Formerly the Thinking Catholic Strategic Center
Confirming Culture=Religion+Politics
The Smoke of Satan conceals the true object of the Progressive Agenda.
Biorseth, Monday, December 24, 2012
This is a terrible subject to be talking about on Christmas Eve. Let me first wish you and yours a most blessed Christmas, or Christ's Mass, commemoration and celebration. May the infinite peace of the Christ Child enter your home and dwell with you and yours throughout the New Year.
You will remember Dr. Carol Byrne, a great illuminator of our day, author of The Catholic Worker Movement (1933-1980) A Critical Analysis, which inspired me to write the Catholic Communizer Dorothy Day page.
And, you might be familiar with Michael Voris of ChurchMilitant.TV , who's work inspired me to write the Lucifer and the CCHD page.
And, you might be familiar with the many comments on this site that led me to eventually write the Pope On Globalism page.
Well, Dr. Byrne has just done an exclusive interview with Cliff Kincaid, which I very strongly encourage you to read at this link: Religious Left Exposed - what is illuminated here in this interview is of vital importance to all Catholics. It ties all these seemingly disparate Left-leaning branches of the Catholic tree together, into the frightening image of a potentially Left-leaning whole tree.
You have to read the whole interview; I'm not going to reproduce it here. I will just do some pull-quotes and add a little personal commentary.
“By having financed the Alinsky-inspired training of Barack Obama via the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the Bishops have been nurturing a serpent in their bosom. Now, in typical Socialist fashion, he has turned his guns on the Church with his plan to force Catholics to fund state-run policies that conflict with their consciences. That is only the beginning of an all-out assault whose objective is to extinguish any vestige of Christianity in society.” – Carol Byrne.
I have, most recently, been worrying almost exclusively about the state of American politics; my most recently done new page is the Proposed Constitutional Amendment page. And now, after reading this interview, I wonder how many American Bishops would lose their citizenship if that proposed Amendment were to ever be enacted. Most of them? All of them?
The New York Times reported that, upon Cardinal Timothy Dolan's recommendation, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) voted unanimously to move forward with the canonization process for the out-and-out Communist Dorothy Day. The word was unanimously. That means that there was not one single dissenting voice to be heard in the whole of the USCCB.
“As a young man, the President chose a different path than many of his peers. He decided to use his experiences and talents to serve as a community organizer, and with the help of grants from the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, he worked with local churches to help families who were struggling in the shadow of closed-down steel mills.”
- Catholics for Obama web site
Comrade Obama, peace be upon him, was a Community Organizer cut from the mold of Saul Alinsky, who used the terms Organizer and Revolutionary interchangeably. An Alinskyite Community Organizer is, precisely, a Communist Revolutionary Agitator.
Cardinal Dolan is described as conservative and has strongly criticized Obama’s attacks on religious liberty and federal intrusions into church affairs. He nevertheless invited Obama to the Al Smith Dinner, a high-profile charity event where political figures crack jokes. One conservative Catholic Priest commented to me, “Seeing Obama yuck it up with Cardinal Dolan at the Al Smith Dinner did more than anything else to give ‘Social Justice’ Catholics the justification they needed to vote Obama back into office.”
Obama received 54 percent of the Catholic vote in 2008 and 50 percent in 2012.
If you lay down with dogs, expect to get up with fleas.
Just days before he is to meet with Pope Benedict XVI on his first trip to Italy, President Obama told FOX News that the Catholic Church's long tradition of social justice has had a "profound influence" on him.
- July 7, 2009
We must wonder who was influencing whom.
“My book also contains documentary evidence to prove that Day supported the policies of hostile foreign powers operating from Moscow, Havana, Peking and Hanoi against her own country, the USA. She also wrote favorably about such Socialist dictators as Lenin, Castro, Mao and Ho Chi Minh, even though they had all violently persecuted the Church in their respective countries.”
