
Returning to Principle.

Vic Biorseth, Thursday, November 15, 2012

Once upon a time there arose a mighty nation of free men of high principle. They based their nation upon the natural rights of all men, endowed by God Himself, and they designed a form of government that would enshrine those God given rights in secular law, so that no man and no organization, including their own government, could ever take them away.

They became great among nations, and they became a safe harbor and a refuge for aliens from all other lands, yearning for levels of freedom, opportunity and individual liberty that could not be found elsewhere. They became mighty in war, merciful in victory and charitable to the needy. They became the protectors of the innocent and a great threat to those seeking conquest. They became incredibly wealthy by all world standards, and their wealth came from the individual citizen’s initiative, zeal and concerted, concentrated efforts to prosper, for their high principles, and their very form of government encouraged them to prosper by their own diligence.

They couldn’t possibly be beaten by anyone on the open battlefield. But it came to pass that they lost a war, not on the battlefield, where not one single battle was ever lost, but in the minds of the populace, because of the advance falsehood within their culture. The people were told, by speakers they trusted, that the war was lost, and they believed the lie. In their minds, the lie became truth to them. And so the great nation lost a very costly war, and the loss was due not to battle, but to politics, and to the advance of the political lie.

That was a turning point. Falsehood had been advancing slowly within the nation for many decades, beginning with the evolutionary metamorphosis of Progressivism, which was a new strain of Marxism. It differed from Revolutionary Communism in that it was a slow, seductive, mesmerizing infection that led to the same end, although much more slowly and gradually. Progressivism depends entirely upon the lie for its very life, and for its own advancement toward the eventual goal of total Marxist domination. Progressive lies were slowly eating away the nation’s Principles, and changing its very nature.

But the people didn’t know. The cultural disease of the lie then metastasized, and quickly spread throughout the whole of the culture. The people were ever increasingly educated and propagandized into falsehood and error.

That was then; this is now; here we are. Lies are taught in our schools. Lies are daily reported as “News.” History books and educational text books are written, and re-written, in lies. Gigantic lies abound, and are not recognized as lies. The nation now has a President who was elected based on lies. Twice. The people still don’t really know who he is, but they elected him. Twice. Based on lies. And he is taking the slow Communist Progressivism that put him in office up several levels, approaching the level of the older historical nature of bloody Communist Revolution. There is nothing slow and methodical about his approach. His particular brand of Marxism is much more akin to that of a Lenin than to that of a Wilson or an FDR.

This is another tipping point, in two ways, possibly three. The second election proved that the majority of the voting public is oblivious to or largely unaware of the impossibly large financial crisis before them, brought on by purposefully destructive spending, borrowing and printing of currency by a President incapable of doing so much as creating a simple annual budget.

It also proved that a significant fraction, if not yet a clear majority, of voters have lost their sense of individual independence. They have now become the dependents of government, dependent upon government programs for their day to day sustenance, and they will therefore always vote for representatives who promise more government programs.

The third possibly tipping point involves the indeterminate number and placement of high ranking military, intelligence and law officials who have been or may be compromised significantly enough to take them out of the picture. And, it involves the indeterminate question of where and how many fundamentally Marxist and/or Moslem, allied-with-the-President Agent Provocateurs have been infiltrated and inserted into key positions in Defense, Intelligence and Investigative agencies, ready to assume new roles quickly.

The ground has been prepared for radical revolution. On the Liberty side of the populace there has been a giant, rude awakening to the threat, but not in sufficient numbers to win the last election; or possibly not in sufficient numbers to overcome the growing purposeful election fraud always perpetrated by the other side. Many patriots are ready to secede from the nation and become a nation unto themselves (an absolute impossibility) or resist to the level of violence, which is precisely what the sitting government would prefer. That is what they want. In fact, they are prepared (or will prepare) to send their own side into the streets, just to get things going.

Radical revolutionary takeover of any government requires severe crises involving danger to life and property. Revolutionaries need a situation of social break-down and violent disorder to crush on an emergency basis, suspending (permanently) any Constitutional constraints and any normal government operations, in order to restore order and then ascend a new throne. That is Marxism’s true final step. That is the ultimate, unpublicized goal of all variants, forms and sub-species of Marxism, the falsely idealized image of eventual utopia and social perfection notwithstanding.

