
Rabbi Meir Kahane’s Open Letter to the World

Rabbi Meir Kahane

Vic Biorseth,

Entry for April 05, 2007, Taken from:

An Open Letter to the World

By Rabbi Meir Kahane, OBM Tue, September 19, 2006, 4:51 pm

Rabbi Meir Kahane, OBM, was a strong Jew who believed in a Jewish State that apologized neither for its Jewishness nor its willingness to fight to survive. He was vilified by the Left, especially the Israeli government as he gained popularity dramatically among the Likud voters, threatening the status quo. The Israeli Supreme Court outlawed his party as racist when it used quotes from the Five Books of Moses. He was assassinated by an Arab named Nosair on the streets of New York -- the same Arab who later stood trial as a co-conspirator of Shaikh Omar Abdel Rahman and received a life sentence plus fifteen years imprisonment for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, conspiracy to use explosives against New York landmarks, and a plot to assassinate U.S. politicians.

The following is a letter Rabbi Kahane, OBM, wrote to the world. It is a strong letter based on an unpleasant history, but a true one nonetheless. What rings out, however, is the clarifying distinction between the call by Muslims and Arabs around the world claiming victimhood and hatred and calling for murder and indeed terrorizing the world with actual murder, and this one Jew's proclamation that his desire is not to conquer or convert but to be left alone. With all of the Left-wing and Arab-based conspiracy theories of Jews manipulating the US government into war expeditions in Iraq and elsewhere, the simple truth is that Jews around the world would be happy to be just left alone in one little piece of real estate surrounded by more than 21 Islamic states with a collective land mass 649 fold greater than Israel's and a total population 49 fold greater. When Muslims can blame the Jew, the American, the European, and even the Pope for their misery and wretchedness, one might conclude that the condition they find themselves in is a product of their own making and constitution.

The text of the letter follows:


Dear World,

I understand that you are upset by us, here in Israel.

Indeed, it appears that you are quite upset, even angry.

Indeed, every few years you seem to become upset by us. Today, it is the "brutal repression of the Palestinians"; yesterday it was Lebanon; before that it was the bombing of the nuclear reactor in Baghdad and the Yom Kippur War and the Sinai campaign. It appears that Jews who triumph and who, therefore, live, upset you most extraordinarily.

Of course, dear world, long before there was an Israel, we - the Jewish people - upset you.

We upset a German people who elected Hitler and upset an Austrian people who cheered his entry into Vienna and we upset a whole slew of Slavic nations - Poles, Slovaks, Lithuanians, Ukrainians, Russians, Hungarians and Romanians. And we go back a long, long way in the history of world upset.

We upset the Cossacks of Chmielnicki who massacred tens of thousands of us in 1648-49; we upset the Crusaders who, on their way to liberate the Holy Land, were so upset at Jews that they slaughtered untold numbers of us.

For centuries, we upset a Roman Catholic Church that did its best to define our relationship through inquisitions, and we upset the arch-enemy of the church, Martin Luther, who, in his call to burn the synagogues and the Jews within them, showed an admirable Christian ecumenical spirit.

And it is because we became so upset over upsetting you, dear world, that we decided to leave you - in a manner of speaking - and establish a Jewish state. The reasoning was that living in close contact with you, as resident-strangers in the various countries that comprise you, we upset you, irritate you and disturb you. What better notion, then, than to leave you (and thus love you)- and have you love us and so, we decided to come home - home to the same land we were driven out 1,900 years earlier by a Roman world that, apparently, we also upset.

Alas, dear world, it appears that you are hard to please.

Having left you and your pogroms and inquisitions and crusades and holocausts, having taken our leave of the general world to live alone in our own little state, we continue to upset you. You are upset that we repress the poor Palestinians. You are deeply angered over the fact that we do not give up the lands of 1967, which are clearly the obstacle to peace in the Middle East.

Moscow is upset and Washington is upset. The "radical" Arabs are upset and the gentle Egyptian moderates are upset.

Well, dear world, consider the reaction of a normal Jew from Israel.

In 1920 and 1921 and 1929, there were no territories of 1967 to impede peace between Jews and Arabs. Indeed, there was no Jewish State to upset anybody. Nevertheless, the same oppressed and repressed Palestinians slaughtered tens of Jews in Jerusalem, Jaffa, Safed and Hebron. Indeed, 67 Jews were slaughtered one day in Hebron in 1929.

Dear world, why did the Arabs - the Palestinians - massacre 67 Jews in one day in 1929? Could it have been their anger over Israeli aggression in 1967? And why were 510 Jewish men, women and children slaughtered in Arab riots between 1936-39? Was it because Arabs were upset over 1967?

And when you, dear world, proposed a UN Partition Plan in 1947 that would have created a "Palestinian State" alongside a tiny Israel and the Arabs cried "no" and went to war and killed 6,000 Jews - was that "upset" caused by the aggression of 1967? And, by the way, dear world, why did we not hear your cry of "upset" then?

The poor Palestinians who today kill Jews with explosives and firebombs and stones are part of the same people who when they had all the territories they now demand be given to them for their state -attempted to drive the Jewish state into the sea. The same twisted faces, the same hate, the same cry of "itbach-al-yahud" (Massacre the Jew!) that we hear and see today, were seen and heard then. The same people, the same dream - destroy Israel. What they failed to do yesterday, they dream of today, but we should not "repress" them.

Dear world, you stood by during the holocaust and you stood by in 1948 as seven states launched a war that the Arab League proudly compared to the Mongol massacres.

You stood by in 1967 as Nasser, wildly cheered by wild mobs in every Arab capital in the world, vowed to drive the Jews into the sea. And you would stand by tomorrow if Israel were facing extinction. And since we know that the Arabs-Palestinians dream daily of that extinction, we will do everything possible to remain alive in our own land. If that bothers you, dear world, well think of how many times in the past you bothered us.

In any event, dear world, if you are bothered by us, here is one Jew in Israel who could not care less.


EENS:  Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus
(Outside the Church there is no salvation)

With fear and trembling, work out your salvation--Phil 2:12

Seek the Truth; Find the Way; Live the Life.
Please God, and Live Forever.


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PEWAG3 Punctuated Equilibrium's Wild-Assed Guess
TTRSTF4 Them There Real Scientifical-Type Fellers
TTRSPTF5 Them There Real Smart Perfesser-Type Fellers
TTRSJTF6 Them There Real Smart Journalistical-Type Fellers
SNRTACBT7 Surely No Right Thinking Adult Could Believe Today
STNSEACPB8 Surely Today No Serious Educated Adult Could Possibly Believe
WDN9 We Don't Know
BMDFP10 Baboons, Mongrel Dogs, Filthy Pigs and ...
HBAACOTE11 Human Beings Are A Cancer On The Earth
ACLU12 Anti-Christian Litigation Union
FLORMPORIF13 Flagrant Liar, Or, Mindless Parrot, Or, Innocent Fool
MEJTML14 Marxist Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
IEJTML15 Islamic Ends-Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
MPAV16 Marxist Principles And Values
WBESSWG17 Wise, Benign, Elite, Super-Scientific World Governance
TRMITM18 The Reason Man's In This Mess
IYI19 Intellectual Yet Idiotic
TTRSCBTF20 Them There Real Smart Catholic Bishop Type Fellers
IACMPVND21 Illegal-Alien-Criminal Marxocrat-Party-Voting Nation-Destroyers
PEJTML22 Palestinian Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
PSYOP23 "Psychological Operation" Mind Trick
CDC24 Covid Developmentally Challenged
LGBTQ+ Every Letter Represents A Serious Psychotic sexual Identity Disorder
HEJTML26 Hedonist Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
SEJTML27 Scientistic Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar

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From: Lyman Victor Biorseth
Date: Fri, November 03, 2006, 06:41 PM
Subject: Rabbi Kahane's Letter to the World

This letter should be required reading for history and social science students. As much as I have feared for and prayed over the threats to America, from within and without, these threats do not even begin to compare to the continuous and multiple direct physical threats faced by Israel. I cannot help but believe that it is not luck, or accident, or fate, or human planning, or strategy, or allies, or weapons, or technology, or anything and everything worldly, alone or in combination, that keeps Israel alive. I pray that more and more in America and in Israel will turn their faces back toward the Lord and make atonement for those who do not.



Date: Fri Jun 19 03:48:25 2009
From: Ishah Ehat
Location: Australia

As time progresses the words of Rabbi Meir Kahane become more relevant. It appears that Jew hatred results from the continued, Phoenix-like existence of the Jewish nation. Long may the Jewish Phoenix continue to exist, although this time without the need for destructive holocausts.

Date: Tue Aug 11 14:03:06 2009
From: Pinny

Rabbi Kahane was right 25 years ago and he is at least as right today. Some people hated him then, and some do now, but that is only because the truth is difficult to accept!

Date: Sun Oct 18 14:06:30 2009
From: Ivan
Location: USA

Obviously anti Semitism needs to be illegal and enforced immediately by Jews and gentiles worldwide. Murder is not free speech and a debatable issue at all. Condolences to me for those of you who are reading this because I am probably dead due to baseless anti-Semitism.

Date: Mon Oct 19 06:03:55 2009
From: Vic Biorseth


Only God can make law applicable to all men everywhere. Mere mortals may only make and enforce civil law in their own territorial jurisdictions, which is why some territories are more attractive to decent men than others. If and when any worldly authority is established over the whole world, an evil man or group will somehow gain dominance over it. That is the nature of the world.

Note well that Jesus Christ, Whom all true Christians regard as the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, which is to say, God Personified, lived His exemplary earthly life as a Semitic Jew. We are all called to do our best with what we’ve got to work with.

Hang in there, Ivan; you are never alone. Please God and live forever.



Date: Fri Jan 22 23:28:56 2010
From: Eli
Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Meir Kahane's work should be in the curriculum of all nations even the arab world.

Date: Sat Jun 05 23:24:25 2010
From: Old Jew

Ivan is right. If a world law means the world must be taken over, then the world must be taken over, and then it must be defended. The Arabs will never be satisfied with any other situation other than the end of the Jews. The only way to prevent that other than killing all the Arabs is to rule them.

Date: Sun Jun 06 06:43:26 2010
From: Vic Biorseth

Old Jew:

I disagree, and not only because of the impossibility of the task. There is no perfect solution to the problem. The best approach to amelioration of the problem is to recognize the enemy who has declared war on us, know that it is a true war, and engage in war with them just as they engage in war on us. The enemy who has declared war on Judaism, Christianity, Democracy, Representative Government, Free Commerce, Liberty, Israel and America comes in two flavors:

  1. Marxism, in all its varieties, and
  2. Islam, in all its varieties.

These two false and evil ideologies have set themselves the task of killing us all or enslaving us all. Both are intent on world domination. Our strategic problem is that ideas are not nations, they have no borders, the soldiers wear no uniforms and they are sneaky, underhanded, treacherous ideologues who hold out the hand of friendship until they can gain some advantage, and then they attack you.

It is the ideas themselves that must be openly and publicly attacked everywhere. Nations dominated by Marxism or by Islam must be treated as hostile to all that we hold dear, which means, treated as enemy states in time of war. Practitioners of Marxism and Islam must be treated as social pariahs and denied immigration, travel and citizenship in decent lands. Priests, ministers and rabbis need to point out the errors and the immoralities of Marxism and Islam. Politicians, philosophers and pundits need to highlight the gross logical errors and fatal flaws in Marxism and Islam.

Unfortunately, none of this is going to happen under the regime of Comrade Barrack Hussein Obama, peace be upon him.



Date: Fri Jun 11 05:42:44 2010
From: Sandra
Location: Netherlands

Rabbi Kahane's has the right to pronounce the truth. Therefore first of all we should openly , and I hope you except this one from me, admit to you that the shame should be on our faces (like Daniel ,from Tenach, had) with reference to our history in name of Christianity. Also please know, Rabbi Meir Kahane, that there are true believers, who will not abandon you, who pray for you, stand behind you ,even cry about what has happened over the years en even now all these awful issues and lies you people have to deal with. There are people who really love you , my Jewish brothers and sisters, because of the love of Yeshua Mashiach in their hearts. These are the people who even stands behind your army. Not only there are watchmen on your walls of Yerushalayim also watchmen in their own countries, and plead in their prayers to Adonai for your people, our brothers and sisters.

