Your Host, Page 2.

Vic Biorseth, Thursday, April 21, 2011

In an effort to bring this page up to date and show the actual magnificent office facilities of the giant, global Thinking Catholic Strategic Center, we ran into some technical difficulties that required breaking the host page into two separate pages to accommodate all the information. So this is a continuation of the story from About Your Host.

Marcie bearing witness for the babies.

The Square Foot Gardeners.

Garden as seen from office window, before the apple tree got so big.

A very serious strategic and tactical error.

All the world's greatest musky fishermen in the same spot at the same time! One grenade could have gotten us all.

Nephew Randy Brunnemer and his catch, which was the biggest musky any of us ever actually caught. Of course, I have hooked into many, many much, much larger muskies, but they all managed to get away.

No, really.

No, seriously.

???    Don't you guys believe me?    !!!

Thinking Catholic Strategic Center is a gigantic Think Tank of global scope. It was originally planned to be built in a secret underground location in Huber Heights, Ohio. However, the CEO wanted to have a window office, since all big shots are expected and supposed to have window offices, and, like, who wants to look out the window at a bunch of dirt? So, it ended up being built as an above-ground bunker in a super-secret location in Huber Heights Ohio.

Here it is ...

The heart of it all ...

This is the nerve center ...

The Executive Offices of the Thinking Catholic Strategic Center.

A giant Think Tank of global scope.

Strategeries of incalculable importance are developed here.

Brilliant thoughts are thunk here.

Here's Vic, the heavy burden of global responsibility weighing on his mighty shoulders, occupying the chair of the Supreme Allied Commander of the entire Thinking Catholic Strategic Center.

(This is actually the super-hero Nemesis of Falsehood, in his ingenious disguise as Vic Biorseth, mild mannered local delivery driver. You can ask his wife, his boss, his pastor, or anyone who knows him; not one of them could see him as any kind of super hero, or the head of any giant think-tank, or even as being particularly smart.

Which proves the absolute brilliance of the disguise.)

Construction zone - work continues here - stay tuned.

The Thinking Catholic Strategic Center is keeping a close tabs on activities around Malaysian former astrophysicist Mazlan Othman, current official UN Ambassador (Ambassador-ess?) for Extraterrestrial Contact Affairs, and head of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA,) located in Vienna. She was appointed to this vitally important post in September 2010. The typical salary for a UN Ambassador is $150,000 per year plus expenses. We may assume that all expenses related to this post and all underlings are paid for by American tax payers, since no nation other than America contributes anywhere near as much as America, if anything at all, to the UN.

It is the sole responsibility of Ambassador Othman to man the office and stand by the phone in preparation to be contacted by extraterrestrials. When one of them lands anywhere and says “Take Me To Your Leader,” this is where it is to be taken, or referred. It’s not yet known whether the trip will be made by plane, ship, train, car or bicycle, since it is unknown where the first extraterrestrial might land. Personally, I thought Vienna was the wrong place for this office, because everybody knows that Roswell NM is the place highly preferred by the little guys.

Ambassador Othman, and a thundering herd of TTRSTF are fully prepared to isolate, decontaminate, investigate, and make nice with the little fellers, just as soon as they show up.

You may rest assured that the Thinking Catholic Strategic Center is fully prepared to expand operations from merely global to trans-solar, inter-stellar and even inter-galactic scope, and even beyond, once we figure out how them there worm hole thingies work. We are staying on it, so you can rest well at night. As soon as one of the little green boogers shows up, your Thinking Catholic Strategic Center will be on the case.

All of this is verifiable; you can look it up. UNOOSA is not a joke; it is quite serious.


No, really.

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Old North Dayton
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A Few Good Men
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…There he goes again, trying to pick another fight with someone…

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Major Site Topics

Catholic Religion. Refuting false catechesis, and presenting Orthodox Catholicism.

American Politics. Examination of American Political Ideologies going into the 2012 Election and beyond.

Refuting Darwin and Dawinian “science” as bunk and silliness. Refuting Darwin is almost too easy due to his rush-to-publish and his complete lack of empirical evidences.

Refuting Freud and all his works: psychoanalysis; repressed memory; sexology. Refuting Freud is so easy we have to wonder how he was ever accepted. Is man getting dumber over time?

Refuting Karl Marx and everything he wrote or said. Articles refuting Marxism are linked to in the right column of this webpage.

Refuting Mohammed and his ideology of conquest masquerading as a religion. Here we refute Mohammed, who should be seen as little more than a popular fraud among pagans.

Refuting Obama, the American Politician, who is a Professional Revolutionary. Refuting Obama, and refuting his “Social Justice” smoke-screen policies of destruction.

I told you so before the 2008 election; and here we are. As much as I hate to say I told you so, here we are; and you ain’t seen nothing yet.

The field of Journalism is infested with Professional Liars. Professional Liars predominate in the loftier positions of mainstream media.

Refuting Scientism, the term coined by F. A. Hayek for modern pseudo-science. Refuting Scientism is another ho-hum, heavy-sigh, here-we-go-again effort to return to truth, common sense and sanity.

Refuting Free Love: the whole 60’s era of Make Love Not War & Sexual Revolution. From Revolution, to Riots and Anarchy, to Sit-Ins, to Love-Ins, the horrible results demand a refuting of free love.

The Three Sociological Divisions: The Faithful; The Disengaged; The Faithless. Those who stand in Truth, those who oppose Truth, and those who are Lukewarm toward Truth comprise the Three Sociological Divisions.

Shut down unneeded bureaucracy, for budget’s sake. In the name of fiscal sanity, we need to CUT THE SPENDING and shut down unneeded bureaucracy.