We see the death of a mighty nation coming about, not due to the superior warriors standing outside the gates, but due to the spread of the treacherous worm of falsehood, growing, reproducing and eating away inside the national organism. The mighty nation that arose among nations beginning in 1776 is sick, perhaps unto death, with an infestation of parasitic treacherous lies.

Look to the articles linked in the top list in the right hand column of this page. There you will see articulated the details of the deceit, treachery and treason that brought us to this terrible decisive point in our national history.

What are we to do? First and foremost, before we do anything else. We must return to Truth, which is to say, we must turn our faces back toward God. We are not going anywhere worth going without Him. In point of fact, our national decline, and the rise of atheistic Marxism in our land, was brought about by vast numbers of us turning our faces away from Him, in favor of lies and falsehoods. We must break the hold of falsehood and return to Truth. To that end, let me quote here a timely and appropriate devotion from an email we received from Fr. Frank Pavone of

A Post-Election Devotion

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life


From Lamentations 3

19 I remember my affliction and my wandering,
the bitterness and the gall.
20 I well remember them,
and my soul is downcast within me.
21 Yet this I will call to mind
As my reason to have hope:
22 The favors of the Lord are not exhausted,
his mercies are not spent.
23 They are renewed each morning;
So great is his faithfulness.
24 I say to myself, “The LORD is my portion;
therefore I will wait for him.”
25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him,
to the one who seeks him;
26 it is good to wait quietly
for the saving help of the LORD.


In the 6th century before Christ, the Babylonians invaded and devastated the Holy City Jerusalem and the temple of the Lord. Jeremiah the prophet had foretold that this would happen, because of the sins of the people. The Book of Lamentations contains some of the most exquisite expressions of human grief, as the writer behold the destruction God allowed his people to experience.

But they were still his people, and his covenant was still valid. Hence the expression of hope stated above. And it is also a prophecy. God's mercies are renewed "each morning," for "Early in the morning, on the first day of the week, while it was still dark," the women went to the tomb and found it empty! (cf. John 20:1).


Father of faithful mercies,
God of the Covenant and Lord of all hope,
Come, and save us!

Save us from the darkness that envelops us,
The shadow of death and falsehood across this land.

Enable us, O Lord, like your remnant from of old,
To grieve, but to grieve with hope;
To lament because of the darkness,
Yet to look forward with firm conviction to the light.

Lord, we again profess our faith
That your favors to your People are not exhausted
Your mercies to America are not spent.
They are indeed renewed each morning,
As we declare the mighty Resurrection of Jesus Christ your Son.

In him, all darkness gives way to light
All sin gives way to grace,
All falsehood gives way to truth,
And death itself is swallowed up in victory.

To him our hearts bow once again in humble adoration,
And before him all the kings of the earth must kneel,
All the powers of the earth must acknowledge his kingdom.

Hasten, O Lord, the full coming of your Kingdom,
A kingdom of truth and life,
A kingdom of holiness and grace,
A kingdom of justice, love, and peace.

Fill us today with that peace,
Which the world cannot give,
And which no setback or election can ever take away.

In the strength of that peace,
Grant that we may redouble our efforts
To announce and prepare for your Kingdom,
To defend the values and principles on which our nation was founded,
To build the culture of life,
And to invite all people to life eternal.

We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

This devotion is also posted on Fr. Frank’s blog at It gave me a great deal of comfort and renewal of dedication; perhaps it will be of help to you too. However long it takes, whatever we must go through, God will see us through it. Believe that, and turn to Him in prayer.

We need to break the stranglehold of the lies that engulf us as a people. That means re-educating ourselves in simple, basic reality, and in the proper application of critical thinking. We need to recognize that all the lies, falsehoods and misconceptions that involve government action – be it law, regulation, taxation or whatever – are either invented by or commandeered by Marxism, and used to Marxist advantage in harming the private sector, private business, private property, private liberty and the expansion of human life. Marxism seeks to collectivize everything; to collectivize all property, all industry and all people. That is to say, to replace individual liberty with tyranny.

Let us begin by recognizing that a lie is a lie.

