Formerly the Thinking Catholic Strategic Center
Confirming Culture=Religion+Politics
Vic Biorseth, Friday, October 14, 2022
Wokies are hopelessly stupid fools, and Shiffies are inveterate liars.
Adam Schiff is a liar; we all know that. Wokeism, in and of itself, is one big political lie. Everything that comes out of politician Adam Schiff, and everything that comes out of the Woke political movement is a load of Wokeschiff.
Very little that comes out of any Wokeschiffie is even sane.
Some time back we wrote:
Increasingly Woke America and the Deep Communist Roots of Woke-iness. There are fully consciously Communists, and there are unconsciously-Communists among the 'Woke' Americans. The pertinent question is, what's the difference?
Then we wrote:
Wokeism, Wokenomics and Wokeology: The Ebonics Language of Revolution. To be 'Woke' (in Ebonics) is to be 'Awakened' to something. Example usages: I be woke; he be woke; she be woke.
And then we wrote:
The Treachery and Treason Behind The Woke Lies of the Marxocrat Party. To be "Woke" is to be a Marxist liar, or, one of the dumber among
the many of Marxism's truly stupid and convinced "Useful Idiots".
Well, it just keeps getting worse. America is being buried under giant piles of wokeschiff, and it just keeps coming. We now have a Supreme Court Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, who doesn't even know what she is. She cannot or will not define what a woman is, because, we suppose, she don't be woke to it enough to say anything about it.
But if she wasn't woke, she would know what she is. So, since she is woke, she is either a liar, or she is stupid. And a Supreme Court Justice. And full of wokeschiff.
We have a President, a Vice President, a majority of the House of Representatives, a majority of the Senate, probably a majority of the Supreme Court, a majority in all political parties, a Pope, probably a majority of Bishops, and a huge segment of the American and world populations who actually hold that there exists a legitimate, legal right to commit sodomy and all other sexual sins. Despite the fact that no such right can be found anywhere in sacred scripture or anywhere in the American Constitution.
That's wokeschiff. They are full of it.
And, the wokies all charge those of us who call out that lie with homophobia, another of their invented words, assigned to a phobia that does not exist.
For the record, I am no homophobe; I have no irrational fear of faggots.
How many times have we heard our criminal President, China Joe, talk about his dedication to supporting and strengthening LGBTQ+ "rights" that don't even exist in the Constitution or in the Bible?
But, say the wokies, that's not welcoming, or inclusive, or affirming.
They're damned right it isn't. Why the hell should it be?
Wokeism isn't "bringing us all together"; wokeism is breaking us all apart, and it is breaking us all apart by devious Marxist plan. Cultural Marxism is the author, owner and operator of Wokeism. Marxism is the manipulator, the wokies are the manipulatees, and they don't even know it.
It all started with the successful educational transition from logic and critical thinking to strictly emotion driven decision making. In wokeism, it's all about feelings. No one thinks; everyone emotes.
Once upon a time, schoolyard bullying was something everyone just went through, from one side or the other, sometimes both. Today, schoolyard bullying has been hyper-emotionalized into a crime on the level of murder. Any wokie will tell you that bullying leaves emotional wounds and scars from which the victims may never recover, poor dears; being bullied is now seen to be a life altering event, and we have huge, expensive government anti-bullying campaigns all over the place, so that our ever increasingly mollycoddled children may never experience the horrors of schoolyard bullying. Why, it might make them feel bad. Can't have that. We're talking real, feelings-based wokeschiff here.
Now, the Marxist BLMers, the Antifa-Anarchist nuts and the undercover incentivizing and even instigating FBI agents in among them, are out in the streets demonstrating with signs that say "Words Are Violence", which supposedly justifies them to get violent. But it won't be enough to just shut up to keep from being mugged by the new mobocracy. They now have signs saying "Silence Is Violence", so they will feel justified in physically attacking you for not saying anything at all.
Do you see how they are doing what they falsely accuse us of doing?
Do you see what they have done to American freedom of speech?
All of them obsess over all subjects sexual, aborting human babies and the Marxist frauds relating to climate change, earth sustainability, renewable energy and so forth. But they also fixate on the suposed racism, sexism and anti-mobocracy of Trump and his MAGA movement.
None of them read or pay any attention to the Bible, and perhaps because of that, none of them read or pay any attention to the constitution. Or, they grossly misinterpret both of them, to suit themselves, despite what the written words actually say.
A good example is Alan Dershowitz, the famous Harvard law professor. The American constitution is a fixed legal document, written in English, that says very specific legal things. It is the law. When Dershowitz was asked, on the air, whether the constitution was most properly interpreted exactly as written, or whether it was an "evolving" document who's "interpretive" meaning changed to suit the evolving culture, his answer was, "both".
That's Wokeschiff, and Dershowitz is full of it.
The constitution means what it says, and nothing else. Just like the Bible. Just like any legislated law. Just like marriage vows. Just like the oath of office.
All of reality is under assault by the Wokeschiffism, but if you disagree with any of part it, the Wokies will most likely call you a racist or a homophobe, and the Schiffies will most likely call you a white supremacist or a Nazi. It's their knee-jerk reaction. It's called fixation, or obsession. A better name might be possession. Like I said, they're nuts.
And they might be better served by an exorcist than any modern MD.