Further, let us put our trust in Adonai, like Jeremia said; that the grace of Adonai is not exhausted, that His compassion has not ended.

They are new every morning!

How great Your faithfulness!

"Adonai is all I have," I say; therefore I will put my hope in Him.

Adonai is good to those waiting for Him, to those who are seeking Him out.

(Lamentations 3:22-25)


Sandra from the Netherlands.

Date: Tue Jun 07 22:11:14 2011
From: Simon

This is all false and untrue Zionist right-wing propaganda. Kahane was a racist and a violent man in a racist, violent right-wing Party, who lived by the sword and who died by the sword. He reaped what he sowed. This whole site is opposed to equality and justice, and seeks to aid domination of the world by Jews and the ultra-bourgeoisie, through increasingly unrestrained Capitalist multi-national imperialism. All of this open, unconstitutional opposition to particular religions and to particular politics, so long as they lean Left, is a carefully crafted smoke screen behind which the right wing perpetrators work to oppose social justice and equality among men. As for “Israel”, there will never be peace over there until the land stolen from the Palestinians is returned to them; even then, America still bears the guilt of having exploited and pillaged the resources of that region of the world. WAKE UP AMERICA!

Date: Wed Jun 08 05:53:22 2011
From: Vic Biorseth


A man who defends himself, or his family, or his kin, or his nation, or his race, even by use of violence when necessary, may not properly be called a man of violence. Violence was thrust upon him from outside. I am guessing that you might be a holocaust denier; nevertheless, history is hard to kill, even for Lefties.

You are not the first to confuse Right and Left politics of Marxists with Right and Left politics in America. Let me again try to set the record straight regarding that.

Important figures in world politics during the rise of Nazi-Fascism and the rise of Communism were all Marxists, and said so. Such personages as Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini all were born, politically speaking, of Marxism.

The name of Hitler’s political Party was the National Socialist Worker’s Party. The only economic difference between the Nazi-Fascist brand of Marxism and the Bolshevik-Communist brand of Marxism was that the former totally controlled the owners of Capital, and the later simply nationalized all Capital. In both variants, the people were ruled by one absolute totalitarian dictator.

The only socio-political difference between the Nazi-Fascist brand of Marxism and the Bolshevik-Communist brand of Marxism was that the former was a nationalist movement that sought world control by a superior nation and race, and the later was an internationalist movement that falsely claimed to seek the end of all sovereign nations as well as the end of all private property to achieve a perfect utopia.

Nazi-Fascism and Bolshevik-Communism represent the major Right – Left argument within Marxism itself. Both despise Capitalism, private property and human liberty, and thus both see America and any entity remotely similar to America as the ultimate mortal enemy of Marxism. Within the confines of Marxist thought, American Constitutionalism is neither Right nor Left – it is simply the system that must be destroyed so that Marxism may advance. On that single point, the Left and the Right within Marxism profoundly agree.

In America, politically speaking, the Left is represented by any and all forms and varieties of Marxism, whether Nazi-Fascist or Communist-Socialist; and the Right, in America, is represented by strict and strong adherence to and defense of the American Declaration of Independence and the American Constitution. Everything Marx wrote, from Das Kapital to the Communist Manifesto, opposes the American Constitution.

Regarding our supposedly “unconstitutional opposition to particular religions and to particular politics, so long as they lean Left”, let me say this: We do not oppose Islam as a religion, but as a theocracy that seeks our destruction or subjugation as a nation, and the destruction or subjugation of all nations. We oppose Marxism for exactly the same reason – it is an ideology that seeks our destruction or subjugation as a nation, and the destruction or subjugation of all nations.

Regarding “increasingly unrestrained Capitalist multi-national imperialism” – I could question the use of the word imperialism here, but the larger question is how and why we should seek to restrain it, beyond naturally existing legal restrictions against crime and fraud. I know of no business, multi-national or not, that seeks to rule any land.

If by social justice you mean “equality” to be achieved by redistribution – which is to say, one of Marxism’s smoke-screen recruitment aids – this site is opposed to it, as it is opposed to any other object of practical impossibility.

No land was stolen from any Palestinians. Land was given to them. And I am left wondering what the resources might be that we Americans “exploited and pillaged” from that area of the world. Flies, maybe? Dirt? Camel dung? What, exactly, did we take from there, and how exactly did we prosper by the taking of it?



Date: Wed Jun 08 18:36:02 2011
From: Annie Hamilton
Location: Ventura, CA, USA

What a beautiful letter and certainly one I agree with 100 %. In light of the seemingly growing anti-Israel sentiment throughout America and other places, please permit me to share something I wrote a few days back in response to this letter as it's appropriate and a perfect fit. With kindest regards, Annie Hamilton.


Israel is a topic that seems to garner strong responses whether it’s at the dinner table, online or listening to the President’s latest (attempt) at speaking.

America’s kids are routinely taught in left-leaning schools that much of the conflict is due to Israel’s refusal to ‘share land’ and as such the ‘freedom fighting Hezbollah, Hamas and others are simply trying to make room for their Arab brothers and sisters.’

Some take it further, drawing parallels between the Gaza strip and the troubles in Northern Ireland, comparing Palestinian ‘warriors’ and the IRA.

Nothing could be farther than the truth.

This malignant information continues to spread throughout our communities, hurting families, poisoning American minds and threatening safety and at what cost? Ultimately who is accountable for the things that are said and for such actions?

* Gwyneth Paltrow raising money for HAMAS/Coldplay endorsing HAMAS’ Palestinian Jihad against Israel (what do people think that means?)

Will people stop seeing her movies?

Will they stop supporting Coldplay? (I will because I refuse to fund terror but how many others will?)

Read more …

*Jill, a fabulous clothing store, fabrics, fashions and selections are to die for – apparently quite literally. I’ve single handedly supplied my wardrobe from this brand for the past decade…until learning, recently, that they too, are a front, for terror.

*The companies, celebrities, brands are seemingly everywhere.

Is the hate for Israel … growing or is the successful building of stealth jihad growing at a pace that you have to be paying attention to notice because so many Americans are still asleep with their heads in the sand? Which is it? Growing evil or does it matter? I think it does.

Israel Apartheid Week is an annual international series of events held in cities and campuses throughout the world.

The goal, per their own recruiting materials is to educate people about the ‘nature of Israel’ as an apartheid system as well as to build Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions campaigns as part of a growing global movement.

Last year, Israel Apartheid Week took place in more than 40 cities.

This is strange, as the people behind the leadership of these events claim to want peace.

Even more peculiar is the fact that Israel is, in fact, the only state in the Middle East that is NOT an apartheid state. Israelis have (very successfully) created the first multicultural society in the Middle East, the only one that exists where the rights of all are honored and respected.

It’s the only state where Moslems may live peaceably amongst their neighbors, even if they’re female or gay.

They may vote, own real estate, own businesses, work, go to school, have families, live freely and happily without fear or ridicule. It’s a wonderful system that their neighbors across the strip do not enjoy.

The argument regarding Israeli occupation is deeply flawed and enemies have been attacking them since the beginning of the 20th century.

Rather than egg them on with fundraisers and praise however, the US should be cutting off enemy funding and bringing them to justice. Naturally, this isn’t happening. It’s sickening.

Israel’s right to exist, to occupy their land is a right that is entrenched in historic relevance.

Israel existed right up until the time of the Roman Empire. When the Romans conquered the land, Jews were permitted to live there.

There are two periods where they were effectively forced from their property, the first time in 70 A.D. and the other sometime around 135 A.D.

There’s always been a Jewish presence in Israel and for hundreds of years; the Middle East was easily the most peaceful part of the World.

Some have forgotten that Rahm Emanuel arranged meetings between Yitzhak Rabin and Yasir Arafat back in the early nineties and during this exchange, Jewish leaders expressed the need to create a Palestinian government to remove the rapidly expanding Palestinian population away from Israeli hands.

The pressing concern of ‘the day’ was Israel’s inevitable destruction and as such the situation must be handled immediately to manage any potential hostile presence in the region.

This seemed agreeable to Israel although certainly not smooth. (A peace agreement including both sides of the Gaza along with the United States of America)

Obviously following incidents in the late nineties as well as September 11th, Israel has remained steadfast in reliability with America struggling to define and contain threats, global and domestic pertaining to hostile enemies from within the Palestinian and other Islam-based territories.

Now we’re under a different Administration that once included Emmanuel, and things have never been worse.

We have a Moslem President who bluffed his way into the oval office and since then has appointed several fellow Moslems, radical Marxists, Socialists or other unsavory characters that have effectively dismantled our founding papers since 2008.

It’s disheartening that those who marched against Vietnam now sit in Washington DC offices, enacting policies, on our dime.

Our President recently arrogantly asked PM Netanyahu to ‘roll back’ their borders to 1967. It’s a good thing Bibi is a classy gentleman.

I would have told him (using expletives, of course) “I’ll roll my borders back to 1967 just as soon as you roll yours back to August 20th, 1959 so that Hawaii is no longer a state and you are no longer a citizen”

This Administration continues to lie to the American people and ridicules our allies while bowing to Islamist leaders, something never done in the history of America, turning the United States Presidency into a mockery, something to be laughed at, no longer respected.

Liberals and their universalism demands that Israel make concessions to appease Arabs but this rarely satisfies anyone and the truth is that there is plenty of room for Arabs in other areas and they refused the offer for a separate Palestinian state in 1937, 1939, 1947, 1979, 1993, and 2000.

This Administration’s betrayal of Israel is both shocking and disheartening and exposes the range of evil and/naïve thinking in the people in today’s government and media who seem to not understand (or care) what is truly at stake right now.

This direction should disturb us all.

Source: Annie Hamilton

Editor’s Note: Annie Hamilton is a Writer/Researcher and lives in Southern California. Currently she is engaged in two projects. One is fiction, titled, ‘The Defender’ the other, non-fiction, titled, ‘The Climb’. Annie can be reached at or

Date: Thu Jun 09 23:53:12 2011
From: Simon

“Important figures in world politics during the rise of Nazi-Fascism and the rise of Communism were all Marxists, and said so. Such personages as Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mussolini all were born, politically speaking, of Marxism.”


They were all Marxists, and they said so? When?

Date: Fri Jun 10 05:59:18 2011
From: Vic Biorseth


“Basically National Socialism and Marxism are the same.” - Adolph Hitler, 1941. (The Road To Serfdom, F. A. Hayek, Chapter II, page 30. Refers to a public speech in February 1941, recorded in the Bulletin of International News, published by the Royal Institute of International Affairs, XVIII, No. 5, 269.) See the Marxism page.

The Nazis were slightly smarter than the Communists, in that they saw the utter impossibility of the Ultimate Communist Utopian Dream. In Hitler’s variant of a New World Order, what he promoted was what he called The Third Position, representing a state-controlled economy that was neither Communist nor Capitalist. Nazism supported private property and a market economy up to a point – the market and the owners of property were subject to subordination to the state and the goals of the state.

Joseph Goebbels described this as a synthesis of Nationalism and Socialism, as the preferred counter to the “mistaken” Internationalism of the Bolshevik- Communist brand of Marxism.

Thus the “Right” and “Left” wings of Marxism came to be, and to hate each other, while being united in opposition to Capitalism and the liberty of man. Both were evil, and both sought to fool the masses, to mesmerize them, propagandize them and mal-educate them into masses of useful idiot followers of a ridiculous dream, and thus centralize all power in one man. Both opposed religion and the morality that flows from religion, and to gain absolute, unquestioning allegiance from citizens, and absolute power over them all.

“It has been the acknowledged right of every Marxist scholar to read into Marx the particular meaning that he himself prefers and to treat all others with indignation.” --John Kenneth Galbraith.



Date: Fri Jun 10 22:21:18 2011
From: Simon


You cannot deny the fact that Krupp, Mercedes-Benz, almost all heavy industry and the major German financial institutions prospered enormously in Nazi Germany. How can you attribute that to any form of anti-Capitalism?

Date: Sat Jun 11 06:49:38 2011
From: Vic Biorseth


Krupp, Mercedes-Benz, almost all heavy industry and the major German financial institutions were all in bed with Hitler, who kept them all on a very tight leash and controlled them. Whether they were in bed with Hitler willingly or not, I cannot tell, but Hitler told them what to produce, in what quantities, in what quality, and he supplied the slave labor for them to use to fulfill his orders. This is almost exactly the same arrangement we see today between Comrade Obama and GM, Chrysler, almost all heavy industry and the major American financial institutions, although he hasn’t succeeded in gathering and supplying slave labor yet. Unions will probably supply the slave drivers.