Any time you hear terms such as

  1. Social Justice
  2. Environmental Justice
  3. Racial Justice
  4. Sustainable Development
  5. Fair Share
  6. Equitable Distribution
  7. Our Precious Resources
  8. Global Warming
  9. Carbon Credits
  10. Carbon Vouchers
  11. Renewable Energy
  12. etc.

your antennae should go up, your radar should switch on and your concern light should begin to blink. You will be listening to a treacherous liar trying to lure you into believing falsehood. All of these things, and many more, are untrue, are aimed at restricting individual or corporate liberty, regulating and restricting private business and private personal activity, growing the government, taxing more, spending treasure, fooling the citizenry and winning votes through trickery.

  • Recycling is not going to save the planet or do anything at all positive for the planet. Not recycling is not going to do one iota of harm to the planet. Recycling is silly, unproductive, unprofitable and wasteful nonsense.

  • Production and use of plastic is not going to do any harm to the planet in any way, and somehow getting rid of plastic is not going to save or help the planet in any way whatsoever. Plastic is a straw villain.

  • Restricting Styrofoam and Freon has had and can have absolutely no effect whatsoever on the ozone holes. All it has done is to decrease insulation and make auto, house and industrial air conditioners larger, heavier, less efficient and consume more energy per unit of output, with no discernable benefit whatsoever. The ozone holes are going to do whatever the ozone holes are going to do, and there is nothing man can do about it. It’s a hoax.

  • Factory modifications and smoke-stack scrubbers have had and can have absolutely no effect whatsoever on acid rain or on ozone pollution anywhere beyond an eighth of a mile from the source. All they have ever done is increase cost and regulation of private business, increasing the cost of goods and services and decrease the pay of workers. Forest damage blamed on acid rain was caused by other things such as gypsy moth infestations. It’s a hoax.

  • The globe is not warming; it is cooling. No matter what you’ve been taught in school, man cannot legislate the weather, let alone the climate. The very idea is just plain stupid.

  • Carbon Taxes, Penalties, Credits and Vouchers are an open fraud, aimed at growing government bureaucracy, ripping off private business and enriching scam artists like Al Gore. It will do nothing more than raise electric and gas prices to the point that people will not be able to heat their homes.

  • Sustainable Development is nothing but a United Nations program to reinvigorate the old Nazi racial eugenics program first invented by the infamous Margaret Sanger, who gave birth to Planned Parenthood, and push eugenics – governmental human control – on the whole world.

  • The world is not running out of coal, or oil, or natural gas; quite the opposite. Proven reserves go up every year, never down. That has been the case throughout all of history, and that is the case today.

  • Wind, solar and “renewable” energy is just not ready for serious production that can compete in any way with fossil fuels. It is extremely costly to manufacture, costly and difficult to transport, costly and difficult to erect, costly and difficult to maintain, and it is inefficient and unreliable to the point of being dangerous. Anyone who tries to depend on solar and wind alone is destined to freeze to death, and suffer long, long blackouts. The wind doesn’t always blow; the sun doesn’t always shine; batteries are not efficient enough to make up the difference. That’s just the way it is. Every renewable energy production system “stimulated” by this government is either cruising toward bankruptcy, struggling but failing to recover after bankruptcy, or out of business entirely. Large scale renewable energy production is an absolute abysmal failure.

I could go on. All of these projects are, besides being hoaxes and frauds, major distractions from what the proper business of government is, which is limited and enumerated in Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution. They’ve got us wasting our tax dollars and our attention on things that shouldn’t even be being done, while the nation and the economy and the important things, like the military, are purposely being decimated. That which the Constitution provides for is ignored by the voters, while that which is completely unconstitutional is concentrated upon.

It’s a Marxist shell game.

How is the nation to ever recover? It won’t be easy, and it may be too late. First, we will address some of the physical things that must be done, and then we will address the political changes that need to happen first, to enable recovery to Constitutional Principles. I’m not sure you’re ready for this, but here it is.

