warn about is the pending global disaster of "Climate Same-ing", claiming that global temperature change is needed for the sea levels and hurricanes and ice packs to do something or other, and temperatures are not changing, and so global government needs to do something about that immediately, before all life on earth is destroyed.
This is global stupidity on steroids. The recent G7 Summit on Climate Change would have been better titled the G7 Gathering of Stupidasses.
Pope Francis is concentrating more on the World than on the Kingdom. It appears that he is obsessed with worldly matters. Perhaps he doesn't see the entire environmental movement or the UN as mere tools, co-opted if not invented, used and manipulated by evil global revolutionary conspirators, for their own purposes. Or, perhaps he does.
Just about every "Big" problem propagandized to be solvable only by government, or by a super-government with authority over all other governments, is a fraud of some kind. Global charities are a good example, particularly those run through or controlled by the UN. They never feed the poor or raise anyone out of any particular bad situation. What they do is feed international graft and kickbacks, and pay criminals, gangsters and corrupt tyrants and government officials. Only a trickle ever reaches the target population or purpose. Nearly the same can be said for the CCHD and CRS "charities" run by the USCCB.
Some environmental frauds are maintained over time just to maintain, feed and grow giant national and international bureaucracies brought into existence by the frauds. Global Cooling - which became Global Warming - which became Climate Change - which is to become Global Same-ing is a prime example. All this long-lived fraud does is make hucksters like Al Gore richer and richer by taking money from everyone else and making them poorer and poorer. It advances the cause of Marxism by destroying free markets and destroying economies, leading to global chaos. It's very good for Marxism, but good for nothing else.
The HIV to AIDS connection fraud is another good example. It continues to gross untold billions of dollars every year to fight the perfectly harmless HIV retrovirus, under the pretense that it causes AIDS, which it does not. The most likely true cause of AIDS is drug abuse, with drugs or combinations of drugs that wind up doing what the HIV "treatment" drug, AZT, does, which is to destroy human bone marrow and natural human immunity, causing death with AIDS-like symptoms. It likely has nothing whatsoever to do with sex, homosexual or otherwise. HIV is spread by infected needles, or by sex, but, HIV does not cause AIDS. Most of these unnecessary billions of dollars continue to go from America through the UN. Of course.
The world is not over populated. See the Population Fraud page.
The world is not running out of fuels or resources of any kind. See the Eco-Nazi Movement page. Fossil fuels, mineral resources, and even wood, are all increasing, not decreasing. Discovered global reserve estimates always go up, never down, decade after decade after decade.
Any time you hear anyone using terms like "sustainable development" you are listening to a liar. He may be a well intentioned but misinformed liar, but he is lying just the same. A lie is a lie.
The air and the soil and the water is not being irredeemably polluted by fossil fuel burning, spilling or by chemical waste, or any other man caused pollution. All serious pollution is local, and temporary. The world is much larger and much more resilient than the fraudsters would have you believe. The natural solution to pollution is dilution. Fraudsters seek to create fuel shortages by induced delusion regarding the harmful affects of fuel, and then regulating "harmful" fuel out of existence.
The world is not running out of food; not even close. The "Green Revolution" is still going on. More food, of every kind, is produced every decade than the decade before, sometimes by orders of magnitude. The fact that people somewhere are hungry is directly associated with how free they are. An abundance of food somewhere, like an abundance of anything anywhere, has no causative relationship of any shortage anywhere else.
Environmental Wackos seek to kill the Green Revolution by indoctrinating and propagandizing false "Evil" into agricultural methods, fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides into poorly educated minds. It's another induced delusion. Typical farm or ranch produced foods are better and cheaper than "organic" counterparts, and they have less bugs and less blemishes and diseases, and they keep longer. And they are perfectly healthy foods that will not hurt you. The fraudsters seek to induce food shortages on the world, as an excuse for growing government and growing government authority to fix a non-existent problem.
There is not a thing in the world wrong with the mosquito killer DDT, banned globally, due to a hoax. DDT has nothing whatsoever to do with any harm to our feathered friends, to people or to the environment. It's nonsensical global ban has everything to do with untold millions of deaths from malaria every year, in exchange for another increase in government authority over the private sector.
No one is born homosexual. It is a leaned behavior, an induced delusion and/or a disorder in need of treatment. See the Homo-Nazi page.