Date: Fri Apr 20 10:32:16 2012
From: Cyndi
Location: Long Island/NY/USA

I find it reprehensible that Rabbi Kahane should be murdered in cold blood, in plain sight of everyone and yet his killer was allowed to walk free to commit yet other atrocities which would become the entree to the 9/11 day of terror. When does the world wake up and realize that we are all not peace loving, G-d fearing members of the human race? When does anyone realize that, according to many world countries, Israel as a state, has the right to exist only as a figment of someone's imagination. It's time to wake up and smell the coffee. Rabbi Kahane, obm, was right and continues to be right. Like it or not, that is the reality. There is no peace with people that want your blood, land, children and future decimated beyond recognition, no matter what country they claim to be from.


Monday, November 19, 2012

As part of the ongoing effort to upgrade this whole website, upgraded this webpage to the new BB 2.0 - SBI! 3.0 release and to make use of the new reusable code features.
An earlier phase of this major conversion corrupted or adversely affected some fonts, alignments, quotes and tables in the previously published webpages. Not to worry; this phase is converting them all, one by one. Eventually, every webpage on this site will have the same look and feel as this one.
LOVE this new release!



Date: Mon Nov 19 16:54:54 2012
From: Michael
Location: Phila. PA

I stumbled across this piece at a time where its relevance is enhanced by the current terror attacks on the Israeli population by Palestinian Terrorists in Gaza. So true are Kahane's words, so clear his thoughts, he was a wise man whose revelations shocked a world that was not ready to receive them. He lived a life of love for his God and his People and died by the vile hands of evil men.

Do these thoughts not ring true to any believers on this site?

Date: Mon Nov 19 19:08:51 2012
From: Vic Biorseth





Date: Mon Nov 19 15:33:56 2012
From: Abe
Location: Australia

Enduring hatred and persecution shouldn't justify the persecution and subjecting the Palestinians to brutal occupation and denying them basic human rights. Jews should know better than anybody else what it feels like being persecuted and denied basic human rights.

Date: Tue Nov 20 05:21:20 2012
From: Vic Biorseth


Your submission was such a glaringly obvious repetition of false Palestinian propaganda that I decided not to publish it at all and just put it in the reject file. But then I dreamed about it last night; and decided to publish it, and to respond to it.

[44] You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks according to his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
– John 8:44

So the two names our Lord gave to Satan were Liar, and Murderer.

Palestinian, thy name is Disciple of Satan. There is no truth in you. Your words are all lies, and your hands are dripping with innocent blood. You do not seek peace, you have never sought peace and you will never allow peace.

You are encouraged because the current American President, the American Democrat Party, the American SLIMC1 and the American education system are all just as anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, anti-Christian, anti-American Constitution and Marxist - Redistributionist as you are.

Beware, Palestinian.

God has made a Covenant with Israel.

Even without the USA, and even without any other worldly ally, Israel has seldom stood alone against any enemy, since she was Chosen by God.

You have been warned.



Date: Sun Dec 09 19:21:55 2012

The Jewish people lost a most wonderful clever man when Rabbi Meir Kahane was murdered. The most shocking thing was that the Israeli government would not listen to him while he lived. Every word he wrote in that letter was the truth if only he were here today. We so badly need another man like him but from where? And will he be listened to should he appear? We do not preach propaganda like our enemies maybe we should, but we do not want to go against the laws of the G-D of Israel. Thank you for that amazing letter Rabbi Kahane when I need to learn something i turn to it.

May you rest in peace where anti-Semitism does not exist in the arms of HaShem. Shalom dear friend of the Jewish people and Israel.

Date:  Mon Apr 08 12:19:36 2013
From:  Abos
Location:  US

The world should answer just one question: if Jews have a right to live. If you feel that they do - let them live. Do not impose on them restrictions that you do not impose on others. Play fairly, can you? 22 Arab countries, 49 Muslim majority countries against one Israel. Is it fair?

Date:  Sun Nov 02 14:19:38 2014
From:  gavrielgregor53
Location:  Lawrence,ny,usa

I did not read the entire blog. I read until I came to someone spewing the same old hatred of the Jew. This time I really became aware as to how bloated, distorted and emotionally spewed his argument was. I never thought of anti-Semitism that way. In contrast, R' Meir,u'h actually spoke of facts albeit with some bitter humor.

May Hashem avenge his memory. And I'd like to see anyone, try, just try to engage with me over any kind of right-wing activist hatred that this above statement of G-d's vengeance engenders or might engender. go ahead! knock yourselves out.

Date:  Sat Dec 13 2014
From:  Vic Biorseth

Changes pursuant to changing the website URL and name from 
Thinking Catholic Strategic Center to
Catholic American Thinker.

Pulled the trigger on the 301 MOVE IT option June 1, 2014. Working my way through all the webpages.  . 



Date:  Tue Apr 21 18:14:13 2015
From:  Manuel de Almeida
Location:  Europe

God bless you. God bless Ted Cruz. God bless you for standing with the tiny Jewish people against the forces of evil. Jews, Christians and all the good decent people of the world must unite against Islam terrorism and supremacism, and against rabid communists that love Evil.

Date:  Mon May 14 20:34:08 2018
From:  David
Location:  Sydney

From the viewpoint of another Jew. There are a lot of problems with his arguments. The Palestinians were fighting against the Jews in the 20s because the Jews were there with the expressed purpose to take their country and land. The Palestinians have stated from the start that the Jews could live there with them together, but that wasn't the plan; it was, and is, to take the land off them. That's the basic issue. The question is, is it required? Is it needed - for Jews to have their own state? According to Kahane, yes as he makes clear, due to anti-semitism. The basic tenet of Zionism. I don't agree. 

Following our traditions and morals is what is needed. At its basic, most important level, Torah teaches us to love thy neighbour. We have three principles that are required of us - to love God, to be kind to others, and to be humble. Anything that goes against that we should reject - including other teachings in the Torah. If we follow these principles, we will be fine - much more important than going to Synagogue on Shabbos. The state of Israel is fundamentally in opposition to these things. If it wasn't, fine - I'd be all for it. But it is, and there's no other way along that path.

However, there is another way. To give up control over the land and work together with the Palestinians to create a beautiful place together in harmony with the other religious people in that land - a shining example of how to co-exist in peace together for the world to admire and come to see. That's what we should be building and that is what is needed at this time, and in all time. And the Palestinians agree to it. In freeing them, we free ourselves and enter what is our true path - not Zionism, but Judaism, a Judaism of love thy neighbour. 

Date:  Tue May 15 2018
From:  Vic Biorseth


I am not a Jew, I am a Catholic. But If I were a Jew and not a Catholic, I would follow the whole Torah, not just parts of it. Torah represents objective reality, and individual opinions of men represent subjective whimsy, in comparison. To be a part of "The Jewish People", to me, would be to embrace the external truths that make Jews Jews. All of them. Otherwise, if every Jew just followed his own entirely subjective personal opinions, "The Jewish People" would just be an undistinguished and indistinguishable bunch of individuals scattered among the larger crowd. The Ten Commandments, after all, are not the Ten Suggestions. 

You say the Jews were there to "take" the land. But Jews have always been there, throughout history. I would reword your expression to say that Jews of the diaspora were drawn there to join others and become one with the land. If Jewry was and is to stand and defend itself against an unreasonably hostile world, what better place to do it from than from the land given to them by God? 

The Palestinians will not be lived with in peace, not only by the Jews, but by anyone. They have caused conflict, trouble and death everywhere they have gone in the world, and they have become a people grounded on hate of the Jews, hate of Israel and hate of America. Implacable hatred. Coupled with pledges and sworn oaths to eradicate Israel and kill the Jews. They live to hate. 

In my opinion, until that somehow changes, and I don't see it changing, an honest and lasting Israeli-Palistinian peace settlement is impossible. There will never be peace in Israel until the Palestinians are either driven off the land entirely, or, converted out of their insane and implacable hatred. 

If the Jews hand over governmental authority to the Palestinians, the next thing that will happen is the Palestinians will kill all the Jews. 



Date:  Tue May 15 07:35:27 2018
From:  David


I do not speak only for myself but in the words of our great prophets Micah (6:8) what does the Lord require of you? To do justice walk humbly and love thy God. That's basically it. If we do that, we will be fine. 

It's up to you if you think Torah is objective truth. 

The Palestinians don't hate Jews. I have many friends who are Palestinian. They are a wonderful people. And we are very compatible to live together. 

Date:  Tue May 15 2018
From:  Vic Biorseth


Objective Truth is not up to me or to you, but to God. Objective Truth simply is. It is reality. What you or I think is subjective, not objective. The Torah is the Word Of God, given to His people and to the larger world, to be taken in, believed and followed, or, to be rejected. By our choice. 

If their leaders and their government speaks for them, then the Palestinians do indeed hate the Jews. The PLO and Hamas have said so. They have pledged death to Israel. If these terrorist organizations are not truly representative of the Palestinian people, then why do the Palestinian people follow them and allow them to govern over them? Do they not have minds of their own? Are they not independent thinkers? 

Just as Islam, at its root, is an evil and murderous ideology, the Palestinian people, at their root, are an evil and murderous people. Who else on earth hides weapons and rockets and warriors among their own civilian population and in hospitals. Who else on earth brings babies and sick and elderly to the front of their planned and orchestrated violent attacks on Israelis so that they can be killed, and their deaths may be used as propaganda against Israel? 

Who else, besides America's Marxocrat Party, has learned to use the Marxified, corrupted and wholly anti-Semitic and anti-American American News Media to highlight the deaths of these "innocent" victims of Israeli "cruelty" in their daily propaganda? 

I don't believe you on this point. If your Palestinian friends are not playing you for a fool, and they really are civilized and friendly, then why do they put up with their own leadership? No decent people would allow all that evil to go on, in their name



Date:  Thu May 17 18:45:07 2018
From:  David

Hi Vic

If you agree that the 10 commandments should be upheld, then I can’t see how you could go along with Kahane or with the Zionist project of oppression of the Palestinian people. Murder, theft, lies are all forbidden. 



Date:  Fri May 18 2018
From:  Vic Biorseth


The only "project" of murder theft and lies visible to me is coming out of Islam, not out of Judaism. Once a distinct people have declared and commenced open war against another distinct people, as the Palestinians have done against Israel, any defensive stratagems or tactics applied against them may not be termed murder, theft or lies. The more proper term is war. Israel can either defend herself, or, be nice to her determined attacking mortal enemies, stop being a distinct people and just roll over and die. 

What we are seeing in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a mirror-image of the conflict going on in America between Constitutional Representative government, and, Marxocratism, represented by the Marxocrat Party, Academia and the News Media. Marxocratism is at war with Constitutional America, and Constitutional America is just being nice, inclusive and accommodating to her own mortal enemies. 

At least it was until the election of President Trump. 

Trump took the gloves off. That's what Israel ought to do. 



Date:  Sat Jun 02 21:15:53 2018
From:  David

Hey Vic

It’s the Jews who came to Palestine to take over and cleanse the land of its inhabitants. That’s a declaration of war. Your man above openly wants to complete the cleansing. The big lie of Zionism was ‘a land without people for a people without land’. The big lies of Kahane are to overstate the threat against our people to justify his insanity of massacre of the ‘rubbish’. I hope our people wake up from the fantasy that clouds their thinking and relinquish support for the Jewish State and begin working towards a better future for us, the Palestinians, the Middle East, and the whole world which is caught in the nightmare by embracing a shared future of equality and prosperity for all who live in the Holy Land. 

Date:  Sun Jun 03 2018
From:  Vic Biorseth


Your Palestinian terrorist talking points are well learned. 

So they came to "take over and cleanse the land of its inhabitants". That's a flagrant lie. The very minute the nation of Israel was born Islam attacked it. There never was any such thing as any nation of Palestine, and only the "act of war" was the multi-nation Islamic attack on the new state of Israel, which was attacked even before it took its first breath of nationhood. 