First, we need to recognize the fact that the federal government is neither qualified nor Constitutionally authorized to

  1. Practice medicine
  2. Practice insurance
  3. Practice massive charity or welfare
  4. Practice formal education
  5. Control the weather or the climate
  6. Control the environment
  7. Practice agriculture
  8. Practice food or drug production or control or distribution
  9. Practice real estate, rent control or subsidy
  10. Practice private or large scale banking or finance
  11. Practice any kind of energy production or energy control
  12. Involve itself in a host of other activities similar to these.

If it isn’t in Article 1 Section 8 the federal government should not be doing it. Over many, many decades Congress has illegally and unconstitutionally delegated its exclusive legislative authority to unelected bureaucrats who arbitrarily pass unrepresentative regulations with full force of law, to accomplish unconstitutional goals. Each bureaucracy always seeks to grow itself.

Every such bureaucracy must be shut down permanently. As all the bureaucrats are taken off the national payroll, all of that bureaus’ regulations are taken off the books and made nul and void. If Congress feels that some existing regulation is indeed needed and necessary, they are free to correctly and constitutionally legislate a new law in the full light of day to accomplish the same thing, so long as the subject of the new law comes under one of the items listed in Article 1 Section 8. And if it does not, then Congress is free to initiate a Constitutional Amendment effort to make it constitutional. Otherwise, the bureau is gone, and all of its unconstitutional regulations and regulators with it.

What might soften the blow to those who have become dependent upon government hand-outs for survival would be the monthly pre-bate payment to all registered voters if Congress were to Fast Track the Fair Tax and get the Fair Tax up and running quickly, before the needed Constitutional Amendment to repeal Amendment XVI and render the income tax illegal. The monthly pre-bate payments alone would exceed the state mandated monthly pay of all Cuban workers.

What might soften the blow of citizens now having to foot the tuition bill for educating children once the Department of Education is shut down might be to take the money annually budgeted for that closed-down bureaucracy and add it to the monthly pre-bate payments to the citizenry. States would no longer receive federal funds for education – and, states would no longer be directed by the feds on how to educate (propagandize?) children in order to keep getting those funds – and citizens would no longer pay taxes to the fed from which funds would be sent back to the states anyway. The (income tax) money stays in the pockets of the citizenry in the first place.

The Fair Tax alone would immediately remove the most onerous government intrusions into private behavior. Most restrictions on private business and private citizen behavior come out of the 70,000 page Tax Code, which would disappear upon passage of the Fair Tax. This would include religious speech and public religious expression. Republican candidates would be just as free to speak politically from Catholic pulpits as Democrat candidates are free today to speak from black Protestant pulpits, and the IRS wouldn’t say a word, because the IRS would no longer exist. There would be no more tax deductions for anything, because there would be no more tax to deduct from. And there would be no more restricting rules regarding tax deductions.

Ending programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid would all take a similar track. First, by passing the Fair Tax, all of these continually growing programs would be fully funded, at the moment. They would no longer be in the red. But, of course, they are continually growing, and that’s the problem. The track would be as follows:

  • Pick a date; any date in the future.
  • On that date, everyone who is already receiving benefits will continue receiving benefits, for life.
  • After that date, no one else may ever begin receiving benefits.
  • After that date, all who have contributed to Social Security but not yet retired will receive either a lump sum of their own contributions plus interest (a deficit situation for that year) or smaller monthly repayments added to their monthly pre-bate payments, at Congress’ option.
  • After that date, no one pays into Social Security. (If the Fair Tax is operative, there will be no Social Security tax anyway.)

There should be no “means testing” involved. If the person retired under the plan, he gets the full benefits of the plan for life. Means testing is just another Marxist inspired plan by which some elitist or some elite class determines wants and needs of a free private citizenry, a notion born of Marxist Redistributionism. If a person is retired and wants to work or otherwise has other income, that’s his business and not that of the government. Proponents of means testing will use the term “Farness”, but there is nothing fair about taking the earnings of someone and giving them to someone else.

The existing health care problems in this country are due to two interference factors: the government and insurance. Its hard to tell which is worse, but the two act together to greatly complexify and radically increase the cost and availability of good medical practice.