- Carol Byrne
Dorothy Day was not only a traitor to her country, she was a traitor to her Church.
Catholics who believe that the claims about Day’s sanctity are demonstrably bogus and that the USCCB is committing a miscarriage of justice in pursuing her canonization should exercise their right under Canon Law to make their concerns known to the hierarchy in a spirit of charity and respect. This would entail in the first instance writing to their local Bishop and to Cardinal Dolan and (whether they receive a reply or not) then to the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints in Rome.
An important point to make to the Bishops is that Day’s reputation for holiness has not been established or even subjected to a rigorous examination of all the evidence. Cardinal O’Connor’s Letter of February 2000 to the Vatican, which requested the opening of Day’s Cause, should be cited as evidence that the proposed canonization was based on false claims. He alleged, for example, that after Day became a Catholic she never joined any “political groups hostile to the Church, for example, Communists, Socialists or anarchists,” and that “she did not approve of their tactics”. However my book provides incontrovertible evidence that she did these things after her conversion to Catholicism. The Cardinal was similarly misinformed about Day’s attitude to private property. It is a matter of historical evidence that she called for common ownership ofproperty and the means of production and even favored communal child rearing to replace the traditional family.
As for the Church’s criteria
for determining holiness – orthodoxy of faith, filial submission to
ecclesiastical authority and the fulfillment of one’s duties of state – it
should be pointed out to the Bishops that Day fell far short in these areas. In
doctrinal matters, she often preferred her personal interpretation of the
Faith, the Scriptures, the Church Fathers, the Saints and the papal encyclicals.
She was prepared to reject the Church’s spiritual authority whenever it
conflicted with her political convictions and often infringed the Canon Law
which was in force during her lifetime. Add to this her unpatriotic stance and
the neglect of her maternal duties, and we can see that she fell far short of
even the ordinary holiness expected of Catholics in their everyday lives.
The front-line grunt is fully prepared to take on the uniformed enemy before him. If he is honorable, he expects the men behind him and beside him in the ranks to also be honorable, and trustworthy. He does not expect to be bayoneted by any comrade.
The survivalist is fully prepared to confront the bear or the tiger or the wolf pack. He is less prepared to fight off the parasitic worm that gets inside and begins to slowly eat him alive.
If, like me, you are alarmed by the so-called unanimous vote of the USCCB to move on the canonization of Dorothy Day, then we are making progress here. Try to imagine the current American House of Representatives unanimously supporting John Boehner's attempted tax increase. It would never happen.
So how could the USCCB unanimously support such a monster?
It doesn't matter to me whether the prelates involved are actual revolutionaries or merely useful idiots; the effect is the same. The potential result is the destruction of the Church, from the inside.
Go read the whole interview.
You're going to have a hard time believing this.
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Date: Mon
Dec 24 12:40:22 2012
From: andye
Location: Windsor,
Ontario, Canada
Most of the heavy lifting
has been done, thanks to subtle work of Ms. Day and legions of others known and
unknown. The foundation has been poured,
of which the world dutily helps construct upon.
So it is dutiful and proper for the deceived to heap praise upon such
treachery, so as to further deceive the world.
Date: Wed Jan 02
14:56:37 2013
From: Phil Runkel
Location: WI USA
People are welcome to consult Dorothy Day's papers in the Marquette University Archives and judge for themselves how "monstrous" she was. I can assure you that no unflattering evidence has been expunged from the record during the 35 years I have served as curator of the Dorothy Day-Catholic Worker Collection.
Date: Wed Jan 02 19:20:31
From: Vic Biorseth
Perhaps it depends on where you look. You might find something different if you
checked the 581 page FBI dossier on the Catholic Worker Movement. You might find something different if you
checked Dr. Byrne’s solidly documented references and footnotes in her
book. Have you read the Catholic
Communizer Dorothy Day page yet? That
was my take on Dr. Byrne’s book after
checking her sources.