Having lost in every attempt to destroy Israel the defeated foreign Moslems retreated back behind their own borders. The murderous Moslems who were the ones indigenous to the area refused to accept the state of Israel or the presence of Jews there as well as in the world, and they have been inciting terror and causing trouble all over the world ever since. They have been kicked out of every nation that ever allowed them in because they are nothing but trouble. They will not accept the world's rules of nations with borders. They expect and demand the ability to rule wherever they are. And that just ain't gonna happen. 

Face the fact. Israel is Israel, now, after multiple wars, for the same reason that America is America, England is England and every other nation is what it is. Israel is Israel by right of conquest. 

If you don't like it, you're gonna have to lump it, because that's the way it is. The Palestinians, more than anyone else, made Israel what she is. It was every attempt to destroy her that made her strong. 



Date:  Sun Jun 03 19:07:13 2018
From:  David

It's not a lie - it's history - plan Dalet. It's also logic since a Jewish state, as Kahane correctly points out, can't exist as an ethnic minority inside a non-Jewish majority. The lie was 'an empty land' put forward by the Zionists. The demographic situation will one day require a Kahane style plan in order to maintain the Jewish state. And I oppose it.

Israel has yet to declare its borders. If you go by Kahane, as you do, they are much bigger than the 'river to the sea' - these people like the idea of a return of the Kingdom of David type of thing. 

You lot are just using us to drive a wedge in the Islamic world as part of your war with Islam for dominance in the world. That's the sad thing about religion - it's used by nasty people for power. I guess that's humanity and history. 

Date:  Mon Jun 04 2018
From:  Vic Biorseth


It is indeed a lie, and you are a typical manipulated PEJTML22 , whether consciously or with knowing evil purpose. It is only Islam and Marxism, and perhaps plutocrat wannabes, who seek dominance over the world. America and Israel do no such thing. They seek national security, which means, the acceptance of sovereign nations with borders. The opposite of worldly globalism.



Date:  Tue Jun 05 02:23:29 2018
From:  David


You clearly don't know much about the history of what you are commenting on. That makes your arguments weak. You should read some more. 

It is my view that Kahane was right - the state of Israel cannot exist unless massive ethnic cleansing takes place again. The liberal version of Zionism is just feel good propaganda to garner support from the Jewish diaspora and the world in general. However, it is false. The question will be whether the Jewish diaspora will go along with the Zionist project when it is understood that the Kahane version is what it requires. I tend to think it won't and neither will the world. That is, promoting Kahane only helps to bring about the downfall of him and the ZIonist project at large. This is because our religion, contrary to antisemitic mythology, is a peace loving religion - love thy neighbour, Tikkun Olam, these are the central teachings. The real orthodox Jews reject Kahane and Zionism as well. Our people are peace loving and will not go along with it. We are not fascists. That's my view - I could be wrong and there is evidence that suggests I may be wrong - as it has gone along with everything so far - but only under the guise of 'the most moral army in the world'. When that is taken away, we'll see. 

So, by promoting Kahane, you hasten the downfall of the project. I don't think you really know what you are doing. 



Date:  Tue Jun 05 2018
From:  Vic Biorseth


Well, we agree on something. Except that our positions are reversed.

The only real difference is in your use of the pejorative term "ethnic cleansing". In popular usage today ethnic cleansing brings to mind Genocide and more specifically, the Holocaust. The sort of thing that Marxism (especially National Socialism) has done and amply demonstrated it will do, and the sort of thing that the religion of Islam has done and is sworn to do to all unbelievers. And you believe that that is what Rabbi Meir Kahane intended to do to "Palestinians" in Israel. 

But Kahane intended no such thing. He even proposed paying the equivalent of $40,000 to every Palestinian in exchange for leaving Israel. He looked for all sorts of incentives to get them to leave before kicking them out, including especially denying them the vote. Why should those domestic enemies who seek your national destruction be allowed to vote, let alone be any part of the government? 

You think "the project" will fail because if Israel commits acts typical of Marxists and Moslems the world will turn against Israel, and that's right. But Israel is never going to do that. That's what the bad guys do. What Kahane proposed was no different than what we have proposed here, in Banishment, and in The Case For Banishment

If people operating within a nation's borders seek to eliminate those borders, and seek to bring about the destruction of the nation, why on earth would any citizen of that nation not want them out? 

Israel will eventually cease to exist if she allows sworn, implacable mortal enemies of Israel to 

  1. grow their population inside the state of Israel
  2. Vote
  3. participate in government

Them's the facts David. America faces the same problem. 

Ugly facts are still facts. It is a time for dividing

"The barbarism of the new era will not be like that of the Huns of old; it will be technical, scientific, secular, and propagandized. It will not come from without, but from within, for barbarism is not outside us; it is underneath us. Older civilizations were destroyed by imported barbarism; modern civilization breeds its own." --Bishop Fulton Sheen

A distinct identifiable People either adhere to one external and impervious set of moral rules by which to guide and order their lives, or they cease to be a distinct identifiable People. 



Date:  Tue Jun 05 17:26:52 2018
From:  David


Yes, we agree that he was right about the situation but disagree as to what to do about it. As is obvious, I desire an end to the Jewish state to be replaced by a secular state for all. The Jewish state is a monster that will continue to devour our soul. Kahane diagnosed it well. He used fear to feed the monster - which is appropriate because that's what it is based upon, as all monsters are. We, the Jewish people, need to overcome that fear and open our hearts to the deeper teaching in our tradition - love thy neighbour. By doing that, we have nothing to fear. 

I'll end on that. There's no need to keep this going. 



Date:  Wed Jun 06 2018
From:  Vic Biorseth


The French Revolution produced the first Secular State, which produced the first program of State Terrorism, which prepared the ground for atheistic Marxism. 

Look at contemporary "secular" America. America was Christian until the unconstitutional and illegal court action that "legislated" into being the "Constitutional Principle" of Separation of Church and State. Now, America is a nation with court-protected immorality. The immoral now increasingly blacklist and censor and legally rule over the moral. What's worse, anti-Constitutionalists are in the Constitutional government, taking it apart, while Marxocratism corrupts minds and works to vote Constitutional America out of existence. 

To repeat, a distinct identifiable People will either adhere to one external and impervious set of moral rules by which to guide and order their lives, or they will cease to be a distinct identifiable People.

So long as there is evil in the world, you cannot unite with everybody.



Date:   Sat Jun 16 22:52:36 2018
From:  David

HI Vic

Sorry, I wasn't going to comment again, but I decided to make one more comment and also ask you a question. I'm not just being disruptive, but you need to consider the issues you are making big statements on. In any case, it's not clear to me how much of Israeli history you know, maybe you know a lot and it's just being concealed. But this statement is significant: 

"You think "the project" will fail because if Israel commits acts typical of Marxists and Moslems the world will turn against Israel, and that's right. But Israel is never going to do that. That's what the bad guys do."

Certainly Israel committed horrendous acts from 47-49, although this was not the start of these things as it really began in earnest in the 30s -  including large scale massacres and the use of rape to instigate the fleeing of the Palestinians - If you want to call them something else, that's up to you - when 3/4 of the population fled - up to a million people. To me, that's pretty horrendous stuff, but hey that's what happens in war. It was all planned too. There's pretty much no chance that Kahane's idea of paying them to leave would work, or that they would accept living under occupied rule for ever. So, it leaves only 'forced removal'. Given that this was done through massacre and rape in the 40s (to instil enough fear in the remaining population to get the to run), I see no reason to believe that there's another way to do it. There are about 6 million Arabs living within the lands that Israel would claim - river to sea.

So, the question is, how do you see Israel achieving the Kahane plan - which we both agree is a must for its long term survival - in a 'nice' way, done by the good guys? 

Date:  Sun Jun 17 2018
From:  Vic Biorseth


I've heard all the anti-Israel propaganda I care to hear. Whether your claims about what terrorists did on either side of the conflict circa 1947 are true or not, that was then, and this is now. Nothing can be done about it. Rare is the nation that was not born in blood.

Bottom line, whatever happened then cannot be changed now. Living in the past for the past is not the path to mental stability. American blacks have been trained, like a circus dog act, to dwell on, grieve over and never forget an era of American history they never even experienced. There's nothing that can be done about history, yet they obsess over it and are fixated on it to the point of not being able to live normal peaceful lives. 

This was done to them on purpose. 

That sort of thing appears to be your personal affliction. 

I see Israel eventually achieving internal peace the same way I see America achieving internal peace - by implementing the legal punishment of Banishment to get those who perpetually oppose internal peace out of the nation. We have made the case for banishment in America. The same principles apply to any nation with a distinct national character that wants to keep that national character, and not give in to the deceptive globalist Suicidal Diversity program.

Everyone on earth is not your neighbor. (Luke 10:31-37)



Date:  Tue Jul 02 09:44:48 2019
From:  vadim

An interesting discussion between David and Vic. In order to understand Vic's leftist theory, I'd like to clarify: Mr. Biorseth, where do you place white supremacists/neofascists groups in the US? I think I know the answer, but just to make sure. They call themselves "alt-right", there is confusion.

Date:  Tue Jul 02 2019
From:  Vic Biorseth


They are somebody's fooled, Useful-Idiot, totally expendable, Machiavellian Agent Provocateurs

I place them in the nut zone. Basically, they are Fascistic, and Fascism is basically Marxist, so that puts them on the Left, not the Right. In America, some of them are old holdovers from the old anti-American Democrat (pre-Marxocrat) Party of Secession from the USA, slavery forever, and then, after losing the Civil War, Democrat Party segregation forever and the Democrat Party's terrorist KKK. It is a movement that is just about petered-out and almost extinct. If it wasn't for racist prison culture, they would be extinct. They may think they are on the Right, but they're generally not smart enough to know what they are. I put them on the Left. 

Where do you put them?

They are absolutely no different than the current anti-American Marxocrat Party sponsored and supported Antifa nuts, although they all think they are different. 

(Imagine that: actual, militant Fascists self-titled as anti-Fascists.) 



Date:  Wed Jul 03 15:42:20 2019
From:  vadim

I guess, it depends, how one defines "left" and "right". I prefer progressives/conservatives division: lefts are for the changes, the more and the quicker, the better; wrights are for no movements at all or even of adopting the past. From this point of view all the divisions between races, religions, nationality have their roots in the very ancient past,thus, belong to the right.  

Date:  Thu July 04 2019
From:  Vic Biorseth


Everybody has their preferences. Progressive today is just a more studied, poll-tested, focus-grouped, positive-sounding word than Marxist. Progressivism always involves bigger government, and citizen independence turned into dependence on government, ostensibly based on scientific discovery and always for the good of the citizenry. 
"Social Reform" just sounds a lot better than "Shut up and do as you're told". That's why "Catholic" Marxists use the term "Social Justice" so much. 

If you think about it, Catholicism was a radical and revolutionary change in religion at the time. And, the USA was a radical and revolutionary change in secular politics at that time. And, there are aspects of both of them that cannot change without destroying what they are. 

The first one that comes to mind is right and wrong. That simply does not change. Ever. 

What "Progressives" are staring at and not seeing is the fact that there is one and only one reality, describing one and only one creation, and that reality, that objective truth, doesn't care what anyone thinks about it or does about it, for it is independent of the mind of man. It is what it is, and it does not change. 

Only subjective perceptions may change.

Thus, the mind of man can change; reality cannot

Happy 4th of July. 



Date:  Thu Oct 31 07:01:38 2019
From:  Deavman/Avi
Location:  Israel

To David, the Pseudo-Jew. You seem to be fond of statements taken out of context in the Tanakh or other jewish writings. One you should also ponder upon is " He who comes to kill you, kill him first". This should take care of your "Love thy neighbour" conundrum. 

Date:  Thu Oct 31 07:21:02 2019
From:  Deavman/Avi
Location:  Israel

To Vic, thank you for what you do. For a very long time Jews were at odds with Christians in general (especially Catholics)because of very obvious reasons. Times have changed, hearts too. Jews and Christians have become brothers, both in heart and in arms. Do not dwell on the so-called American Jews(very often in name only), as they have softened and became appeasers falling victims of the leftist(defeatist)anti-american, anti-Israel, anti-nationalist ideology. We, Israelis are immensely appreciative of current US president Donald Trump and some 90% of Israeli Jews are in support of him, many Arabs as well. In light of the 2016 elections and the upheaval generated by Trump becoming POTUS, I view this as part of the Mashiah process(in Judaism, mashiah doesn't have to be just one person), many others think similarly. I hope for a reelection in 2020, a harbinger to many more great things happening in the US, Israel and all over the world.     