The biggest single problem posed to availability of reasonably priced medical care in America is the highly complex “Medical Code” system imposed by health care insurance companies and by Medicare and Medicaid. There are special codes assigned to represent every imaginable act a physician can make; every diagnostic procedure, every examination of patient history and patient’s family history; every detail of treatment, be it examination, diagnosis, surgery, prescription of medicine or whatever a doctor may do in his practice.

These “codes” are for medical insurance billing, not for treatment. There are reams and reams of continually changing insurance payment regulations relating to these codes that must be followed, or payment will be delayed if not denied. These codes have nothing whatsoever to do with proper treatment of the patient by the doctor. They are tools by which insurance companies (or the government, in the case of Medicare) may delay, deny or reduce claim payments to the doctors, if their imposed rules of payment are not satisfied.

The complexity of this code system is so great that just about all doctors hire specialists to work in their offices just to handle these codes and interact between the medical practice and the various insurance companies and the government. These are fairly highly paid specialists, and their pay and benefits add significantly to the cost of your health care. Again, these insurance codes, which seek to direct medical doctors in how to do their work, are for billing purposes, and have nothing whatsoever to do with health care. They are designed by insurance experts, not medical doctors. Insurance companies profit partially by denying claims.

So the doctor must include in his staff of nurses and other specialists medical billing coders, and the biggest reason for delay of payment, and the biggest single cost of doing business to him or her involves coding errors and changes in the coding rules. The doctor must not only keep up with professional advances in medicine, but rules of submitting insurance billing. And Medicare drives the bus in coding regulation changes. Whatever Medicare does, the whole rest of the insurance industry immediately follows.

A Constitutional Amendment should be proposed, or, failing that, state legislatures should legislate new laws by which any health care insurance policy, whether issued by a private company or by a government,

  1. Must be owned by the insured party.
  2. The insured party – the owner – must be the sole beneficiary.

Whether the citizen buys the policy, his employer buys the policy or the government provides the policy, the insured party owns it, and is the sole beneficiary. Payments are to be made to the insured party, not to the health care provider. This would kill the whole system of insurance medical codes. If the insurance companies think they can get the beneficiary to comply with some ridiculously complex coding system in order to get paid, and stay in business, they would be free to try, in a now increasingly competitive health insurance world.

Today’s impossibly high and ever rising health care costs are more related to third party interference from insurers and governments than to actual medical practice. If it were possible (and it is not) to completely eliminate third party interference with the practice of medicine, the cost of all health care would drop radically, and competitively, and the practice of medicine, as a private business, would boom. A new doctor could hearken back to those good-old-days when he could open up a practice in his own house, make house calls and run his business very profitably.

The only way any of this is ever going to happen is if highly principled Constitutional Conservatives come to power again. It is too late in the game to even think about any new political Party. At this point, if the Republican Party cannot be taken over by strict Constitutionalists, then the nation is doomed.

And the current regime is not going to stand around and allow us to get to another election as usual, if they can help it. This is a regime that is steeped in Marx, in Saul Alinsky, in Cloward-Piven, and that means it is well trained in lies, treachery, treason and revolution. They aim to take over completely and permanently trash the Constitution if they can. It appears that the political purging of the upper echelons of Defense, Intelligence and Investigation may have already begun. Purging, infiltrating and assuming critical control positions is preparatory to actual revolutionary action. Whether it will work or not remains to be seen.

Congressmen and Senators can puff and bluster all they want to, but so long as Harry Reed is in control of the Senate, no one is going to impeach anyone, and there is nothing anyone else can do about any of it other than puff and bluster. The Senate has the sole authority to try cases of impeachment. The Attorney General works for the President, and he is not going to prosecute anyone in the administration for anything. Making it through to the next one or two elections will be mostly a matter of what they can get away with, and how many people in high places might stand on Principle and not be shaken, intimidate, bribed or blackmailed.

Getting back to the nation as Constituted will require a Presidency, a House of Representatives and, most importantly, a Senate dominated by strict Constitutionalists. Do you see that happening any time soon?

We must have a Senate that is willing and able to initiate impeachment hearings against any and all elected members of Congress and members of the Supreme Court who have violated their oaths of office to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic. I don’t see that happening any time soon.

Yet, nothing is impossible with God.

Are we to be a nation of Godly men, or ungodly men? Decide.