Marxists are liars, Phil.
That is their nature. You show me
a Marxist and I’ll show you an ends-justify-the-means
liar. If you want to know the truth
about a Marxist, don’t ask the Marxist.
If you want to know the truth about a Marxist revolutionary
organization, don’t go to the organization’s propaganda.
You’re looking for truth in all the wrong places.
Date: Thu Jan 03 15:23:58 2013
From: Phil Runkel
Location: WI USA
I've looked at thousands of letters to and from Day and her associates, as well as her diaries and manuscripts, in the course of processing her papers, and come to a very different conclusion. The FBI agents who compiled her dossier were relying on informants, who have been known to have had axes to grind or to have been just plain mistaken.
Date: Thu Jan
03 18:33:01 2013
From: Vic Biorseth
Right. Everybody knows how notoriously unreliable
FBI investigators are. Ask any criminal or spy they ever investigated; they'll tell you.
Date: Tue Mar 26 20:18:57 2013
From: Vic Biorseth
I urge you to watch this Vortex video. You will have to log on with your user-ID and password; if you are not a member yet, you really ought to be.
This is an expose on Cardinal Dolan, and on "Dolanism" running rampant among Leftie-New-Age "Catholics." If ever there was evidence of Satan's presence within the Church, this is it.
Date: Mon Nov 10 2014
From: Vic Biorseth
Changes pursuant to changing the website URL
and name from
Thinking Catholic Strategic
Center to
Catholic American Thinker.
Pulled the trigger on the 301 MOVE IT option June 1, 2014. Working my way through all the webpages. .
Date: Wed Dec 14 17:48:37 2016
From: John
Location: Cincinnati/OH/USA
Yes, I'm familiar with Michael Voris all right. He is a neo-Catholic fraud whose anti-Tradition views are bought and paid for by his SSPX-hating financier, Terry Carroll. He will never criticize the Pope, no matter how scandalous the Papacy becomes, because he thinks that every word that emerges from the Pope's mouth is of the Holy Ghost, and cannot be criticized. The mentality of his ilk is thoroughly unmasked in "The Great Facade" by Ferrara and Woods.
Date: Wed Dec 14 2016
From: Vic Biorseth
No, you are not familiar with Michael Voris, and your words prove it. You are either full of hyperbole, or in dire need of a laxative, one or the other.
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Enter ye in at the narrow gate: for wide is the gate, and
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thereat. How narrow is the gate, and strait is the way that leadeth to life:
and few there are that find it! Beware of false prophets, who come to you in
the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.
Christ; Matthew 7:13–15
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Tucker Carlson Carlson Gets His Comeuppance. Tucker's View: It is not moral for us to intervene in support of any nation's (Ukraine's) democratic self-determination and against Soviet military expansion.
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Can Ukraine Survive Putin and Biden? Can America? Can the Free World? Can Faith in God?
The Soviet Union: Back From The Dead The Return of the Evil Empire
Could an American Surrender be in the offing with Biden at the wheel? Is this not the perfect time for Communism to strike, with Commies now governing America, China and Russia? What would Biden do?
Abortion and Communism. If you ever wondered where all the popular abortion-contraception-sexuality-perversion nuttiness came from, look to Marx's Communist Manifesto.
The Secret Life of Martin Luther King, Jr. A life almost totally at odds with his reputation as a minister of the Gospel.
"We belong to the Church militant; and She is militant because on earth the powers of darkness are ever restless to encompass Her destruction. Not only in the far-off centuries of the early Church, but down through the ages and in this our day, the enemies of God and Christian civilization make bold to attack the Creator's supreme dominion and sacrosanct human rights." --Pope Pius XII
"It is not lawful to take the things of others to give to the poor. It is a sin worthy of punishment, not an act deserving a reward, to give away what belongs to others." --St. Francis of Assisi
Truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.—Winston Churchill
The smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.—Ayn Rand
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