Date:  Thu Oct 31 2019
From:  Vic Biorseth


May your words be heard as a prayer, and answered. 

God has some purpose for Israel. It is not money, or power, or politics, or America, or any strategies or tools of man that have kept Israel alive, and not only alive but strong, against all odds. And, I believe, His Hand is involved in America's greatness, and longevity, in the face of even enemies from within. 

Only God knows, and we cannot know what the future holds for us. But I know, in my gut, that God plans to lead Israel, or much of her, into the fullness of Truth. But it must be of free will. 

No individual and no whole people can be forced or dragged, kicking and screaming against their will, into Heaven. We each go there of our own firm decision and commitment, or, we do not go there. 

God has plans for Israel. Why else would she even still exist?

Israel was chosen; the first blessed of God.

Until He comes again, may we always be the best of friends and the closest of allies. 



Date:  Tue Sep 01 10:21:55 2020
From:  Pidlubniak
Location:  Ukraine

Rabbi Kahane is wrong on two points mainly. The Germans did not elect Hitler - Hitler was installed as Chancellor, with no vote of the people. So many people forget that the first country the National Socialists have invaded was their own, after all.

Second... That's regarding Bohdan Khmelnytsky and the Cossacks. The reality of the situation is that the Jews at the time near the Khmelnytsky uprising were faced with two choices - either cooperate with Polish feudal system/become leaseholders/arendators (and, as such, keep themselves exempt from the serf/"holop" status of most Ukrainians). Or not cooperate and be either reduced to serfs/holops or completely driven out or destroyed by the superior Polish might. I don't begrudge the Jews - they had to survive with what they've had and it was only their comparative usefulness that stayed the hand of the Polish-Lithuanian szhlahta/feudals, as there was no love for the Jews there either. But when the Khmelnytsky Uprising happened, the peasants and the Cossacks, somewhat rightfully, perceived the Jews as being on the side of Polish feudal government and, as such, enemies of Ukrainians. Which is why the massacres happened.

Date:  Tue Sep 01 2020
From:  Vic Biorseth


Long ago I was told by an old Austrian, may he rest in peace, that many - who knows how many - of the Austrians waving Nazi flags and cheering the Nazis marching in did so out of being terrorized and fearful of what was to come, and trying to get on the right side of the monster ahead of time. I believe that story to be at least partially true. 

All that being said, few people, if any, have been more scapegoated, mistreated and mistrusted than the Jews, over all the centuries of all of history. And yet, there they stand.

There is a reason for that. 



Date:  Thu Sep 03 11:00:07 2020
From:  Pidlubniak
Location:  Ukraine


What that old Austrian told you was the truth... Hitler annexed Austria, after all - and any who objected were either to be silenced, ridiculed or killed. As for the Jews... These mistreatments of them happened without any choice on the part of the Jewish people. What Jews had to do to please anti-semitic detractors, Nazis and so forth? Roll over and die? It's really different then the situation with my people, the Ukrainians. Every "neighbor" country wanted or wants a piece of us - Russia wants to steal our entire history (to build a "nationalistic mythology") and resources, Poland wished to grow stronger and bigger through us, the Ottoman Empire wished to have us as slaves... And yet, here we stand. I cannot begrudge the Jews for wanting to defend and save themselves through the formation of Israel. Unfortunately, that land was within the swath of Asia held by the second most-murderous and barbaric (the very word "barbarian" comes from the Barbary Coast, i.e. the renowned behaviour of Islamic Berber pirates) ideology in the history of mankind. I indeed think that, if anything, Rabbi Meir Kahane had a stance on them that was TOO SOFT. In it's wars, Israel made a mistake - Israel should have scorched to the ground all the Moslem countries without hesitation and decapitated their leadership fully. And if anybody outside tried to protest, just ignore them. In war, everything defaults to action and force - the objective of war is to break the enemy's will to fight and the surefire way to do that is to break the enemy itself by taking it's resources and leadership. Why Israel even "subordinates" itself to something as Marxist and unelected/unaccountable/useless as the UN, I don't know. Ever since the powerless European Union effectively did almost nothing against the latest Russian imperialistic fascist (who, in actuality, is the real comrade and friend of EU leadership - I guess when most of the EU leadership invests in Gazprom and is made of alumni of Moscow Diplomatic University, they are somewhat on the side of Russia) who took Crimea and Donbass, I've grown to truly despise the useless politicians. They have no skin in the game - they are a border-less class of people, as they have enough money and connections to travel the world. They don't believe in "bourgeois nationalism" - the "nationality" part only ever enters the play where the foreign passports are needed for vacations or when there's a political contest and thus, voter-base pandering/bribing is needed. Israel could fall, Ukraine could rot - it's not like they care. I fail to see their entire profession as anything more then a parasitic mental equivalent of the oldest profession.

Date:  Thu Sep 03 2020
From:  Vic Biorseth


Agreed. I never understood why Israel ever surrendered back to Islam any land taken in war. Perhaps they knew they couldn't hold it, and/or perhaps major foreign geopolitical pressure was applied, but every time they surrendered territory they had taken, that territory would be used against them again. In my opinion, a two-state solution is quite impossible if the other state is Palestine, who is pledged to wipe them out if it's the last thing they ever do. There can be no real peace between them so long as one of them is blood-sworn to destroy the other. Only Israel seeks peace, not Palestine. Palestine seeks war. 



Date:  Sun Sep 06 08:44:29 2020
From:  Pidlubniak
Location:  Ukraine


I agree. There can be no peace between Israel and "Palestine" so long as Islam is the religion of the majority of people in the Middle East. "Two-state solution"! Hahahah! Don't these useful idiots remember the chant of the "peaceful Moslems" - i.e. "no more mounsieur, no more mister! In Heaven - Allah, on Earth - Hitler!" and the fact that Nazis were allied with the Arabs chiefly on the basis of anti-Semitism? Advocating for "two-state solution" with "Palestinians" still somehow in the picture is just as stupid and malaciously idiotic as advocating a hypothetical "two-state solution" with Israel and Nazi Germany (if Nazi Germany was located anywhere near Israel in space and time). And it's no different then advocating for a "two-state solution" in Donbass/Crimea/between Ukrainians and Russians... I say that to stop Marxism and Islam we need to do a repeat of what the West did to Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan - i.e., first utterly destroy the military ability of any and all countries that are extensively governed by the principles of the ideologies in questions and have many adherents to the ideologies. Then, occupy the countries, banning all possible expressions of such ideologies and dealing with the rebellions and leftovers (all the while filling the ideological void with Christianity and Western philosophy - but that's ideally and we know that it wasn't really done so in practice) - while this is going on, the bad points and the atrocities committed in the name of ideologies must be constantly brought to light and shown to be as unflattering as possible over and over. And, then, in a few generations, the ideologies will be pulled up by their roots - just like Nazism was. And Germany is a place where that has worked excellently - sure, there were some mistakes, but now, I am confident that Nazism has no hold over Germany and the world at large. If only the Germans wouldn't try Socialism for the fifth (!) time (Otto von Bismark's Prussian Socialist policies (Social Democracy - of sorts), Weimar Republic (Social Democracy - and wasn't it just so similar to the EU now...), Nazi Germany, East Germany (Real Socialism - as we called it in the USSR) and, now, modern Germany (Social Democracy again)).

Date:  Sat May 06 08:44:24 2023
From:  Mark
Location:  USA

Vic, Many Christians had great respect for Rabbi Meir Kahane when he was alive

You should really see the website Jewish Task Force, JTF by
Chaim Ben Pesach, a follower of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, JTF is the Real Deal and is a superb Pro-Israel Kahanist Website, the current website goes back to October 2014 in it's archives and comments on Many Important Social Issues

Date:  Fri May 26 07:11:28 2023
From:  Mark

Vic, How would you respond to this article from the website headlined
"The Great Scandal: Christianity’s Role in the Rise of the Nazis"
By Gregory Paul | 11 October 2003 This Article is Very Critical of the Roman Catholic Church and of Catholic Apologists for the Role of the Church during the Rise of the Nazis , how would you respond ? What is your opinion of the article and it's Arguments, also what is your opinion of the Kahanist website Jewish Task Force, JTF by
Chaim Ben Pesach that I mentioned here on
May 6, 2023 . Do you agree with what most of
What JTF says ?

Date:  Fri May 26 2023
From:  Vic Biorseth


Long ago I responded to the never-ending lies regarding involvement of the Church with Nazism, in Trashing Pius XII.

Re the site, all I can say with a first glance at it is that my impression is positive, but I don't have a whole lot of time to delve into another massive website in detail.

This page is about Rabbi Meir Kahane's Open Letter To The World, which I found to be profound, inspired and inspirational. It is not about Meir Kahane himself, or about any organization associated with him or claiming such association. I don't really know anything about him, other than that he wrote this profound letter to the world.

Jews, however mistaken they may be about Jesus Christ, are the best neighbors, in the Biblical sense of that word, that Christians have in this world, in that we share a Commandment-based common moral standard and ethos. That cannot be said of Marxists or of Moslems. They are the opposite of "neighbors"; they are enemies.

That statement is only tempered by the degree of dedication of the adherent to Marxism or Islam.

Marxism itself, and Islam itself, all forms of them, are rabidly anti-Christian and anti-Jewish, and indeed, anti-anything that is not Marxist or Islamic.



Date:  Fri May 26 23:10:24 2023
From:  Mark

Vic, On YouTube there is a Video of a song by Michael Elias titled "A Special Man" made to Honor the late Rabbi Meir Kahane
The video is here , Superb Footage of Meir Kahane's Life , now while the song is written about Meir Kahane, some Christians who have listened to the song say that the words, lyrics in the song definitely remind them of the life and person of
The Lord Jesus Christ ,
Jesus of Nazareth, of course they are Not
comparing Meir Kahane to Jesus Christ or
Vice Versa, but they admit that the words, lyrics in the song, "A Special Man" fit the Description of The Life & Person of
Jesus Perfectly, An Amazing Coincidence !
Or is it somehow More than a Coincidence ?
What do you think ? Plus has an article headlined
"Fear of the Left: The Most Powerful Force in America Today" by Dennis Prager on May 1, 2018 , Sadly in America many
Republicans, Conservatives and Right-Wing people are complete hypocrites, they claim to Support Freedom & Liberty, but only their version of Freedom and Liberty where they falsely feel they can tell other Adults what they can or cannot do with their own lives and bodies, That's why I'm Libertarian on
Many Issues, let Adults do what they want with their own lives and bodies, the
"Freedom" in America is a Joke

Date:  Sat May 27 2023
From:  Vic Biorseth


You've got the political hypocrisy on the wrong side of the aisle. Republicrats, conservatives and "right-wing" people are not the ones telling anyone what they can or cannot do with their own lives and bodies. They are constitutionally forbidden to even address what people do with their own lives and bodies by the constitutionally limited and enumerated powers of government. It's the Marxocrats, the "Liberals" and the "left-wing" people who seek to unconstitutionally, illegally and criminally impose legal "rights" for abortion, perversions of all kinds, the teaching of evil and the grooming of perversion in the children of America, and even holding that the children belong to the government, and not their own biological parents and their natural families.

Are you projecting your own hypocrisy here?

Our federal government is forbidden to address the topics the Marxocrats illegally impose on the nation. They are state issues, and if the states don't address them in law, they are personal issues. But that's not good enough for the lefties. It never is.

Who is it, the left or the right, that is sneaking little school children around behind the backs of their parents, to get contraception, abortions, puberty blockers and permanent surgical sexual mutilations?