The Case for Treason, against the Presidency, many in Congress and in the Court. Presenting the Case for Treason, possible against some violators of their oaths of office.

What to do with our anti-American Americans? There are several variants of anti-American Americans who pose a serious threat to America from within.

What are We The People to do with Roberts and his court? Impeach the bastards! Roberts joined four other Justices in direct opposition to our Constitution, and we should impeach the bastards.

The Fracturing of Christianity: loss of unity of message and teaching authority. The history of the Fracturing of Christianity amplifies the need for ecumenism and healing among men of good will.

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Submitted Articles,
Requested Articles,
Special Articles and
Reprinted Articles

Faith, from the Easter series on the Three Theological Virtues. The virtue of Faith; One of the Seven Heavenly Virtues.

Prudence, from the Lenten series on the Four Cardinal Virtues. The virtue of Prudence; One of the Seven Heavenly Virtues.

Justice, from the Lenten series on the Four Cardinal Virtues. The virtue of Justice; One of the Seven Heavenly Virtues.

Temperance and Fortitude, from the Lenten series on the Four Cardinal Virtues. The virtues of Temperance and Fortitude; Two of the Seven Heavenly Virtues.

On the word Consubstantial, the Trinity and Infinity. On the Consubstantial (Single Substance) of God, and the mathematically impossible number of Infinity.

The challenge describes Capitalism as illusory and Marxism as solid. The mixture of religion just adds to the confusion of all good realists.

Obama the Moslem: Introducing Comrade Obama (peace be upon him.) Obama the Moslem: anti-Catholic; anti-Chrisitan; anti-Jew; anti-American.

Freedom, yes – but from whom, and to do what? Is freedom from God enslavement to the world? Is freedom from the world enslavement to God? Which is better?

The Room. A story by William H. Link.

Are Catholics Saved, by having been Born Again? The theology of salvation: Catholic vs. Protestant.

Love thy neighbor as thyself: the Law in One Sentence. Can one simple sentence contain the whole of the moral Law of God?

The Catholic call is universal; it goes out to everyone. Although the Catholic call goes out to all, man’s free will means that all will not respond.

God’s Perfect Unconditional Love meets man’s Free Will. Perfect Unconditional Love can be rejected. Liberty and free choice may be a blessing or a curse.

Of Weeds and Wheat growing together, and the eventual separation. - Weeds and wheat in the field differs from in human kind, where either one can become the other.

Why Should I Believe in God? - an article by Eugene Rudder.

On Losing You - a poem by Rosemarie A. Stone.

Our Beautiful Love - a poem by Rosemarie A. Stone.

Catholic Communism: Similarities between Church Hierarchy and Pure Bureaucracy. Mises said that Communism equals Bureaucracy; the Church is a bureaucracy, therefore we have Catholic Communism. True?

John Paul II, alias John Paul the Great, now becomes Blessed John Paul. Blessed John Paul the Great has been beatified; now, on to sainthood!

Holy Cross Church Welcome to Holy Cross (Lithuanian) Roman Catholic Church.

Our Lady of Siluva Our Lady of Siluva appeared twice in Lithuania, in AD 1608.

Unique Lithuanian Crosses Woodcarver George Mikalauskas produces unique and custom Lithuanian crosses.

The Source of Anxiety: Improper Priorities. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.

“I, Pencil … ”; Capitalism in a Nutshell. Leonard E. Read

Endless Concessions to the Palestinians Pamela Levene

The Peace Treaty Sajid Ali Khan

Leftist Politics in Catholic Mass Mark Brumbaugh

The USCCB Flip-Flop Mark Brumbaugh

Open Letter to Daniel Cardinal DiNardo Mark Brumbaugh

Truth Versus Evil

The End Of The Age

Authority Meets Truth

The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world

The Little Red Hen

Of Sheep And Men

The Gift Bearers Michael from Florida

Dear Vic And Others ... John Felland

The Church Is Rotten To The Core Michelle Lobdell

Hatred of Palin Janet Morana

Proper Catechesis Susan Greve

Who is Barack Obama? Pastor Robert Legg Greve

Limited War Doctrine Colonel Thomas Snodgrass

Rabbi Meir Kahane's Letter Rabbi Meir Kahane, OBM

Solzhenitsyn Speaks Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn addresses the AFL/CIO.

Jefferson Speaks (Declaration of Independence)

The American Constitution (American Founding Fathers)

American Democrat Party Platform Karl Marx and Frederick Engles

Pro-American Quotations

Anti-American Quotations

Marxist Fundamentals Prof. Libor Brom

Re The Sin Of Scandal Phil Lange

Re Sydney Airport Security Ahmed

Marxist Infiltration into Catholic Thought Nancy Libert

OK, so Sarah isn't running. She's still the best man for the job.

It's the morality, stupid.

OK, so Michelle is out. She was still the best man running.

Tea Party Patriots

Join or form your local Tea Party.
Note that all Tea Party / Patriot groups do not have a Website. Look around your neighborhood.

Lord, I wish he had run.

Atheist Genesis:

In the beginning there was nothing, and nothing happened to nothing.
And then nothing accidentally exploded and created everything.
And then some bits of everything accidentally encountered other bits of everything and formed some new kinds of everything.
And then some bits of everything accidentally arranged themselves into self-replicating bits of everything.
And then some self-replicating bits of everything accidentally arranged themselves into dinosaurs.

(See Argument Refuting Darwinism)

OK, Rick Santorum is out of it. He was still the best man running.

Gramma’s Rap for Life