We are not dead yet. Old Glory still flies, although she’s looking pretty ragged and worn. But the holes and tatters did not come from bombardment or shrapnel; they came from the insidious internal parasitic infestation of treason, treachery and falsehood. The worm eats away from the inside while the attention of the host is diverted elsewhere. It seems like such a small thing.

See clearly. Always seek and champion the Truth. Do your best. Do what you can. Call a lie a lie; call a liar a liar.

Speak the truth boldly, and let the chips fall where they may.

You are, after all, an American, and that still means something.


Sarcastic Acronym Hover-Link Footnotes: For the convenience of those readers using devices that lack a mouse, these footnotes are provided for all webpages, in case any webpage contains any hover-links. (If you don't have a mouse, you can't "hover" it over a link without clicking just to see the simple acronym interpretation. Click any footnote link to see the acronym and a detailed explanation; "Hover" the mouse over it just to see the simple interpretation.)

SLIMC1 Secularist Liberal Intellectual Media Complex
GESGOEAEOT2 Gradually, Ever So Gradually, Over Eons And Eons Of Time
PEWAG3 Punctuated Equilibrium's Wild-Assed Guess
TTRSTF4 Them There Real Scientifical-Type Fellers
TTRSPTF5 Them There Real Smart Perfesser-Type Fellers
TTRSJTF6 Them There Real Smart Journalistical-Type Fellers
SNRTACBT7 Surely No Right Thinking Adult Could Believe Today
STNSEACPB8 Surely Today No Serious Educated Adult Could Possibly Believe
WDN9 We Don't Know
BMDFP10 Baboons, Mongrel Dogs, Filthy Pigs and ...
HBAACOTE11 Human Beings Are A Cancer On The Earth
ACLU12 Anti-Christian Litigation Union
FLORMPORIF13 Flagrant Liar, Or, Mindless Parrot, Or, Innocent Fool
MEJTML14 Marxist Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
IEJTML15 Islamic Ends-Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
MPAV16 Marxist Principles And Values
WBESSWG17 Wise, Benign, Elite, Super-Scientific World Governance
TRMITM18 The Reason Man's In This Mess
IYI19 Intellectual Yet Idiotic
TTRSCBTF20 Them There Real Smart Catholic Bishop Type Fellers
IACMPVND21 Illegal-Alien-Criminal Marxocrat-Party-Voting Nation-Destroyers
PEJTML22 Palestinian Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
PSYOP23 "Psychological Operation" Mind Trick
CDC24 Covid Developmentally Challenged
LGBTQ+ Every Letter Represents A Serious Psychotic sexual Identity Disorder
HEJTML26 Hedonist Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar
SEJTML27 Scientistic Ends-Justify-The-Means Liar

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Date: Sat Nov 17 22:32:21 2012
From: Eli
Location: Spokane

You condemn the whole Democratic Party with lofty wording. Is this not the same political gamesmanship you accuse the other side of? Why should anyone believe these purely political words? The ends justify the means for you too, but you do not admit it. Every member of the Democratic Party and every voter who votes for Democratic candidates is not an anti-American or a revolutionary. This is a well packaged pack of political lies.

Date: Sun Nov 18 07:24:46 2012
From: Vic Biorseth


I have tried very hard to not even mention political Parties here and keep it to the issues; but it’s crystal clear on which side the two main Parties stand on the issues. The dividing line could not be more obvious. For our side, The Ends Justify The Means does NOT apply, and that is the problem; it may partially be why we are losing.

Let me say this about the Democrat Party: Every Democrat elected official, every Democrat candidate for office, every Democrat Party operative, and every Democrat voter is either:

  1. An evil, deceptive anti-American radical revolutionary, or
  2. A naïve, convinced radical ideologue and Agent Provocateur, or
  3. A simple Useful Idiot being manipulated by others, or,
  4. A person so ignorant of the issues as to be functionally stupid, or,
  5. A person convinced of his own utter dependence on the Party.

All you have to do is look at the issues. Most Democrat voters don’t even know what the real issues are. We now have multiple generations of educated Americans who have never even read their own Declaration of Independence or their own Constitution. If they don’t even know what’s in them, how can they be expected to love them, or to stand up for the Principles upon which they were written? If they don’t even know their own Constitution, then they don’t know their own country, because their country was made – was constituted – by the Constitution.