Date:  Sat May 27 16:32:45 2023
From:  Mark

Vic, I'm Not trying to offend, so please don't take it personally, I will give some Examples of how the "Freedom" in America is a
Sick Pathetic Joke
In the years after 9/11 many people have said that while
Islamic Extremists are Terrible, the greatest danger to American Freedoms are Within, Americans who falsely feel they can tell other American Adults what they can or cannot do with their own lives and bodies , examples of this are
The stupid Insane unjust failed
“War on Drugs” that everyone Hates and no one Supports, the "War on Drugs" has done horrible damage to America .
2. Pro-Life Propaganda, Pro-Life
Suicide Prevention , Forced Living Life till the bitter end Extremism and Fanaticism, while Polls have shown that Most Americans, the Vast Majority of Americans are Reasonable and Support the Growing Right To Die , Death With Dignity Movement for Any and All Suffering people who Request To Die, including for people with unbearable Mental illness, and all other suffering people who want a Quick, Peaceful and Painless Exit , the sad ugly truth is for many suffering people things Never
“Get Better” only worse and worse, people with Mental illness are Not All Stupid or Incompetent, often they can still make a Rational Decision to Die with Dignity, the Mentally ill realize that they are Suffering Unbearably, More and More people are Speaking Out Against the Evils, Wickedness of Suicide Prevention and Forced Living Extremism and in Support of Choice and the Peace of Mind Choice Brings, More and More Nations are starting to Legalize
Voluntary Doctor Assisted Death for People with Unbearable Chronic Mental illness and all other Suffering people who Hate Life and want to Die
3. America in 2023 is Still a Very Immature Childish Sexually Repressive & Oppressive
Puritanical Nation , that stupidly Outlaws Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults, Forcing countless Millions upon Millions of Incels and other Sex Starved people to endure a Miserable Sexless Existence ,
How the Heck can America expect people to go without Sex ? To Live without Sex
Prostitution, Sex Work is Legal in Most Nations of the World in 2023 , but Heaven forbid Not in
America, Not in Prudish, Uptight, Sexually Repressive America, Puritan America, have you heard about Incels, Involuntary Celibates, people suffering horribly from Chronic Long Term Incel , Involuntary Celibacy Problems.
While the Fake News Media and Government unjustly labels Incels as Terrorists and Violent, while 99.9 percent of the Time Incels are Peaceful and Law Abiding and Non-Violent, Countless Tens of Millions of Americans are unable to get Sex for Various Reasons, and they can't even Legally Pay for Sex without Fear of Being Arrested, Jailed, Publicly Humiliated .
Most people do Not have the time and/or money
to travel to remote Areas of Nevada or some other Nation, State or Continent where Sex Work, Prostitution is Legal, and they shouldn't have to, Sex is a Basic Human Desire and Vital Need, I've read that many Men visit Prostitutes for Sex , but also Companionship, even when the Sex & Companionship is paid for it's better than Nothing, Far Better than Nothing. People have Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs, Legalized Prostitution has been shown many times to Greatly Reduce Rape and STDS. Most American Men & Women alike feel Prostitution Should be Made Legal in Every State and at Reasonable Prices, anyone can become disabled and/or Incel as they get older
Men Suffering from Involuntary Celibacy problems are Not Monsters, they are Human Beings with Feelings, Incels are Not Monsters
What about having Compassion, Sympathy and Empathy for the Sexually Less Fortunate and Sexually Frustrated, they want to have a Sex Life also, Romantic Rejection and loneliness is Extremely Painful
Such “Freedom” that America has, Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies , is that really asking for so Much ?

Date: Sun May 28 2028 (Pentecost Sunday)
From:  Vic Biorseth


Worry less about offending me and more about offending God. And created nature. And Morality, and any standing moral code, or any defining characteristics of any nation or human culture. And self mastery and self discipline. And yourself. And humanity.

He did not say it would be easy; He said, pick up your cross and follow me, daily.

You've got it all ass-backwards, Mark.

No one is dragging anyone, kicking and screaming against their will out of any abortuary. It's the other way round; the immorals are fighting tooth and nail to make the morals immoral, and for legally imposing and forcing social acceptance of all the immoralities you are describing, against their will.

And I, for one, am not going to do it.

All the "wonderful" immoral places in the world that you describe are all emptying themselves of citizenry because they're all being lured into coming here, to this horrible, horrible, yet still mostly moral place.

It is the world you are owned by and promoting and championing, Mark. And the world is ruled by Satan. If the whole world goes evil, I will not be part of it. Judaeo-Christian morality is what sets America apart from the world you describe.

Don't come weeping, slobbering and blubbering to me for sympathy and a pat on the head; you won't find it here. If you can't handle life in American, get the hell out of it.

You need to change yourself for the better, rather than try to change America for the worse. If you cannot or will not even try to do that, you've come to the wrong place for support.

If you can't stand up on your own two feet and make something worthy of yourself, and you're just too screwed-up to just do that and leave other people alone, then you need to check yourself into an asylum where maybe, just maybe, you can be helped by someone in the business of psychiatry.

And American society will be more protected from the likes of you.



Date:  Sun May 28 12:28:29 2023
From:  Mark

Vic , Not everyone can just improve themselves, easier said than done, they have horrible Genetics, Upbringing, Environment, traumatic events in their lives. Some people cannot ever be Very Happy or Successful in this Life , no Matter how hard they try
The things I mentioned, the "War on Drugs"
Pro-Life Suicide Prevention, Forced Living, Life till the bitter End Extremism
And America Outlawing Prostitution, Sex Work for Consenting Adults, all of these
Prohibitions sadly Backfire Terribly on
American Society tragically creating All Sorts of Incidents Every Day in America. I Know people who are Chronically Incel ,Involuntary Celibates , they suffer intense misery as Incels. I Know people with Chronic Unbearable Mental illness and other Sufferings. If you were Chronically Incel or had an
Unbearable Mental illness or Other illness you might feel differently about the
Growing Right To Die Movement and the Push to Legalize Sex Work. I agree that All Nations, including America Need Laws , and I agree with you on some issues, but Many of the "Laws" in America are Far Too Extreme and Unjust, Unfair to people who are severely deprived and disadvantaged, Let's place ourselves in their shoes for a while

Date:  Sun May 28 2023
From:  Vic Biorseth


Your priorities in life are backwards. Get your priorities right and everything else will take care of itself. You are not the most important thing in the world, for you. Proper priorities are God, family, country and self. Self comes last, not first.

If you have abandoned or opposed God, do not blame God for your problems. If you have abandoned or opposed your family, do not blame your family for your problems. If you have abandoned or opposed your country, do not blame your country for your problems.

It's too late to look for sympathy and acceptance of you into any decent community if you are looking to change that decent community from what it is. There are now too many of you. You've been allowed to metastasize, grow and spread for far too long.

Why should America embrace any anti-American?
Why should any family embrace anyone who is anti-family?
Why should God embrace any anti-Christian?

If you agree with me that you are mentally ill, seek treatment for your mental illness. I suggest starting with and older traditional Catholic priest, and moving on to some treatment facility if necessary.

At this point it doesn't matter whether it's your fault, or your teacher's fault, or your politician's fault or your journalist's fault. There are just too many "Justice Warriors" like you of various kind, spawned by Cultural Marxism, and too many different "Social Justice" movements to try to reason with any more.

No part of Marxism or "social justice" can be compromised with here.

Whether you made yourself an enemy or someone else made you an enemy, bottom line, you are an enemy to God, family and country.

No one can change that but you. I'm not even going to try. But I do recognize you for what you are.

Stop looking to change the world. Look to changing yourself.



Date:  Sun May 28 19:31:54 2023
From:  Mark

Vic , My Heart is in the Right Place
I think most Americans would agree with me that the "Laws" in America are Far too Extreme. Perhaps what you say of me is just your opinion, Not a Fact. Only God can truly Know what's in a person's Heart, Mind and Soul. I think that with "Social Justice Warriors" and being "Woke" some people take it too an
Extreme, but I don't think it's inherently evil , can you at least understand my perspective, where I'm coming from

Date:  Mon May 29 2023
From:  Vic Biorseth


Your heart is in the wrong place, and that's your problem.

It doesn't matter what "most Americans" agree to. Right and wrong do not change.

If the laws in America are too burdensome for you, leave. Go where there are no such laws and be happy there. (You may feel like a fish swimming against the current, because everyone out there is trying to get in here.)

My opinion has nothing to do with it. America does not have to accommodate your obsessions or perverse desires; you have to make yourself subject to Constitutional America if you want to live in peace here. America owes you nothing; you owe America everything.

Yes, your position is inherently evil, and no, I do not understand where you're coming from, and neither do you. So long as you are not in control of yourself, you never will.

So long as you do not believe in moral absolutes you will never recognize the one standing right in front of you at any point in time. How you got that way is less America's problem than it is yours. You reject Truth, and America is grounded in Truth.

"Woke" isn't taking anything too far; it's taking everything that's already gone too far over the cliff. See the Slippery Slope page, and the latest Fire Lighters.



Date:  Tue May 30 00:50:36 2023
From:  Mark

Vic, Many people would like to leave America
For Nations where they can have a
Peaceful Doctor Assisted Death, and Legally Pay for Sex with Sex Workers without Fear of
Being Arrested, but they don't have the Money to Leave America, plus it is a Huge
Psychological Adjustment to Move to Another Nation, it's Not so Easy to Just Leave

Date:  Tue May 30 2023
From:  Vic Biorseth


Yeah, life is so tough here; cry me a river. You likely never had to do anything in your life that was hard or required any personal sacrifice, or that required, like, actual work. That would have been too hard.

Why, oh why, can't all of creation just change to suit you, instead of expecting you to change yourself back to your own created nature?

Don't come looking for sympathy here; all you will find is disgust.



Date:  Thu Nov 16 15:29:50 2023
From:  Ben

Elliot Resnick typed online after the hideous Terrorist Attack in Israel  of October 7, 2023 that "From the Chumash commentary of Rabbi Joseph Hertz, chief rabbi of England from 1913-1946:

"The fact is that the population of nearly every European country ... conquered its present homeland and largely destroyed the original inhabitants.  Thus, the Saxon all but exterminated the Romanized Celts; and, in turn, the Saxons were 'harried' by the Normans on their conquest of England."

We lived in the Land of Israel long before the Arabs did, but even if we hadn't, why exactly should the clock be turned back to 1947?  Why not to 1547 or 1047 or 547 or 47?  Perhaps every population around the world should be repatriated to the land from which they originally came.

We shouldn't be any more defensive than other nations.  In fact, we should be LESS defensive since we actually have a divine title to our land.  Which other nation in the world can claim that?"

Date:  Thu Nov 16 15:49:18 2023
From:  Ben

An updated 2023 version of Rabbi Meir Kahane's open letter to the World by Avi Lewis  on October 30, 2023

Date:  Thu Nov 16 21:12:46 2023
From:  Ben
Comment: on

October 27, 2023 has an article headlined “October 7 coming to America?”

By Bruce Bawer

A must read article

Also the 4 Female Congresswomen

Tlaib, AOC, Omar, Pressley

In "The Squad" Many have called them

The younger, uglier, dumber

Communist version of

The Golden Girls , why haven't they been voted out yet , they have a collective Total IQ of Negative 100  -100  The website is Also Superb,  by Dr. Michael L. Brown a fine Messianic Jewish Believer in Jesus

Date:  Thu Nov 16 22:02:45 2023
From:  Ben
Comment: has an article headlined "Israel is Always to Blame"


November 12, 2023

Date:  Thu Nov 16 22:06:24 2023
From:  Ben

Also from an article is headlined "The Significance of Israel to Christians: Beyond Borders, a Shared Spiritual Bond"


November 15, 2023

Date:  Thu Nov 16 22:02:45 2023
From:  Ben
Comment: has an article headlined "Israel is Always to Blame"


November 12, 2023

Date:  Thu Nov 16 22:06:24 2023
From:  Ben

Also from an article is headlined "The Significance of Israel to Christians: Beyond Borders, a Shared Spiritual Bond"


November 15, 2023

[Note from the editor (Vic): This is a one-man show; nothing gets updated on this site unless I do it. Ben is sending short comments to this webpage, one after another, over and over again. To save myself time and work I am going to start lumping them all together as one comment, separated only by the date-time stamps.

Date:  Thu Nov 16 22:02:45 2023
From:  Ben
Comment: has an article headlined "Israel is Always to Blame"


November 12, 2023


Fri Nov 17 08:46:49 2023  has an article headlined "Netanyahu Is Churchill; Obama Is Halifax"


November 6, 2023


Fri Nov 17 09:03:51 2023

Elliot Resnick  also typed online After the Terrorist Attacks of October 7, 2023 that “I’m constantly amazed at frum Jews who eagerly boast about Israel putting its soldiers lives in danger to save the lives of enemy civilians. “See how moral we are!”

