Formerly the Thinking Catholic Strategic Center
Confirming Culture=Religion+Politics
Biorseth, Sunday,
March 19, 2017
To say there is no absolute truth is to say that there are no moral absolutes. Therefore there is no such thing as right and wrong, strictly speaking; everything exists in shades of grey. The abandonment of Objective Reality cannot be done without abandoning belief in God, and in all Revealed Truth. Which leaves man with a pointless and purposeless existence, with no knowable purpose for being.
This current historical wave of nuttiness got started, I believe, in the period between the two World Wars, when Western man began to question the existence of God and the purpose for everything. Modernism had long ago split theological science from material science; this was the advance of Post Modernism, and the popularizing of Uncertainty; the notion that reality itself, in any area of human knowledge, is unknowable.
This began the cult of the Beatnik, or the Beat Generation, who dropped out, drugged-out and alienated themselves from "institutional" society. And went searching for themselves. (Really; that was a common thing for people to do.) And searching for meaning, in all the wrong places.
It was during this period that art took a hard Left turn, away from reality and into the surreal. "Impression" was everything, reality a non-entity. Pablo Picasso rode this wave and, to this day, supposedly Enlightened aficionados pay millions for his surrealistic garbage, proudly display it and are universally recognized as brilliant art connoisseurs.
By the time of the Korean War, the infestation of Cultural Marxism had so badly affected Western thinking that Victory in War was anathematized, and we fought our first Limited War, which, to this day, is not settled. (We're still there.) In fact, Western public sentiment began, not so slowly, to favor the advance of Communism over the American Ideal.
Which is to say, Western man began to favor his own mortal enemy.
This general social thinking culminated in the disastrous results of the Vietnam War, which was lost, not on the battlefield, but by the act of a thoroughly Marxified American Congress, and by a thoroughly Marxified News Media, which got the Hippy children and grandchildren of the Beatniks out into the streets, rioting and burning and bombing in favor of Communism and in opposition to America.
Americans were turning against America.
The News Media had become such a politically powerful tool of the Left that, with Walter Cronkite in the lead and all major News Media following, it broke the Presidency of LBJ, and it got Congress to cut funds, fuel and ammo to American troops in a combat zone, and it lost the Vietnam War.
Our Marxist News Media did all that. With the help of Marxist Education.
Millions of Americans were turned into anti-Americans.
But, before that, millions of Christians were turned into anti-Christians.
All brought about by the steady, inexorable advance of the evil disinformation program that denies either the existence of or the knowability of Absolute Truth. With God out of the intellectual picture, man became the supreme being, the determiner of right and wrong, and the modifier of nature. The man in charge. Not all men; just the elite, in-the-know men, who would take care of all other men, for their own good. General, non-elite men were deemed incapable of taking care of themselves, and deemed to be problematic to the proper working of society and of nature itself. A problem to be dealt with by the elites.
But this "reasoning" is now proving to be so unreasonable that millions are returning to the simple common sense of recognizing Actual Reality for what it is, helped and prodded along by the roaring success of the flaming non-elitist, Donald J. Trump. Who just keeps promising and doing real things, and whose words are not crafted, poll-tested, focus-grouped, politically-corrected, feminized, screened and pre-approved, pre-scripted, rehearsed or polished. They are merely simple every day common sense words, but direct common sense is a language now totally foreign to the elites.
Trump is causing a whole societal basic, fundamental return to Truth, however inarticulate, fumbling, stumbling and incomplete that return may be. President Trump is leading in the right direction, and everybody knows it, and all the elites fear it and hate it and are determined to stop it, and turn it around. But it's too late for them; the societal train is now moving in the right direction, and the momentum is rapidly growing beyond the elite's capability of stopping it.
America's professional politicians are being undone by an a-political businessman who's life's work has involved reality, not theory, real problems, not hypothetical ones, physical reality, not conjured-up hoaxes and crises to be "fixed" by growing government and shrinking Liberty. Trump is just Real. That's all. That's the whole difference. All the Establishment politicians and newsmen are mere actors on a stage, playing roles.
Not merely Divorced from reality, but Opposed to reality. Reality is now their enemy.
They can't handle it. Why, Trump is even mentioning God in his speeches. That means he has rejected Pure Materialistic Science, in favor of Superstition. How uneducated and unenlightened he must be!
Now, President Trump is not supposed to be leading the way to Truth, but he is, by the grace of God. That's the proper job of the Church.
The Catholic Church is all about Truth. That is it's center. That is it's purpose. The Catholic Church is supposed to hold it and protect it unchanged, and teach it, and point the way to it, and evangelize it. If the Church had been properly doing that from the Beatnik era, through the Hippy era, through the Vatican II era, through the sex abuse scandal era, through today, there never would have been any need for the Lord to use Donald Trump to show the Church how to do its job.