Just look at what education is doing to us as a people. College courses are taught, openly, boastfully, on the politics of Machiavelli, the Hegelian Dialectic, Marxism, the tactics and strategy of Saul Alinsky, the Cloward-Piven Strategy, and basically, how to destroy America from within. There is nothing hidden about it. We have professors such as Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, Cloward and Piven, openly writing and speaking and teaching on how to destroy us, from within. That is the Democart Party today.

Graduates from these colleges and universities will go on to teach in public schools, to become journalists, to become lawyers and to become politicians. Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, cut his adult teeth as an Alinskyite Community Orgainzer. Madam Hillary wrote her thesis on Saul Alinksy. Now, these should be (but are not) shocking to Republican sensibilities; but they are resume enhancements for advancement in the Democrat Party.

Go Google Saul Alinsky. He taught radical revolutionaries how to put on suits, ties and winning smiles, and work their treachery from the inside. To Establishment Republican types, all of this is just another political opinion among the many in a free-wheeling freedom-of-speech society. But in hard, cold reality, it is high treason aimed at the destruction of Constitutional America, and the perpetrators are traitors.

The Obamunist radical transformation of America is under way, and the Democrat Party is not only cooperating with it, they are orchestrating it. The upper echelons of the Party despise America as Constituted.

If Constitutional America dies, it will not be because of any superior system discovered, or because of any higher ideals or any utopian dreams. If Constitutional America dies, she will die from lack of love. She will die because there were not enough good men of high Principle who were willing to rise and go and stand in the breach. There were not enough good and committed men who would rise to the occasion and go to the sound of the guns.

If America dies, it will be from a lack of knowledge, understanding and love of her Constitution. It will be because of the advance of the untruth.

It will be from the lack of recognized Truth.



Date:  Fri May 24 14:40:15 2013
From:  Jim
Location:  San Antonio, Tx USA

I agree with your article. But, that's not why I'm writing. The graphic of the flag that's at the top of the article is interesting. When I first saw it on another page I wondered how it was done.  At first glance it looked to me like the dove of the Holy Spirit was being chased by the hand of evil. Thanks.

Date:  Sat May 25 07:25:58 2013
From:  Vic Biorseth


Now that you mention it, I see that too.  If you go to and enter "American Battle Flags" or "Tattered American Flags" you will find it among the many images.



Date:   Mon Aug 25 2014
From:  Vic Biorseth

Changes pursuant to changing the website URL and name from 
Thinking Catholic Strategic Center to
Catholic American Thinker.

Pulled the trigger on the 301 MOVE IT option June 1, 2014. Working my way through all the webpages.  . 



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Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there are who go in thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life: and few there are that find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Jesus Christ; Matthew 7:13–15


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2 Corinthians 10:5

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Demonic Darkness: America's Invisible Wave of Evil. Staring into the abyss

Cain, Marxism, Leftism and America's ruling class of 'superior' humans. The dragon they have in common

Modernist Christians in a Man-Centered Universe. Scientific Neutrality and Biblical Deconstruction

The Connection Between Baphomet and Why Researchers Are Creating Interspecies Embryos. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Isaiah 57 revisited: America's progressive pagan elites. Staring into the Abyss

Evolutionary Theism Implies That Christ is Wrong About Creation"For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe My words?" John 5:46-47

Utopianism. Progressive Utopian Cultural Marxism Poisoning Minds, Churches, Schools, Politics

Acts 17:18-19-modern pagan and pantheist antithesis of the Word of God Ecclesiates 1:9 "What has been is what will be.."