No, putting your enemy first does not make you moral. It makes you immoral.” Plus many have explained why many of those enemy “civilians” aren’t exactly so innocent"


Fri Nov 17 09:07:18 2023

From the New York Daily News website , an article about Anti-Semitism is headlined “It’s tried and true blaming the Jews”

On October 19, 2023 by

Rory Lancman

Also from the website an article on Sunday October 15, 2023 is headlined “Why 10/7 was worse than 9/11” by Robert Satloff about the horrific Terrorist Attacks in Israel of October 7, 2023 , Hamas has even stated that Israel is just it’s first target , that it’s Ultimate Goal is World Domination and to Eliminate Christianity and All Non-Muslims Now More than ever Catholics and all other Christians Must Stand with Israel and the Jewish people Worldwide


Fri Nov 17 15:18:13 2023 has an article headlined

"Is Islam Really the Fastest Growing Religion in the World?" November 25, 2022 by: A. S. Ibrahim

Refuting and Debunking the claim of

Islam being the fastest growing Religion in the World


iFri Nov 17 15:23:32 2023 has an article headlined “The Greatest Murder Machine in History: the REAL Non-Politically Correct History of Islam’s Brutality”

By IIandET Staff -December 2, 2016

Also many other online articles State how Islam has Murdered over 669 Million Non-Muslims since 622 A.D. Google It


Fri Nov 17 15:27:31 2023

Some More good articles are

has an article headlined

"Why Arab/Muslim anti-Semites are worse than the Nazis" on October 30, 2001 by Dennis Prager has a Good article headlined “Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?”

by Raymond Ibrahim

Published in 2009


Fri Nov 17 15:36:50 2023

from and article is headlined “Palestinian Islamic Scholar Mohammed Afeef Shadid: Our Right Of Return Is Not Only To Palestine; We Must Use Palestine As A Starting Point To Conquer The World, Deliver It From Darkness To Light” on May 11, 2022

#9560 | 01:25

Source: The Internet – “Al-Aqsa Call on YouTube”


Fri Nov 17 15:31:24 2023

The website has an article headlined "The Nazi Romance With Islam Has Some Lessons for the United States"

November 30, 2014 by David Mikics has an article headlined "ANTI-BLACKNESS IN THE ARAB WORLD AND THE VIOLENCE THAT DOESN'T GET A HASHTAG"


has an article headlined

"Arab Supremacy and Islamization Have Created Sudan’s Explosive Fault Lines"

May 8, 2023 by

Kunwar Khuldune Shahid

Journalist, commentator and editor


Fri Nov 17 16:07:27 2023

Another good website

Has an article headlined

“The Evil of Whitewashing Islam”

by Craig Biddle on October 26, 2014 Top 10 Reasons Why Islam is Not a Religion of Peace has an article headlined “The Nazi Romance With Islam Has Some Lessons for the United States”

November 30, 2014 by David Mikics has an article headlined

“The Brutal Truth about Islam” Google it The article even has a link to a video where a UK Muslim Leader Admits that Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace


Fri Nov 17 16:01:55 2023 has a Excellent article headlined “Five Reasons Why Islam is a Cult”

Google It has an article headlined “Islam is not a religion of peace” by Ayaan Hirsi Ali on APRIL 4, 2015 A must read

Everyone should click on this link has an article headlined

“The Nazi Roots of Islamist Hate”

by Jeffrey Herf

on JULY 06, 2022

Good link to click on


Fri Nov 17 16:16:07 2023

The situation at the U.S. Southern Border is terrible has an article headlined “America, The Wall, President Trump and the Bible”

by Matt Slick | Jan 23, 2019

America Needs Secure Borders


Fri Nov 17 16:31:57 2023

See Also the Islam

section on by

Matt Slick  and the website


Fri Nov 17 16:47:36 2023 Another good website,  and also


Fri Nov 17 18:50:38 2023 has an article headlined "Stabbing former friends and supporters in the back is all part of the Palestinian DNA" on July 29, 2023 By Peter Baum The Article is a Must Read


From an article is headlined "The Uniqueness of Palestinian Terrorism"

May 30, 2002

By Prof. Louis Rene Beres, Purdue University and Alessandra Delgado,Lima, Peru


Fri Nov 17 18:58:50 2023 has a Pro-Israel Satire article headlined

“10 Reasons To Love Palestine”

by Goffaq Yussef which is Arabic for Go F–k Yourself Posted on 7/8/2005

Some people call the so-called


Balestinians has an article headlined “Who are the Balestinians?”

FEBRUARY 26, 2018 BY DAVID MARK has a good article headlined

"Don’t “Weep for Palestinian Suffering” on

- Friday, March 31, 2006

has an article headlined

"Don’t weep for Palestine"


Prince George Citizen Staff on

April 11, 2016 has an article headlined

"Column: Past Time for “Telling the Truth” About Palestinian Lies" on August 5, 2021 by Bruce Ticker

has an article headlined

"The myth of anti-Palestinianism" by

DANIEL BEN-AMI on 17 SEP 2022 has an article headlined "Pallywood’s World of Lies"

by Noga Gur-Arieh


September 2, 2015


Fri Nov 17 18:55:12 2023

More good articles

The Jerusalem Post has a good article headlined

"Why Palestinian terrorism is never a ‘justified popular uprising’"

By LOUIS RENÉ BERES Published: DECEMBER 22, 2015 has an article headlined "On The Difference Between Murderers And Freedom Fighters"

By Louis Rene Beres on March 3, 2004

A Must Read Article

From an article is headlined “Palestinian Arab Terrorism and The West’s Moral Apathy”

By Ben Shapiro on

April 12, 2023

has an article headlined

"Why Arab/Muslim anti-Semites are worse than the Nazis" on October 30, 2001 by Dennis Prager has a good article headlined "Larry Miller's Take on The Middle East Situation" by comedian and actor Larry Miller,


Fri Nov 17 19:07:08 2023 has an article headlined "The essence of the Palestinian heritage" by Colonel (res.) Tal Braun on September 26, 2023 has an article headlined :

“The “Palestinian people”: the most colossal scam in the history of the world”

NOV 5, 2019 BY ROBERT SPENCER many good comments and links to other websites are given on October 26, 2023 has an article headlined "Palestinians demand sympathy while spreading hate" by Jonathan S. Tobin


Fri Nov 17 19:02:57 2023 has an article headlined "Why does the hard left glorify the Palestinians?"


May 17, 2021 has a Superb article headlined “Why Aren’t Tibetans Knifing Chinese?”

Published on November 11, 2015 by

Evelyn Gordon

A Superb Article that shows how

Tibetans are Morally Superior to the so-called "Palestinians" on October 8, 2010 has a Superb article headlined “An Arab legacy of hate” by Edwin Black The article is a Must Read

has an article headlined:

"‘Pro-Palestinian’ Means No Such Thing" by Eric Rozenman on January 10, 2023

has an article headlined

"Let’s Talk About the Palestinians"

by Alan Joseph Bauer


July 06, 2023

Earlier on February 26, 2023

A person typed on Twitter about the so-called "Palestinians" :

“Holocaust”, “pogrom”, “genocide”, “concentration camp”- Palestinians have no shame in appropriating others pain in order to vilify Jews. It’s just another layer of Palestinian terrorism meant to illicit an emotional response.”

Sadly it’s Not just the "Palestinians" that use the Terms “Holocaust”, “pogrom”, “genocide”, “concentration camp” to vilify Jews , it’s also the Supporters of "Palestinians" that use those terms


Fri Nov 17 19:09:45 2023

A person typed online several days after the October 7, 2023 Attacks in Israel "What American's Should Know About the Palestinians

The leftist Democrats are wrong, they state "the majority of the Palestinians are not Hamas." They fail to tell Americans that the Palestinian Authorities Charter offers a "bounty" to the families whose family members have killed Israelis and this is a lifelong pension. They fail to tell Americans that a majority of Palestinians elected Hamas as their government in Gaza. They fail to tell Americans that a majority of the people of Gaza were outside celebrating the barbaric Hamas terror attack on Israel. They fail to tell Americans that the residents of Gaza and the West Bank were celebrating the 911 terror attack in New York. They fail to tell Americans that Hamas has spent $90 million on terror network tunnels in order to attack Israel, a great deal of that money was given by the U.S. in aid but stolen by Hamas. There is no defense, the Palestinians actively support terrorism, whether it be Hamas, Hezbollah or Islamic Jihad. They cheer, encourage their males to fight Israel so that they make get their bounty pension. The Leftist Democrats and their media outlets (ABC News, CBS News, NBC New, MSDNC, CNN, BBC) are dead wrong in favoring the Palestinians in their "Yellow Journalism" coverage. Trump had it right, no aid to Palestine since the U.S. could not be certain that it wouldn't be used to support terrorism."

has an article headlined

“Palestinian terrorists ‘exploit loopholes’ for taxpayer dollars, watchdog tells Congress” by Gabe Kaminsky, on Nov 7, 2023 has an article headlined “The World is Freaking Out Because Its Favorite Victims Suddenly Became Human Butchers”


David Suissa

October 23, 2023

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined

"The Palestinians continue to exploit the Holocaust "

By RUTHIE BLUM Published: AUGUST 18, 2022


Fri Nov 17 19:12:37 2023

In November 2023 a person typed online "According to Ion Mihai Pacepa (as cited in J. Bergman, 2016), the “Palestinian Liberation Army” was contrived by the KGB, much like the KGB devised the Bolivian National Liberation Army. It created this Arab army in the early 1960s following the failure of the troops of various Arab states to destroy Israel. Pacepa (2006) stated that the KGB drafted the Palestinian National Charter and handpicked the 422 members of the PLO council that approved it. Andropov told Pacepa, “We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel” (Pacepa, 2006). Likewise, both the Palestine National Covenant and Palestinian Constitution were drafted in Moscow (Pacepa, as cited in J. Bergman, 2016).”

The KGB had a talent for propaganda, which included the creation of the PLO. It is also no secret that KGB funded that same terrorist organization. Every record prior to the PLO Charter in 1964 proves the fabrication of Palestinians via propaganda as the term is used today"

In November 2023 , a person typed online "The west is feeding the monster (radical islamists). When the monster feels strong enough, it'll eat the hand which feeds it" has a good article headlined "Who or what are ‘the Palestinians?’ " on October 16, 2023 By Roger Kimball has an article by Bob Ryan headlined "Palestinians Invented by the KGB" on DEC 3, 2022

The Jerusalem Post has an article headlined

"The Palestinian conflict with Israel is rooted in antisemitism"



Fri Nov 17 19:16:12 2023

On OCTOBER 24, 2023 has an article headlined "Cowards in mainstream media ignore Islamist barbarism"


Peter Baum


Fri Nov 17 19:25:18 2023 on

OCTOBER 11, 2023 has an article headlined "Hamas attacks – cowardly and morally indecent"


Peter Baum


Fri Nov 17 19:23:06 2023 has an article headlined "Nakba, a myth being morphed into facts"


Peter Baum on

September 2, 2023


Fri Nov 17 19:32:33 2023 has an article headlined "Gaza, Judea and Samaria: Prison or Paradise?"  The article says:

How tourists’ accounts curiously collide with the Arab “Palestinian misery” narrative.

November 13, 2012 by Steve Feldman

The article is a Must Read , long but

Worth reading


Fri Nov 17 19:34:32 2023

A person explained online why

Gaza is Not a Prison for


"The Gazan people are not prisoners and Gaza has crossings to both Israel and Egypt.

Both crossing are opened to limited civilian crossings and "import/export", which is the prerogative of any sovreign nation controlling its own borders.

Gaza is also at a state of war with Israel and a part of that war's consequences is that Gaza's naval and arial access have been blockaded by Israel.

This blockade, while unfortunate and in my opinion damaging to both sides, is legal and does not constitute illegal imprisonment of the Gazan people.

Saying that Gaza is a prison is demagoguery in the same sense as claiming that Mexico is a prison because the US doesn't allow any Mexican wishing to cross the border into the US to do so freely.

Nor is it legitimate to claim that a lawful and legitimate blockade on Gaza constitutes its becoming a prison.

Another point, regarding the demand for exit visas. You could claim that Gazan people are prisoners in their own land due to restrictions placed on exit visas in Gaza, but the same applies to many other countries with various totalitarian/strickter governments (Cuba, Bhutan, North Korea, all have limitations on passports and exit visas... are they also prisoners?)"