Angry awakened-to-the-threat parents out for vengeance against school boards and teacher's unions are assuming Wokeschiff flows uphill, and they are getting to the root of it. But they are wrong. Wokeschiff flows downhill, and it is coming down from International Communism, Globalism, New World Orderism and the United Nations.
Have you ever read about Cultural Marxism?
Do you remember the "New Math"? Do you remember Outcome-Based Education? Do you remember Common Core? Do you remember Agenda 21? School boards and teacher's unions are just the puppets of the ongoing Great Reset. They just teach what they have been, and will continue to be, first, taught themselves, and second ordered to teach, now that they have been steeped in cultural Marxism for years in order to even get their teaching credentials.
All of this Wokeschiff, especially all the homosexual grooming and the purposeful inducing of sexual identity disorders in little children is coming down on American schools from international Sorosian, Alinskyian, Marxian, Freudian, Darwinian, etc., organizations aiming at the systematic destabilization of sovereign nations, validated by evil phony "experts" like Al Gore and John Kerry. Liars and traitors, all.
There is no cure for what ails our education system. The infection is too deep. Amputation is what is called for here; it's that or death.
Education should be an entirely private sector industry. Private schools, parochial schools and home schools are what existed at the nation's birth, and that is all that should exist now, short of amending the Constitution to accommodate education.
We need to break all federal government relationships with education at all levels. That means cutting off not only all federal funding, but getting the federal government out of everything and anything to do with education. Individual states need to consider doing the same thing.
If you read Article 1 Section 8 of your Constitution, the limited and enumerated powers of your federal government, you will see that education isn't in there. That means that none of the three branches of your federal government are legally authorized to address education in any way, short of amending your Constitution to do it. That means that anything and everything the federal government is doing pertaining to education is unconstitutional, illegal, and needs to be struck down as unconstitutional, null, not valid and no longer existing.
A President could do it; a Senator could do it; a Representative could do it; a Justice could do it. All need to know the Constitution in order to do their job and keep their oath of office. There is nothing in the Constitution that grants any of the three coequal branches any special interpretive authority over our Constitution that is in any way superior to the interpretive authority of any other branch. The Constitution is self-interpreting. It's plain English.
Marbury v Madison established the Constitutional Principle of Judicial Review. There is nothing prohibiting a President from establishing a Constitutional Principle of Executive Review, or a Congress from establishing a Constitutional Principle of Congressional Review, by striking down anything that is unconstitutional and making it null and void by simple declaration.
And it would be pretty hard to argue with the Constitution's wording.
To properly legitimize and legalize any federal educational activity at all would require the government to draw up a constitutional amendment to do it, send it out to the states for ratification, and get a super majority of 38 states to ratify it before it could be done.
What this requires is breaking government education.
See the Government Education Pages.
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Date: Sun Oct 16 02:50:29 2022
From: Sunny
That's fine for us, but what about international freedom and security? Why is America not fighting for Ukraine when you have said the whole free world needs to stop invasions or takeovers of sovereign nations?
Date: Sun Oct 16 2022
From: Vic Biorseth
Because our current Wokeschiff federal government opposes sovereignty. They are globalists. They call national sovereignty Nazi-Fascism. They oppose even our own national sovereignty.
And their lies keep tripping them up in foreign relations. For instance, Comrade JoBama O'Biden assassinates the character of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia for political purposes here at home, but then expects him not to know that, or to pretend he doesn't know that, when Wokeschiff O'Biden goes to Arabia to beg for oil.
They have been falsely accusing Russia of colluding with Trump since before the 2016 election, painting Putin's Russia as evil incarnate in a very loud political voice for years now, and yet, they really want to be on Russia's side in his invasion of Ukraine. That's why they drag their feet and are so slow to send weaponry to Ukraine to back up their feigned support for Ukrainian freedom.
We, like the UN, like NATO, have turned from waging any winnable total war to fighting only "limited" wars, since truman. Which means we, like the UN, like NATO, will never win another war until and unless that changes.
Ukraine never should have listened to that liar, Comrade Barack Husseign Obama (peace be upon him) and given up their nuclear arsenal.
The only way anyone is ever going to win any war against Russia (or China) is to
Date: Sun Oct 16 11:03:40 2022
From: Sunny
If Ukraine kept their nuclear weapons there might already have been a nuclear holocaust, in which we all might have died or wish we did.
Date: Day Mon Dt Year
From: Vic Biorseth
Maybe. More likely, Putin never would have invaded Ukraine.
But let's say they kept their nuclear weaponry, and Putin did invade.
Are you saying, like the commies up until the end of the cold war, "better red than dead"?
Because if free men never went off of defense and Communism never went off of offense, eventually and inevitably there would be no free men left on earth. Their fate would be little different than the Uyghurs or anyone else enslaved or conquered by Communism.
The whole original advertised purpose of the UN was to keep the Soviet Union, or Communism in general, from invading any more sovereign nations. But the UN didn't do that. In fact, it let in the Soviet Union, and Red China, gave them seats on the UN security council, and gave them veto power.
Ever since Truman fired MacArthur and put Korea into the stalemate it remains in to this very day, neither the US nor the free world that it has historically led has ever fought any war with any Communists to actually win it.
We only defend; we never attack; we cannot win.
And the current US government is on the side of Communism. The Clinton's, the Obama's and the Biden's are almost as anti-Ukrainian sovereignty as they are anti-American sovereignty, and anti-American in general.
The American government has taken the same pro-communist path as the UN.
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