Trotsky's Permanent Revolution From Hell In America. The Soviet System in America

Why Transgenderism Is Being Forced Upon America and Our Children. The Divine Androgyne

The Evil Eye Of Envy: Why Being ‘White’ Is Offensive To Some People. No Vice Worse Than Envy

Absolute Nothingness and Non-Self: The Reigning Worldview of Global Power Elites and Western Ruling Classes

What is Evil? Man-made alternative realities

Cliff Kincaid

Trump is Destroying Reagan's Legacy By Cliff Kincaid

Trump is a Marked Man By Cliff Kincaid

Terrorist Attack in Baltimore By Cliff Kincaid

Moscow Terror Attack is Another KGB Operation to Fool the West

Obama’s New Nazi-Communist Alliance

On the "Days Of Rage" Planned For The 2024 Marxocrat Party Convention Some of you just couldn't believe that the formerly Democrat (Confederate) Party had already gone totally Communist before the 1968 Party Convention

Making Russia Great Again By Cliff Cinkaid

De-Nazification and De-Communization in Russia The The mutual non-aggression Hitler-Stalin Pact, which started World War II, has been carefully “forgotten”

Climate Emergency To Produce a New World Order By Cliff Kincaid

The Next Phase of Obama’s “Permanent Revolution” By Cliff Kincaid

Evil in the White House In This War, The Enemy Is In The Ranks, Standing Right Next To You

Satanism, Communism: What's The Difference? Look To The Roots Of Communism

Fox Is the Leading "Trans" Channel There are some rather peculiar goings-on at the Fox News Channel.

Trump and His Communist Enemies The Demonized Joe McCarthy Turned Out To Be Accurate In Everything He Claimed: Fox News Is Wrong About Him And About Much More

The Five Stooges on Capitol Hill They Think We Need Even More Doped No-Hopers In The American Intelligence Community

The Biden Doctrine of Demoralization and Defeat By Cliff Kincaid

A Republican Church Committee? Do Pro-American Republicans Even Know Who Frank Church Really Was?

A Top to Bottom Housecleaning of America When we clean our house, my wife has a slogan, “Top to bottom,” meaning you have to target the whole house. The same advice applies to nations.

China's Mass Murder Experiment Phase Two

Bury The Dead And Move On Fuggedaboutit!

9/11 Truth This is the real 9/11 Truth: Our “intelligence” agencies are infiltrated.

Moving Toward Gorbachev’s “World of Communism” It's called the Monster Plot.

The Errors of Russia, the Dupes of Putin, and Another Holocaust Can The Increasingly Faithless Free World Be Saved From Russia?

World War Quietly Conquering A Distracted and Blithely Unaware World. Could it actually be Satan's world war on despised humanity?

Stand With Ukraine Against Russia and China By Cliff Kincaid

Tucker Carlson Carlson Gets His Comeuppance. Tucker's View: It is not moral for us to intervene in support of any nation's (Ukraine's) democratic self-determination and against Soviet military expansion.

The Need for Secure Borders. Have we so easily forgotten what borders are for? Have we forgotten that evil exists in the world? Have we forgotten how to keep apart from this evil?

Can Ukraine Survive Putin and Biden? Can America? Can the Free World? Can Faith in God?

The Soviet Union: Back From The Dead The Return of the Evil Empire

Could an American Surrender be in the offing with Biden at the wheel? Is this not the perfect time for Communism to strike, with Commies now governing America, China and Russia? What would Biden do?

Abortion and Communism. If you ever wondered where all the popular abortion-contraception-sexuality-perversion nuttiness came from, look to Marx's Communist Manifesto.

The Secret Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. A life almost totally at odds with his reputation as a minister of the Gospel.

"We belong to the Church militant; and She is militant because on earth the powers of darkness are ever restless to encompass Her destruction. Not only in the far-off centuries of the early Church, but down through the ages and in this our day, the enemies of God and Christian civilization make bold to attack the Creator's supreme dominion and sacrosanct human rights." --Pope Pius XII

"It is not lawful to take the things of others to give to the poor. It is a sin worthy of punishment, not an act deserving a reward, to give away what belongs to others." --St. Francis of Assisi

Find a Latin Mass

Truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.—Winston Churchill

Note the Military Assault Rifle common to the American Founding Era.

The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.—Ayn Rand

Atheist Genesis:

In the beginning there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing.
And then nothing accidentally exploded and created everything.
And then some bits of everything accidentally encountered other bits of everything and formed some new kinds of everything.
And then some bits of everything accidentally arranged themselves into self-replicating bits of everything.
And then some self-replicating bits of everything accidentally arranged themselves into dinosaurs.

(See The Darwinism Pages)

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