Michael Jackson was black, Bruce Jenner is a man, Rachel Dolezal is white, and, really, so am I. You can read about my own trans-racial story in the Racial-Nazi page.
America is not racist. No other nation in history ever fought a horrible civil war with itself to enforce the national moral principles of (1) legal equality, (2) life, (3) liberty and (4) pursuit of happiness. America is probably the least racist nation ever. Marxocrat Party members who call America racist never mention that their Party, which used to be the Democrat Party, was the Party of Slavery, Secession from America, the KKK, Segregation and Jim Crow, was entirely on the wrong side of the 1960s Civil Rights struggle. When they say they were there, on the side of King, they lie. Lying is job one for Marxists. They are still racists. They now enslave black minds through induced delusions and government (Marxocrat Party) dependency.
Nearly every major moral topic being imposed upon the public today involves induced delusions of the exact opposite of the true case. For instance ...
Pro Abortion politics say we are trying to impose our morality on them by opposing legal abortion. Abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution and is out of Constitutional scope; the federal government should not even be addressing it in legislation, enforcement or adjudication of federal law. It's a state or local issue, and always was. If it wasn't for the Marxocrat Party and induced Cultural-Marxism throughout our court system, abortion in America would not exist. It was they who imposed their immorality upon us, at the federal level. Unconstitutionally.
Pro Homosexual Marriage politics say we are trying to impose our morality on them by opposing legal homosexual marriage. Homosexual perversion and homosexual marriage are not mentioned in the Constitution and are out of Constitutional scope; the federal government should not even be addressing it in legislation, enforcement or adjudication of federal law. It's a state or local issue, and always was. If it wasn't for the Marxocrat Party and induced Cultural-Marxism throughout our court system, homosexual marriage in America would not even be up for discussion. It is they who are imposing their immorality upon us, at the federal level. Unconstitutionally.
It is the same in nearly all Discrimination law. Government is prohibited from discriminating between citizens, but citizens are not prohibited from discrimination against each other or anything at all. Is man really free if he cannot discriminate, i.e., make free choices? See the Discrimination page, and the Racial Discrimination page, and the Discriminate page for the newer Catholic warping of the term. If it were not for the sexual obsessions within Cultural Marxism and its induced delusions, open active homosexuality today would not exist; no one would be saying out loud some of my best friends are homosexuals. Such things would not be accepted in polite company, particularly around the children. There would be no such thing as a "Social Issue Liberal" also being a political or economic Conservative. But, it is what it is. Less than 2% of the population now has the clout of a majority of the vote. Go figure.
I started writing this Monday, and I'm just finishing it now, Friday AM. Just no real time blocks available to stay on it and get it done. Mornings before work are really all I have, because usually after work I'm too tired to concentrate much.
As much as I hate saying these things about the positions of the Pope, these things have to be said. He remains the Vicar of Christ, and I remain a lowly layman. When he speaks, I listen. Words have meaning. If he didn't truly mean what he said, then why did he say it? If anyone on earth ought to guard his every word before he says it, it would be the Vicar of Christ on Earth. Everything he says has enormous social impact, inside and outside the Church.
Again, economics, national and international politics, weather, climate and material science are all outside the purview of infallibility, unless and until they touch upon faith and morals. But when a Pope leans so far Left as to clearly support Marxist notions, the whole world should be alarmed. Nature, and Practical Reality, resisted and opposed long enough, turns into a bludgeon that will eventually hit you in the face. This is what you must know:
Truth is right in front of you.
Truth never changes, and Truth isn't going anywhere.
Am I saying that everyone who votes Marxocrat is stupid?
Well, not exactly. What I am saying is that everyone who votes Marxocrat is either stupid, deluded or evil.
Every Marxocrat Party political agenda item is either:
You would be hard put to name a Scriptural immorality that is not at least openly practiced if not politically promoted and protected by the Marxocrat Party. By Immorality I mean violation of any of the Commandments, or Scriptural Prohibitions (1 Cor 6:9-10; Matt 15:19; Mark 7:21-22; Gal 5:19-21; Eph 5:3-7; Col 3:5-10; etc.)
That's "Progress".