Fri Nov 17 19:39:08 2023

Has an article headlined

"Gaza: The usual suspects and the usual lies"

By Paul Danish - June 7, 2018


Fri Nov 17 19:36:50 2023

Another Anti-Israel Lie Refuted has an entry about Gaza headlined "The Population Density of the Gaza Strip"

Gaza Strip


Latest Population Statistics for Israel


Palestinian Population Statistics

The Gaza Strip is frequently referred to as one of the most densely populated areas in the world. According to the CIA, it has a population of 1,957,062 in an area of 139 square miles which would be a density of 14,029 people per square mile, which is less than the density of the city of Tel Aviv (23,067/sq. mi.). If you compare Gaza to a country, then it would rank sixth, but is not even close to the top two – Macau (56,247) and Monaco (51,167) – according to World Population Review.

Gaza City is the 63rd most densely populated urban area in the world at 42,059 per square mile. This is far below Bnei Brak in Israel (76,000 per square mile). A more apt comparison is Manhattan, which is 23 square miles compared to Gaza City’s 17. Its population density is more than 70,000 per square mile." has an article by Elliott A. Green Headlined "Is Gaza Really the Most Densely Populated Place on Earth? — If So, Let Them Migrate" on JUL 31, 2014,  Good Articles worth looking up


Fri Nov 17 19:47:10 2023

From an article is Headlined "No, Prime Minister, It's Not a "Prison Camp"


This article was written in reply to then British Prime Minister David Cameron


Fri Nov 17 19:49:32 2023 has an article headlined "Gaza – land of the invaders"

Posted on December 2, 2015 by Richard Mather


Fri Nov 17 19:42:44 2023

The website

Has an article headlined

"Gaza: Open Air Prison?" On July 28, 2010


Fri Nov 17 19:59:33 2023 has an article headlined "The Palestinian issue is about supremacy, not justice"

December 15, 2022 by Yochai Guiski has a good article headlined "RECOGNIZING THAT ISRAEL IS NOT AN OCCUPYING POWER IN GAZA IS GOOD FOR EVERYONE" by GILEAD SHER AND DANA WOLF on JULY 8, 2016 has a good article headlined "Gaza Is Not Occupied by Anyone Other than Gazans — The War of Words"

on JULY 16, 2018

by Leonard Grunstein has an article by

Daniel Doron headlined

"Say No To A Palestinian State" on

May 16, 2009 has an article headlined

"The myth of Gaza as an 'open-air prison' serves Hamas's agenda" on October 11, 2023 by Jake Wallis Simons

has an article headlined

"Don’t believe the lies: Hamas massacre was only possible because Gaza is not occupied"


Gary Willig on

Oct 9, 2023

has an article headlined

"The Truth behind Humanitarian Aid to Gaza"


October 12, 2023 has a good article headlined "Take Back Gaza and Never Give It Back"

by Terry Paulson

Oct 10, 2023

Also from

Another article headlined

"The Ethical, Essential, and Imperative Yet Mythical Blockade of Gaza" by Jonathan Feldstein on Oct 15, 2023


Fri Nov 17 20:08:45 2023


E-mail Address::

City / State / Country::

Comment:: An article from on

November 8, 2023

says in part

"Gaza is the largest terror base built by mankind, ever — the entire city is one big terror base,“ said Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on television Tuesday"


Fri Nov 17 20:14:47 2023 has an article headlined "Beyond the Cycle of Hate: The 3 Keys that Unlocked Peace for the Hatfields & McCoys and Their Promise for Transforming Israeli-Palestinian Relations" by Dr. J. Bruce Stewart Published Oct 25, 2023 Do you have any opinions on the article ? Israel is in a Fight for it's survival, it's Not like the Hatfield-McCoy Feud or Battle of the Monitor and Merrimack type of thing. Israel is Fighting to Survive


Fri Nov 17 20:11:30 2023 has an article headlined "The nine Big Lies against Israel and what they really mean"


November 12, 2023

[Note from the editor (Vic): Ben has worn me out. This is the last post you will see from Ben until and unless he has something to say for himself, other than what everyone else has to say.

Date:  Sat Mar 30 14:03:44 2024
From:  Mark

About the Intense Sufferings of Incels , people with Chronic Involuntary Celibacy, Incel Problems Peer Reviewed articles online have stated That the reason why Sex Crimes and also Non-Sex Crimes are sadly so High In America is because of Sexual Frustration If America would be Reasonable and Listen to Reason, and Legalize Sex Work, Prostitution in All of America at Reasonable Prices for Consenting Adults,  it would greatly Reduce Crime overall, I don't condone any type of crime, but America is Making Things Worse, Much Worse Countless Healthy and Disabled Americans alike are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons, they want Sex Also,  yet America Unjustly outlaws Prostitution I have read that many people who visit Sex Workers , it's Not Just for the Sex but for a Sense of Companionship Is it right of America to Make Countless Millions upon Millions of people go for Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades without Sex ? Which worsens their Mental and Physical Health  Plus a website in 2019 stated "The United States has major restrictions when it comes to the pursuit of sex, especially for involuntary celibates, or incels. Soliciting a prostitute is illegal in the United States, as if legalizing the exchange of money for safe sex with a consenting adult man or woman, under no coercion, in a safe and private setting, meant the fall of civilization. If one takes into account that engaging in, and soliciting, prostitution is illegal in the United States, but the making and broadcasting of pornography and sexual innuendos in American media is not, one sees a shameless and hypocritical double standard in American society which puts incels in the United States at a great disadvantage by narrowing their "freedom" down to merely being allowed to derive fantasies from porn or references to sex from TV shows to stimulate their libido, and to use them as a vehicle to reach orgasm on their own. This endeavor is limiting at best and unfulfilling at worst, and it is therefore a major cause of sexual frustration for many incels in the United States. Much to their dismay, they are not free to pay someone to partner up with to make those fantasies a reality without getting arrested in the United States, nor are they free to even talk about those fantasies or their sexual frustration without facing ostracism in American society as well as backlash, especially from the traditionalist, anti-prostitution prudes, activists, and zealots that abound in the country. The end result of this social dynamic becomes a tediously prudish American society that imposes far more restrictions than it allows freedoms when it comes to incels’ pursuit of sex. Law enforcement in the United States even goes as far as to waste time setting up sting operations to arrest and disgrace adults who make advances to pay for sex with another adult rather than investing the time and resources they waste in those unnecessary operations to fight real crime. To say the least, American society can be frustratingly tedious, prudish, oppressive, and disempowering to live in for incels, and it is likely that many of them are incels to begin with because they are socially marginalized by the vast majority of crowds in said society for reasons that don't necessarily have anything to do with their sexual ardor. This is yet another example of how freedom in the United States is very lacking and how it is in no way all-inclusive."

Date:  Mon Apr 01 2024
From:  Vic Biorseth


I had to look up the word "incel". There is so much wrong here I hardly know where to begin. For one thing, there is all of your faux, pitiful, "New Victim Class" creation terminology.

"Chronic Involuntary Celibacy" sounds like a medical condition rather than a call to come join a one man pity-party.

"Peer Reviewed articles online" sounds scientific rather than niaive and grasping, and looking for truth in all the wrong places. In our eyes it is equivalent to "peer reviewed articles by lunatics".

Obviously you hate America and her constitution, just as you hate God and his Commandments, yet you seek to get America and/or God to bend to your will and change themselves to suite your perverted needs, fixations and obsessions.

Your pupose for being is not to have sex. It is to know, love and sereve God in this life to be happy with Him in the next. That's it.

You are lying about Amerca being unjust in her laws regarding immorality; read the Limited and Enumerated Powers of Federal Government in the Constitution. America is constitutionally prohibited from making federal laws either for or against prostitution and you know it, or you should know it, and if you don't know it then shame on you.

Areas of law not addressed by the federal government are left to the sovereign states to address, or not, as they see fit. Vote with your feet and move to Nevada if you need to fornicate for money. It's legal there. Las Vegas prides itself in being "Sin City" to it's own evelasting shame. But you will not find what your soul is yerning for there.

You will find it in self-control. You (your soul) either control yourself, or youself (the world) controls you.

You were not made for this world, but for the next. God told you how He knows if you love Him when He said If you love me, keep my commandments in John 14:15. Very simple; nothing to it.

There is no such thing as a victimless-sin. It takes two to fornicate; it takes two to commit addultery; it takes two to commit any kind of sexual wickedness. Even self-abuse makes the abuser his own victim.

You have to recognize and admit that you are the zealot here, not America, not decent society, not the normative family, not the Church, and not the people around you. It's you. You are the one with the problem, and the rest of the population is not required to change to accommodate your sick obsession.

Nor is God. He is God; you are not.

If you can't get beyond this obsession on your own, you need to get yourself into some mental institution that can help you do it.



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Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Jesus Christ; Matthew 7:13–15

Linda Kimball

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Chaos, Breakdown, Demoralization, Destruction: America's New Normal. How it came about and where we are going.

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Absolute Nothingness and Non-Self: The Reigning Worldview of Global Power Elites and Western Ruling Classes

What is Evil? Man-made alternative realities

Cliff Kincaid

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Moscow Terror Attack is Another KGB Operation to Fool the West

Obama’s New Nazi-Communist Alliance

On the "Days Of Rage" Planned For The 2024 Marxocrat Party Convention Some of you just couldn't believe that the formerly Democrat (Confederate) Party had already gone totally Communist before the 1968 Party Convention

Making Russia Great Again By Cliff Cinkaid

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Climate Emergency To Produce a New World Order By Cliff Kincaid

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Evil in the White House In This War, The Enemy Is In The Ranks, Standing Right Next To You

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The Biden Doctrine of Demoralization and Defeat By Cliff Kincaid

A Republican Church Committee? Do Pro-American Republicans Even Know Who Frank Church Really Was?

A Top to Bottom Housecleaning of America When we clean our house, my wife has a slogan, “Top to bottom,” meaning you have to target the whole house. The same advice applies to nations.

China's Mass Murder Experiment Phase Two

Bury The Dead And Move On Fuggedaboutit!

9/11 Truth This is the real 9/11 Truth: Our “intelligence” agencies are infiltrated.

Moving Toward Gorbachev’s “World of Communism” It's called the Monster Plot.

The Errors of Russia, the Dupes of Putin, and Another Holocaust Can The Increasingly Faithless Free World Be Saved From Russia?

World War Quietly Conquering A Distracted and Blithely Unaware World. Could it actually be Satan's world war on despised humanity?

Stand With Ukraine Against Russia and China By Cliff Kincaid

Tucker Carlson Carlson Gets His Comeuppance. Tucker's View: It is not moral for us to intervene in support of any nation's (Ukraine's) democratic self-determination and against Soviet military expansion.

The Need for Secure Borders. Have we so easily forgotten what borders are for? Have we forgotten that evil exists in the world? Have we forgotten how to keep apart from this evil?

Can Ukraine Survive Putin and Biden? Can America? Can the Free World? Can Faith in God?

The Soviet Union: Back From The Dead The Return of the Evil Empire

Could an American Surrender be in the offing with Biden at the wheel? Is this not the perfect time for Communism to strike, with Commies now governing America, China and Russia? What would Biden do?

Abortion and Communism. If you ever wondered where all the popular abortion-contraception-sexuality-perversion nuttiness came from, look to Marx's Communist Manifesto.

The Secret Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. A life almost totally at odds with his reputation as a minister of the Gospel.

"We belong to the Church militant; and She is militant because on earth the powers of darkness are ever restless to encompass Her destruction. Not only in the far-off centuries of the early Church, but down through the ages and in this our day, the enemies of God and Christian civilization make bold to attack the Creator's supreme dominion and sacrosanct human rights." --Pope Pius XII

"It is not lawful to take the things of others to give to the poor. It is a sin worthy of punishment, not an act deserving a reward, to give away what belongs to others." --St. Francis of Assisi

Find a Latin Mass

Truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.—Winston Churchill

Note the Military Assault Rifle common to the American Founding Era.

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.—Ayn Rand

Atheist Genesis:

In the beginning there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing.
And then nothing accidentally exploded and created everything.
And then some bits of everything accidentally encountered other bits of everything and formed some new kinds of everything.
And then some bits of everything accidentally arranged themselves into self-replicating bits of everything.
And then some self-replicating bits of everything accidentally arranged themselves into dinosaurs.

(See The Darwinism Pages)

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