And that is precisely what he is doing without even being aware of it. Just by being a real man in a world enthralled by virtual reality.
The keepers of the Ultimate Revealed Truth are in actual schism, at the very least. Bishops who have gone "worldly" appear to radically outnumber those who have not. Bishops who stand and defend orthodoxy and the unchanged Truth appear to be as few in number within the Catholic Church, as are actual American Constitutionalist members of the US Congress and the US Supreme Court. Cultural Marxism now holds sway within the Church, too.
Just as the sitting American government today pays little or no heed to its own Constitution, the Catholic Church today pays little or no heed to Divine Revelation. Different dioceses admit or refuse admittance to the Sacraments to different groups of people under different criteria. Even opposing criteria. All based on different interpretations of Amoris Laetitia.
The defenders of Pope Francis insist that Amoris Laetitia is not "official" doctrine, but a guideline. What difference does that make? It is being "enforced" in some dioceses, as if it were established doctrine. Pope Francis has not responded to the Dubia. And, just as in America, the positions are hardening, as the ordinary common-sense people wake up to the reality of the situation.
So, on March 30 a special Conference in Paris will explore questions surrounding the possible deposing of the Pope. What is at stake is Truth, properly preached to the world. Reality. The principle that Revealed Truth holds sway even over a Pope is at stake. Popes are not judged by anyone, unless and until they deviate from the Faith.
Men do not change the Faith; the Faith changes men.
The Sacred Depositum Fide is our ultimate doctrinal ruler. Even many of the most heterodox Bishops - supporters of Pope Francis - now may go along with deposing Francis just to avoid the obvious schism he is causing. Perhaps they hope to get another heterodox leader who won't be quite so heterodox, or maybe push the liberal agenda a little slower and less obviously so. Who knows.
The one thing that is clear is that, in America, in Europe, in the nations of the world, and - finally - in the Roman Catholic Church, the ordinary citizens and the ordinary laity are coming back to Reality and simple common sense. Leadership has let the people down and created chaos. Leadership that feeds chaos may now be on the way out.
Proper, working, orderly civil government has to begin with some believed and strongly held ecclesial government, pointing to Truth, on which all else is based. You can govern a man's body, even against his will, up to a point.
But to the degree that a man's Soul is saved by Truth, his body will follow that Truth, on its own, without need of civil law. And that is why Church law is more important than Civil law.
It is the very basis of Civilization.
Keep praying for the Pope, and be prepared for a Papal Deposition.
Seek the Truth, find the Way, live the Life. Please God and live forever.
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The Brilliantly Conceived Organization of the USA; Vic Biorseth
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Date: Mon Mar 20 07:56:15 2017
From: Andrew Maggard
Location: Port Haywood, Virginia, USA
The Fourth Turning by William Strauss and Neil Howe predicted the very events that are now taking place. Of interest is the coming financial reset and the end of the welfare state. With the end of the welfare state comes a return to morality and the virtues of self reliance and accountability. I can hardly wait.
Date: Mon Mar 20 11:15:20 2017
From: cathdeac
Location: Hillsboro/Republic of Texas
Dear Vic,
How can the very 'justification' the Soulbrain dead use to support their bizarre and evil agenda(s), refutes their belief. Sadly for them, that their 'freedom to .... whatever' only has at it's foot in Truth, whatever their current state of possession is at any given moment. The phrase, "Come, let us reason together.." will never garner a foothold. I do pray for them... and for their redemption.
Date: Mon Mar 20 2017
From: Vic Biorseth
Andrew and Cathdeac:
Just got this new Vortex link in my inbox, and still deciding whether to be pessimistic or optimistic about it. Michael Voris says, probably correctly, that the whole social break-up of America was precipitated by the whole "Christian" break-up of the Church with the Reformation, and the ongoing, continuous splitting of Protestantism.
But, if a return to Reality is really going on, and I believe it is, then would not that return to Actual Reality, carried to its logical conclusion, involve massive conversions of Protestants to Catholicism? Any honest, i.e., objective and determined, quest for Truth can only end in one place.
Simple common sense points the way. That's my take on it. The real problem is, the Church itself is now in drastic need of repair, with so many Catholic Bishops now no different than their Protestant counterparts.
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Life itself demands passion.
He who is indifferent to God has already forfeited his soul.
He who is indifferent to politics has already forfeited his liberty.
In America, religion is not mere window dressing and citizenship is not a spectator sport. Do not allow our common destiny as a whole people to just happen without your input.
Seek the Truth; find the Way; live the Life; please God, and live forever.
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Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and
Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in
thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life:
and few there are that find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in
the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Christ; Matthew 7:13–15
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