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Date: Fri Jun 19 08:03:41 2015
From: Andrew Maggard
Location: Port Haywood, Virginia
Thank you sir for a most enlightening piece. Very thought provoking and informative. The logic of it is stunning in its simplicity.
Date: Fri Jun 29 2015
From: Vic Biorseth
Thank you very much; I try.
Date: Mon Jun 22 14:17:06 2015
From: Bill ames
Location: San Carlos, CA
Vic, you have an amazing ability with words to hit issues and lies with truth rather than the delusions the so-called leaders of this country have failed to do.
As a life long Catholic (77 yrs.) I find it appalling that the pope is using the teachings of Jesus to attempt to justify the redistribution hoax and responsibility to stop the myth of climate change.
Keep up your good work.
Date: Sun Jun 28 2015
From: Vic Biorseth
In response to multiple unpublished typically unprintable Leftist rants:
Some of the falsehoods of the Left are just so glaringly obvious that we have to wonder about the cognitive abilities and simple adult judgement of Leftists. We can understand evil; but how, exactly, do you explain induced delusion - belief in obvious, glaring falsehood - held by anyone claiming so much as elementary education, let alone any higher intellectual standing at all?
Date: Sun Jun 28 2015
From: Vic Biorseth
Response to Unpublished Comeback:
That's a little better, but still, no cigar.
The reason Americans produce more than other people is that they are free to do it.
The reason other people produce less than Americans is that they are less free to do it.
Very simple; nothing to it. Soil is available everywhere, it can be improved everywhere and it can be irrigated everywhere. Fossil fuels and other fuels are available everywhere, not just in America. Industry can be built up everywhere that people are free to build up industry. The problem is not geography or anything other than individual liberty, or the lack of it. It's the government, and nothing else.
Keep working on it. Read the language and tone message and try to understand it. Your submission was better, but still light on civility and decency, and maybe a couple of synapse firings short of a comprehendable thought.
Language and Tone Statement
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Never be lukewarm.
Life itself demands passion.
He who is indifferent to God has already forfeited his soul.
He who is indifferent to politics has already forfeited his liberty.
In America, religion is not mere window dressing and citizenship is not a spectator sport. Do not allow our common destiny as a whole people to just happen without your input.
Seek the Truth; find the Way; live the Life; please God, and live forever.
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Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and
Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in
thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life:
and few there are that find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in
the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Christ; Matthew 7:13–15
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A Top to Bottom Housecleaning of America When we clean our house, my wife has a slogan, “Top to bottom,” meaning you have to target the whole house. The same advice applies to nations.
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Moving Toward Gorbachev’s “World of Communism” It's called the Monster Plot.
The Errors of Russia, the Dupes of Putin, and Another Holocaust Can The Increasingly Faithless Free World Be Saved From Russia?
World War Quietly Conquering A Distracted and Blithely Unaware World. Could it actually be Satan's world war on despised humanity?
Stand With Ukraine Against Russia and China By Cliff Kincaid
Tucker Carlson Carlson Gets His Comeuppance. Tucker's View: It is not moral for us to intervene in support of any nation's (Ukraine's) democratic self-determination and against Soviet military expansion.
The Need for Secure Borders. Have we so easily forgotten what borders are for? Have we forgotten that evil exists in the world? Have we forgotten how to keep apart from this evil?
Can Ukraine Survive Putin and Biden? Can America? Can the Free World? Can Faith in God?
The Soviet Union: Back From The Dead The Return of the Evil Empire
Could an American Surrender be in the offing with Biden at the wheel? Is this not the perfect time for Communism to strike, with Commies now governing America, China and Russia? What would Biden do?
Abortion and Communism. If you ever wondered where all the popular abortion-contraception-sexuality-perversion nuttiness came from, look to Marx's Communist Manifesto.
The Secret Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. A life almost totally at odds with his reputation as a minister of the Gospel.
"We belong to the Church militant; and She is militant because on earth the powers of darkness are ever restless to encompass Her destruction. Not only in the far-off centuries of the early Church, but down through the ages and in this our day, the enemies of God and Christian civilization make bold to attack the Creator's supreme dominion and sacrosanct human rights." --Pope Pius XII
"It is not lawful to take the things of others to give to the poor. It is a sin worthy of punishment, not an act deserving a reward, to give away what belongs to others." --St. Francis of Assisi
Truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.—Winston Churchill
The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.—Ayn Rand
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